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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-109 MMI Report 
    Table 3-29. MMI Summary Report
    Field Description
    NameThe name of the switc h that c ontains the MMIs. 
    The date and  time that you req uested  the rep ort, or that the 
    report was run, if sched uled . 
    Peak Hour 
    For All 
    MMIsIf you use the yesterday-peak or today-peak qualifiers, this 
    field  d isp lays the hour of greatest usag e for the sp ec ified  d ay.
    Meas Hour
    The hour for whic h these measurements app ly, on the 
    24-hour clock.
    PortsTotal network MMI p orts in the system. This d oes not inc lud e 
    any MMIs that are c ab led to an ESM. ESM-MMIs are 
    measured  sep arately.
    UsageTotal time that is availab le in the system for network MMI 
    p orts, in CCS units. 
    UsageThe total time, in CCS units, that MMI p orts are in use on a 
    c all. Inc lud es the time that the p orts are out of servic e or 
    maintenanc e busy. Usage is measured from the time the port 
    is alloc ated  until it is released.
    AllocThe total numb er of times that an MMI p ort was alloc ated  to a 
    c all. Keep in mind that a 2-c hannel call occ upies 2 ports, so 
    this numb er d oes not nec essarily reflec t the numb er of c alls 
    that took p lac e. Also, p oint-to-p oint c alls d o not use MMI 
    resourc es, so these alloc ations are for c onversion c alls of 
    multimed ia c onferenc es. 
    DenialsTotal numb er of times an MMI port was need ed  b ut c ould  not 
    b e alloc ated bec ause all p orts were b usy. Id eally, this 
    numb er should  b e zero. If you see d enials on a reg ular b asis, 
    you should  c onsid er ad d ing  MMIs to your system.
    Out of Srv 
    - CCSThe total time, in CCS units, that any MMI p orts were out of 
    servic e d uring  any p art of the measured  interval. 
    % APB 
    Perc ent All Ports Busy. The p erc entag e of time during  the 
    measured  interval that all MMI p orts are unavailab le to c arry a 
    new c all.
    % Blockage
    The perc entag e of attemp ted alloc ations of MMI ports that 
    are not suc c essful. This value is c alc ulated  as % b loc kag e =  
    (MMI Denials / Total Alloc  +  MMI Denials) * 100
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-110 ESM Reports 
    ESM Reports
    ESM rep orts show traffic  over the MMI that is c ab led  to the ESM. 
    To d isp lay a ESM hourly rep ort: 
    1. Type list measurements esm hourly [print/schedule]
     and press 
    RETU RN.
    To d isp lay a ESM summary rep ort: 
    1. Type list measurements esm summary  [print/schedule]
     and  p ress 
    Required Fields: There is one req uired  field  for this c ommand  — 
    . You must c hoose one of these. 
    nEn t e r  yesterday-peak
     to list the ac tivity for yesterd ay’s peak hour. 
    nEn t e r  today-peak
     to list the ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. 
    nEn t e r  last hour
     to list the ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted  
    The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest 
    usag e.
    Options: The print
     and  schedule
     op tions are availab le for this c ommand . 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-111 ESM Reports 
    Screen 3-35 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the ESM Hourly Rep ort. Screen 3-36 
    shows a typ ic al sc reen for the ESM Summary Rep ort. The time and  d ate the 
    rep ort is req uested displays at the top  rig ht. Table 3-30
     describes the data 
    p resented  in the ESM Hourly and ESM Summary Rep orts.
    Screen 3-35. ESM Hourly Report — Page 1
    Screen 3-36. ESM Summary Report
    list measurements esm hourly Page 1
    Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name               Date: 11:33 am  TUE JUL 31, 19xx
    Meas Avail Avail Total Total  MMI Out of  %  %
    Hour Ports Usage Usage Alloc Denials Srv-CCS APB Blockage
    1900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           press CANCEL to quit -- Press NEXT PAGE to continue
    list measurements esm summary today-peak Page 1
    Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name               Date: 11:33 am  TUE JUL 31, 19xx
    Peak Hour for all ESM-MMIs : 1100
    Meas Avail Avail Total Total  MMI Out of  %  %
    Hour Ports Usage Usage Alloc Denials Srv-CCS APB Blockage
    1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-112 ESM Reports 
    Table 3-30. ESM Summary Report
    Field Description
    NameThe name of the switc h that c ontains the ESM-MMIs.
    The date and  time that you req uested  the rep ort, or that the 
    report was run, if sched uled . 
    Peak Hour 
    For All 
    ESM-MMIsIf you use the yesterday-peak or today-peak qualifiers, this 
    field  d isp lays the hour of greatest usag e for the sp ec ified  d ay.
    Meas Hour
    The hour for whic h these measurements app ly, on the 
    24-hour clock.
    PortsTotal network ESM-MMIs in the system.
    UsageTotal time, in CCS units, that is availab le in the system for 
    ESM-MMI p orts.
    UsageThe total time, in CCS units, that ESM-MMI p orts are in use on 
    a c all. Inc lud es the time that the p orts are out of servic e or 
    maintenanc e busy. Usage is measured from the time the port 
    is alloc ated  until it is released.
    AllocThe total numb er of times that an ESM-MMI p ort was 
    alloc ated  to a c all.
    DenialsTotal numb er of times an ESM-MMI p ort was need ed  b ut 
    could not be allocated because all ports were busy.
    Out Srv
    The total time, in CCS units, that any ESM-MMI p orts were out 
    of service during any part of the measured interval.
    %APB (all 
    busy)The perc entag e of time d uring  the measured  interval that all 
    ESM-MMI p orts are unavailab le to c arry a new c all.
    % Blockage
    The perc entag e of attemp ted alloc ations of ESM-MMI p orts 
    that are not suc c essful.This value is c alc ulated  as % 
    b loc kag e =  (MMI Denials / Total Alloc  +  MMI Denials) * 100
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-113 VC Reports 
    VC Reports
    To d isp lay a VC hourly rep ort: 
    1. Type list measurements voice-conditioners hourly [print/schedule]
    and  p ress 
    To d isp lay a VC summary rep ort: 
    1. Type list measurements voice-conditioners summary 
     and press 
    RETU RN.
    Required Fields: There is one req uired  field  for this c ommand  — 
    . You must c hoose one of these. 
    nEn t e r  yesterday-peak
     to list the ac tivity for yesterd ay’s peak hour. 
    nEn t e r  today-peak
     to list the ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. 
    nEn t e r  last hour
     to list the ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted  
    The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest 
    usag e.
    Options: The print
     and  schedule
     op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
    Screen 3-37 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the VC Hourly Rep ort. Screen 3-38 shows 
    a typ ic al sc reen for the VC Summary Report. The time and  d ate the rep ort is 
    requested displays at the top right. Table 3-31
     describes the data presented in 
    the VC Hourly and  VC Summary Rep orts. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-114 VC Reports 
    Screen 3-37. VC Hourly Report — Page 1
    Screen 3-38. VC Summary Report
    Table 3-31. VC Summary
    Field Description
    NameThe name of the switc h that c ontains the VCs. 
    The date and  time that you req uested  the rep ort, or that the 
    report was run, if sched uled . 
    Peak Hour 
    For All VCIf you use the yesterday-peak or today-peak qualifiers, this 
    field  d isp lays the hour of g reatest usag e for the sp ec ified  d ay. 
    Meas Hour
    The hour for whic h these measurements app ly, on the 
    24-hour clock. 
    Continued on next page
    list measurements esm hourly Page 1
    Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name               Date: 11:33 am  TUE JUL 31, 19xx
    Meas # ---------USAGE--------- --ALLOCATIONS--- -----DENIALS---- Out  %  %
    Hour Prt Avail H320 Voice Total H320 Voice Total H320 Voice Total Srv APB Blk
    1900 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1800 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1700 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1600 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1500 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1400 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1300 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1200 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1100 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    1000 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0900 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0800 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           press CANCEL to quit -- Press NEXT PAGE to continue
    list measurements vc summary today-peak Page 1
    Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name               Date: 11:33 am  TUE JUL 31, 19xx
    Peak Hour for all VC : 1100
    Meas # ---------USAGE--------- --ALLOCATIONS--- -----DENIALS---- Out  %  %
    Hour Prt Avail H320 Voice Total H320 Voice Total H320 Voice Total Srv APB Blk
    1100 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-115 VC Reports 
    # Prt
    Total numb er of VC p orts in the system.
    Usage - 
    AvailTotal time, in CCS, that all VC p orts are availab le in the 
    system. Calc ulated  as #MMI p orts x 36. 
    Usage - 
    H320Total time that VC p orts are alloc ated  to H320 endp oints.
    Usage - 
    VoiceTotal time VC p orts are alloc ated  to voic e end p oints.
    -TotalTotal time, in CCS units, that VC p orts are unavailab le to c arry 
    a new c all. This inc ludes time that the p orts are b usy on a 
    c all, out of servic e or maintenanc e b usy. Measured  from the 
    time that the p ort is alloc ated  until it is released .
    s - TotalTotal number of times a VC p ort was alloc ated  to a c all. Eac h 
    B-c hannel used on a multimed ia c all c ounts as one 
    20Numb er of times a p ort was need ed  for an H320 c all, b ut was 
    not available.
    -voiceNumb er of times a port was need ed  for a voic e c all, b ut was 
    not available.
    talTotal numb er of times a VC p ort was need ed  for any c all, b ut 
    was not alloc ated  b ec ause all VC p orts were b usy.
    Out Srv
    The total time, in CCS units, that any MMI p orts were out of 
    servic e d uring  any p art of the measured  interval.
    %APB (all 
    busy)The perc entag e of time d uring  the measured  interval that all 
    MMI ports are unavailable to carry a new call.
    % Blockage
    The perc entag e of attemp ted alloc ations of MMI ports that 
    are not suc c essful. This value is c alc ulated  as % b loc kag e =  
    (MMI Denials / Total Alloc  +  MMI Denials) * 100
    Table 3-31. VC Summary
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-116 Performance Summary Report 
    Performance Summary Report
    This sec tion d esc rib es the traffic  measurements Performanc e Summary Rep ort. 
    The Performanc e Summary Rep ort summarizes the Peak Hour Trunk Bloc king  
    Daily Routing  Pattern traffic  d ata, Trunks Out of Servic e, and  Trunks Not Used . 
    The system g ives a summary rep ort for the p revious d ay or the c urrent d ay.
    To d isp lay the Performance Summary Rep ort:
    1. Type list performance summary  [print/schedule] 
    and  p ress 
    Required Fields: There is one req uired  field  for this c ommand  — 
    nEn t e r  yesterday 
    to list a summary of the ac tivity for yesterd ay. 
    nEn t e r  today
     to list a summary of the ac tivity for tod ay.
    Options: The print 
    and  schedule
     op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
    Screen 3-39 and  Screen 3-40 show typ ic al sc reens for the Performanc e 
    Summary Rep ort. On eac h sc reen, the time and  d ate the rep ort is req uested 
    displays at the top right. The report displays the information both graphically and 
    numeric ally. Table 3-32
     d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented  in the Performanc e 
    Su m m a r y  Re p o r t .
    Screen 3-39. Performance Summary Report (Page 1)
    list performance summary yesterday                                Page 1
    Switch Name:  Cust_Switch_Name            Date: 4:38 pm  SAT MAY 19, 19xx
    Grp  - %Out Blocking or % ATB - Grp     Grp   - % Calls Per Group Type -   %
    No.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 50 Blk     Type  1 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Calls
    54   ////////////////////////   42      co    ///////////////////        62
    59   ///////////////////////    39      fx    ////////                   28
    58   ///////////////////////    36      wats  //                          5
    63   ///////////////////////    34      tie   //                          5
    61   ////////////////////       10      misc                              0 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-117 Performance Summary Report 
    Screen 3-40.  Performance Summary Report (Page 2)
    Table 3-32. Performance Summary Report 
    Field Description
    BLOCKINGLists up  to a maximum of five trunk g roup s with the highest p erc ent of 
    b loc king  in a measurement hour (for examp le, Grp  No. 54 had  42 
    p erc ent b loc king). For inc oming trunk g roup s, the p erc ent of bloc king  
    is referred  to as Perc ent All Trunks Busy (% ATB). For outg oing  and  
    two-way trunk g roups, the p erc ent bloc king  is referred  to as % Out 
    % ATB is the p erc entag e of time that all trunks in the trunk group  were 
    simultaneously in use d uring the measurement interval.
    % Out Bloc king  is the p erc entag e of outg oing  c alls that arrive when all 
    trunks are b usy (ATB). For trunk group s with no queue, the c alls not 
    c arried  are those c alls that c ould  not b e c arried  over any trunk 
    member. For trunk g roup s with q ueues, the c alls not c arried  are those 
    c alls that c ould  not b e c arried over any trunk member and  c ould  not 
    b e q ueued  b ec ause the q ueue was full (for examp le, the Queue 
    Overflow c alls).
    Suggested Action:
     You should  d etermine the exac t reason that a 
    trunk group  is b loc king  c alls. To d etermine if bloc king  is b eing  c aused  
    b y a hig h volume of c alls, refer to Trunk Group Performance Report
    (for the ind ic ated  trunk g roup ). If it is b ec ause of c alling volume alone, 
    c onsider the possibility of ad d ing  more memb ers to the trunk g roup .
    The Total Calls field  on the Trunk Group  Performanc e rep ort ind ic ates 
    the c alling  volume. If b loc king  is not b ec ause of c alling  volume, the 
    reason must be bec ause trunks are in the maintenance busy state. 
    Determine whether maintenanc e p ersonnel have b een or should  b e 
    Continued on next page
    list performance summary yesterday                                Page 2
    Switch Name:  Cust_Switch_Name            Date: 4:38 pm  SAT MAY 19, 19xx
    Grp  Trunks Out Of Service All Day      Grp  Trunks Not Used All Day
    No.  -----------------------------      No.  ------------------------------
    41     9 19                             55   1
    73     7                                60   9
    211    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10             223  19 20 21 22 23
    more trunks out of service          more trunks not used
    Command successfully completed
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-118 Performance Summary Report 
    CARRIEDThe perc entag e of c alls c arried , on a per trunk typ e b asis b y the 25 
    routing patterns selec ted and measured (with the change 
    meas-selection route-pattern
     command). The report displays the 
    information both g rap hic ally and  numeric ally. 
    This measurement is simp ly a summation of the Total Calls Carried  on 
    a p er trunk typ e b asis for the trunk g roup s listed  in the measured  
    route-p atterns, d ivid ed by the system wid e Total Calls Carried  for all 
    trunk types all d ay. The trunk group  typ es for whic h routing  p attern 
    p erformanc e is rep orted  in the summary rep ort are: c o, fx, wats, tie, 
    and  misc . The tie trunk g roup typ e inc lud es b oth internal and  external 
    tie, b oth internal and  external Ad vanc ed  Private Line Termination 
    (APLT) ac c ess, and tand em trunk g roup  types. The term misc  
    rep resents all other remaining  trunk g roup  typ es over whic h 
    ARS/AAR/UDP c alls may b e routed .
    OF SERVICELists trunk g roup s with out-of-servic e trunks over the rep ort interval. A 
    list of the first ten trunks out of servic e is also given. The ind ic ation 
    “ more trunks out of servic e”  is given if there are more than four trunk 
    g roup s with out of servic e trunks or more than 10 memb ers are out of 
    servic e in any of the g roup s listed .
    This measurement is a summary of the list measurements 
     rep ort.
    USEDLists trunk g roup s with trunks not used  over the rep ort interval 
    (yesterd ay or tod ay). A list of the first five trunks, in eac h of the 
    id entified  g roup s, not used  is also listed . The ind ic ation “ more trunks 
    not used ”  is g iven if there are more than four trunk group s with trunks 
    not used  or whenever more than five memb ers are not used in any of 
    the g roup s listed .
    Suggested Action:
     You should  determine the exac t reason the trunks 
    are not being used. Is the reason because there are more trunks than 
    ac tually needed  or b ec ause there is a p rob lem? If the id entified  trunk 
    g roup  has a larg e number of memb ers and  there are several trunks 
    within that trunk group  that rec eive few or zero c alls, then the ob vious 
    c onc lusion is there are more trunk memb ers than need ed  for the trunk 
    g roup . As a c ontrast, if there is only one trunk memb er id entified  for 
    the trunk g roup  and that memb er has zero c alls, then the trunk 
    probably is defective.
    Table 3-32. Performance Summary Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
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