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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-15 CSM Centralized System Manag ement CSS See center-stag e switc h (CSS) . CSSO Customer Services Supp ort Org anization CSU Channel service unit CTS Clear to Send CWC See call work code . D DAC 1. Dial ac c ess c od e or Direc t Ag ent Calling 2. See digital-to-analog converter (DAC) . data channel A communications p ath between two p oints used to transmit d ig ital sig nals. data-communications equipment (DCE) The eq uip ment (usually a modem, d ata mod ule, or pac ket assemb ler/disassemb ler) on the network sid e of a communications link that makes the b inary serial d ata from the source or transmitter c omp atib le with the communications c hannel. data link The config uration of physical fac ilities enabling end terminals to c ommunic ate direc tly with eac h other. data module An interconnection d evic e between a BRI or DCP interfac e of the switch and data terminal eq uip ment or d ata communications equipment. data path The end-to-end c onnection used for a d ata communications link. A d ata p ath is the c ombination of all elements of an interp roc essor communication in a DCS. data port A point of acc ess to a c omp uter that uses trunks or lines for transmitting or rec eiving d ata. data rate See bit rate . data service unit (DSU) A devic e that transmits d ig ital d ata on transmission facilities. data terminal An inp ut/output (I/O) d evice that has either switc hed or d irect acc ess to a host comp uter or to a p rocessor interface.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-16 data terminal equipment (DTE) Equipment consisting of the end p oints in a c onnection over a d ata c irc uit. In a c onnection b etween a d ata terminal and host, the terminal, the host, and their assoc iated mod ems or d ata mod ules make up the DTE. dB Dec ib el dBA Dec ib els in reference to amp eres. dBrnC Dec ib els above reference noise with C filter. DC Direct c urrent DCE Data-c ommunic ations eq uip ment D-channel backup Typ e of b ac kup used with Non-Fac ility Assoc iated Sig naling (NFAS). A p rimary D-c hannel p rovid es sig naling for an NFAS D-channel g roup (two or more PRI fac ilities). A sec ond D-c hannel, on a sep arate PRI facility of the NFAS D-channel g roup , is d esig nated as b ackup for the D-channel. Failure of the p rimary D-c hannel causes automatic transfer of call-c ontrol signaling to the bac kup D-c hannel. The b ackup b ec omes the p rimary D-c hannel. When the failed c hannel returns to servic e, it b ecomes the b ackup D-c hannel. DCO Dig ital central offic e DCP Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol DCS Distrib uted Communic ations System DDC Direct Department Calling DDD Direct Distanc e Dialing delay-dial trunk A trunk that allows d ialing d irectly into a c ommunic ations system (d igits are rec eived as they are d ialed ). denying a request Send ing a neg ative acknowled g ement (NAK), d one b y sending an FIE with a return error comp onent (and a c ause value). It should not b e confused with the d enial event report that ap plies to c alls. designated voice terminal The sp ecific voice terminal to whic h calls, orig inally d irected to a certain extension, are redirec ted . Commonly used to mean the forward ed -to terminal when Call Forward ing All Calls is ac tive. dial-repeating trunks A PBX tie trunk that is cap ab le of hand ling PBX station-signaling information without attendant assistanc e.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-17 dial-repeating tie trunk A tie trunk that transmits c alled -p arty ad d ressing information between two c ommunic ations systems. DID Direc t Inward Dialing digit conversion A process used to c onvert spec ific d ialed numbers into other d ialed numb ers. digital The rep resentation of information b y d isc rete step s. See also analog . digital communications protocol (DCP) nA proprietary protocol used to transmit both digitized voice and digitized data over the same c ommunic ations link. A DCP link is mad e up of two 64-kb p s information (I-) c hannels and one 8-kb p s sig naling (S-) c hannel. Dig ital Communications Protoc ol. The DCP p rotocol supp orts 2 information-b earing c hannels, and thus two telep hones/data mod ules. The I1 c hannel is the DCP c hannel assig ned on the first p ag e of the 8411 station form. The I2 c hannel is the DCP channel assig ned on the analog ad junc t pag e of the 8411 station form or on the d ata mod ule pag e. nDig ital Communications Protocol. The DCP protoc ol sup ports 2 information-bearing c hannels, and thus two telep hones/d ata modules. The I1 channel is the DCP c hannel assigned on the first p ag e of the 8411 station form. The I2 c hannel is the DCP c hannel assigned on the analog adjunc t pag e of the 8411 station form or on the d ata module p ag e. digital data endpoints In DEFINITY ECS, devic es such as the 510D terminal or the 515-type b usiness c ommunic ations terminal (BCT). digital multiplexed interface (DMI) An interface that p rovid es connec tivity b etween a c ommunic ations system and a host c omp uter or b etween two c ommunic ations systems using DS1 24th-c hannel sig naling . DMI provid es 23 64-kb p s d ata c hannels and 1 c ommon-sig naling c hannel over a twisted-p air c onnec tion. DMI is offered through two cap ab ilities: b it-oriented sig naling (DMI-BOS) and messag e-oriented sig naling (DMI-MOS). digital signal level 0 (DS0) A sing le 64-kb ps voic e c hannel. A DS0 is a single 64-kb p s c hannel in a T1 or E1 fac ility and consists of eig ht b its in a T1 or E1 frame every 125 mic rosec ond s. digital signal level 1 (DS1) A sing le 1.544-Mb ps (United States) or 2.048-Mb p s (outsid e the United States) d ig ital sig nal carried on a T1 transmission fac ility. A DS1 converter c omplex c onsists of a p air, one at eac h end, of DS1 c onverter c ircuit p acks and the assoc iated T1/E1 facilities. digital terminal data module (DTDM) An integ rated or ad junc t d ata mod ule that shares with a d ig ital telep hone the same p hysic al p ort for c onnection to a c ommunic ations system. The func tion of a DTDM is similar to that of a PDM and MPDM in that it c onverts RS-232C sig nals to DCP sig nals.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-18 digital-to-analog converter (DAC) A devic e that c onverts d ata in d ig ital form to the c orresp ond ing analog sig nals. See also analog -to-d ig ital converter (ADC) . digital transmission A mod e of transmission in whic h information to be transmitted is first converted to dig ital form and then transmitted as a serial stream of pulses. digital trunk A circ uit that carries d ig ital voice and /or d igital d ata in a telec ommunic ations c hannel. DIOD Direct Inward and Outward Dialing direct agent A feature, acc essed only via ASAI, that allows a call to b e p laced in a sp lit q ueue b ut routed only to a spec ific ag ent in that sp lit. The c all receives normal ACD c all treatment (for examp le, announcements) and is measured as an ACD c all while ensuring that a p artic ular ag ent answers. Direct Extension Selection (DXS) A feature on an attend ant console that allows an attend ant d irec t ac c ess to voic e terminals b y p ressing a g roup-select b utton and a DXS b utton. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) A feature that allows an incoming c all from the pub lic network (not FX or WATS) to reac h a spec ific telep hone without attend ant assistance. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) trunk An inc oming trunk used for d ialing d irec tly from the pub lic network into a communic ations system without help from the attend ant. disk drive An elec tromechanic al d evic e that stores data on and retrieves d ata from one or more d isks. distributed communications system (DCS) A network c onfig uration linking two or more c ommunic ations systems in suc h a way that selec ted features ap p ear to op erate as if the network were one system. DIVA Data In/Voic e Answer DLC Data line c irc uit DLDM Data-line data module DMI Dig ital-multip lexed interfac e DND Do not d isturb DNIS Dialed -Numb er Id entific ation Servic e DOD Direct Outward Dialing
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-19 domain VDNs, ACD sp lits, and stations. The VDN d omain is used for active-notific ation assoc iations. The ACD-sp lit d omain is for ac tive-notification associations and d omain-c ontrol associations. The station d omain is used for the d omain-c ontrol assoc iations. domain-control association A Third Party Domain Control Req uest c apab ility initiates a uniq ue CRV/link numb er c ombination, whic h is referred to as a d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. domain-controlled split A sp lit for which Third Party Domain Control req uest has b een acc ep ted. A d omain-c ontrolled sp lit p rovid es an event rep ort for log out. domain-controlled station A station for which a Third _Party_Domain_Control req uest has b een ac cep ted . A d omain-c ontrolled station p rovid es event rep orts for c alls that are alerting , c onnected, or held at the station. domain-controlled station on a call A station that is active on a c all, and whic h p rovid es event rep orts over one or two d omain-control assoc iations. DOSS Delivery Operations Sup p ort System DOT Dup lic ation Option Terminal DPM Dial Plan Manag er DPR Dual-port RAM DS1 Digital Signal Level 1 DS1C Dig ital Sig nal Level-1 p rotoc ol C DS1 CONV Dig ital Sig nal Level-1 c onverter DSI Digital signal interface DSU Data servic e unit DTDM Dig ital-terminal d ata mod ule DTE Data-terminal eq uip ment DTGS Direct Trunk Group Select DTMF Dual-tone multifreq uenc y
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-20 DTS Disk-tap e system duplicated common control Two p roc essors ensuring continuous op eration of a c ommunic ations system. While one p roc essor is online, the other functions as a b ac kup . The b ac kup p roc essor g oes online period ically or when a p rob lem oc c urs. duplication The use of redundant c omp onents to imp rove availab ility. When a d up lic ated subsystem fails, its b ac kup redund ant system automatically takes over. duplication option A s ys te m o p ti o n t ha t d u p li c a t e s th e f o ll o w in g : c on t rol c a r r ie r c o nt a in i ng t he SPE, EI c i rc ui t p a c ks i n carriers, fiber-optic c abling b etween p ort networks, and c enter-stage switch in a CSS-c onnec ted system. DWBS DEFINITY Wireless Business System DXS Direct extension selection E E1 A dig ital transmission stand ard that c arries traffic at 2.048 Mbp s. The E1 facility is d ivided into 32 channels (DS0s) of 64 kb p s information. Channel 0 is reserved for framing and synchronization information. A D-c hannel oc cup ies c hannel 16. E & M Ear and mouth (rec eive and transmit) EA Exp ansion arc hang el EAL Exp ansion arc hang el link ear and mouth (E & M) signaling Trunk sup ervisory sig naling , used b etween two c ommunic ations systems, whereby signaling information is transferred throug h 2-state voltage conditions (on the E and M leads) for analog ap p lic ations and through a sing le b it for d igital app lic ations. EEBCDIC Extend ed Binary-Cod ed Dec imal Interexc hang e Cod e ECC Error Correc t Cod e ECMA Europ ean Comp uter Manufac turers Assoc iation EFP Electronic p ower feed
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-21 EI Exp ansion interface EIA Electronic Industries Assoc iation EIA-232 A physic al interface sp ecified by the EIA. EIA-232 transmits and receives async hronous d ata at sp eed s of up to 19.2 kbp s over cab le d istanc es of up to 50 feet. EIA-232 rep laces RS-232 p rotocol in some DEFINITY ap plications. electronic tandem network (ETN) A tandem tie-trunk network that has automatic call-routing cap ab ilities b ased on the numb er d ialed and the most preferred route available. Each switch in the network is assig ned a uniq ue p rivate network offic e c od e (RNX), and eac h voic e terminal is assigned a unique extension. Electronics Industries Association (EIA) A trad e assoc iation of the elec tronic s ind ustry that establishes electrical and func tional stand ard s. emergency transfer If a major system failure occ urs, automatic transfer is initiated to a g roup of telep hones c apab le of making outg oing c alls. The system operates in this mode until the failure is repaired and the system automatic ally returns to normal operation. Also called p ower-failure transfer. EMI Electromagnetic interferenc e end-to-end signaling The transmission of touc h-tone sig nals g enerated b y d ialing from a voic e terminal to remote comp uter equip ment. These d ig its are sent over the trunk as DTMF dig its whether the trunk sig naling type is marked as tone or rotary and whether the orig inating station is tone or rotary. Examp le: a c all to a voic e-mail mac hine or automated -attend ant servic e. A connec tion is first estab lished over an outg oing trunk. Then ad ditional d ig its are d ialed to transmit information to be p rocessed b y the c omp uter eq uip ment. enhanced private-switched communications service (EPSCS) An analog p rivate telec ommunic ations network based on the No. 5 crossb ar and 1A ESS that p rovid es ad vanced voic e and d ata telecommunications servic es to c ompanies with many loc ations. EPN Exp ansion-p ort network EPROM Erasab le p rog rammab le read-only memory EPSCS Enhanc ed Private Switc hed Communic ations Services ERL Ec h o re tu r n lo ss Erlang A unit of traffic intensity, or load , used to exp ress the amount of traffic need ed to keep one fac ility b usy for one hour. One Erlang is equal to 36 CCS. See also CCS or hund red call sec ond s . ESF Extend ed sup erframe format
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-22 ESPA Europ e an Sta n d ard Pa g in g A c c es s ETA Extend ed Trunk Ac c ess; also Enhanc ed Terminal Ad ministration ETN Electronic tand em network ETSI Europ ean Telec ommunic ations Stand ard s Institute expansion archangel (EAA) A network-control mic rop roc essor loc ated on an expansion interfac e (EI) port c irc uit p ack in an exp ansion p ort network. The EA provides an interfac e b etween the EPN and its c ontrolling switch-p roc essing element. expansion-archangel link (EAL) A link-ac c ess func tion on the D-c hannel (LAPD) log ical link that exists between a switch-p roc essing element and an exp ansion archang el (EA). The EAL c arries c ontrol messag es from the SPE to the EA and to p ort c irc uit p ac ks in an exp ansion p ort network. expansion control cabinet See expansion c ontrol c arrier . expansion control carrier A carrier in a multic arrier cab inet that c ontains extra p ort circ uit p ac ks and a maintenance interfac e. Also called expansion control c ab inet in a sing le-c arrier c abinet. expansion interface (EI) A port c ircuit p ack in a p ort network that p rovid es the interfac e between a PN’s TDM b us/ p acket b us and a fib er-op tic link. The EI c arries circuit-switc hed data, p acket-switc hed data, network control, timing control, and DS1 c ontrol. In ad d ition, an EI in an expansion p ort network communicates with the master maintenanc e c irc uit pac k to p rovid e the EPN’s environmental and alarm status to the switc h-p roc essing element. expansion port network (EPN) A p ort network (PN) that is connec ted to the TDM b us and p acket b us of a processor p ort network (PPN). Control is ac hieved by ind irec t connec tion of the EPN to the PPN via a p ort-network link (PNL). See also p ort network (PN) . extension-in Extension-In (ExtIn) is the work state agents g o into when they answer (rec eive) a non-ACD c all. If the ag ent is in Manual-In or Auto-In and receives an extension-in c all, it is rec ord ed b y CMS as an AUX-In call. extension-out The work state that ag ents g o into when they p lac e (orig inate) a non-ACD call. external measurements Those ACD measurements that are mad e b y the External CMS ad junc t. extension A 1- to 5-d ig it numb er b y whic h calls are routed throug h a c ommunic ations system or, with a Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) or main-satellite d ialing p lan, through a p rivate network. external call A connection b etween a c ommunic ations system user and a party on the p ub lic network or on another communications system in a p rivate network.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-23 F FA C Feature Ac c ess Cod e facility A telec ommunic ations transmission pathway and associated eq uip ment. facility-associated signaling (FAS) Sig naling for whic h a D-channel c arries sig naling only for those c hannels on the same physical interfac e. FA S Facility-associated signaling FAT Facility access trunk FA X Fac simile FCC Fed eral Communic ations Commission FEAC Forced Entry of Acc ount Cod es feature A sp ec ific ally d efined function or servic e provided by the system. feature button A lab eled b utton on a telephone or attendant c onsole used to acc ess a sp ecific feature. FEP Front-end p roc essor FIC Fac ility interfac e c od es fiber optics A tec hnolog y using materials that transmit ultrawideb and electromag netic light-freq uency ranges for hig h-cap ac ity carrier systems. fixed A trunk alloc ation term. In the fixed alloc ation sc heme, the time slots nec essary to sup port a wid eb and call are contig uous, and the first time slot is constrained to c ertain starting p oints. flexible A trunk alloc ation term. In the flexib le allocation sc heme, the time slots of a wid eband c all can oc c up y nonc ontiguous positions within a single T1 or E1 facility. floating A trunk alloc ation term. In the floating alloc ation sc heme, the time slots of a wideb and call are contig uous, b ut the p osition of the first time slot is not fixed. FNPA Foreig n Numb ering -Plan Area
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-24 foreign-exchange (FX) A CO other than the one p roviding loc al acc ess to the pub lic telep hone network. foreign-exchange trunk A telec ommunic ations channel that direc tly connects the system to a CO other than its local CO. foreign numbering-plan area code (FNPAC) An area cod e other than the loc al area c ode, that must be d ialed to c all outside the loc al g eog rap hic al area. FRL Fac ilities Restric tion Level FX Foreig n exc hang e G G3-MA Generic 3 Manag ement Ap p lic ations G3-MT Generic 3 Manag ement Terminal G3r Generic 3, RISC (Red uced Instruc tion Set Comp uter) generalized route selection (GRS) An enhanc ement to Automatic Alternate Routing/Automatic Route Selec tion (AAR/ARS) that p erforms routing b ased on c all attrib utes, suc h as Bearer Capab ility Classes (BCCs), in add ition to the ad d ress and fac ilities restric tion level (FRL), thus facilitating a Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) that is ind ep end ent of the type of c all being p laced . glare The simultaneous seizure of a 2-way trunk b y two communications systems, resulting in a stand off. GM Group manag er GPTR General-p urp ose tone receiver grade of service The numb er of call attemp ts that fail to rec eive servic e immed iately. Grad e of servic e is also exp ressed as the q uantity of all c alls that are b loc ked or d elayed . ground-start trunk A trunk on whic h, for outgoing calls, the system transmits a req uest for servic es to a distant switching system b y g round ing the trunk ring lead . To receive the d ig its of the called numb er, that system g round s the trunk tip lead . When the system d etec ts this g round , the dig its are sent. GRS Generalized Route Selec tion