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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-9 Attendant Group Report 3 Time Held Also referred to as Held Time. The total amount of time (measured in sec ond s) the attend ants have c alls on hold . Time Abnd Also referred to as Time to Ab and oned. The averag e amount of time c alls sp end in q ueue and /or ring ing at the c onsole b efore the c allers hang up (measured in sec ond s). NOTE: Time to ab and oned d oes not inc lud e c alls that overflow the attend ant g roup queue. Suggested Action: If the Time to Ab and oned numb er is smaller than the Sp eed of Answer numb er then you need more ag ents. As a c ontrast, if the Time to Ab and oned numb er is larg er than the Sp eed of Answer numb er, then the attend ant g roup should proc ess the c alls faster. The attendant group should be engineered so “Time to Abandoned” approximately equals “Avg Delay” . NOTE: If the average time to ab and on is eq ual to or exc eed s 9999 sec ond s, the value 9999 d isp lays in the field . Table 3-1. Attendant Group Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page Time To Abandoned= Total Number o f Calls Abandoned Total Delay For All Abandoned Calls(in seconds) _ ___________________________________________ Total Delay= (Time To Abandoned)´(# o f Abandoned Calls)+ (Speedo f Answer)´(# o f CallsAnswered) Avg Delay= Calls Answered+Calls Aband Total Delay _ ____________________________
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-10 Attendant Group Report 3 Speed Ans (Sec)Sp eed of Answer. The average elapsed time from when a call terminates at the attend ant g roup to when the c all is answered b y an attend ant (measured in sec ond s). The averag e time c alls wait to ring an attend ant (Queue Usag e / Calls Answered ). The Queue Usag e is the total time c alls sp end in the Attend ant Queue. NOTE: Calls terminate either d irec tly to an attend ant c onsole and sub seq uently b egin ring ing or in the attend ant q ueue when there are no attendant positions available. NOTE: If the average time to ab and on is eq ual to or exc eed s 9999 sec ond s, the value 9999 d isp lays in the field . Suggested Action: If this numb er ap pears to b e too hig h and all attend ants are working at ac c ep tab le effic ienc y levels, c onsid er add itional training that may help the attend ants c omp lete c alls more q uic kly. Alternatively, ob serve the hours d uring whic h sp eed of servic e b ec omes unac c ep table and c onsid er add ing c onsoles and staffing ad d itional attend ants d uring those hours. Table 3-1. Attendant Group Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page Speed o f Answer= Total Number o f Calls Answered Total Delay For All Answered Calls(in seconds) _ __________________________________________
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-11 Attendant Positions Report 3 Attendant Positions Report The Attend ant Positions rep ort p rovid es hourly ind ivid ual attend ant p osition measurements. It is used to assess p ersonnel p erformanc e, and to identify when ad d itional training may b e nec essary. Command To d isp lay the Attend ant Positions rep ort: 1. Type list measurements attendant positions [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-2 and Screen 3-3 show a typ ic al Attend ant Positions rep ort. Table 3-2 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Attend ant Positions rep ort. Screen 3-2. Typical Attendant Positions report — Page 1 Screen 3-3. Typical Attendant Positions report — Page 2 list measurements attendant positions Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 4:46 pm WED NOV 27, 19xx ATTENDANT POSITIONS MEASUREMENTS Yesterday’s Peak Today’s Peak Last Hour Meas Hour: 0 Meas Hour: 1200 Meas Hour: 1500 Attd ------ Time ------ Calls ------ Time ------ Calls ------ Time ------ Calls ID Avail Talk Held Ans Avail Talk Held Ans Avail Talk Held Ans 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 27 9 0 127 28 8 0 126 7 0 0 0 0 26 10 0 125 28 8 0 126 8 0 0 0 0 26 10 0 125 28 8 0 126 9 0 0 0 0 26 10 0 125 28 8 0 126 10 0 0 0 0 27 9 0 126 28 8 0 126 15 0 0 0 0 26 10 0 126 28 8 0 125 press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue list measurements attendant positions Page 2 Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 4:46 pm WED NOV 27, 19xx ATTENDANT POSITIONS MEASUREMENTS Yesterday’s Peak Today’s Peak Last Hour Meas Hour: 0 Meas Hour: 1200 Meas Hour: 1500 Attd ------ Time ------ Calls ------ Time ------ Calls ------ Time ------ Calls ID Avail Talk Held Ans Avail Talk Held Ans Avail Talk Held Ans 20 0 0 0 0 27 9 0 126 28 8 0 126 25 0 0 0 0 27 9 0 126 28 8 0 126
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-12 Attendant Positions Report 3 Table 3-2. Attendant Positions Report Field Description Attd ID Attend ant ID. A numb er b etween 1 and the maximum numb er of attend ants to id entify whic h attend ant’s d ata is b eing displayed This numb er is c hosen b y the user up on ad ministering this attend ant. Time Talk The time the attendant is ac tive on c alls (in CCS). Time Talk is measured from the time the attend ant ac tivates an attend ant loop until the loop is released . If more than one loop is ac tive on an attend ant c onsole at one time, the usag e is c ounted only onc e (for examp le, one attend ant is not counted as being busy more than once at a single time). Time Held The time the attend ant had c alls on hold (measured in sec ond s). Time Avail Tim e A va il ab le. The total time the sub jec t attend ant is availab le to receive calls d uring the p olling interval (measured in CCS). Calls Ans Calls Answered. The total number of c alls answered b y this attend ant (measured in CCS). Calls p lac ed to an ind ivid ual attend ant extension or that route to an attend ant via a hunt g roup d o not inc rement the Calls Ans. c ounter.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-13 Attendant Performance Report 3 Attendant Performance Report The Attend ant Performanc e rep ort g ives the c onsole attendant g roup averag e sp eed of answer for eac h hour of a 24-hour p eriod , for either yesterd ay or tod ay. Command To d isp lay the Attend ant Performanc e report: 1. Type list performance attendant [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday/today . nEn t e r yesterday to list the attend ant g roup ac tivity for yesterd ay. nEn t e r today to list the attend ant g roup ac tivity for tod ay. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-4 and Screen 3-5 show typ ic al sc reens for the Attend ant Performanc e report, using the yesterday option. Pag e 1 of the d isp lay shows hours from 0000 (mid nig ht) throug h 1100 (11:00 am), and Pag e 2 shows hours from 1200 (noon) throug h 2300 (11:00 p m). As shown at the b ottom of Pag e 1, p ress CANCEL to exit the Attend ant Performanc e rep ort, or p ress N EXT PA GE to see the Page 2. Table 3-3 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Attendant Performanc e rep ort. Screen 3-4. Attendant Performance report — Page 1 list performance attendant yesterday Page 1 Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 1:58 pm THU MAR 29, 19xx ATTENDANT SPEED OF ANSWER Meas ----------------Average Speed of Answer (sec) ------------- Speed Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 200 Ans(sec) 0 0 100 0 200 0 300 0 400 0 500 0 600 0 700 /////// 3 800 ///////////// 5 900 ///////////// 5 1000 ///////////// 5 1100 /////////////////// 7 press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-14 Attendant Performance Report 3 Screen 3-5. Attendant Performance report — Page 2 Table 3-3. Attendant Performance Report Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using the 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . Average Speed of Answer (sec)A graphic d isp lay of the averag e time taken b y attend ants to answer calls. Speed Ans (sec) Sp eed of Answer (in sec ond s). The averag e sp eed of answer is also d isp layed numerically in second s for eac h hour in the rep ort interval. Suggested Action: If this numb er ap p ears to be too hig h and all attendants are working at ac ceptable efficiency levels, c onsid er ad d itional training that may help the attend ants c omp lete c alls more q uic kly. Alternatively, ob serve the hours d uring whic h sp eed of answer b ec omes unac c ep tab le and c onsid er ad ding c onsoles and scheduling more attendants during those hours. list performance attendant yesterday Page 2 Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 1:58 pm THU MAR 29, 19xx ATTENDANT SPEED OF ANSWER Meas ----------------Average Speed of Answer (sec) ------------- Speed Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 200 Ans(sec) 1200 //////////////// 6 1300 ///////////// 5 1400 ////////////////////////////////// 17 1500 ///////////// 5 1600 ///////////////////////// 9 1700 //// 2 1800 0 1900 0 2000 0 2100 0 2200 0 2300 0 Command successfully completed Command:
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-15 Attendant Performance Report 3 Data Analysis Guidelines The following guid elines are intend ed to show an easy method for determining whether c urrently rep orted d ata is ac c ep tab le or not. These g uid elines represent the minimum you should d o to verify the rec orded measurement values are c onsistent with exp ec ted and historic values. You should p erform ad d itional checks as necessary. To c hec k the ac c eptab ility of hourly Attend ant Measurements rep orts, verify the following : nThe system c loc k or g roup size was not c hang ed d uring the measurement hour. If the system c loc k was c hang ed , the minutes field d isp lays doub le asterisks (for examp le, 11**) and all other field s (for the ind ic ated time interval) d isp lay zero. nThe Averag e Work Time (AWT) typ ic ally rang es b etween 10 and 30 sec ond s p er c all (d ifferent values may b e ac c eptab le for sp ec ific applications). NOTE: Time Talk (in CCS) p lus Time Avail (in CCS) should not exc eed 36 X the g roup size. For examp le, with two attend ant p ositions, this should not exc eed 2 X 36 = 72 CCS for d ata c ollec tion. NOTE: The attend ant c an have up to six c alls on hold at one time. Analyzing the Report Data To use the Attend ant Measurements rep orts to estimate the numb er of attend ant p ositions for the ap p lic ation, you need ad d itional d ata. The ad d itional d ata need ed c an b e c alc ulated using d ata from the rep orts whic h you sub seq uently rec ord ed on the Worksheet 1. The following p arag rap hs d esc rib e how to use d ata from the c omp leted Worksheet 1 to evaluate Averag e Work Time, Staffed Time, Attend ant Offered Load , Perc ent Oc c up anc y, and Perc ent of Calls Queued . NOTE: The Attend ant Data Worksheet serves to b ac kup the d ata from the rep orts and to p rovid e an easy means for id entifying the p eak hour. The d ata from the identified p eak hour should b e used in subseq uent c alc ulations.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-16 Attendant Performance Report 3 Average Work Time The AWT is the averag e numb er of sec ond s it takes attend ants to p roc ess c alls. The numb er of c alls answered and the total time the attend ants are busy hand ling these c alls (Talk Time) are used to d etermine the AWT. To d etermine AWT, use the fig ures for Talk Time, Time Held (p rovid ed that time held is c onsid ered to b e a part of the ag ent’s normal work time), and Calls Answered from the measurements rep ort in the following eq uation: Example : The typ ic al rep ort sc reen shown earlier in this sec tion (see Screen 3-1 ) lists the following data for yesterd ay’s p eak hour: nTime Talk = 43 CCS or 4300 sec ond s nTime Held = 4 CCS or 400 sec ond s nCalls Answered = 170 Using these fig ures as an examp le, the averag e work time is: Staffed Time Staffed time is the time the attend ant p ositions are ac tive (read y for c alls). If staffed time (p er ag ent) equals 36 CCS, then all agents were ac tive for the full hour. Using Screen 3-1 as an examp le, staffed time p er agent is: AWT=ì ï îCalls Answered Talk Time+Time Held CCS _ _________________________ü ï þ´ì ï îCCS 100Seconds ___________ü ï þ AWT=ì ï î170calls 43CCS+4CCS _ _______________ü ï þ´100Seconds=27. 6Seconds per call Sta ff ed Time(per Agent)= # o f Agents Time Available+Talk Time _ ___________________________ Sta ff ed Time(per Agent)= 2 29CCS+43CCS _ ___________________ =36CCS
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-17 Attendant Performance Report 3 Attendant Offered Load The Attend ant Offered Load (AOL) is the sum of the Calls Answered p lus Calls Ab and oned times the AWT (Averag e Work Time). You c an d etermine the AOL with the following eq uation: Example : The typ ic al rep ort sc reen shown earlier in this sec tion (see Screen 3-1 ) lists the following data for yesterd ay’s p eak hour: nCalls Answered = 170 nCalls Aband oned = 3 And from the calculations in the previous example: nAWT = 27.6 Sec ond s Percent Occupancy The oc c up anc y level may be exp ressed as a func tion of the total time of the measurement hour or a func tion of the time the positions were ac tive and attend ed . Generally, it is expec ted all p ositions are staffed 100 p erc ent of the time d uring the p eak b usy hour. Therefore, the measurement Perc ent Oc c up anc y (total time) is suffic ient in most instanc es. Assuming attend ant p ositions are staffed 100 p erc ent of the time, then eac h p osition c an hand le 36 CCS of load d uring the p eak hour. Therefore, b ased up on the c alc ulated AOL of 47.75 CCS, two attend ant p ositions are req uired . The two status reports monitor system view1 and monitor system view2 , c an b e used to d isp lay status of the attendant c onsole p ositions. Sp ec ific ally, you c an use these two rep orts to d etermine, on an instantaneous b asis, how many attend ant p ositions are ac tivated , and the id entifying numb er of those d eac tivated . NOTE: Sinc e the monitor system view1 and view2 commands not only display status of the attend ant c onsoles but also maintenanc e and traffic status, they are inc luded in this c hap ter und er the head ing System Status. For this examp le, the p erc ent oc c upanc y is c alc ulated as follows: AOL(in seconds)=(Calls Ans+Calls Aband)´AWT in seconds AOL(in CCS)= 100 AOL in seconds _ _____________ Maximum Possible Usage=36CCS´Total # o f Members
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-18 Attendant Performance Report 3 Suggested Actions: You should staff a suffic ient numb er of p ositions so the attend ants are neither und erworked nor overworked . If the p erc ent oc c up anc y is high and the time availab le (from the Worksheet) is low, the rec ommend ation is to staff another attend ant p osition. If the p erc ent oc c up anc y is low and the time availab le (from the worksheet) is hig h, the rec ommendation is to staff fewer attend ant p ositions. NOTE: The Perc ent Oc c upanc y should not exc eed 92% (even on larg e systems with several attend ant c onsoles). The 92% is a human fac tors limitation and does not apply to hardware servers. The formula for c alc ulating “ Perc ent Oc c up anc y (attend ed )” is as follows: When all p ositions of the attendant g roup are staffed , the eq uation for p erc ent oc c up anc y (attended ) yields the same results as the eq uation for perc ent oc c up anc y (total time). Percent of Calls Queued As the p erc ent of c alls q ueued inc reases, the Sp eed of Ans field also inc reases. Callers are more likely to b ec ome frustrated as they are d elayed and more likely to ab and on their c alls, thus c ontrib uting to the p erc ep tion that the level of servic e has d ec reased. Perc ent of Calls Queued (or d elayed ) is d efined as follows: Percent Occupancy(attended)= Time Avail+Time Talk AOL _ _____________________ ´100 %Queued= Calls Ans+Calls Aband Calls Queued _ _______________________ %Queued= 170calls+3calls 78calls _ __________________ = 173calls 78calls _ ________ =45 %