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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-99 LAN Performance Reports 3 Screen 3-29 sh o w s a t y p ic a l sc re e n f o r t h e C - L A N PPP Pe r f o r m a n c e Measurement rep ort. Table 3-25 d esc rib es the d ata field s presented in the rep ort. Screen 3-29. C-LAN PPP Performance Measurement Report Table 3-25. C-LAN PPP Performance Measurement Report Field Description DateThe d ate that the d ata was c ollec ted . TimeThe c urrent 15-minute interval in whic h the ac tion was p erformed CRC CheckThe error c ount for CRC errors TotalThe total value of the c ounter on the b oard NOTE: The c ounter value c an b e up to 11 d ig its long b ec ause of the 32-b it c ounter on the b oard . After the oc c urrenc e of an “ N/A,” the d elta eq uals the total. Busyout or release of a b oard or a p ort, the reset board c ommand , and reseating the b oard all c lear the firmware c ounters. DeltaThe d ifferenc e b etween the c urrent and the p revious samp le Invalid FrameThe numb er of invalid frames d etec ted . Invalid frames are the frames that are misalig ned . CHAP FailuresThe number of failed attempts for ppp authentication list measurements clan ppp 1C1001 Page 1 of x Switch Name: sierra Date:02/02/1999 C-LAN PPP PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT DETAILED REPORT Date Time CRC Check Invalid Frame CHAP Failures Total Delta Total Delta Total ‘Delta 02/01 03:08 85 25 185 85 5 0 02/01 02:53 60 60 100 100 5 5 02/01 02:38 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 02/01 02:23 1000060 10 1000090 10 25 5 02/01 02:08 1000050 1000050 1000080 1000080 20 20

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-100 LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report The Look Ahead Routing (LAR) Route Pattern Measurements rep ort c ontains usag e measurements for LAR p roc essing . This report d isp lays the numb er of reroute attemp ts p erformed and the numb er of suc c essful ISDN c all attemp ts. Command To d isp lay the LAR Route Pattern Measurements rep ort: 1. Type list measurements lar-route-pattern [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Required Fields: There are two req uired field s for this c ommand . 1. assigned pattern number (1-254) nEnter the id entifying pattern number you wish to d isp lay. This numb er must p reviously have b een assig ned to one of the numb ers on the meas-selec tion route-p attern sc reen. In ord er to ob tain d ata for the p attern, it must p reviously have b een ad ministered on the ARS/AAR/UDP sc reens. 2.yesterday/today/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday to list the LAR route p attern ac tivity for yesterd ay. nEn t e r today to list the LAR route p attern ac tivity for tod ay. nEn t e r last-hour to list the LAR route p attern ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. For examp le, to display last-hour’s measurements for route p attern 1, typ e list measurements lar-route-pattern 1 last-hour . Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-101 LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Screen Screen 3-30 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the LAR Route Pattern Measurements rep ort. Table 3-26 desc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the LAR Route Pattern Measurements rep ort. Screen 3-30. LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report Table 3-26. LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report Field Description Pref No. Route Preferenc e Numb er. The number of the administered route p referenc e. Grp No. Trunk Group Number. The numb er, assig ned via the Trunk Group sc reen, that id entifies eac h trunk g roup assoc iated with the d isp layed d ata. Trunk group s are listed in the same ord er as they are assig ned on the Route Pattern sc reen. The first trunk g roup listed is the first selec ted (p referenc e 1); the sec ond listed is the sec ond selec ted (preferenc e 2), and so on. If an entry in the c olumn is p refixed with an *, it indic ates LAR ad ministration for the p referenc e was c hang ed d uring the measurement p eriod c urrently d isp layed . (LAR valid for ISDN-PRI trunk g roup s.) LAR Type Typ e of LAR ad ministered on the AAR and ARS Route Pattern sc reen for the trunk g roup inc lud ing . Possible values are: nnone — no LAR nrehu — rehunt in the same p referenc e nnext — reroute to next p referenc e LAR CallsThe number of calls initiating LAR processing in the displayed trunk g roup . Only the initial c all is c ounted , not sub seq uent rerouting attemp ts. Continued on next page list measurements lar-route-pattern 1 last-hour Page 1 of 1 LAR MEASUREMENTS FOR PREFERENCES IN PATTERN 1 (trunk groups are shown in order of selection) Pref Grp LAR LAR Total Suc. Total Suc. No. No. Type Calls Rehunt Rehunt Next Next 1 10 *rehu 0 0 0 0 0 2 *1 *none 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 next 0 0 0 0 0 4 *2 *none 0 0 0 0 0

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-102 LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Total RehuntThe numb er of LAR rehunt attemp ts within the trunk g roup . Suc. Rehunt Suc c essful Rehunt. The numb er of suc c essful hunts out of Total Rehunt attempts within the trunk g roup that end ed in the LAR call rerouted successfully. Total NextThe total numb er of LAR attemp ts d irec ted to this trunk g roup from a p revious p referenc e in the route p attern. Suc. Next Suc cessful Next. The number of succ essful LAR attempts d irec ted to this trunk g roup from a previous p referenc e in the route p attern. Table 3-26. LAR Route Pattern Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-103 Logins Report 3 Logins Report The Log ins report shows log ins with the same, or lower, servic e level as the p erson making the req uest. Command To d isp lay a list of log ins (with the same or lower servic e level as you): 1. Type list logins [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-31 shows a typ ic al Log in sc reen. Table 3-27 describes the data fields p resented in the Log in sc reen. Screen 3-31. Login Table 3-27. Logins Valid values Usage LoginThe user log in ID. Service LevelThe servic e level of the log in ID. StatusThe status of the log in ID. Pwd. Aging Cycle (Days)Password Ag ing Cycle (Days). The numb er of days from creation before the password must be changed. ASGAc c ess Sec urity Gateway. This field ind ic ates whether the log in ID must use ASG authentic ation to ac c ess the system. Continued on next page list logins LOGINS Login Service Status Pwd. Aging ASG Blk Exp. No. of Sess. Level Cycle (Days) Date Sess Used csoll super-user active 90 y n 09/20/98 20 2 cowles super-user active 40 n mehrda super-user inactive 90 y y 12/30/98 50 23 jones non-super-user inactive 30 n bsmith non-super-user disabled 30 y y 09/30/98 500 102

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-104 Modem Pool Groups Report 3 Modem Pool Groups Report This sec tion d esc rib es the traffic measurements rep ort for Mod em Pool Group s. The Modem Pool Group Measurements rep ort c ontains measurements for monitoring the p erformanc e of the Mod em Pooling feature. The system rec ord s d ata for the c urrent d ay’s peak hour, the p revious d ay’s p eak hour, and the last hour. A p eak hour is the hour within a 24-hour p eriod that had the g reatest usag e for the sp ec ified d ay. Command To display the Modem Pool Group Measurements Report: 1. Type list measurements modem-pool [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the mod em p ool ac tivity for yesterd ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the mod em p ool ac tivity for tod ay’s peak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the mod em p ool ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . BlkBloc k. This field ind ic ates whether the log in ID is temp orarily d isab led from ac c essing the system throug h the Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway interfac e or not. Exp. DateExp iration Date. The d ate the log in ID exp ires. No. of SessNumb er of Sessions. The numb er of sessions allowed b efore the log in ID is d isab led . Sess. UsedSessions Used. The numb er of session this log in ID has alread y used . Table 3-27. Logins — Continued Valid values Usage Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-105 Modem Pool Groups Report 3 Screen Screen 3-32 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Mod em Pool Group Measurements rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested d isp lays at the top rig ht. Table 3-28 desc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Mod em Pool Group Measurements rep ort. Screen 3-32. Modem Pool Group Measurements Report Table 3-28. Modem Pool Group Measurements Report Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . Pool No. Po o l N u m b e r. A numb er that id entifies the mod em p ool g roup . The number is assig ned during ad ministration. Pool Size The number of c onversion resourc es administered in the mod em p ool g roup (up to 16 for integ rated or up to 32 for c omb ined ). Pool Type The typ e of g roup, either integ rated (integ ) or c omb ined (c omb ). Total UsageThe time in CCS the memb ers of the mod em p ool g roup are ac tive on c alls d uring the p olling interval. Continued on next page list measurements modem-pool last-hour Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:51 pm MON SEP 16, 19xx MODEM POOL MEASUREMENTS Meas Pool Pool Pool Total Inc Tan Calls Inc Tan Calls Calls % Hour No. Size Type Usage Usage Usage Carried Calls Calls Blk Ovfl AMB 1200 1 2 integ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum Usage=Pool Size´36CCS

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-106 Modem Pool Groups Report 3 Inc UsageIncoming Usage. The usage in CCS for modem pool c alls (orig inating from inc oming or two-way trunks) that terminate on the switc h. Tan Usage Tand em Usag e. The usag e in CCS for tand em c alls that used a mod em p ool member. Calls CarriedThe number of c alls c arried, d uring the p olling interval, b y the id entified mod em pool. This inc lud es b oth inc oming and outg oing c alls. Inc Calls Incoming Calls. The numb er of c alls (orig inating from inc oming or two-way trunks) that terminate on the switc h. Tan Calls Tand em Calls. The number of tand em c alls that used a mod em p ool memb er. Calls BlockedThe number of c alls b loc ked d ue to the unavailab ility of a c onversion resourc e. Suggested Actions: 1. If this field ind ic ates a signific ant numb er of mod em p ool c alls are bloc ked, then verify the users have their d ata mod ules set for autob aud . 2. An alternate op tion is to inc rease the Pool Size . Calls OverflowThe number of c alls d irec ted to a mod em p ool group that overflow and terminate suc c essfully in another g roup . % AMB Perc ent All Modems Busy. The p erc ent of the time all mod em p ool memb ers are b usy proc essing c alls. Table 3-28. Modem Pool Group Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page Outgoing Usage=Total Usage-Inc Usage Outgoing Calls=Calls Carried-Inc Calls

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-107 Multimedia Reports 3 Multimedia Reports These rep orts are availab le to help you d etermine the amount of traffic your switc h c arries for multimedia c onferenc es and c onversion c alls. All rep orts show traffic over multimed ia c irc uit p ac ks housed within the same switc h, althoug h not nec essarily in the same p ort network. Use these rep orts to d etermine if you have ad eq uate resourc es to hand le the multimed ia traffic on your system. NOTE: Point-to-p oint multimed ia c alls b etween Basic mod e or stand alone multimed ia end p oints d o not use MulitMed ia Interfac es (MMI) or Voic e Cond itioners (VC), and therefore d o not c ount in these measurements. The following reports are available: nMMI Hourly and Summary nESM - M M I H o u rl y a n d Su m m a r y nVC H o u rl y a n d Su m m a r y The Hourly and Summary rep orts provid e the same typ es of information. The hourly rep ort shows measurements for the last 24 hours, whereas the summary rep orts show measurements for one hour, ac c ord ing to the typ e of summary you req uest. MMI Report Command To d isp lay a MMI hourly rep ort: 1. Type list measurements multimedia-interface hourly [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. To d isp lay a MMI summary rep ort: 1. Type list measurements multimedia-interface summary [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . You must c hoose one of these. nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the ac tivity for yesterd ay’s peak hour.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-108 MMI Report 3 nEn t e r today-peak to list the ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-33 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the MMI Hourly Rep ort. Screen 3-34 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the MMI Summary Rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested displays at the top rig ht. Table 3-29 describes the data p resented in the MMI Hourly and MMI Summary Rep orts. Screen 3-33. MMI Hourly Report Screen 3-34. MMI Summary Report list measurements mmi hourly Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 11:33 am TUE JUL 31, 19xx MMI HOURLY REPORT Meas Avail Avail Total Total MMI Out of % % Hour Ports Usage Usage Alloc Denials Srv-CCS APB Blockage 1900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 press CANCEL to quit -- Press NEXT PAGE to continue list measurements mmi summary today-peak Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 11:33 am TUE JUL 31, 19xx MMI SUMMARY REPORT Peak Hour for all MMIs : 1100 Meas Avail Avail Total Total MMI Out of % % Hour Ports Usage Usage Alloc Denials Srv-CCS APB Blockage 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0