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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-79 Hunt Group Reports 
    Hunt Group Reports
    This sec tion d esc rib es the traffic  measurements, p erformanc e, and  status 
    rep orts for ACD/UCD/DDC Hunt Group s.
    For more d etailed  ACD measurements, the BCMS or CMS op tion is 
    rec ommend ed. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Ac c ount Team.
    Hunt Groups Report
    The Hunt Groups rep ort lists the hunt g roup s on your system.
    To d isp lay the Hunt Group s rep ort:
    1. Type list hunt group [number] [to-number 
    x] [name x] [type x] [ext x] 
    x] [count n] [print/schedule]
     and press RETURN.
    Options: There are eig ht op tions for this c ommand :
    Enter the b eg inning  hunt group  numb er.
    Enter the end ing hunt g roup  numb er. 
    Enter the hunt group  name. 
    4. type 
    Enter the hunt group  typ e.
    5. ext 
    Enter the b eg inning  hunt group  extension.
    6. to-ext 
    Enter the end ing hunt g roup  extension.
    Enter the numb er of hunt g roup s to list.
     and  schedule
    This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule 
    the rep ort to p rint at another time. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-80 Hunt Groups Report 
    Screen 3-25 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Hunt Group s rep ort. Table 3-21 
    describes the data presented in the Hunt Groups report.
    Screen 3-23. Hunt Groups report
    Table 3-19. Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Field Description
    Grp  No.
    Group Numb er. This display-only field  shows the numb er of a 
    hunt group.
    Group Name/Extension. This d isp lay-only field  shows the 
    name ad ministered  for the hunt group  and  the extension.
    Grp  Typ
    Group Typ e. This d isp lay-only field shows the typ e of the hunt 
    g roup . See the Group  Typ e field  desc rip tion for pag e 1 of the 
    Hunt Group  sc reen.
    Automatic  Call Distrib ution/Measured. ACD ind ic ates whether 
    Automatic  Call Distrib ution is used . Measured  p rovid es the 
    measurement d ata for the ACD split/skill c ollec ted  (internal to 
    the switc h) for VuStats or BCMS.
    —Indic ates whether the hunt g roup  func tions as an ACD 
    sp lit/skill.
    (internal), E
     (external), B
     (both), or N
     (none)—Ind ic ates how it 
    is measured.
    Ve c
    Ve c t o r. This d isp lay-only field  shows an ind ic ator of whether 
    the hunt g roup  is c ontrolled  b y a vec tor. See the Vec tor field 
    d esc rip tion for pag e 1 of the Hunt Group  sc reen.
    Continued on next page
    list hunt-group
    Grp Grp 
    No. Name/ Grp  ACD/ Que No. Cov Notif/ Dom Message
    Ext. Typ MEAS Vec MCH Siz Mem Path Ctg Adj Ctrl Center
    1  hu 1 meas vec
    3001 ucd-mia y/B  y  many 5 4 n              n
    2  hu 2 meas vec  
    3002 ucd-mia  n/-  y  none 5   11       n              n
    33  hu 33 non acd  
    3003 ucd-mia  n/-  n  none S 5    1  n              n 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-81 Hunt Groups Report 
    MCHMultip le Call Hand ling. This d isp lay-only field  shows the MCH 
    typ e assig ned  to the hunt g roup .
    —For on-req uest
    —For one-forc ed
    —For one-p er-skill
    —For many-forc ed
    Que Siz
    Queue Size. This d isp lay-only field shows the maximum 
    numb er of c alls that c an b e in q ueue for the hunt g roup .
    No. Mem
    Numb er of Memb ers. This d isp lay-only field  shows the ac tual 
    numb er of hunt g roup  memb ers.
    Cov Path
    Coverage Path. This d isp lay-only field shows the numb er of 
    the c overag e p ath for the hunt g roup .
    Notif/Ctg  Ad j 
    Notifying /Controlling  Adjunct. A d isp lay-only field .
    Notific ation. Contains the extension of the ASAI 
    ap p lic ation link that has the notific ation. You c an have up  
    to three ASAI ap p lic ations monitoring  a sing le hunt g roup.
    Controlling  ad junc t. Disp lays the extension of the 
    c ontrolling ad junc t. You c an have one c ontrolling  ad junc t 
    for eac h hunt g roup .
    Dom Ctrl 
    Domain Control. This d isp lay-only field  shows the extension of 
    the ASAI link over whic h the domain sp lit is set up .
    Messag e 
    CenterThis d isp lay-only field  shows an ind ic ator of the typ e of 
    messag e (if any) used . See the Messag ing  Center field  
    d esc rip tion for pag e 2 of the Hunt Group  sc reen.
    Table 3-19. Hunt Group Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-82 Hunt Group Members Report 
    Hunt Group Members Report
    The Hunt Group Members report helps you administer a split or skill to verify that 
    all agents are logged out and to identify any agents logged in. This report lists all 
    logg ed  in ag ents for a sp lit or skill, or limits the list to a rang e of log in IDs or 
    p hysic al extensions.
    You c an use the list members hunt-group
     c ommand  to list the ag ents 
    ad ministered  in non-ACD hunt group s. However, sinc e non-ACD hunt 
    g roup s do not use agent log ins, the rep ort will d isp lay all ad ministered  
    ag ents.
    To display the Hunt Group Members report:
    Ty p e  list members hunt-group  [name 
    x] [logname x] 
    x] [to-loginid x] [ext x] [to-ext x] [count n] [print/schedule]
    Required Fields: There is one req uired  field  for this c ommand  — hunt 
    group number
    . Enter the hunt g roup  numb er
    Options: There are eig ht op tions for this c ommand :
    1. name 
    Enter the hunt group  memb er extension name.
    2. logname 
    Enter the log in ID extension name.
    Enter the b eg inning  log in ID extension. 
    Enter the end ing log in ID extension. 
    5. ext 
    Enter the b eg inning  hunt group  memb er extension.
    6. to-ext 
    Enter the end ing hunt g roup  memb er extension.
    7. count 
    Enter the numb er of memb ers to list
     and  schedule
    This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule 
    the rep ort to p rint at another time. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-83 Hunt Group Members Report 
    Screen 3-25 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Hunt Group s Memb ers rep ort. Table 
    3-21 desc rib es the d ata p resented  in the Hunt Groups Memb ers report.
    Screen 3-24. Hunt Group Members report
    Table 3-20. Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Field Description
    NumberThe number of the hunt g roup .
    Group  Name The name ad ministered  for the hunt g roup .
    Ext e n s io nThe extension ad ministered  for the hunt g roup .
    Group  Typ e Ind ic ates the typ e of the hunt g roup . See the Group  Typ e field  
    d esc rip tion for pag e 1 of the Hunt Group  sc reen.
    Automatic  Call Distrib ution. Ind ic ates whether Automatic  Call 
    Distrib ution is used . 
    Skill Ind ic ates whether the hunt g roup  func tions as an ACD skill.
    Memb ers The number of hunt g roup  memb ers.
    Ph y s Ex t  
    Physic al Extension (ACD, non-ACD, or EAS). The p hysic al 
    station extension of the hunt g roup  memb er.
    Ph y s N a m e
    Physic al Name (ACD, non-ACD, or EAS). The p hysic al station 
    name of the hunt g roup  memb er.
    Continued on next page
    list members hunt-group 37
    Group Number: 37 Group Name: Platinum Card Group Extension: 3002
    Group Type: ucd-mia ACD? y Skill? y Members: 4
    Phys Phys Login Login Agt Per Wrk
    Ext Name Ext Name Prf Lvl All SO DL Tim Occ
    1: 1002 1002-Al MacInni 2902 Agent 2902 grt 04 y 10 33
    2: 1022 1022-Kelly Chas 2901 Agent 2901 lvl 14 n 15 55
    3: 1001 1001-Chris Pron 2904 Agent 2904 pal R2 0 0
    4: 1021 1021-Maria Esta 2903 Agent 2903 pal 08 30 18 45 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-84 Hunt Group Members Report 
    Log in ExtLogin ID Extension (EAS only). The login ID extension of the 
    hunt g roup  memb er.
    Log in Name
    Login ID Name (EAS only). The log in ID extension name of the 
    hunt g roup  memb er.
    Ag t Prf
    Call Hand ling  Preferenc e (EAS only). The call handling 
    p referenc e routes c alls b ased  on ag ent skill level, greatest 
    need , or p erc ent alloc ation.
    nlvl—skill level
    ng rt—g reatest need
    np al—p erc ent alloc ation
    Skill Level or Reserve Level (EAS only). The skill level routes 
    inc oming  c alls to an availab le ag ent with the skill assig ned . 
    The skill levels are as follows:
    n01 - 02 (Skill Level)—without EAS PHD
    n0 1  -  1 6  (Sk il l L e v e l )— w it h  EAS PH D
    nR1 - R2 (Reserve Level)—with EAS and CentreVu 
    Ad vocate
    Pe r  Al l
    Perc ent Alloc ation (EAS and  Centrevu Ad voc ate only). 
    Ind ic ates p erc entage of this agents time devoted  to this 
    skill (0 - 100). Disp lays only if Call Hand ling  Preferenc e (Ag t 
    Prf) is p erc ent alloc ation.
    Se rv i c e Ob jec tive (EAS and  Centrevu Ad voc ate only). 
    Ind ic ates whether Servic e Ob jec tive is ac tive for this ag ent. 
    Disp lays only if Call Hand ling  Preferenc e (Ag t Prf) is skill level 
    or greatest need.
    Direc t Ag ent Calls First (EAS and  Centrevu Ad voc ate only). 
    Ind ic ates whether Direc t Ag ent Calls delivered  first to this 
    ag ent. Disp lays only if Call Hand ling  Preferenc e (Ag t Prf) is 
    p erc ent alloc ation.
    Wr k Tim
    Work Time (EAS and  Centrevu Advoc ate only). The ratio of 
    ag ent work time in this skill and  ag ent staffed  time.
    Oc c up anc y (EAS and Centrevu Ad voc ate only). The ratio of 
    ag ent work time in all skills and  ag ent staffed time.
    Table 3-20. Hunt Group Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-85 Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Hunt Group Measurements Report
    The Hunt Group Measurements Report assists you in monitoring and managing 
    the DDC and  UCD hunt g roup s and  ACD sp lits. These features p ermit inc oming  
    c alls to b e terminated  d irec tly to a p rearrang ed  g roup  of answering  p ositions.
    This rep ort shows hunt g roup  measurements for yesterd ay’s p eak hour, tod ay’s 
    p eak hour (as of the time of d ay that this rep ort is run), and  the last hour. A p eak 
    hour is the hour within a 24-hour p eriod  with the g reatest usag e for the sp ec ified  
    To display the Hunt Group Measurements Report:
    1. Type list measurements hunt-group  [print/schedule]
     and  p ress 
    Required Fields: There is one req uired  field  for this c ommand  — 
    nEn t e r  yesterday-peak
     to list the hunt g roup  ac tivity for yesterd ay’s 
    p eak hour. 
    nEn t e r  today-peak
     to list the hunt g roup  ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak 
    nEn t e r  last hour
     to list the hunt g roup  ac tivity of the most rec ently 
    c omp leted  hour. 
    The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest 
    usag e.
    Options: The print
     and  schedule
     op tions are availab le for this c ommand . 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-86 Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Screen 3-25 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Hunt Group  Measurements rep ort, 
    using the last-hour op tion. The time and  d ate the rep ort is requested  d isp lays at 
    the top  rig ht. Table 3-21
     d esc rib es the d ata presented  in the Hunt Group  
    Measurements rep ort.
    Screen 3-25. Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Table 3-21. Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Field Description
    Grp No.
    Group Numb er. A numb er that id entifies eac h hunt group .
    Grp Name
    Group Name. Name assig ned , d uring  ad ministration, to the 
    hunt group.
    Group Size. The numb er of extensions assig ned  to the hunt 
    g roup  (not nec essarily staffed).
    Group Type. Id entifies the typ e of hunt g roup , whic h may b e 
    one of the following :
    nDDC - direct department calling
    nUCD - uniform c all d istrib ution
    nEAD - exp ert ag ent distrib ution
    Meas Hour
    Measurement Hour. The starting  time (using  the 24-hour c loc k) 
    of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed .
    Continued on next page
    list measurements hunt-group last-hour
    Switch Name: Customer-Name  Date: 4:16 pm  MON JUL 1, 19xx
                                HUNT GROUP MEASUREMENTS
    Grp  Grp                       Grp  Meas Total Calls Que Calls Que  Time  Speed
    No.  Name  Siz/ Hour Usage Ans/  Siz Que.  Ovfl Avail Answer
                                   Typ.            Aban.                      (sec)
    1   Dial-up SATs               4   1500 36    0     0   0     0    108   0
                                    ucd            0
    2   manual hunt group           1   1500 0     0     5   0     0    36    0
                                    ucd            0
    3   CC_Capacity_3               0   1500 0     0     15  0     0    0     0
                                    ead            0
    4   CC_Capacity_4               0   1500 0     0     15  0     0    0     0
                                    ead            0
    5   CC_Capacity_5               0   1500 0     0     15  0     0    0     0
                                    ead            0
    6   CC_Capacity_6               0   1500 0     0     15  0     0    0     0
                                    ead            0
                    press CANCEL to quit --  press NEXT PAGE to continue 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-87 Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    UsageThe sum of all times (in CCS) that the memb ers of a hunt g roup  
    are b usy on hunt g roup  c alls. Total Usag e is the most 
    imp ortant p arameter for this rep ort. The maximum p ossib le 
    usage is: 
    Suggested Action:
     If the Total Usag e numb er ap p roac hes 
    the total CCS, you may c onsid er ad d ing  another extension to 
    the hunt group  b ut only staffing  it during  the p eak hours. If the 
    hunt g roup  has several extensions and  the Total Usag e is low, 
    this may b e ac c ep tab le if the p ersonnel p erform other d uties.
    ACD hunt g roup s ad ministered  to sup p ort Multip le Call 
    Hand ing d isp lays a series of 5 asterisk (*****) in the total 
    usag e field . This measurement is not c ollec ted  for ACD 
    hunt g roup s that sup p ort Multip le Call Handling .
    Calls Answered/Abandoned. The total number of c alls which 
    attemp t to reac h the hunt g roup  b ut ab andon the attemp t 
    b efore b eing  answered . Calls may aband on either while in the 
    hunt g roup  q ueue or while ring ing a hunt g roup extension. This 
    total d oes not inc lud e c alls answered  b y Call Pic k Up , other 
    hunt g roup s, or c alls ab and oned  while listening  to a forc ed  
    first announc ement.
    ACD c alls red irec ted  to other sp lits within the system via 
    the intraflow feature are not c ounted  as ab and oned  
    c alls. ACD c alls red irec ted  to another switc h (interflow 
    feature) are not c ounted  as ab and oned  c alls.
    Suggested Actions:
     Observe times d uring  whic h the Calls 
    Abandoned number may be higher than desired. 
    Sub sequently, c onsid er ad d ing  one or more ag ents to the hunt 
    g roup  and  staffing  these ad d itional p ositions d uring the 
    p rob lem times. Also, see “ Sug g ested  Ac tion”  in the ‘‘Total 
    Usage’’ description.
    Table 3-21. Hunt Group Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page
    Maximum Possible Usage=36CCS´Total # o f  Members 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-88 Hunt Group Measurements Report 
    Que SizeQueue Size. The leng th of the q ueue assig ned  to the hunt 
    g roup  d uring  ad ministration. 
     There are no spec ific  g uid elines for 
    setting queue size. However, the following  g eneral 
    rec ommendations ap p ly. The q ueue size should  b e larg er 
    than the g roup size; b ut, typ ic ally not more than three times as 
    larg e as the g roup  size. An ind ic ation the q ueue size is too 
    larg e is the ob servanc e of a hig her than exp ec ted  numb er for 
    the Calls Ab an field . An ind ic ation the q ueue size is too small 
    is that a larg er than exp ec ted  numb er of Queue Ovfls 
    Calls Que.
    Calls Queued. Total number of c alls that arrive to find  all 
    members of the hunt g roup  b usy and  are p lac ed  in the hunt 
    g roup  q ueue. Calls Queued  inc lud es all c alls that g o to 
    Que Ovfl
    Queue Overflow. The number of c alls that arrive when all slots 
    in the hunt group  q ueue are oc c up ied.
    Time Avail
    Tim e A va il ab le. The total time (in CCS) the hunt g roup  
    extensions are not in use but are availab le to rec eive hunt 
    g roup  c alls d uring  the measurement hour. Time Available is 
    c alc ulated  only when an ag ent (extension) is read y to rec eive 
    c alls from the sp ec ified  hunt g roup . For examp le, if the hunt 
    g roup  had  four extensions and  eac h was availab le for 15 
    minutes d uring  the measurement hour, the total time availab le 
    would  b e 60 minutes or 36 CCS.
    ACD hunt g roup s ad ministered  to sup p ort Multip le Call 
    Hand ing d isp lays a series of 5 asterisk (*****) in the total 
    usag e field . This measurement is not c ollec ted  for ACD 
    hunt g roup s that sup p ort Multip le Call Handling .
    Sp eed  of Answer (sec ond s). The averag e time interval (in 
    sec ond s) from when the c all first enters the hunt g roup  or hunt 
    g roup  q ueue until the c all is answered  b y a hunt g roup  
    member. This d oes not inc lud e the time taken b y a forc ed  first 
    announc ement.
    Table 3-21. Hunt Group Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
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