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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-119 Port Network Reports 3 Port Network Reports This sec tion d isc usses the p ort network rep orts. Blockage Study Report The Bloc kag e Stud y Rep orts p rovid e information on usag e and b loc kag e for eac h p ort network as well as b etween switc h nod e p airs. There are two rep orts: One p rovid es p ort network (PN) and p ort network link (PNL) d ata and the other p rovid es switc h node link (SNL) d ata. The latter rep ort is availab le only on the G3r server. A p ort network link is the hard ware that p rovid es a b rid g e b etween two p ort networks in a direc t-c onnec t c onfig uration or b etween a p ort network and a switc h nod e in a c enter stag e c onfig uration. A switc h network link is the hard ware that p rovid es a b rid g e b etween two switc h nod es. The Bloc kag e Stud y Rep orts are d esig ned to id entify where c ong estion is occurring within the switching fabric and provide insight on how ports (load) can b e ad justed to ac hieve satisfac tory servic e. Planning for g rowth add itions is also simp lified b ec ause the rep ort allows q uic k id entific ation and q uantific ation of reserve switching capacity. Both rep orts are availab le for the following time intervals: nLast Hour nTod ay’s Peak nYesterd ay’s Peak The Port Network Report p rovid es local Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) time slot usag e, peg s, and b loc kag es, as well as PNL time slot usag e, p eg s, and blockages. The Switch Node Report provides SN to SN time-slot usage, pegs, b loc kag es, and overflow. Of the 512 TDM time slots in eac h p ort network, usag e measurements are only p rovid ed for 483 time slots emp loyed in c all p roc essing , d ata links, and maintenanc e. Usag e is not rep orted for the remaining 29 time slots, whic h p rimarily serve system functions.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-120 Blockage Study Report 3 The TDM time slots are samp led every one hund red sec ond s. Usag e measurements for these samp led intervals are exp ressed in hund red c all sec ond s or CCS. For examp le, any time slot in use when the samp le is taken is assumed b usy for the entire samp ling interval and is c ounted as one CCS for the interval. Bec ause there are 36 CCS in an hour and 483 rep orted time slots, the maximum TDM usag e p er port network is: It should b e und erstood that 17,388 CCS rep resents the maximum c alling volume a sing le port network c an sup p ort. Any c alls that attemp t to exc eed this maximum are b loc ked b ec ause there are no time slots availab le. When this happens, the blockage field (TDM blockage) is incremented. There are a maximum of 766 p ort network fib er time slots assoc iated with a p ort network c onnec ted to another p ort network or b etween a p ort network and a switc h node in a c enter stag e c onfig uration. Some of those time slots may b e alloc ated for p ac ket b and wid th, in whic h c ase the numb er is lower. For T1 remoting , there is a maximum of 188 fib er time slots (PNL Time Slots). The PNL time slots are sampled every one hund red sec ond s. Usag e measurements for these samp led intervals are exp ressed in hund red c all sec ond s or CCS. For examp le, any time slot in use when the samp le is taken is assumed b usy for the entire samp ling interval and is c ounted as one CCS for the interval. Bec ause there are 36 CCS in an hour and 766 rep orted time slots, the maximum PNL usage per port network is: It should b e und erstood that 27,576 CCS rep resents the maximum c alling volume sup p orted b etween p ort networks or b etween a p ort network and a switc h nod e. Any c alls that attemp t to exc eed this maximum are b loc ked b ec ause there are no time slots availab le. When this hap p ens, the b loc kag e field (TDM bloc kag e) is inc remented . Maximum TDM usag e = 483 X 36 CCS = 17,388 CCS Maximum PNL usage = 766 x 36 CCS = 27,576 CCS
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-121 Blockage Study Report 3 Command To d isp lay the Blockag e Stud y Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements blockage pn/sn [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the b lockag e activity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the b loc kag e ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the b loc kag e ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le with this command. Port Network Screen Screen 3-41 shows a typ ic al Bloc kag e Stud y Port Network Rep ort. Table 3-33 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Bloc kag e Stud y Port Network Rep ort. Screen 3-41. Blockage Study Port Network Report list measurements blockage pn last-hour Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:45 pm MON SEP 16, 19xx BLOCKAGE STUDY REPORT Meas Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Port Network (PN) Link PN Hour Usage Peg Peak Blockage Time-slots Usage Peg Peak Blockage 1 1200 2650 5435 125 0 758 2125 3696 72 0 3 1200 7887 1581 250 0 762 6265 1272 170 0 4 1200 6199 8197 190 0 760 5862 4667 195 0
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-122 Blockage Study Report 3 Table 3-33. Blockage Study Port Network Report Field Description PN Port Network. The port network being measured. Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using the 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . TDM Usage Time Division Mulip lexed Usag e. The total TDM time-slot usag e, in CCS, for the PN b eing measured , d uring the measurement hour. This is c alc ulated as follows: TDM Usage = Sum of the alloc ated TDM time slots at the end of eac h 100 sec ond interval in a measurement hour . TDM usag e max = 483 x 36 CCS = 17,388 CCS After eac h 100-sec ond interval, a snap shot is taken of the numb er of TDM time-slots used on eac h p ort network. TDM Peg Time Division Mulip lexed Peg . The total c ount of c irc uit switc h TDM time-slot seizure attemp ts for the PN d uring the measurement hour (req uests for maintenanc e proc esses not inc lud ed). TDM Peak Time Division Mulip lexed Peak. The maximum numb er of time-slots alloc ated at any one time d uring the measurement hour. TDM Blockage Time Division Mulip lexed Bloc kag e. The total c ount of TDM b loc kag es, that is, the total number of times a TDM time-slot request is d enied for the PN measured , d uring the measurement hour. Suggested Action: Generally, it is d esirable to b alanc e the traffic ac ross p ort networks. If the usage nears the maximum CCS, some resourc es should b e moved to another port network. PNL Time-Slots Port Network Link. The numb er of p ort network link time-slots availab le b etween p ort networks or b etween p ort networks and switc h nod es. At any g iven time interval, this translation value is fixed. (Rememb er, this refers to availab le time slots, not measurement d ata.) Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-123 Blockage Study Report 3 Port Network Link UsageThe total c irc uit switc h usage of the availab le PN Link(s) c onnec ting the PN to the SN or to other PNs. For d irec tly c onnec ted PNs in three PN systems, this is the sum of the usage for b oth links. PN LINK USAGE = Sum of the alloc ated PN Link time-slots at the end of eac h 100 sec ond interval in a measurement hour . PN Link Usag e Max = 766 x 36 CCS = 27,576 CCS. Port Network Link PegThe total c ount of c irc uit switc hed time-slot seizure attemp ts for the link(s) during the measurement hour. Port Network Link PeakThe maximum number of time slots alloc ated at any one time on the p ort network links. Port Network Link BlockageThe total c ount of c irc uit switc hed PN b loc kag es, that is, the total numb er of times a PN link time-slot is d enied d uring the measurement hour. This c ount inc lud es c alls orig inating or terminating on this PN. This field should be zero for all c onfig urations that d o not use T1 remoting and are smaller than 16 PNs sinc e the c enter stag e is non-b loc king in these c onfig urations. Suggested Action: Generally, it is d esirab le to b alanc e traffic b etween p ort networks, or b etween p ort networks and switc h nod es. If the usag e is hig h for a port network, resourc es may need to b e moved from one p ort network to another. Table 3-33. Blockage Study Port Network Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-124 Blockage Study Report 3 Switch Node Screen Screen 3-42 shows a typ ic al Bloc kag e Stud y Switc h Nod e Rep ort. Table 3-34 describes those data fields presented in the Blockage Study Switch Node Report d ifferent from those in the Port Network Rep ort. Refer to Table 3-33 for d ata fields that are the same. This rep ort is only ac c essib le from the G3r server. Screen 3-42. Blockage Study Switch Node Report Table 3-34. Blockage Study Switch Node Report Field Description SN Pair Sw i t c h N o d e Pa i r. Id entifiers for the two SNs c onnec ted b y the SNL b eing measured . Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using the 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . Switch Node Link (SN) Time-Slots The number of switc h nod e link time-slots available b etween switc h nod es. At any g iven time interval, this translation value is fixed . The SNL time slot maximum is 766; for T1 remoting it is 94. Switch Node Link Usage The total c irc uit switc h usage of the SNL c onnec ting the two SNs. This is the total usag e on interconnecting fibers . At the end of eac h 100-sec ond interval, a snap shot is taken of the numb er of SNL time-slots used on eac h p ort network. Max SNL usag e = 766 x 36 CCS = 27,576. Switch Node Link Peg The total c ount of c irc uit switc hed SNL time-slot seizure attemp ts d uring the measurement hour b etween the two measured SNs. This is the total p eg c ount on all interconnecting fibers . Continued on next page list measurements blockage sn last-hour Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 05:45 pm THU FEB 23, 19xx BLOCKAGE STUDY REPORT CENTER STAGE Meas Switch Node (SN) Link SN Pair Hour Time-slots Usage Peg Blockage Overflow 1/2 1600 766 9800 49267 0 0
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-125 Port Network Load Balance Report 3 Port Network Load Balance Report The PNL Load Balanc e Rep orts are d esig ned to show the load ing on eac h PN and g ive an ind ic ation of the load sourc e b y c all typ e. Knowing the load sourc e means informed d ec isions c an b e mad e on how b est to d ec rease the load or the effec t of ad d ing various kind s of ports to the PN. Growth c an b e ac c ommod ated with a minimum of new eq uip ment. There are five PN Load Balanc e Rep orts. nThe Total rep ort p rovid es an overview of time slot usag e, b loc kag e, p eg s, and oc c up anc y for time slots on the TDM b us and port network links. This rep ort also c ontains an EI b oard c ontrol utilization field (G3r only). nThe other four rep orts inc lud e time slot usag e and p eg s for the following call types: —Intercom — Inc oming Trunk — Outgoing Trunk — Tand em Trunk These rep orts show c harac teristic p atterns of the load on eac h p ort network for eac h of the c all typ es. All the rep orts are p eak rep orts; so, d ata is p rovid ed for yesterday-p eak, tod ay-p eak, and last-hour. The p eak for eac h of the four c all-typ e rep orts is time c oinc id ent with the p eak from the Total Report (TDM usag e field ). Switch Node Link Blockage The total c ount of c irc uit switc hed SNL b loc kag es, that is, the total numb er of times a c all is b loc ked b ec ause no time-slots are available either in the most d irec t route or throug h any alternate route, d uring the measurement hour. Switch Node Link Overflow The total numb er of times a c all is routed over an alternate route. This c ounter is inc remented when a c all was not suc c essfully routed over the most d irec t route and is routed over an alternate route. This allows you to d isting uish true b loc kag e of a c all from the d irec t route b loc kag e. Suggested Action: Generally, the usag e b etween switc h nod es should b e eq ually d istributed . If the usag e b etween switch nod es is hig h, you may want to move resourc es to another switc h nod e or ad d a new switc h nod e. Table 3-34. Blockage Study Switch Node Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-126 Port Network Load Balance Report 3 Command To d isp lay the Port Network Load Balanc e Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements load-balance [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There are two req uired field s for this c ommand . 1. total/intercom/incoming/outgoing/tandem nEn t e r total for an overview of time slot usage, blockage, p eg s, and oc c up anc y. nEn t e r intercom for time slot usag e and p eg s for the interc om call type. nEn t e r incoming for time slot usage and p eg s for the inc oming c all typ e. nEn t e r outgoing or time slot usag e and p eg s for the outg oing call type. nEn t e r tandem for time slot usage and pegs for the tandem call type. 2. yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the load balanc e ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the load b alanc e ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the load b alanc e ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-127 Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report 3 Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report Screen Screen 3-43 depic ts an example of a typical screen for the Port Network Load Balanc e Total Calls Rep ort. Table 3-35 describes the data fields presented in the Port Network Load Balanc e Total Peak Rep ort. Screen 3-43. Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report Table 3-35. Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report Field Description PN Port Network. Identifies the p ort network b eing measured . Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using the 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . TDM Usage Time Division Multiplexed Usag e. The total TDM time-slot usag e, in CCS, for the PN b eing measured : TDM Usag e = Sum of the alloc ated TDM Time Slots at the end of eac h 100 sec ond interval in a measurement hour TDM Total Potential Usag e = 483 x 36 CCS = 17,388 CSS TDM PegTime Division Multiplexed Peg. The total c ount of c irc uit switc h TDM time-slot seizure attemp ts for the PN d uring the measurement hour (req uests for maintenanc e proc esses are not inc luded). TDM Peak Time Division Multip lexed Peak. The maximum numb er of TDM time-slots alloc ated at any one time d uring the measurement hour. Continued on next page list measurements load-balance total today-peak Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 05:45 pm THU FEB 23, 19xx PORT NETWORK LOAD BALANCE STUDY REPORT TOTAL CALLS Meas Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Port Network (PN) Link Control PN Hour Usage Peg Peak Blockage Occ Usage Peg Peak Blockage Occ Util 1 1500 625 1522 59 0 6 1103 100 35 0 4 15 2 1500 625 1522 48 0 6 1103 100 35 0 4 15 . . .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-128 Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report 3 TDM BlockageTime Division Multiplexed Blockag e. The total c ount of TDM b loc kag es, that is, the total number of times a TDM time-slot request is d enied for the PN b eing measured , d uring the measurement hour. TDM Occ Time Division Multiplexed Occ up anc y. Th e p e r c e n t TD M Oc cupancy is computed as follows: (TDM Usag e/TDM Total Potential Usag e) x 100 Suggested Action: Generally, the load should b e d istrib uted evenly ac ross p ort networks. If the p erc ent oc c up anc y is out of line with the oc c up anc y on other p ort networks, c onsid eration should be g iven to shifting resourc es. Use the Interc om, Outg oing , Inc oming , and Tand em rep orts to help d etermine whic h resourc es to shift. Port Network (PN) Link UsageThe total c irc uit switc h usage (Measured in CCS) of the PN Link(s). PN Link Usage = Sum of the alloc ated PN link time-slots at the end of eac h 100 sec ond interval in a measurement hour . PNL Total Potential Usag e = 766 x 36 CCS = 27,576 CCS PNL PegPort Network Link Peg. The total numb er of c irc uit switc hed time slot seizure attemp ts for the PN d uring the measurement hour. PNL Peak Port Network Link Peak. The maximum numb er of PNL time slots alloc ated at any one time d uring the measurement. Table 3-35. Port Network Load Balance Total Calls Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page