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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-179 Trunk Group Status Report 
    Determining the Number of Trunks 
    Required for a Specified Grade of Service
    For b oth stand-alone and  last-c hoic e trunk group s, use the trunk g roup peak 
    traffic  rep orts to d etermine the numb er of trunks req uired  to p rovid e a sp ec ified  
    Grad e of Servic e. The numb er of trunks req uired  stric tly dep end s on the Grad e of 
    Servic e you want to p rovid e.
    Stand -alone and  last-c hoic e trunk g roup s d o not reroute their b loc ked  c alls. 
    As a c ontrast, Alternate Routing  trunks d o reroute their b loc ked  c alls.
    The p roc ed ure for d etermining  the op timal numb er of trunk memb ers for a 
    p artic ular trunk g roup  req uires you initially g enerate the ap p rop riate rep orts and  
    sub sequently rec ord  the d ata on the Trunk Group  Data Worksheets. What you 
    attemp t to ac c omplish is to id entify the p eak hour and  the traffic  d ata for that 
    hour. The list measurements trunk-group summary yesterday-peak 
     c ommand  results in g enerating  all of the nec essary data on a d aily 
    b asis. You c an enter 20 weekd ays of d ata on eac h Trunk Group  Data Worksheet. 
    Sub seq uently, you need  only sc an the worksheet to id entify whic h measurement 
    hour oc c urs most freq uently. The most freq uent measurement hour is c onsid ered  
    the p eak hour. You should  use the d ata for the id entified  p eak hour, that has the 
    highest total usag e, to c alc ulate the req uired  numb er of trunks.
    Example 1:
    1. You ob tain d ata (d aily) and  rec ord  that d ata on ap p rop riately id entified  
    Trunk Group  Data Worksheets.
    2. 1300 is the p eak hour (or b ounc ing  p eak hour).
    3. Trunk Group  1 is susp ec ted  of not provid ing  the desired  Grad e of Servic e.
    For two-way trunk group s the equation for d etermining  Calls Carried  is as follows:
    For Trunk Group s Without a Queue 
    For Trunk Group s With a Queue 
    Calls Carried=Total Seize
    Calls Carried=280
    Total Calls O ff ered=Calls Carried+Group Over f low
    Total Calls O ff ered=
    Calls Carried+Queue Over f low+Queue Abandoned 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-180 Trunk Group Status Report 
    Sinc e Trunk Group  1 has a q ueue, the eq uation for Calls Offered  is as follows: 
    The Averag e Hold ing  Time is d etermined  as follows: 
    Offered  Load  is defined  as the numb er of c alls in p rogress if there had  b een no 
    b loc king  or d elay. The Offered  Load  is c alc ulated  as follows: 
    The c alc ulated  Offered  Load  is used  with the Retrial Cap ac ity tab les, to 
    d etermine the numb er of trunks req uired  to p rovid e a sp ec ified  Grade of Servic e. 
    For more information, refer to 
    Basic  Traffic  Analysis.
    The d esired  Grad e of Servic e is d ep end ent on the p artic ular trunk typ e (for 
    examp le, CO, d id , tie, FX, WATS, and  so on) and  the nature of the business the 
    trunk typ e sup p orts. Generally, those trunk typ es that are least exp ensive (for 
    examp le, CO) are eng ineered  for a 1 p erc ent (P.01) Grad e of Servic e. Those 
    trunk typ es that are more exp ensive are eng ineered to p rovid e from 2 p erc ent to 
    5 p erc ent (P.02 to P.05) Grad e of Servic e.
    A one p erc ent Grad e of Servic e means the frac tion of c alls b loc ked  d uring  
    the identified  b ounc ing  p eak hour should  not exc eed  1 p erc ent.
    Assuming  we d esire a P.01 Grade of Servic e on Trunk Group  1, for the c alc ulated  
    Offered  Load  of 775.5 CCS, the Retrial Cap ac ity tab les in 
    Basic  Traffic Analysis 
    indic ate (under the c olumn head ing  GROUP SIZE) 32 trunks are req uired .
    Total Calls O ff ered=Calls Carried+Queue Over f low
    Total Calls O ff ered=280+50+1
    Total Calls O ff ered=331
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=ì
    îTotal Seizures Total Usage(in CCS)
    CCS 100seconds
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=ì
    î280seizures 656CCS
    CCS 100seconds
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=234. 29seconds
    O ff ered  Load=Average Holding Time(in seconds)´Calls O ff ered
    O ff ered  Load(in CCS)=
    100seconds per CCS 234. 29  (in seconds)´331calls
    O ff ered  Load(in CCS)=775. 5 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-181 Trunk Group Status Report 
    The numb er of c urrently func tioning  (or in servic e) trunks is c alc ulated  as follows:
    Therefore, sinc e 32 trunks are req uired  b ut only 23 are c urrently in servic e, nine 
    additional trunks must be added to obtain the desired Grade of Service.
    Example 2:
    1. You ob tain d ata (d aily) and  rec ord  that d ata on ap p rop riately id entified  
    Trunk Group  Data Worksheets.
    2. 1300 is the p eak hour (or b ounc ing  p eak hour).
    3. Data on trunk g roup  4 ind ic ates a higher than d esired  p erc entag e of 
    outgoing blockage.
    For one-way outg oing  trunk g roup s, the eq uation for determining  Calls Carried is 
    as follows:
    Sinc e Trunk Group  4 d oes not have a q ueue, the eq uation for Calls Offered  is as 
    The Averag e Hold ing  Time is d etermined  as follows: 
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=Trunk Group Size-Out o f  Service Trunks
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=23-0
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=23
    Calls Carried=Total Seize
    Calls Carried=81
    Calls O ff ered=Calls Carried+Group Over f low
    Calls O ff ered=81+5
    Calls O ff ered=86
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=ì
    îTotal Calls Total Usage(in CCS)
    CCS 100seconds
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=ì
    î81calls 73CCS
    CCS 100seconds
    Average Holding Time(in seconds)=90. 12seconds 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-182 Trunk Group Status Report 
    Offered  Load is defined  as the numb er of c alls in p rog ress if there is no b loc king  
    or d elay. The Offered  Load  c an b e c alc ulated  as follows: 
    The c alc ulated  Offered  Load  is used , with the Retrial Cap ac ity tab les, to 
    d etermine the number of trunks req uired  to p rovid e a sp ec ified  Grad e of Servic e.
    Assuming  we d esire a P.03 Grad e of Servic e on Trunk Group  4, then for the 
    c alc ulated  Offered  Load  of 78 CCS the Retrial Capac ity tab les in
     Basic  Traffic 
     ind ic ate (und er the c olumn head ing  GROUP SIZE) six trunks are 
    req uired. The numb er of c urrently func tioning  (or in-servic e) trunks is as follows: 
    Therefore, sinc e six trunks are req uired  b ut only four are c urrently in-servic e, two 
    ad d itional trunks are need ed  to ob tain the d esired  Grad e of Servic e. The ob vious 
    op tions are have the out-of-servic e trunk rep aired  and  just ad d  one new trunk, or 
    ad d  two new trunks.
    Example 3:
    1. You ob tain d ata (d aily) and  rec ord  that d ata on ap p rop riately id entified  
    Trunk Group  Data worksheets.
    2. 1300 is the p eak hour (or b ounc ing  p eak hour).
    3. That Trunk Group  2 ind ic ates a hig her % ATB than d esired .
    Inc oming  trunk g roup s d o not have q ueues. Therefore, from the switc h 
    p ersp ec tive you c annot d etermine the numb er of c alls b loc ked . But, in this c ase 
    Total Usag e is ac tually the Carried  CCS. You c an use the Carried  CCS, with the 
    Retrial Cap ac ity tab les, to d etermine the number of trunks req uired  to p rovid e a 
    sp ec ified  Grad e of Servic e.
    O ff ered  Load=Average Holding Time(in seconds)´Calls O ff ered
    O ff ered  Load(in CCS)=90. 12  (in seconds)´86calls
    O ff ered  Load(in CCS)=77. 50CCS or78CCS
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=Trunk Group Size-Out o f  Service Trunks
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=5-1
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=4 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-183 Trunk Group Call-By-Call (CBC) 
    Assuming  you desire a P.05 Grad e of Servic e on trunk g roup  #2, then for a 
    Carried  CCS of 201 CCS the Retrial Cap ac ity tab les in the 
    Communic ations System and System 75 and  System 85 Traffic  Tab les
    555-104-503, ind ic ates (und er the c olumn head ing  GROUP SIZE) 10 trunks are 
    req uired. The numb er of c urrently func tioning  (or in-servic e) trunks is as follows: 
    Therefore, sinc e 10 trunks are req uired  b ut only 6 are c urrently in-servic e, four 
    ad d itional trunks are need ed  to ob tain the desired  Grad e-of-Servic e. The solution 
    is to ad d  four trunk memb ers to the trunk group .
    Trunk Group Call-By-Call (CBC)
    Background Information
    1. In a non-Call-By-Call Servic e Selec tion environment, a trunk g roup  must 
    b e p reassig ned  and  p rovisioned for eac h d esired  servic e (for example, 
    MEGACOM telec ommunic ations servic e, WATS, SDN, and so on). With 
    this arrang ement, eac h trunk g roup  must b e d esig ned  to ac c ommod ate 
    the p eak traffic  load  for the intended  servic e ap p lic ation. Furthermore, the 
    time when one servic e ap p lic ation enc ounters p eak traffic  may not 
    coinc ide with when another servic e application encounters peak traffic. As 
    an alternative, if multip le network servic es are ac c ommod ated  with a 
    sing le trunk g roup  (referred  to as a CBC Trunk Group ), and  that trunk 
    g roup is p rovid ed  with alloc ation and  sc hed uling  c ontrols, signific ant 
    trunking  effic ienc ies may b e realized  b y d istributing  the total traffic  for all 
    of the sp ec ified  network servic es over the total numb er of availab le trunk 
    memb ers.
    2. By implementing Usage Allocation Plans (UAPs) you can optimize, within 
    c ertain limits, the CBC trunk g roup  without involving  any of the 
    Inter-Exc hang e Carrier/Loc al Exc hange Carrier (IXC/LEC) network 
    servic es p ersonnel. Eac h Usag e Alloc ation Plan sp ec ifies the network 
    servic es/features that may b e ac c ommod ated  with the trunk g roup . It also 
    sp ec ifies the minimum numb er of reserved  c hannels and  maximum 
    numb er of c hannels eac h servic e/feature may use at a given time.
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=Trunk Group Size-Out o f  Service Trunks
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=6-0
    # o f  In-Service Trunks=6 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-184 Trunk Group Call-By-Call (CBC) 
    3. The free pool concept is associated with UAP’s. Sp ec ific ally, free p ool 
    refers to the numb er of trunks not reserved  for a sp ec ific  servic e/feature 
    and  free to b e assig ned  to another servic e or feature. The free pool is 
    calculated as: 
    4. Eac h UAP may b e ad ministered  as fixed  or sc hed uled . If fixed , a sp ec ified  
    p lan remains in effec t c ontinuously. If sc hed uled , two or three UAPs may 
    be scheduled to vary both by day of week and time of day.
    5. Before you analyze the Trunk Group  CBC Measurements Report, you must 
    know the intent of the strateg y for eac h UAP. You should  have (in hand ) a 
    completed copy of the CBC Trunk Group UAP and the associated 
    Assig nment Sc hed ule, whic h are Pag es 3 and  4 of the Trunk Group  
    Ad ministration sc reen. For ad d itional d etails, refer to your 
    Ad ministrator’s Guid e
    , or to the DEFINITY ECS Communic ations System 
    Generic  1 DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Referenc e
    6. For wid eb and  c alls that c onsume more than 64 kb p s of b and wid th, the 
    total usag e c onsumed is reflec ted  in the Total Usag e field . (For example, 
    the usag e for a 384-kb p s c all is six times more than for a 64-kb ps c all.) 
    However, these c alls are c ounted  only as a sing le c all. The c all c ounts that 
    may b e inc remented  d ue to wid eb and  c alls are: Total Seize, Inc oming  
    Seize, Overflow Trunk Group , Overflow Servic e/Feature, and Overflow 
    Maximum Servic e/Feature. The %ATB and %Out Blk field s are also 
    affec ted  b y wid eband  c alls.
    Free Pool=Total # o f  in-service Trunks-So f  the  Mins *(f or each S / F)
    * Minimum channel assignment. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-185 Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report 
    Trunk Group Call-By-Call
    Measurements Report
    The Trunk Group  Call-By-Call (CBC) Measurements rep ort d isp lays last-hour 
    traffic  d ata for any sp ec ified  c b c  trunk g roup , p rovid ed  the trunk g roup  had  a 
    Usag e Alloc ation Plan (UAP) ad ministered  for the last-hour. Use the rep ort to 
    monitor the trunk g roup and  to d etermine if the UAP meets c urrent need s. 
    Whenever it is determined  c hang es are req uired, you must make these c hang es 
    on the ap p rop riate trunk g roup  sc reen(s). Note that if the trunk g roup  is 
    administered to support wideband switching, the tag “WIDEBAND Support” 
    ap p ears in the rep ort title.
    To d isp lay the Trunk Group  CBC Measurements Report:
    1. Type list measurements cbc-trunk-group  last-hour [print/schedule] 
    and press 
    RETU RN.
    Required Fields: There is only one required field for this command—ISDN 
    CBC trunk group number
    . Enter the ISDN CBC trunk g roup numb er for 
    whic h you want to list the last-hour traffic  data. 
    Options: The print
     and  schedule
     op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
    Screen 3-62 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Group  Call-By-Call 
    Measurements report. The line just above the report title displays the date and 
    time for whic h the rep ort was req uested . Table 3-52
     describes the data fields 
    p resented  in the CBC Trunk Group  Measurements rep ort.
    Screen 3-62. Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report
    list measurements cbc-trunk-group 99 last-hour 
    Switch Name:  Cust_Switch_Name             Date: 2:15 pm WED MAY 9, 19xx 
        Peak Hour For CBC Trunk Group 99 : 1300 
       Queue Size:40                             Usage Allocation Plan Used 
      Calls Queued:23                   Plan Number:  1  0   0   0   0   0 
      Queue Overflow: 0                      Duration: 60  0   0   0   0   0 
     Queue Abandonments: 4 
     Out of Service: 0 
     Service/     Min Max Meas Total Total Inc.  Tan  Ovf Ovf Ovf %    %  %Out 
     Feature      Chn Chn Hour Usage Seize Seize Seize TG S/F Max TBM ATB BLK 
     outwats-bnd    5  12 1300   240   333   0    55    0  0  23   10   2   1 
     sdn            4   8 1300    40    30  22     1    0  0   0   62   1   0 
     other          0  20 1300    70    41  36     3    0  0   0    0   0   0 
    Command successfully completed 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-186 Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report 
    Table 3-52. Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report 
    Field Description
    Queue Size
    Size of the q ueue for the ISDN-PRI CBC trunk g roup . If zero is 
    d isp layed , then no q ueue is ad ministered . Henc e, the other 
    q ueue measurements is also zero. If the q ueue is 
    ad ministered , then it serves all of the network 
    services/features administered for the trunk group. However, 
    its func tional op eration is somewhat d ifferent than the q ueue 
    used  with c onventional trunk g roup s. When a p artic ular 
    servic e/feature uses its allotted  maximum numb er of 
    c hannels, then any ad d itional c all attemp ts are q ueued , even 
    thoug h not all of the trunks are c urrently in use. If the q ueue is 
    alread y full, any ad d itional c all attemp ts simp ly overflow with 
    the c aller rec eiving  reorder tone.
     Sinc e one servic e/feature g enerally 
    d oes not exp erienc e p eak traffic  the same time as another 
    servic e/feature, there is an averag ing effec t. Furthermore, the 
    q ueue size for a CBC trunk g roup  need  not b e muc h larg er 
    than for a non-CBC trunk g roup . The Queue Size should  b e 
    larg er than the trunk g roup  size; b ut, typ ic ally, not more than 
    three times as larg e as the trunk group  size.
    Calls Queued
    The total numb er of c alls entered  the CBC trunk g roup q ueue 
    d uring  the hour.
    OverflowThe total number of c alls d enied  ac c ess to a trunk, found  the 
    queue full, and the caller received reorder tone.
    Suggested Actions:
     Generally, this field  ind ic ates the 
    numb er 0. If this field ind ic ates a hig h numb er, then the 
    q ueue size may b e too small, more trunks may b e need ed so 
    fewer c alls will q ueue, or the UAP may b e too restric tive (for 
    examp le, some of the “ Min Chn”  values may be too hig h, or 
    some of the “ Max Chn”  values may b e too low). Also, see 
    Suggested Actions in the % TBM description.
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-187 Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report 
    AbandonmentsThe numb er of c alls removed  from the q ueue b y either the 
    system or the user. The system automatic ally removes c alls 
    from the q ueue after 30 minutes. A user may ab and on his/her 
    c all b y c anc eling  the Automatic  Callb ac k feature (set earlier 
    to p lac e their c all in the q ueue).
    Suggested Action:
     Rec all that a trunk group  and  its 
    assoc iated  q ueues are sized  to ac c ommod ate p eak-hour 
    traffic  load s. Typic ally, this field  ind ic ates a small numb er. 
    However, a larg e numb er g enerally ind ic ates the q ueue size 
    is too larg e and  p eop le are ab andoning  b ec ause they 
    remained  in q ueue for a long  time. Consid er ad d ing  more 
    trunks so fewer c alls q ueue.
    Out of 
    ServiceThe numb er of trunks in the trunk g roup  out of servic e at the 
    time the measurements are c ollec ted . An ind ivid ual trunk 
    may b e taken out of servic e either automatic ally b y the switc h 
    whenever an exc essive number of errors oc c ur, or b y 
    maintenanc e p ersonnel in ord er to run d iag nostic  tests.
    Suggested Action:
     If the trunks were removed  from servic e 
    b y the switc h, then the app rop riate maintenanc e p ersonnel 
    should  b e notified . The ob jec tive is to keep  all memb ers of a 
    trunk g roup  in servic e. Generally, you should  not make 
    ad justments to the CBC trunk g roup  b ec ause of Out of 
    Servic e trunks, b ut should  g et those trunks returned  to 
    Plan UsedA list of the Usag e Alloc ation Plan numb ers followed  b y a list 
    of the d urations (in minutes) eac h plan was in effec t d uring  
    the measurement interval. The Numb er field c an d isp lay up  to 
    a maximum of six p lan numb ers. A maximum of three 
    d ifferent UAPs (id entified  b y the numb ers 1, 2, and  3) may b e 
    d efined for eac h trunk g roup . All three p lans are d efined on 
    Pag e 3 of the trunk g roup  sc reen. Pag e 4 of the 
    c orresp ond ing  trunk g roup  sc reen is where you ad minister 
    plan assignments.
    Plan Used 
    (Contd)Ea c h  C B C trunk g roup  is ad ministered  with either “ fixed ”  
    alloc ation or “ sc hed uled ”  alloc ation. If fixed , it remains in 
    effec t c ontinuously. If sc hed uled , the d esig nated  p lans are 
    activated on a per-day and time-of-day basis determined by 
    the sc hed ule.
    Table 3-52. Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Reports Guide  555-233-505  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Traffic Data Analysis 
    3-188 Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report 
    FeatureThe names of up  to ten servic es/features and  the sp ec ial 
    id entifier “ other”  for whic h the assoc iated  measurements are 
    rep orted. 
    Min Chn
    Minimum Numb er of Channels. The minimum numb er of 
    c hannels in the ISDN-PRI CBC trunk g roup alloc ated  to the 
    sp ec ified  servic e/feature at the time the measurements are 
    Max Chn
    Maximum Numb er of Channels. The maximum numb er of 
    c hannels in the ISDN-PRI CBC trunk g roup alloc ated  to the 
    sp ec ified  servic e or feature at the time the measurements are 
    Total Usage
    The sum of time, in hund red -c all-sec ond s (CCS), for all 
    c hannels used by the sp ec ified  servic e/feature d uring  the 
    measurement interval.
    Total Seize
    Total Seizures. The total numb er of inc oming  and  outg oing  
    c alls that req uested  the sp ec ified  servic e/feature throug h the 
    ISDN-PRI CBC trunk g roup .
    Inc. Seize
    Inc oming  Seizures. The total numb er of inc oming  c alls that 
    req uested  the sp ec ified  servic e/feature throug h the ISDN-PRI 
    CBC trunk g roup . For two-way and outg oing  trunks, the 
    numb er of 
    Outg oing  Seizures c an b e c alc ulated  as follows: 
    Tan Seize
    Tand em Seizures. The total numb er of trunk-to-trunk c all 
    seizures using this Service/Feature.
    Table 3-52. Trunk Group Call-By-Call Measurements Report  — Continued
    Field Description
    Continued on next page
    Out Seize
    =Total Seize
    -In Seize 
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