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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-159 Trunk Group Summary Report 3 Que AbdQueue Ab and oned. The numb er of c alls removed from the q ueue in one of the following manners: nBy the system b ec ause they have b een in the q ueue for more than 30 minutes nBy the user (for examp le, d ialing the c anc el c od e). Suggested Action: Typ ic ally, this field ind ic ates a small number. However, a large number generally indicates the q ueue size is too larg e and p eop le are ab and oning b ec ause they remained in q ueue for a long hold ing time and g ave up . Out Srv Out of Servic e. The number of trunks in the trunk g roup out of servic e (listed as maintenanc e b usy) at the time d ata is c ollec ted . An ind ivid ual trunk may b e taken out of servic e b y the switc h whenever an exc essive numb er of errors oc c ur, or b y maintenanc e p ersonnel to run d iag nostic tests. Suggested Action: If the trunks are removed from servic e b y the switc h, then the ap p rop riate maintenanc e p ersonnel should be notified . The ob jec tive is to keep all memb ers of a trunk g roup “ in servic e.” Generally, you should not make ad justments to the trunk g roup b ec ause of “ Out of Servic e” trunks, but should g et those trunks returned to servic e. For sp ec ific d etails, refer to ‘‘Trunk Outage Measurements Report’’. Table 3-45. Trunk Group Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-160 Trunk Group Summary Report 3 % ATBPerc entag e All Trunks Busy. The p erc entage of time all trunks in the trunk g roup were simultaneously in use d uring the measurement interval. NOTE: In use means the trunks are b usy — either serving calls or b ec ause they are b usied -out b y maintenanc e. Suggested Actions: 1. If the group d irec tion is outg oing or two-way, then a hig h numb er in the % ATB field and nothing in the Grp Ovfl or Que Ovfl ind ic ates everything is func tioning normally. However, a more typ ic al sc enario is a hig h numb er in this field and a high number in the Grp Ovfl field. This indicates a possible p rob lem that nec essitates further analysis. Unless it is the last trunk g roup in the p attern, overflow is to the next c hoic e trunk g roup , and the numb er in the Grp Ovfl field is of no great sig nific anc e. Otherwise, the ob vious c hoic e is to ad d more trunks to the trunk g roup . 2. If the group d irec tion is inc oming , then a high numb er in this field is b ad . It ind ic ates some inc oming c alls are probably blocked. Generally, you want to add more trunks, thus lowering the % ATB and d ec reasing the numb er of c alls b loc ked . Table 3-45. Trunk Group Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-161 Trunk Group Summary Report 3 % Out BlkPerc entag e Outg oing Bloc king. The p erc entag e of offered c alls not c arried on the trunk g roup . It d oes not inc lud e unauthorized c alls d enied servic e on the trunk g roup (d ue to restric tions) or c alls c arried on the trunk g roup b ut d o not suc c essfully c omp lete at the far end (that is, where there is no answer). For trunk g roup s without a q ueue, the c alls not c arried are those c alls that arrive when all trunks are b usy. The numb er of Outg oing Seizures is c alc ulated as follows: Similarly, the eq uation for c alc ulating Outg oing Calls Offered is as follows: For trunk g roups with a q ueue, the c alls not c arried are those c alls that arrive when all trunks are b usy and the q ueue is full (Queue Overflow) and c alls removed from q ueue b efore b eing c arried (Queue Ab and oned ). For this sc enario, the Perc entag e Outg oing Bloc king is c alc ulated as follows: Suggested Actions: 1. You c an inc rease the leng th of the q ueue rather than ad d ing more trunks. Sub seq uently, you should monitor the Que Ab d field to insure it stays within reasonable limits. 2. If c onditions are suc h that Step 1 is not ap p ropriate, then you may find it nec essary to ad d more trunks. NOTE: If you are using ARS you may see a high numb er in this field. This only ind ic ates c alls are overflowing to the next choice. Table 3-45. Trunk Group Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page Outgoing Seizures=Total Seizures-Incoming Seizures Outgoing Calls O ff ered=Group Over f low+Outgoing Seizures %OutBlk=ì ï îOutgoing Calls O ff eredGroup Over f low _ ____________________ü ï þ Outgoing Calls O ff ered=Que Ov f+Que Abd+Outgoing Seizures %OutBlk=ì ï îOutgoing Calls O ff ered Queue Over f low+Que Abd _________________________ü ï þ´100

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-162 Trunk Group Hourly Report 3 Trunk Group Hourly Report The Trunk Group Hourly Rep ort p rovid es d ata nec essary to validate the information in the Trunk Group Summary Rep ort and to size the trunk g roup s. A sep arate rep ort is g enerated for eac h trunk g roup . On the G3r, a maximum of 75 trunk g roup s c an be stud ied hourly at the same time. On the G3c si and G3si, a maximum of 25 trunk group s c an b e studied . NOTE: In ord er to d isp lay these hourly rep orts, you must first c omp lete the Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen. The Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen is exp lained immed iately after this sec tion ab out the Trunk Group Hourly Report. Command To d isp lay the Trunk Group Hourly Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements trunk-group hourly [print/schedule] and press RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — assigned trunk group number . Enter the trunk g roup numb er for whic h you want to list trunk g roup ac tivity. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Wideband FlagIf the trunk group supports wideband (n X DS0) switching, a “ W” ap p ears next to the trunk g roup entry. In ad d ition, if any trunk group on the report supports wideband switching, the tag “W = Wideband Support” appears in the report heading. 1. The usag e that wideb and c alls c ontribute to this measurement is p roportional to the resourc es the c alls c onsume. For examp le, a 384-kb p s c all c ontrib utes six times more to the total usag e than d oes a 64-kb p s c all. Table 3-45. Trunk Group Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-163 Trunk Group Hourly Report 3 Screen Screen 3-57 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Group Hourly Rep ort. Table 3-46 and Table 3-47 desc rib e the d ata field s p resented in the Trunk Group Hourly Rep ort. The rep ort c ontains two sec tions: a head er sec tion that p rovid es report ending time and trunk group administrative information; and a data section that p rovid es the measurement d ata for 24 hours. Note that if a translation c hang e has oc c urred d uring a p artic ular hour, an asterisk (*) ap p ears in front the d ata for the hour in whic h the translation c hang e oc c urred . Screen 3-57. Trunk Group Hourly Report Table 3-46. Trunk Group Hourly Report (Header) Field Description Grp No Group Numb er. A numb er that id entifies the trunk g roup assoc iated with the d isp layed d ata. Grp Size Group Size. The numb er of trunks in the trunk g roup . Grp Type Group Type. All trunk g roup typ es exc ep t PCOL trunk groups. Grp Dir Group Direc tion. Inc oming , outg oing , or two-way. Que Size Queue Size. The size of the trunk group q ueue. If there is no q ueue, the size is zero and the other q ueue measurements are irrelevant. list measurements trunk-group hourly 40 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:58 pm MON SEP 16, 19xx TRUNK GROUP HOURLY REPORT — WIDEBAND Support Grp No: 40 Grp Size: 5 Grp Type: isdn Grp Dir: two Que Size: 0 Meas Total Maint Total Inc. Tandem Grp Call Que Que Out % %Out Hour Usage Usage Seize Seize Seize Ovfl Qued Ovf Abd Srv ATB Blk 1200 61 0 32 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 15 1100 62 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 69 0 63 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 5 *900 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-164 Trunk Group Hourly Report 3 Table 3-47. Trunk Group Hourly Report (Data) Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . Total Usage 1The total time (in CCS) trunks in the trunk group are unavailab le to c arry a new c all. It inc lud es the time the trunks are b usy on c alls, false starts, d on’t answers, or any other reason the trunk is unavailab le. Not inc lud ed are c alls d enied servic e on the trunk g roup for authorization reasons or b ec ause of q ueue overflow. Maint Usage Maintenanc e Usag e. The total usage (in CCS) of trunks in this trunk g roup for Maintenanc e Busy or any other non-c all situation where trunks are not availab le to c arry a c all. Total Seize Total Seizures. The total number of seizures on the trunk group. Inc. Seize Inc oming Seizures. The number of inc oming seizures on the trunk group. Tandem Seize Tand em Seizures. The numb er of trunk-to-trunk c all seizures. This c ount is inc remented on the outg oing -trunk sid e of the c onnec tion. Grp Ovfl Group Overflow. The outg oing c alls offered to the trunk not c arried . These are c alls that arrive when all trunks in the g roup are b usy and are not q ueued on the trunk g roup . It d oes not inc lud e c alls d enied servic e on the trunk g roup b ec ause of authorization reasons. Call Qued Calls Queued. The c alls that enter the trunk g roup q ueue. This c an hap p en automatic ally for analog terminal users or at the request of the c aller for other terminal typ es. Que Ovf Queue Overflow. The number of c alls that arrive when all slots in the Trunk Group Queue are oc c up ied . Que Abd Queue Ab and oned. Calls removed from the q ueue either b y the system b ec ause they have b een in the q ueue for the maximum allowed time (c urrently fixed at thirty minutes), or forc ed b y users when they c anc el the auto-c all b ac k, set earlier to p ut the c all in the q ueue. Out Serv Out of Servic e. The number of trunks in the trunk g roup out of servic e at the time the d ata is c ollec ted . Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-165 Trunk Group Measurement Selection 3 Trunk Group Measurement Selection To sp ec ify whic h trunk g roup s to monitor for the Trunk Group Hourly rep ort, use the Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen. The Summary Rep ort lists all ad ministered trunks. You c an ad minister a maximum of 75 trunk g roup s for the hourly rep ort stud ied hourly on the G3r; on the G3c si and G3si, the maximum is 25. If you do not selec t whic h trunk g roup s to stud y, none ap p ear on the hourly rep ort. Command To d isp lay the Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen: 1. Type display meas-selection trunk-group [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for the d isp lay c ommand only. % ATB Perc ent All Trunks Busy. The p erc entag e of time d uring the measurement interval all trunks in the g roup are unavailab le to c arry a new c all (All Trunks Busy). %Out Blk Perc ent Outg oing Bloc king . The p erc ent of the outg oing seizures, inc lud ing tand em seizures, offered to that trunk g roup that are not c arried on that trunk g roup . The value is c alc ulated as follows: % Out Blk = {Grp Ovfl / [Total Seize - Inc Seize] } x 100 Wideband FlagIf the trunk group supports wideband (n X DS0) switching, “Wideband Support” appears in the report heading. 1. The usag e that wideb and c alls c ontribute to this measurement is p roportional to the resourc es the c alls c onsume. For examp le, a 384-kb p s c all c ontrib utes six times more to the total usag e than d oes a 64-kb p s c all. Table 3-47. Trunk Group Hourly Report (Data) — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-166 Trunk Group Measurement Selection 3 To c hange a Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion: 1. Type change meas-selection trunk-group and press RETURN. 2. Enter the trunk group numb er to b e monitored and p ress EN TER. Trunk group numb ers d o not have to b e in numeric al ord er. If the trunk g roup numb er you want is not listed , ad d the trunk g roup numb er (if there is sp ac e availab le), or rep lac e an existing trunk g roup numb er you no long er need . Press RETU RN until the c ursor is p lac ed on the unwanted trunk g roup numb er and enter the new numb er, or p ress CLEAR FIELD and enter the new trunk g roup numb er. Screen Screen 3-58 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen on the G3r. Table 3-48 d esc ribes the data field s p resented in the Trunk Group Measurement Selec tion sc reen. Screen 3-58. Trunk Group Measurement Selection screen Table 3-48. Trunk Group Measurement Selection screen Field Description Trunk Group NumbersThe trunk g roup (s) to b e stud ied hourly. display meas-selection trunk-group TRUNK GROUP MEASUREMENT SELECTION Trunk Group Numbers 1: 78 16: 15 31: 96 46: 333 61: 580 2: 80 17: 16 32: 97 47: 444 62: 590 3: 666 18: 17 33: 98 48: 555 63: 591 4: 1 19: 18 34: 100 49: 101 64: 592 5: 2 20: 81 35: 120 50: 102 65: 10 6: 3 21: 82 36: 200 51: 103 66: 99 7: 4 22: 83 37: 22 52: 104 67: 357 8 5 23: 88 38: 234 53: 201 68: 467 9: 6 24: 89 39: 245 54: 203 69: 665 10: 7 25: 90 40: 246 55: 205 70: 664 11: 9 26: 91 41: 247 56: 207 71: 663 12: 11 27: 92 42: 250 57: 209 72: 662 13: 12 28: 93 43: 255 58: 550 73: 661 14: 13 29: 94 44: 256 59: 560 74: 599 15: 14 30: 95 45: 257 60: 570 75: 588

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-167 Trunk Group Performance Report 3 Trunk Group Performance Report The Trunk Group Performanc e rep ort gives a g rap hic al and numeric al display of the p eak hour b loc king for eac h trunk g roup . You c an d isp lay the Trunk Group Performanc e rep ort for the p revious d ay or the c urrent d ay (yesterd ay or today). Command To d isp lay the Trunk Group Performanc e rep ort: 1. Type list performance trunk-group [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday/today . nEn t e r yesterday to list the trunk g roup ac tivity for yesterd ay. nEn t e r today to list the trunk g roup ac tivity for tod ay. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-59 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Group Performanc e rep ort. Table 3-49 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Trunk Group Performanc e rep ort. Screen 3-59. Trunk Group Performance Report list performance trunk-group yesterday Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 4:28 pm SAT MAY 19, 19xx HIGHEST HOURLY TRUNK GROUP BLOCKING PERFORMANCE Grp Grp Grp Grp --% Outgoing Blocking or % ATB-- %Out %Time Meas Total No. Type Dir Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 Blkg ATB Hour Calls 1 fx in 6 ///////////////// * 9 1200 876 2 wats in 5 ////////////////////////// * 30 1400 94 3 tie two 14 ///////////// 7 36 1300 312 5 did in 10 ////////////////////// * 99 1300 542 12 co two 18 ////////////////// 9 96 1400 614 23 tie two 7 ///////////////////// 18 81 1400 359 41 tie two 8 /////////////////////// 26 91 1300 411 221 tie two 5 //////////////////// 11 77 1300 109 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-168 Trunk Group Performance Report 3 Table 3-49. Trunk Group Performance Report Field Description Grp No. Group Numb er. The numb er that id entifies the trunk group assoc iated with the d isp layed d ata. Grp Type Group Type. The typ e of trunk assoc iated with the ac c umulated d ata. The system monitors the following trunk typ es (see D EFINITY EC S Ad mi ni st ra tor’s Gui d e): nAccess (access ) nAd vanc ed Private Line Termination (aplt ) nCentral Offic e (co ) or Public Network Servic e nCustomer Provid ed Eq uip ment (cpe ) nDirec t Inward Dialing (did ) nDirec t Inward /Outward Dialing (diod ) nDig ital Multip lexed Interfac e Bit Oriented Sig naling (dmi-bos ) nFo re i g n Ex c h a n g e (fx ) nInteg rated Servic es Dig ital Network (isdn-pri ) nRelease Link Trunk (rlt ) nTand em (tandem ) nTie Trunk (tie ) nWid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (wats ) Grp Dir Trunk Group Direc tion. Id entifies whether the trunk g roup is inc oming (inc ), outgoing (out ), or two-way (two ). Grp Size Group Size. The numb er of trunks in the trunk g roup . %Out Blkg Perc entag e Outg oing Bloc king. The p erc entag e of c alls that arrive when all trunks are busy. Continued on next page