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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-59 Principal Coverage Measurements Report 3 RedirRed i re c te d . The total number of calls not answered by the p rinc ip al and sub seq uently sent to c overag e. Suggestion Action: If this numb er is larg e c omp ared to Calls Offrd , investigate the reasons. Act Criteria Ac tive Criteria. The numb er of c alls sent to c overag e b y this principal due to the principal being active. Bsy Criteria Busy Criteria. The number of c alls sent to c overag e b y this principal due to the principal being busy. DA Criteria Don’t Answer Criteria. The numb er of calls sent to coverag e b y this principal because the principal didn’t answer the call after the ad ministered numb er of ring s. To find the administered number of rings, use the display coverage-path [number] c ommand . All CriteriaThe number of c alls sent to c overag e b y this p rinc ipal d ue to the p rinc ip al’s use of Cover All. SAC Criteria Send All Calls Criteria. The numb er of c alls sent to c overag e by this principal due to the principal’s use of Send All Calls, or b ec ause the c alling p arty used the Go To Cover feature. Cback Call Bac k. The numb er of c alls offered to this p rinc ip al where the c alling p arty used LWC or ACB b efore the p rinc ip al answered the c all and before it went to c overag e. These c ases are sep arated out b ec ause they look like ab and ons and c ounting them as suc h would b e mislead ing . Coverage- PathsThe c overag e paths used b y this p rinc ip al. To find the assoc iated extensions, use the display coverage sender-group c ommand . NOTE: This c ommand d isp lays other p rinc ip als using some coverage paths. Table 3-13. Principal Coverage Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-60 DS1 Link Performance Measurements 3 DS1 Link Performance Measurements This sec tion d esc rib es p erformanc e measurements for DS1 links. It inc lud es the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Summary Rep ort and the DS1 Link Performance Measurements Detailed Log Report. NOTE: The DS1 links may b e p rovid ed b y the TN722, TN767, or TN464 c irc uit p ac k. However, the measurements are only kep t for the TN767 and TN464 circuit pack. Many c onventional error measurements rely on the p arameter Bit Error Rate to d esc rib e the q uality of dig ital transmission fac ilities. However, with DS1 links, when errors do oc c ur, they tend to b e as error b ursts rather than sing le b it errors. Therefore, the Errored Sec ond s, Bursty-Errored Sec ond s, Severely-Errored Sec ond s, and Failed Sec ond s measurements more ac c urately d esc rib e the op erational c harac teristic s of DS1 links. DS1 link p erformanc e is based on the numb er of error events c ounted p er sec ond . An error event is defined as any one of the following : nMisframe. An error d etec ted as an erroneous b it p attern in the b its used to frame on the DS1 sig nal. nSli p. An error d etec ted as the d eletion or rep etition of a sing le frame. The error is c aused b y c loc k d ifferenc es b etween systems d ue to imp rop er sync hronization. nExt e n d e d Su p e r f r a m e Fo r m a t (ESF) C RC - 6 Er ro r. A d ata c ommunic ations error over a DS1 link using the ESF format that is detec ted as a mismatc h b etween the c alc ulated CRC-6 (6-b it c yc lic red und anc y c hec k) c harac ter ap p end ed to the transmitted d ata and the CRC-6 c harac ter rec alc ulated b y the rec eiver. DS1 link p erformanc e is measured b y the following error event c ounts: nErrored Sec ond. Any sec ond that c ontains one or more error events. The p erc ent of Error Free Sec ond s (%EFS) is d efined as: nBursty-Errored Sec ond. Any sec ond that c ontains from 2 to 319 error events. nSeverely-Errored Sec ond. Any sec ond that c ontains 320 or more error events. %EFS=ì ï î1- Total Seconds Errored Seconds _ ______________ü ï þ´100

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-61 DS1 Link Performance Measurements 3 nFa i le d Se c o n d. A state that exists when ten or more c onsec utive severely-errored sec ond s are d etec ted . A Failed Sec ond state is c leared when no severely-errored sec ond s are d etec ted for a p eriod of 10 c onsec utive sec ond s. nControlled Slip Second. Any sec ond with one or more c ontrolled slip s (a rep lic ation or d eletion of a DS1 frame b y the rec eiver). nLoss of Frame Count. The numb er of times a loss of frame is d ec lared . A loss of frame is d ec lared when there is a c ontinuous loss of sig nal or out of frame c ond ition for g reater than 2.5 sec ond s. NOTE: Events suc h as a Failed Sec ond or Severely-Errored Sec ond typ ic ally result in a serious imp ac t on the c ustomers’ ap p lic ations. If the misframe or slip errors b ec ome too severe, an alarm is raised. The ac tual rate at whic h the errors oc c ur d etermines whether the alarm is minor or major. DEFINITY ECS Maintenanc e for G3r and DEFINITY ECS Maintenanc e for G3si, id entify the rec ommend ed p roc ed ures maintenanc e personnel should p erform to resolve these alarms. The error event d ata, c ollec ted b y the DS1 Interfac e c irc uit p ac k, is availab le for up to 24 hours in 15-minute inc rements. Measurement d ata old er than 24 hours is overwritten b y the c urrent measurement d ata. A system re-b oot from tap e c lears the error event c ounters. The DS1 error event c ounters may also b e c leared using the clear measurements ds1 log CabCarSSF maintenanc e c ommand . This c ommand uses the following q ualifiers: If a TN767 or TN464 c irc uit p ac k is removed , or taken out of servic e, d ata for that c irc uit p ac k is not availab le for the time the p ac k is removed . In ad d ition, if a TN767E or TN464F or later suffix c irc uit p ac k ad ministered for ESF framing is removed or taken out of servic e, d ata for the entire 24-hour c ollec tion p eriod is lost sinc e ESF measurements are stored on the b oard rather than in switc h memory.Cab = Port network numb er Car = Carrier SSF = Sl o t

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-62 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report 3 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report The DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Summary Rep ort provid es an indic ation of the quality of a DS1 link that c onnec ts to a DS1 Interfac e c irc uit pack. NOTE: The error messag e “ Measurements c ommand has timed out. See Traffic Rep orts manual (555-230-511).” ind ic ates no resp onse was rec eived from the DS1 c irc uit p ac k. Try the c ommand ag ain (maximum of two more times). Note, however, this error messag e may b e returned from a “ list measurements ds1” or “ c lear measurements d s1” c ommand that uses the “ remote” op tion (for examp le, “ list measurements d s1 summary 1c 19 remote” ), if Interfac e Unit (IU) eq uip ment in the network is d elib erately c onfig ured not to resp ond to ESF p erformanc e measurements messag e inq uiries. This is a c ommon network setup and should b e c onsid ered normal. In this c ase, the c ommand will never suc c eed . If, however, this error messag e is displayed when the network or far-end PBX should be resp ond ing to the remote ESF p erformanc e measurements inq uiries, then the IU itself c ould have p rob lems or there c ould b e p rob lems on the Fac ility Data Link sp an. If the c ommand times out three times, and the c onfig uration is one where a rep ly to the req uest should b e returned , the p roblem should b e esc alated to Tier III. Command To d isp lay the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Summary Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements ds1 summary [local/carrier-local/remote] [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — CabCarSS . Enter the p ort network numb er, the Carrier numb er, and the slot number. Options: There are four options available for this command: 1.local Disp lays user (loc al) measurements. These are the user c op ies of the loc al (near-end) p erformanc e measurements and c an b e c leared by the user. These measurements c annot b e c leared b y the carrier. 2.carrier-local Disp lays c arrier (network) measurements. These are the c arrier c op ies of the loc al (near-end ) p erformanc e measurements. They can only be cleared by the carrier.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-63 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report 3 3. remote Disp lays remote CSU measurements. These measurements are availab le from the CSU at the far end of the link. They c an b e c leared from the near end of the link. 4.print /schedule This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule the rep ort to p rint at another time. Screen Screen 3-17 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Su m m a r y Re p o r t . Table 3-14 d esc ribes the d ata field s p resented in DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Summary Rep ort. Screen 3-17. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report NOTE: ESF Error Events, Test, Pattern, Sync hronized , Loop b ac k/Sp an Test Bit-Error Count, Test Duration, Controlled Slip Sec ond s, and Loss Of Frame Count ap p ly only to the TN767E and TN464F or later suffix c irc uit p ac ks. list measurements ds1 summary 1c05 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 17:59 pm WED APR 13, 19xx DS-1 LINK PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS SUMMARY REPORT Counted Since: 4:27 pm WED APR 13, 19xx Valid 15-Minute Intervals in Last 24 Hours: 6 Seconds Elapsed In Current Interval: 135 ESF Error Events: 0 Test: far-csu-loopback Pattern: 3-in-24 Synchronized: y Loopback/Span Test Bit-Error Count: 53 Test Duration: 00:13:26 Worst 15-Minute Interval 24-Hour Current Category Date Time Count Count Interval Count Errored Seconds 4/13 16:42 68 133 24 Bursty Errored Seconds 4/13 17:57 540 636 0 Severely Errored Seconds 4/13 17:57 0 0 0 Unavailable/Failed Seconds 4/13 17:57 3 5 0 Controlled Slip Seconds 4/13 17:57 100 167 5 Loss Of Frame Count 4/13 17:57 2 2 0

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-64 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report 3 Table 3-14. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report Field Description Counted Since:The d ate and time the c ounters were last c leared and restarted . The c ounters are set to 0 and start ac c umulating d ata when the system is ad ministered or reinitialized . The c urrent system time ap p ears in this field after the system c loc k is set. Bec ause the Counted Sinc e field is c alc ulated b ased on the c urrent time, an error messag e results if the system clock is not set following a system reinitialization. Valid 15-Minute Intervals in Last 24 Hours:The total numb er of 15-minute intervals (0 to 96) in the p ast 24-hour p eriod with valid values. (An invalid interval is any 15-minute interval d uring whic h the system c loc k was c hang ed, a system reinitialization oc c urred , or the sp ec ified TN767 or TN464 c irc uit p ac k was pulled from the c arrier. Refer to the DS1 log report for d etails.) Seconds Elapsed In Current Interval:The numb er of sec ond s (0 to 899) c ounted in the c urrent 15-minute interval. ESF Error Events:The numb er of ESF errors (CRC-6 errors or out-of-frame errors) c ounted with a maximum c umulative value of 65535. Test: The typ e of DS1 loop b ac k/sp an test c urrently ac tive. None ind ic ates no test is c urrently ac tive. Pattern: The typ e of b it p attern g enerated d uring an extend ed d uration DS1 loop b ac k/sp an test. None ind ic ates no p attern is b eing sent. Synchronized: Ind ic ates whether the test p attern g enerated b y the DS1 b oard is sync hronized (detec ted p rop erly b y the rec eiving DS1 c irc uit p ac k). N/A is displayed if no pattern is generated. Loopback/ SpanTest Bit-Error Count:The numb er of bit-errors d etec ted in the rec eived sig nal when an extended d uration loopb ac k test is p erformed . Test Duration:The d uration in sec ond s the extend ed loop b ac k test has run. The maximum value is 99:59:59 (99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 sec ond s). Errored SecondsThe numb er of errored sec ond s for the sp ec ified interval (maximum of 900). An errored sec ond is any sec ond in whic h one or more d ata transmission errors oc c urred . N/A indic ates the c ount for that interval is not available, typ ic ally b ec ause the c irc uit p ac k was not inserted d uring the interval. Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-65 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report 3 Bursty Errored SecondsThe numb er of bursty errored sec ond s for the sp ec ified interval (maximum of 900). A b ursty errored sec ond is any sec ond in whic h 2 to 319 d ata transmission errors oc c urred . N/A ind ic ates the c ount for that interval is not availab le. An error c ount of this severity results in a minor alarm. Suggested Action: Resolution of the alarm should , in most c ases, b e the func tion of maintenanc e p ersonnel. Depend ing up on loc al arrang ements, it may b e ap p rop riate to alert maintenanc e p ersonnel if they have not alread y b een alerted . Severely Errored SecondsThe numb er of severely errored sec ond s for the spec ified interval (maximum of 900). A severely errored sec ond is any sec ond in whic h 320 or more d ata transmission errors oc c urred . N/A ind ic ates the c ount for that interval is not availab le. Suggested Action: Resolution of the alarm should , in most c ases, b e the func tion of maintenanc e p ersonnel. Depend ing up on loc al arrang ements, it may b e ap p rop riate to alert maintenanc e p ersonnel if they have not alread y b een alerted . Unavailable/ Failed SecondsA c ount of one-sec ond intervals during whic h servic e is unavailab le (0 to 900). Controlled Slip SecondsThe number of sec ond s (0 to 255 — counts greater than 255 are still d isp layed as 255) with one or more c ontrolled slip s (a rep lic ation or d eletion of a DS1 frame b y the rec eiver). Loss of Frame CountThe ac c umulation of the number of times a loss of frame is d ec lared (0 to 255 — c ounts g reater than 255 are still d isp layed as 255). A loss of frame is d ec lared when there is a c ontinuous loss of sig nal or out of frame c ond ition for g reater than 2.5 sec ond s. The c ond ition is c leared after 15 sec ond s without a loss of sig nal or out-of-frame c ond ition. Worst 15-Minute IntervalThe d ate, end ing time, and c ount for the 15-minute p eriod that c ontained the maximum c ount in eac h error c ateg ory. If there are no errors, the field d isp lays 0 with the most rec ent interval. Table 3-14. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-66 DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report 3 24-Hour Count The total c ount in eac h error c ateg ory for the last 24-hour p eriod (0 to 65535 — c ounts g reater than 65535 are d isp layed as 65535). See Screen 3-21 to view the last 96 intervals. Current Interval CountThe c ount in eac h error c ateg ory for the 15-minute interval in p rog ress when the rep ort is req uested . If no errors have oc c urred yet in any of the c ateg ories d uring the c urrent 15-minute interval, the resp ec tive field c ontains the numb er 0. If the system is b usy p erforming c all p roc essing func tions and c annot resp ond within 8 sec ond s, then the field d isp lays N/A. Table 3-14. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Summary Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-67 DS1 Link Performance Detailed Log Report 3 DS1 Link Performance Detailed Log Report Th DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Detailed Log Rep ort lists errored event rec ord s for the p ast 24 hours. The errored event rec ord s are listed for eac h 15-minute interval. This shows the 96 rec ord s (the numb er of 15-minute intervals in 24 hours) from the c urrent 15-minute interval b ac k to 24 hours b efore the c urrent interval. Command To d isp lay the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Detailed Log Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements ds1 log [local/carrier-local/remote] [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — CabCarSS . Enter the p ort network numb er, the Carrier numb er, and the slot number. Options: There are two op tions availab le for this c ommand : 1.local /carrier-local/remote nEn t e r local to d isp lay user (loc al) measurements. These are the user c opies of the loc al (near-end ) p erformanc e measurements and c an be c leared b y the user. These measurements c annot b e c leared by the c arrier. nEnter c arrier-local to d isp lay carrier (network) measurements. These are the c arrier c op ies of the loc al (near-end) p erformanc e measurements. They c an only be c leared b y the c arrier. nEn t e r remote to d isp lay remote CSU measurements. These measurements are available from the CSU at the far end of the link. They c an b e c leared from the near end of the link. 2.print /schedule This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule the rep ort to p rint at another time. NOTE: The errored event rec ord s for TN767E and TN464F or later suffix c irc uit pac ks ad ministered for ESF framing are d isp layed starting from the most rec ent interval. Measurements for p revious suffix TN767 and TN464 b oards and for later suffix board s ad ministered for D4 framing are displayed from old est to newest interval.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-68 DS1 Link Performance Detailed Log Report 3 Screen Screen 3-18 and Screen 3-19 show a typ ic al sc reen for the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Detailed Log Rep ort. Table 3-15 describes the data field s p resented in the DS1 Link Performanc e Measurements Detailed Log Re p o r t . Screen 3-18. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Detailed Log Report — Page 1 Screen 3-19. DS1 Link Performance Measurements Detailed Log Report — Page 2 list measurements dsl log 1c05 Page 1 SPE A Switch Name: cust_switch_name_____ Date: 10:44 pm WED AUG 31, 19xx DS-1 LINK PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS DETAILED LOG REPORT Counted Since:10:42 am TUE AUG 30, 19xx Date Time ES BES SES UAS/FS CSS LOFC 08/30 10:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 11:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 11:27 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 11:42 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 11:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 12:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 12:27 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 12:42 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 12:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 13:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 13:27 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A list measurements dsl log 1c05 Page 2 Switch Name: cust_switch_name_____ Date: 12:15 pm WED SEP 14, 19xx DS-1 LINK PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS DETAILED LOG REPORT Counted Since: 10:42am TUE AUG 30, 19xx Date Time ES BES SES UAS/FS CSS LOFC 08/30 13:42 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 13:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 14:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 14:27 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 14:42 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 14:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 15:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 15:27 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 15:42 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 15:57 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A 08/30 16:12 0__ 0__ 0__ 0__ N/A N/A