Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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11- 2 2 I ntr o ducti o n Table 11-11: ACD Group Defaults Pr o g r a m Co d eFl ex ButtonFea turesDefa ult Va lue (after initialization) FLASH 60 ACD GR OUPS 5 50-565 1Group Name None 2 Alt ern at e Gro up Assig n ment No ne 3 O v e rf l ow S t at io n As s i gn me nt No ne 4 Sup er vi sor Prog ra mm in g No ne 5CIQ Threshold Disabled 6 Aut o W ra p-U p T imer ( Per Gr ou p) 04 se c 7 Pri mary Ag ent s No ne 8 Seco ndary Agent s No ne 9 Guarant eed R AN No ne 10 Pri mary R AN No ne 11 Seco ndary R AN No ne 12 Tr an sferred R AN No ne 13 Overfl ow Ti mer 60 se c 14 Cal l Fac to r No ne FLASH 61 ACD TI MERS 1 ACD* /UCD Ri ng Tim er 60 se c 2 ACD* /UCD Message Int erval Ti mer 60 se c 5 ACD*/UCD No-Answer Recall Timer 000=Disabled 6 ACD* /UCD N o-An swer R etr y Ti mer 300 sec 7 A C D* Gu ar an t e e d M e s s a ge T ime r 0 5 se c FLASH 62 1-8 ACD* Ran Announcement Tables None FLASH 63 1 Event Trace Disable/ Enable Disabl ed 2 Tr ac e Po rt Assi gn men t Po rt #1 3 Bau d R ate Display 9600 Baud * Feature s available with optional software

Introduction 11-23 In iti al iz e Vo ice Mai l Gro up Parameter s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the VOICE MAIL GROUPS flexible button (FLASH 8 0, Bu tton #12). The following message displays: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on VM Group Parameters may be initialized, setting all data fields to their original default values. INITIA LIZE VM GROUP P RE SS HO LD Table 11- 12: Voice Mail Group Defaults Program CodeFl ex ButtonFea turesDef ault V alue ( after initialization) FLASH 65 VOICE MAIL GROUPS 1-8 Vo ice M ai l G rou ps(44 0-447) N on e 9 Alt ernate Voi ce Mail Gr ou p None 10 Le ave Mail In dex Ent ry 44 0=0 11 Ret riev e Ma il In dex En try 44 0=1 12 Station Assignments None FLASH 66 1-8 Vo ice M ai l I n-B an d Sig nali ng Table 0: P re=P7, Su f=No ne Tabl e 1: Pr e=P7, Suf=6 Tables 2-6: N on e Tabl e 7: Pre=P 7, Suf=2 9 Vo ice M ai l D is c on nec t T ab le N on e FLASH 67 1 Vo ice M ai l I n-B an d Di gi ts En abled 2 Voice Mail Transfer/Forward Enabled 3Voice Mail Broker Enabled 4VM ID Digits 3 FLASH 68 1 Vo ice M ai l G rou p N on e 2 Voice Mail ID Number None

11- 2 4 I ntr o ducti o n In it i al iz e D I D- TI E Pa ra m et er s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he DI D- TI E PA RA ME TE RS f le xib le but to n (FLASH 8 0, Bu tton #13). The following message displays: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The DID-TIE Parameters and Timers may be initialized, setting all data fields to their original default values. INITIA LIZE DID-T IE T MRS PRESS HOLD Table 11-13: DID-TIE Pa rameter Def aults Program CodeFl ex ButtonF eat ure sDefa ult Value (after initialization) FLASH 41 MISCELLANEOU S CO PA RAMETERS 1 Dial P ulse 60/ 40 10 pps 3DID Digits 3 5 D ID In co mi ng Sig na li ng DTMF 6T-1 Incoming Signaling DTMF 7 T-1 Frami ng Type D4SF-AMI

Introduction 11-25 Initi al ize Ve ri fie d Account Code Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he VE RI FI ED A CCT CO DES fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 80, Bu tton #14). The following message displays: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The Verified Account Code Table may be initialized setting all data fields to the i r o ri gina l, de fau l t val u es . INITIA LIZE A CC T CODE S P RE SS HO LD Tabl e 11 -1 4: Verif i ed Ac co unt Co de Tabl e Def aul ts Pr o g r a m Co d eFl ex ButtonFea turesDefa ult Va lue (after initialization) FL A S H 3 1 V ERIFI ED ACCOU NT CODES 1Account Code None 2 C la ss o f Serv ic e (COS) No ne 3 Delet e Acc ount Co de No ne 4Erase Digits None

11- 2 6 I ntr o ducti o n Initialize ISDN/VOIP Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e I SDN /V O I P PAR A M ET ER S f l ex i b l e b u tt o n (FLASH 80, Bu tton #15). The following message displays: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The I SDN /V OI P P ar ame te rs ma y be i nit i ali z ed se tt in g al l dat a fie ld s t o the i r o ri gina l, de fau l t val u es . INITIA LIZE IS DN/VOIP P RE SS HO LD Ta b le 11 -1 5: I SD N Pa ra me ter D e fau l ts Program CodeFl ex ButtonFe at uresDe fault Value (after initialization) FLASH 45 PA G E A ISDN PARAMETERS 1 Basic Rat e Inter face (BRI) CO Type NI1 2 Pri mary R ate In ter fac e (PRI ) CO Ty pe NI 2 3 Fra min g ESF 4 NE/ TE Mode TE 5 Pow er Di sabled 6 D irec to ry Nu mb er No ne 7 Max Out I-Frames K 001 8 Leading 1 Enabled 9 Leadin g 011 Enabled 10 7/ 8 Di gi t N um ber Plan ITU 11 C a lli ng Nu mb er Ena b led 12 Loo pback N or mal 13 10 Dig it Nu mber Pl an ITU 14 11 Dig it Nu mber Pl an ITU

Introduction 11-27 PAGE B 1 Ma x imu m N um ber Retr an smi ssion 3 2 Ma x imu m Oc tets 260 3 Ma x imu m TEI ID Req uest 003 4 Maximum XID Ret ransm ission 3 sec 5 T-200 01 sec 6 Ma x imu m TEI ID Ch ec k Messa g e 01 sec 7 Ma x imu m TEI ID Req uest 02 sec 8 Message Exchange Tim er 15 sec 9 Min im um XI D Retra n smissi on 3 sec 10 In ter Di git T/O 25 sec 11 Set-U p Timer 10 sec 12 Disco nn ec t Tim er 04 sec 13 Rel ease Request 04 sec 14 Lin k Disc on nec t 30 sec 15 Call Pr oc eedi ng 60 sec 16 Con nec t R equ est 04 sec 17 Rest ar t R equ est Ti mer 12 0 secTa b le 11 -1 5: I SD N Pa ra me ter D e fau l ts Program CodeFl ex ButtonFe at uresDe fault Value (after initialization)

11- 2 8 I ntr o ducti o n Sys te m Rese t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the System must be reset but not initialized: 1 . Pr es s t he R ES ET fl exi bl e butt on (FLASH 80, Butto n #20). T he following message displays: 2 . To re se t the s yst em wit ho u t i nit ia li z ing the da ta bas e, p re ss the HO LD button. No confirmation tone is heard and the system resets. Des crip ti on The S yst em Rese t fe at ure pr ovi de s a har d s yst em re se t fr om t he keys et ins te ad o f th e KSU . Th is is usef ul i n c as es wher e m is ce l lane ous dat a e rr ors have occurred and the system needs to be reset without initializing the entire database. RESET SYSTEM P RE SS HO LD

12 Printing System Database Parameters This chapter desc ribes the procedures and steps nec essary to print the system database parameters and various portions of the system.

Introduction 12-3 Introduction Print Database Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [8 5]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on The buttons on the key telephone are defined as shown in the following ta bl e wh en e nt er ing t he P r in t Dat aba se P ar ame te rs pr ogr ammi ng a re a: The Print Database Parameters command dumps the entire database as a permanent record which can serve as a hardcopy of the database. The system baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. R efe r to th e f o ll o win g fi gu r es fo r ex ampl es o f the da ta base p ri nto u t s. Al so re fe r t o t he fol low ing par agr aph s for i nst r ucti ons on pr in ti ng portions of the database. PR IN T D ATAB A SE EN TER B UT TON N UMB ER SY STEM PAR AMETERSCO LINE ATTR IBUTESSTATION ATTRIBUTESPO RT - STA/CO =1Q=2W=3E=4R EXCEPTION TABLESSYSTEM SPEED NU MBER SLC R TAB LESEN T I R E SYSTEM =5T=6Y=7U=8I ICLID-D ID TABLESDI REC TOR Y DI A L TA BL EHU NT GRO UPSACD * OR U CD GR OUPS =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S VOICE MAIL GROUPSDID-TIE P A RA METERSVERIFIED ACCT CODESISDN PARAM ETER S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V * Features available with opti onal software.