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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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Processor Occupancy Reports 4-1 Processor Occupancy Reports 4 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 4 Processor Occupancy Reports Processor Occupancy Reports The term Proc essor Oc c up anc y (or simp ly, Oc c up anc y) is d efined as the p erc entage of time the switc h p roc essor is b usy p erforming c all p roc essing tasks, maintenanc e tasks, ad ministration tasks, and op erating system tasks. As a c ontrast, the p erc entag e of time the p roc essor is not used is referred to as Id le Occupancy. The primary objectives of the proc essor occupanc y reports are: nTo p rovid e a summary of c ustomer usag e d ata so p roc essor oc c up anc y and availab le c ap ac ity c an be d etermined . nTo d isp lay, on a per time interval b asis, the p roc essor oc c up anc y and assoc iated c alling rates whic h fac ilitates the isolation of c ertain c ustomer reported problems. There are five d ifferent p roc essor oc c up anc y c ommand s: nlist measurements occupancy summary nlist measurements occupancy last-hour nlist measurements occupancy busiest-intervals nlist measurements occupancy pktint (G3r only) nlist measurements communications-links The first three c ommand s p rovid e p roc essor oc c up anc y d ata and assoc iated c all traffic for d ifferent measurement intervals. The p ktint report p rovid es 24 hours of oc c up anc y d ata for eac h of the p roc essor p ac ket interfac e (p ktint) b oard s in the system. The last c ommand p rovid es a p ic ture of the traffic d ata g enerated on eac h p roc essor interfac e link.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-2 Processor Occupancy Reports 4 The p roc essor oc c up anc y c ommand s c an b e exec uted from all user log ins if allowed to. However, for most systems, the two p rimary users are the c ustomers’ telec ommunic ations manager and the servic e tec hnic ian. The typ e of ap p lic ation c an sig nific antly affec t p roc essor oc c upanc y. For p urp oses of d etermining p roc essor oc c up anc y, the c ustomers’ c alling traffic is d efined as one of the following ap p lic ations: nGeneral Business — The majority of ap p lic ations. It d oes not inc lud e the imp ac t of the Inb ound Call Manag ement (ICM)/Call Manag ement System (CMS) or CallVisor Ad junc t Switc h Ap plic ations Interfac e (ASAI)/Outbound Call Manag ement (OCM) ap p lic ations. nICM/CMS — Only inc lud es the imp ac t d ue to the ICM traffic (using the ACD, Call Vec toring , CallVisor ASAI, and CMS features). nCallVisor ASAI/OCM — Only inc lud es the impac t d ue to ASAI/OCM applications. NOTE: A p artic ular switc h may have a traffic load that c onsists of any c omb ination of the three defined ap p lic ations. Dep end ing on the c ustomers’ sp ec ific ap plic ation, the c alling traffic may b e as simp le as a sing le switc h with only CO trunks and analog sets or as c omp lex as a switc h in a multinod e p rivate network that uses b oth DCS and ISDN features and is c onfig ured with d ig ital sets. In ord er to d esc rib e this wide rang e of traffic , four c all c ategories are d efined as follows: nIntercom (INTCOM) — Loc ally mad e and c omp leted station-to-station calls. nIncoming (INC) — Calls whic h c ome into the switc h over trunks from a CO. The following trunk typ es are c onsid ered p ub lic network inc oming (CO, DID, FX, WATS, and ISDN-PRI c alls with a p ub lic network servic e type). nOutgoing (OUT) — Calls which exit the switch on trunks that terminate in a CO. The following trunk typ es are c onsid ered p ub lic network outg oing (CO, WATS, FX, and ISDN-PRI c alls with a p ub lic network servic e typ e). nPrivate Network (PNET) — Inc oming and outg oing c alls mad e over p rivate network trunks. The following trunk typ es are c onsid ered p rivate network (Ac c ess, CPE, DMI-BOS, RLT, Tand em, Tie, APLT, and ISDN-PRI with a p rivate network servic e typ e). A c ustomer’s Usag e Profile is d efined as the p erc ent mix of traffic from eac h of the four c all c ateg ories. An example of one Customer Usag e Profile would b e: INTCOM = 34%, INC = 33%, OUT = 33%, and PNET = 0%. Ob viously, many other different c ombinations are also possible.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-3 The Summary Command 4 Onc e the traffic ap p lic ation, usag e profile, and c ertain feature use load ing fac tors are d etermined it is then possible to c alc ulate the Busy Hour Call Cap ac ity (BHCC). The BHCC is a measure of the switc h’s c ap ac ity and is defined as the maximum numb er of c ompleted c alls the switc h c an sup p ort in an hour without d eg rad ation of servic e. It should also b e und erstood that, as a p art of the RFP p roc ess, Luc ent Tec hnolog ies marketing , when g iven a d esc rip tion of the c ustomer’s usag e p rofile, traffic ap p lic ation, and c ertain feature use loading fac tors for the p rop osed switc h, c an c alc ulate the theoretic al maximum BHCC for the sp ec ified ap p lic ation. This enab les the d etermination of whether the p roposed switc h c an ac c ommod ate the traffic load . This numb er, the theoretic al maximum BHCC, is an estimate and is referred to as the p red ic ted maximum BHCC. The Summary Command This sec tion d esc rib es the Summary Command and the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Su m m a r y re p o r t . When to Use the Summary Command The main func tion of this c ommand is to answer the q uestion, “ How muc h of the system is b eing used ?” More sp ec ific ally, this c ommand should b e used whenever you want to: nMonitor resource usage nValid ate the c ustomer’s usag e p rofile (for examp le, onc e the switc h is installed and c alling traffic is normal, use the summary rep orts to d etermine if the ac tual usag e p rofile is the same as the estimated usag e profile) nDetermine the id le oc c up anc y and how muc h is available for g rowing the switc h nDetermine the p roc essor oc c up anc y and c all levels on an hourly b asis for the last 24 hours

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-4 Processor Occupancy Summary Report 4 Processor Occupancy Summary Report Command To d isp lay the Processor Occ up ancy Summary rep ort: 1. Type list measurements occupancy summary [print or schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 4-1 and Screen 4-2 show typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Summary rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested d isp lays at the top rig ht. Table 4-1 describes the data fields presented in the Processor Occupancy Summary rep ort, as well as the Last Hour and Busiest Interval rep orts. Screen 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Page 1 Screen 4-2. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Page 2 list measurements occupancy summary Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 11:33 am TUE JUL 31, 19xx OCCUPANCY SUMMARY MEASUREMENTS Peak Hour For Occupancy: 0900 Meas Static CP Sm Idle Total Tandem Total Intcom Inc Out Pnet Hour Occ Occ Occ Occ Calls Calls Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts 1900 5 58 15 22 761 149 989 247 193 251 298 1800 5 58 16 21 1032 165 1341 335 371 301 334 1700 5 57 16 22 1442 273 1875 468 451 421 535 1600 5 58 15 22 2301 365 2991 747 710 753 781 1500 5 57 15 22 2769 476 3509 877 932 748 952 1400 5 58 15 22 2959 483 3846 961 991 928 966 1300 5 57 15 23 2997 499 3896 974 1021 900 1001 1200 5 59 15 21 4221 923 5487 1371 1520 745 1851 1100 5 59 15 21 5001 826 6501 1625 2000 1223 1653 1000 4 59 13 24 5241 915 6813 1703 2066 1165 1879 press CANCEL to quit -- Press NEXT PAGE to continue list measurements occupancy summary Page 2 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 11:33 am TUE JUL 31, 19xx OCCUPANCY SUMMARY MEASUREMENTS Peak Hour For Occupancy: 0900 Meas Static CP Sm Idle Total Tandem Total Intcom Inc Out Pnet Hour Occ Occ Occ Occ Calls Calls Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts 0900 5 65 12 18 5392 1002 7011 1752 2045 1203 2011 0800 5 64 14 17 5364 941 6973 1743 2056 1283 1891 0700 5 58 15 22 5423 935 7049 1762 2070 1346 1871 0600 6 60 17 17 4399 761 5719 1430 2195 569 1525 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-5 Processor Occupancy Summary Report 4 Table 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata is rec ord ed . Data is listed b eg inning with the most rec ently c omp leted hour in the p rec ed ing 24-hour interval. For add itional d etails, refer to the DEFINITY ECS System Desc rip tion and Sp ec ific ations. Meas Minute Measured Minute. (Last-Hour Rep ort) The end -time of the 3-minute interval for whic h the measurement is taken. It takes the form hh:mm, where “ hh” is the hour and “ mm” is the end -time for the 3-minute interval. Date of Occurrence(Busiest-Interval Rep ort) The d ate and end -time of the 3-minute interval for whic h the d ata is c ollec ted . It takes the form MM/dd/mm:hh, where “MM” is the month, “dd” is the d ay, “ hh” is the hour, and “ mm” is end of the 3-minute interval. Stat Occ Static Oc c up anc y. The amount of time (in CCS) taken b y hig h priority background processes in support of call processing, maintenanc e, and ad ministration func tions. Examp les of this ac tivity are hig h level sanity c hec ks, system timing , p olling of ad junc ts, and op erating system sup p ort. This also inc lud es some c all p roc essing oc c up anc y for BX.25 and ISDN-PRI traffic . NOTE: Static Oc c up anc y remains fairly c onsistent in an id le switc h. However, it inc reases as traffic is introd uc ed into the system. Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-6 Processor Occupancy Summary Report 4 CP OccCall Processing Oc cupancy. The amount of time (in CCS) taken b y c all p roc essing level p roc esses. The p roc essing of CDR, DCS, ISDN, and other ad junc t interfac es is also inc lud ed in this level. Note that some oc c up anc y d ue to BX.25 and ISDN-PRI c all traffic is c ounted as static oc c up anc y instead of CP Oc c . NOTE: It is not d esirab le for any system to func tion at 100 p erc ent Proc essor Oc c up anc y. Rather, the CP Oc c and Stat Oc c field s should total no more than a maximum of 75 p erc ent. By maintaining this 75 p erc ent maximum limit, other system func tions c an be p erformed and b ursts of c aller ac tivity c an also b e ac c ommod ated . Suggested Actions: If the 75 p erc ent maximum limit is exc eed ed, take one or more of the following step s to lower Call Processing Occupancy: Item #1 If the users d o not g et a d ial tone immed iately, they should b e enc ourag ed to wait 10 to 15 sec ond s b efore g oing on-hook and off-hook again. Item #2 If the switc h is part of a private network and is receiving a larg e amount of traffic from another switc h in the p rivate network, investig ate the p ossib ility of rec onfig uring the network. Item #3 Chec k the ad ministration translation and verify all d ig ital sets, ad ministered with d isp lay mod ules, ac tually have d isp lay mod ules. For those sets without d isp lay mod ules, c hang e the ad ministration translations to ind ic ate the dig ital sets d o not have a d isp lay mod ule. Item #4 Chec k the hard ware error log for hig h levels of maintenanc e ac tivity. Table 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-7 Processor Occupancy Summary Report 4 Sm OccSystem Manag ement Oc c up anc y. The amount of time taken b y lower p riority ac tivities suc h as ad ministration and maintenanc e c ommand p roc essing , maintenanc e ac tivity, error log g ing , and Lig ht-Emitting Diod e (LED) aud its. For ad d itional d etails, refer to your D EFI N I TY EC S Sy st e m Desc rip tion and Sp ec ific ations . Idle Occ Idle Occ upancy. The amount of time the proc essor is unused . There are several fac tors that drive d own this numb er, inc lud ing : — a larg e offered load , inc reases CP oc c up anc y — a switc h with many stations and trunks req uires a hig h level of b ac kg round maintenanc e, inc reases SM oc c up anc y — freq uent d emand testing or ad ministration, inc reases SM oc c up anc y These fac tors may red uc e the id le oc c up anc y to almost 0% d uring several 3-minute intervals. On a heavily-load ed switc h with freq uent d emand testing , the id le oc c up anc y may d rop to low levels for long er p eriods (p erhap s 1–2 hours). These situations are normal and d o not ind ic ate a p rob lem with the switch. However, a lig htly-load ed switc h with few stations translated and little d emand maintenanc e or ad ministration should not exp erienc e long p eriod s of low id le oc c up anc y (less than 15%). If this is the c ase, a p rob lem is likely. Total Calls Total Calls. The total numb er of c alls c onnec ted d uring the listed hour. Calls are c ounted in the time interval they are answered and not in the time interval they are d rop p ed . Therefore, a c all that starts in one time interval and end s in another is c ounted only in the time interval where it orig inates. Tandem Calls Tand em Calls. The number of trunk-to-trunk c alls c onnec ted d uring the last hour. Table 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-8 Processor Occupancy Summary Report 4 Total AtmptsTotal Attemp ts. The numb er of c all attemp ts mad e d uring the measurement interval. The following oc c urrenc es c ount as an attemp t: nA user lifts the station hand set and hang s up b efore dialing any digits (off-hooks) nA user lifts the station hand set, d ials the d estination numb er, the far end ring s but d oes not answer, and the user hang s up (no answer) nA user lifts the station hand set, d ials the d estination numb er, the far end is b usy nA user p lac es a c all answered b y the d ialed numb er nA user c onferenc es a sec ond p arty onto the c all nAn inc oming trunk seizure nMaintenanc e req uests an outg oing trunk b e seized nTand em c alls (either p net or p ub lic network) result in 2 attemp ts, b ut only one total c all nAUDIX audits of message waiting lamps nAUDIX Leave Word Calling ac tivations NOTE: Mathematic ally, the Total Atmp ts field is the total of the Intc om, Inc , Out, and Pnet attempts. Intcom Atmpts Interc om Attemp ts. This field inc ludes the sum of two typ es of c alls. The first typ e is extension-to-extension c alls on the same switch. The second type is partially completed calls where a loc al extension goes off-hook and then hang s up b efore the c all is answered . This inc lud es b oth b usy and no-answer c alls. Table 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-9 The Last-Hour Command 4 The Last-Hour Command When to Use the Last-Hour Command The main func tion of the last-hour c ommand is to: nProvid e a d etailed view of the oc c up anc y levels for the last-hour nId entify p otential load related p rob lems that may have oc c urred d uring the last hour Processor Occupancy Last-Hour Measurements Report Command To display the Processor Occ upancy Last-Hour report: 1. Type list measurements occupancy last-hour [print or schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Inc Atmpts Incoming Attempts. The numb er of inc oming trunk seizures from p ub lic network fac ilities. Out Atmpts Outgoing Attempts. The numb er of outg oing trunk seizures mad e over p ub lic network fac ilities. Pnet Atmpts Private Network Attemp ts. The number of incoming and outgoing seizures made over private network facilities. Note that a tandem c all is c ounted as two p rivate network attemp ts, sinc e it inc lud es b oth inc oming and outg oing trunk seizures. NOTE: The d etermination of whether a c all is over p ub lic network or over p rivate network fac ilities d ep end s on the trunk typ e (for ISDN-PRI fac ilities it is also d ep end ent on the servic e typ e). Table 4-1. Processor Occupancy Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-10 Processor Occupancy Last-Hour Measurements Report 4 Screen Screen 4-3 shows typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Last-Hour Measurements rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested d isp lays at the top right. Screen 4-3. Processor Occupancy Last-Hour Measurements Report NOTE: The field s on this rep ort are the same as the summary rep ort, b ut the d ata is c alc ulated over a 3-minute time interval. The Meas Minute field rep resents the end of the time interval. Using the Last-Hour Report to Resolve Problems The following list id entifies some areas p ursued when investig ating a p rob lem b elieved to b e p roc essor oc c up anc y (load ) related . 1. Multiply the numb er in the Total Calls field b y 20 for the id entified 3-minute time interval (the time when the p rob lem oc c urred ). If the p roduc t exc eed s the ad vertised BHCC of the switc h, it is the load for this time interval c ausing the p roblem. If the p rod uc t does not exc eed the BHCC for the switc h, this load is not the p rob lem. 2. Compare the numb er in the Total Atmp ts field with the Total Calls field for the id entified 3-minute time interval (the time when the p roblem oc c urred ). If the numb er of attemp ts is sig nific antly g reater than the numb er of c alls, a sig nific ant p erc ent of the oc c up anc y is d ue to c all p roc essing stimuli that d o not result in c omp leted c alls. 3. Examine the hard ware error log for an exc essive amount of maintenanc e activity (for example, a high number of errors). list measurements occupancy last-hour Page 1 Switch Name: Customer_Switch_name Date: 3:13 pm MON NOV 11, 19xx OCCUPANCY LAST-HOUR MEASUREMENTS Meas Static CP Sm Idle Total Tandem Total Intcom Inc Out Pnet Minute Occ Occ Occ Occ Calls Calls Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpt 15:11 2 5 26 67 646 710 1421 0 0 0 1421 15:08 4 5 22 69 641 704 1412 0 0 0 1412 15:05 5 6 25 64 639 705 1410 0 0 0 1410 15:02 4 6 24 66 645 710 1420 0 0 0 1420 14:59 3 4 22 71 639 703 1411 2 0 0 1409 14:56 3 5 24 68 639 704 1412 2 0 0 1410 14:53 6 6 24 64 645 704 1418 3 0 0 1415 14:50 4 5 27 64 641 707 1418 3 0 0 1415 14:47 4 6 19 71 648 706 1429 3 0 0 1426 14:44 2 5 26 67 639 701 1405 3 0 0 1402 14:41 4 14 19 63 1624 1075 2399 243 0 0 2156 14:38 6 15 28 51 1786 1133 2556 290 0 0 2266 Command successfully completed Command: