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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-139 System Status Reports 3 TRAFFIC STATUSView1 d isp lays the c all handling status for trunk, hunt, and attend ant g roup s; View2 only d isp lays the c all hand ling status for trunk and attend ant g roup s. For trunk g roup s, the rep orts ind ic ate the numb er of queued c alls d uring the p reviously c omp leted measurement interval for the id entified trunk groups. For hunt g roup s, the rep orts ind ic ate the number of q ueued c alls and ab and oned c alls d uring the p reviously c omp leted measurement interval for the id entified trunk g roup s. For the trunk g roup measurements, only the four trunk g roup numb ers with the hig hest p erc entag e of b loc king are listed . The rep orts also d isp lay trunk g roup d irec tion (two-way, outg oing , or inc oming ), the numb er of c alls q ueued , the p erc entag e of outg oing b loc king (for outg oing and two-way trunks), and the p erc entag e of all trunks b usy. For outg oing and two-way trunk g roups only exp erienc ing a hig h numb er in the %Time ATB field , no ac tion is req uired sinc e this ind ic ates that the trunks are used very effic iently. However, a bad condition is when both the %Time ATB and %Out b lkg field s d isp lay hig h numb ers, indic ating c alls arrive and are b loc ked b ec ause all trunks are alread y in use. For inc oming trunk g roup s exp erienc ing a hig h numb er in the %Time ATB field , then some inc oming c alls are p rob ab ly blocked. Suggested Actions: 1. For outg oing and two-way trunk g roup s exp erienc ing a hig h numb er in b oth the %Time ATB and %Out b lkg field s, use the list performance trunk-group c ommand and follow the sug g ested ac tions sp ec ified for that c ommand . 2. For inc oming trunk group s exp erienc ing a hig h numb er in the %Time ATB field, use the list performance trunk-group c ommand and follow the sug g ested ac tions sp ec ified for that c ommand . Table 3-40. Monitor System View1 and View2 Reports — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-140 Tone Receiver Summary Report 3 Tone Receiver Summary Report The Tone Rec eiver Summary Measurements rep ort p rovid es traffic d ata for Dual Tone Multifreq uenc y (DTMF) rec eivers, g eneral p urp ose tone d etec tors (GPTDs), and Call Classifiers (CCs). DTMF rec eivers d etec t touc h tones, GPTDs d etec t c all prog ress tones. CCs c an func tion either as Call Prog ress Tone Rec eivers (CPTRs), touc h-tone rec eivers (TTRs), or multifreq uenc y c omp elled rec eivers (MFCRs). NOTE: Tone rec eivers are req uired to sup p ort the ARS, Terminal Dialing , Ab breviated Dialing , LND, and Call Promp ting features. for ad ditional d etails, refer to the DEFINITY ECS System Desc rip tion Poc ket Referenc e. Rep orts c an b e req uested on tone rec eiver ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour, tod ay’s p eak hour, or the last hour. The peak is the hour of the d ay with the highest Peak Req measurement. The d ata in this rep ort c an b e used to d etermine if there is a need for ad d itional Tone Detec tor or Tone Detec tor/Generator c irc uit p ac ks. Command To d isp lay the Tone Rec eiver Summary Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements tone-receiver summary [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity for today’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last-hour to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted last hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-141 Tone Receiver Summary Report 3 Screen Screen 3-50 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Tone Rec eiver Measurements Summary rep ort. Table 3-41 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Tone Receiver Measurements Summary report. Screen 3-50. Tone Receiver Measurements report Table 3-41. Tone Receiver Measurements Summary Report Field Description Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the last hour or the hour with the hig hest Peak Req measurement. Type The typ e of tone rec eiver measured. Total Req Tota l Req ue st s. The system-wid e total number of req uests, b y c all p roc essing , for DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers d uring the listed hour. The total numb er of requests is c alc ulated b y inc rementing a c ounter for eac h request. Continued on next page Switch Name: Date: 11:27 am MON JUL 17, 19xx TONE RECEIVER SUMMARY MEASUREMENTS Meas Total Peak Total Peak Total Peak Hour Type Req Req Queued Queued Denied Denied 1000 DTMF 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 GPTD 0 0 0 0 1000 CC-TTR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 CC-CPTR 0 0 0 0 1000 CC-MFCR 0 0 0 0 TR Type Total Avail Capabilities DTMR-PT 4 DTMF GPTD-PT 2 GPTD CLAS-PT 0 DTMF,CC-TTR,CC-CPTR,MFCR ETR-PT 0 DTMF,CC-TTR,CC-CPTR,MFCR,GPTD Command successfully completed Command:
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-142 Tone Receiver Summary Report 3 Peak ReqPeak Req uests. The system-wid e p eak numb er of simultaneous req uests for DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers that oc c urred at any one time for the listed hour. The peak (or maximum) number is c alc ulated b y inc rementing a c ounter for eac h req uest and dec reasing the c ounter when the req uest fails or a tone rec eiver is released . NOTE: If the Peak Req field ind ic ates a numb er hig her than listed in the Avail field , then c ertain requests were either q ueued or denied d uring the peak time interval. Denied req uests fail and are g iven the reord er tone. Total QueuedThe system-wid e total numb er of req uests q ueued d uring the listed hour. A req uest is q ueued when there are no rec eivers immed iately availab le. Only DTMF and CC-TTR req uests are q ueued. NOTE: If a req uest for a rec eiver is mad e in one p ort network, and no rec eivers are availab le, then the req uest is offered to the next p ort network. If no rec eivers are availab le on any p ort network, then the req uest is q ueued . Queued c all req uests d o not rec eive d ial tone until a tone rec eiver b ec omes availab le. Peak QueuedThe system-wid e maximum numb er of c all req uests q ueued at any one time d uring the listed hour. NOTE: The system has a maximum q ueue size of 4 for DTMF req uests and 80 for CC-TTR c all vec toring requests. Total DeniedThe system-wid e total numb er of req uests d enied b ec ause no rec eivers were availab le d uring the listed hour. For DTMF-rec eiver or CCTR req uests, this happ ens only after the q ueue is full. Those req uests d enied are g iven reord er tone. Table 3-41. Tone Receiver Measurements Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-143 Tone Receiver Detail Report 3 Tone Receiver Detail Report The Tone Rec eiver Measurements Detail rep ort p rovid es traffic d ata for Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) receivers, general purpose tone detectors (GPTDs), and Call Classifiers (CCs) as Call Prog ress Tone Rec eivers (CC-CPTRs) for c all c lassific ation, as touc h-tone rec eivers (CC-TTRs) for c all vec toring , and as multifreq uency c omp elled rec eivers (MFCRs). NOTE: Tone rec eivers are req uired to sup p ort the ARS, Terminal Dialing , Ab breviated Dialing , LND, and Call Promp ting features. For ad d itional d etails, refer to the DEFINITY ECS System Desc rip tion Poc ket Referenc e. Rep orts c an b e req uested on tone rec eiver ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour, tod ay’s p eak hour, or the last hour. The peak is the hour of the d ay with the highest Peak Req measurement. The d ata in this rep ort c an b e used to d etermine if there is a need for ad d itional Tone Detec tor or Tone Detec tor/Generator c irc uit p ac ks.Peak DeniedThe system-wid e p eak numb er of req uests d enied b ec ause no rec eivers were availab le d uring the listed hour. Suggested Action: At a minimum you should inc rease the numb er of tone rec eivers b y the numb er displayed in the Peak Denied field. Furthermore, you may want to c onsid er eng ineering the switc h as “ non-b loc king ” for tone rec eivers. This involves inc reasing the numb er of tone rec eivers (the Avail field ) so all req uests rec eive servic e immed iately and no requests are q ueued . For examp le, keep the value d isp layed in the Avail field g reater than that d isp layed in the Peak Req field. TR Type Tone Rec eiver Typ e. The tone rec eiver c irc uit p ac ks p hysic ally c onnec ted at the time of the hour measurement. Total Avail Tota l A va il ab le. The numb er of the p orts availab le for the typ e of tone rec eiver listed in the p revious c olumn. Capa- bilitiesThe typ es of tone(s) the tone rec eiver c an detec t. Table 3-41. Tone Receiver Measurements Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-144 Tone Receiver Detail Report 3 Command To d isp lay the Tone Rec eiver Measurements Detail rep ort sc reen: 1. Type list measurements tone-receiver detail [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity for today’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last-hour to list the tone rec eiver ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-51 and Screen 3-54 show typ ic al sc reens for the Tone Rec eiver Measurements Detail rep ort for a two-p ort network system. Table 3-42 describes the d ata field s p resented in the Tone Rec eiver Measurements Detail rep ort. One page of data is displayed per port network. Screen 3-51. Tone Receiver Detailed Measurements report list measurements tone-receiver detail last-hour Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 3:16 pm TUE OCT 17, 19xx TONE RECEIVER DETAIL MEASUREMENTS PN PN Peak Total Peak Hour PN Type Req Alloc Alloc OFF-PN OFF-PN 1400 1 DTMF 8 8 8 0 5 1400 1 GPTD 12 12 3 0 0 1400 1 CC-TTR 0 0 0 0 0 1400 1 CC-CPTR 0 0 0 0 0 1400 1 CC-MFCR 0 0 0 0 0 Press CANCEL to quit - press NEXT PAGE to continue
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-145 Tone Receiver Detail Report 3 Table 3-42. Tone Receiver Detailed Measurements Report Field Description Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the last hour or of the hour with the hig hest Peak Req measurement. PN Port Network. The p ort network in whic h the c irc uit p ac k c ontaining the typ e of tone rec eiver listed is physic ally loc ated . Type The typ e of tone rec eiver measured . NOTE: Eac h TN748 and TN420 c irc uit p ac k p rovid es four DTMF p orts (for touc h-tone rec ep tion) and two GPTD p orts (for c all prog ress tone rec ep tion). The TN744 Call Classifier Circ uit Pac k p rovid es eig ht p orts for c all p rog ress tone rec ep tion (CC-CPTR), touc h-tone rec ep tion (CC-TTR), or MFC (CC-MFCR) rec ep tion. PN Req Port Network Req uests. The numb er of req uests for DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers within the p ort network d uring the listed hour. PN Alloc Port Network Total Alloc ation. The total numb er of DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers loc ated in the listed p ort network alloc ated for use d uring the listed hour. Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-146 Tone Receiver Detail Report 3 Peak AllocPeak Alloc ation. The peak numb er of DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers loc ated in the listed p ort network in use simultaneously d uring the listed hour. Total Off-PN Total Off-Port Network. For the id entified hour and p ort network, this is the total numb er of DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers alloc ated on a d ifferent p ort network for req uests orig inated on this p ort network. NOTE: With id eal c onditions, this field d isp lays the numb er 0. However, with more p rac tic al c ond itions, the field d isp lays a larg er numb er. Suggested Actions: Loc ate c ommunities of interest within the same p ort network. Provid e suffic ient tone rec eivers for eac h port network. Peak Off-PN Pe a k Of f -Po rt N e t w o rk. For the id entified hour and p ort network, this is the p eak numb er of DTMF, GPTD, CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, or MFCR rec eivers simultaneously alloc ated on a d ifferent p ort network for req uests orig inated on this p ort network. NOTE: A desirab le g oal is to minimize (within reason) the numb er d isp layed with this field . Suggested Actions: Loc ate c ommunities of interest within the same p ort network. Provid e suffic ient tone rec eivers for eac h p ort network. Perhap s you should move one TN748 and TN420 c irc uit p ac k (or, if you are working with a CC-TTR, CC-CPTR, and MFCR, move a TN744 c irc uit p ac k) to the PN with the Off-PN c ounts to minimize Off-PN alloc ations. Table 3-42. Tone Receiver Detailed Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-147 Trace Route Report 3 Trace Route Report This rep ort p rovides the ab ility to trac e the route of C-LAN-orig inated p ac kets throug h the LAN. The output shows the ip ad d ress of eac h router or host (hop ) that the p ac kets enc ounter and the time elap sed between eac h hop . If C-LAN has troub le c ommunic ating with a far-end d evic e, the trac eroute c ommand c an d etermine “ how far” p ac kets g et toward the d estination. Th e re p o r t l i s t s nHop s traversed from sourc e to d estination nIP ad d resses of the hop p oints and the final d estination nObserved round -trip d elay from the sourc e to eac h hop p oint If no reply is rec eived from a p otential hop p oint, the IP Address field c ontains blanks. The p rimary use of this c ommand is to d etermine q uic kly and unamb ig uously if the fault lies within Luc ent-p rovid ed eq uip ment or if the fault is with the LAN or LAN ad ministration to whic h the DEFINITY ECS switc h is c onnec ted . Commands To d isp lay the Trac e Route report: 1. Type traceroute ip-address board and p ress RETURN. For examp le, to display the p erformanc e of the ethernet c irc uit p ac k with the add ress 1C1017, typ e traceroute ip-address board 1C1017. Screen Screen 3-52 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the C-LAN Ethernet Performanc e Measurement rep ort. Table 3-43 d esc rib es the d ata field s presented in the rep ort.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-148 Trace Route Report 3 Screen 3-52. C-LAN Trace Route Report Table 3-43. Trace Route Report Field Description clan portThis entry identifies the C-LAN p ort on the b oard from whic h the trac eroute c ommand is issued . HopThe nod e numb er (in seq uenc e). The first node (0) is the ad d ress from whic h the trac eroute c ommand is issued . Time (ms)Time from the b oard to eac h intermed iate d estination in millisec ond s. If an error oc c urs at a nod e, the entry is rep eated with an error c od e immed iately following the time. Error c od es and their meaning s are: n! Unab le to reac h p ort n! N Unab le to reac h network n! H Unab le to reac h host n! P Failure b etween end p oints n! F Need frag mentation of d ata p ac ket n! S Sourc e return failure n!X Packet blocked by filter IP AddressThe 32-bit network ad d ress. traceroute ip-address board 1C14 clan port (1-17) TRACE ROUTE RESULTS Hop Time(ms) IP Address 0 from address 01 03,10,05 02 11,20,03 03 22,01,25 04 22,01,25 !N