Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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3-44 I CLI D Prog ra mming * CO Line s 001 -048 availabl e w /o MEMU ins talled (Tria d 1 /2) ** CO Lines 001-144 available with MEMU installed (Tria d 3) ICLID Programming ICLID Ringing Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [43 ]. The following message displays: 00 0 = Ro u t e N u mb er ( 00 0–499 ) XXX = Ringing Destination Y = R i n gi n g T y pe 2 . Pr es s t he RI NG ASS IGN MENT fl exi bl e butt on (FLA SH 43 , Bu tton #1). LED #1 is lit indicating Route 000 is ready for programming. 3 . Ent er a va li d De st ina ti on (XX X) and R ing t yp e ( Y ) foll owed by HO LD. A conf ir mat ion ton e i s hea rd and the di spl ay updat e s. Table 3-9: Flexible Port Assignments Button # CO Line # Port # Button # CO Line # Port # 1 001–008 1–8 10 073-080 73-80 2 009- 016 9-16 11 081-088 81-88 3 017- 024 17-2 4 12 089-096 89-96 4 025- 032 25-3 2 13 097-104 097-104 5 033- 040 33-4 0 14 105-112 105-112 6 041- 048 *41-4 8 15 113-120 113-120 7 049- 056 49-5 6 16 121-128 121-128 8 057- 064 57-6 4 17 129-136 129-136 9 065- 072 65-7 2 18 137-144 **137-144 ROUT E 00 0 XXXXY

ICL ID Programming 3 -45 Des crip ti on IC LI D Ri ngin g A ssi gnme nt s l et you change t he r i ng as si gnme nt base d on the incoming number received. This feature permits you to select from 500 ringing route s for ea ch entry in the name to numbe r tra nslation tab le and DID table (Flash 55). For example, this feature could be used to re-route s elected customers to a s pecific ACD or UCD group a nd by pas s the ge ne ral A t te ndan t. The Direct Inward Dialing (DID) feature permits o ne-way direct inward dialing access to stations on specific DID lines from the public telephone network, without going through an Attendant answering position. DID c apa bil it i es re fe r to inc omi ng ca ll s only. The system accepts 3-7 digits from the Central Office. This lets the numbe r and name fi el d of t he LCD di spl ay on a DI D c al l be pr es ent ed t o the ICLID port. Calls are identified in the SMDR field as answered (I) or Unans wer ed (U) fol l owed by t he DI D numb er . A t le ast one DT M F r ec e ive r must b e i nst al le d. Ta ble 3-10: ICLID Ringing As signments Valid 3- Digit Destinations (XXX ) Valid Ring Types (Y) [020-99 9] = System Speed B in s 1020–199 9, for Off-Net Ri nging[0] = No Ring; unassigned; or to delet e a st at ion [100-17 1] = Tr i a d 1 / 2 Extension Num ber s [100-35 1] =Tr ia d 3 Extensi on Numbers[1] = Day Ring [D] [440-44 7] = Voi ce Mai l Gr ou ps 1–8[2] = Night Ring[N] [450-45 7] = Hu nt Gro ups 1–8[3] = Day/Night Ring[DN] [499] = Dir ect Rin g ing to Mo dem [4] = Speci al On ly [S] [550-56 5] = ACD G rou ps 1–16 [5] = Day/Special [DS] [550-55 7] = ACD G rou ps 1–8[6] = Night/Special[NS] [7] = All Modes [Day/Night/Special [A] Al l p rev iou sl y prog ramme d r oute s will b e los t wh en up grad ing from FP2 to FP3.

3-46 I CLI D Prog ra mming View ICLID Ringing Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s F LA SH 4 3, but ton #1 7 t o di spl ay r i ng as si gnmen ts. As si gnme nts are displayed in sets of six, up to the number programmed. Press FLASH 43, button #17 add itiona l times to cycle to the next group of si x r ing as sig nment s. DDD = Destination RR : [0 ] = N o R i ng [D ] = D a y R i n g [N ] = N i g ht R i ng [DN] = Day/Night Ring [S] = Speci al Only [DS] = Da y/Sp ecial [N S] = N i g h t/ S pe c i a l [A] = All Modes (Day/Night/Special) Mult ip le st at i on as si gnmen ts ar e a ccompl ish ed by a ssi gni ng an othe r des tination with ring status , D DDR, and pre ss ing HOL D. T his can be done for up to the ma ximu m numb er of stati ons on the sys te m. RING ING ASSIGNM ENTS =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H DI SPL A Y RI N GI NG ASSIGNM ENTSNEXT RO UTE NUM BERPR EV IOUS RO UTE NUMBERSELECT RO UTE NUMB ER =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V ROUT E 000 DDDRR DDDR DDDR DDDR DDDR DDDR

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Programm ing 3 -47 Ring as sig nments are continuous a nd d is pla y in order of the des ti nati on numb er fr om 020- 557. A ma ximum of ei ght stations di spl ay. A ddi ti onal st at i ons a nd r i nging as sig nment s ar e d isp lay ed using b utton # 17. Advancing to the Next Route Press the NEXT flexible button (FLASH 43 , Butto n #18) to a dvanc e t o the next ICL ID Route num ber. Returning to a Previo us R oute Press the PREVIOUS flexible button ( FLASH 43, Butto n #1 9) to return to the previous ICLID Route number. Sele cti ng a Di fferent R oute 1 . Pr es s t he SE LEC T ROUT E N UM BER fl exible But ton (FLASH 43, Bu tton #20) to se le c t the de si re d r o u t e n u mbe r. 2. Enter a valid ICLID route nu mber ([000–499] for Triad 1/2/3 Sys te ms). 3. Press HOLD to change to the different route entered. A confirmation tone is he ard. Des crip ti on Keys et s d esi gna te d t o r ing o n an i ncomi ng C O l ine but not de si gnat e d t o ring o n the ICLID ring, may receive a ring cy cle before the call is moved. The sa me ri ngi ng res tri cti ons appl ie d to C O li ne ri ngi ng a re ap pli e d to IC LID ring ing. By d efa ult, no de stina tions or ringing as signme nts e xis t. Di re c t In wa rd Di a l i ng ( DID) Prog ra mmi ng Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [4 4]. The following message displays: [RRR] = Route Number ( 00 0-49 9) [# ## ] = D I D N u mb e r ( Di r e c t o r y # f r om C e n t r al O f fi c e ) [n...n] = Name As signe d to DID Number DID RRR XXXXXXX n......n

3-48 Direct In ward Dialing (DID) Prog ra mming The top left button (ROUTE) in the flexible button field is lit for pr ogra mmi ng t he R out e numbe r. The LED s for t he U P Butt on ( FLASH 44, Bu tton #18), the DOWN Button ( FLASH 44, Butto n #19 ) is also lit. Changi ng to a Di fferent D ID Route Numb er 1. Press either the UP Button ( FLASH 44, Butto n #1 8), -or - Pr es s t h e DO WN B u tt o n ( FLA SH 44 , Bu tton #19). 2. Enter a valid Route Number (000-499) to be associated with the DID Number. This Route Number is the same Route Number in the ICLID Ringing As si g n m e n ts Ta ble (FLASH 43) and determines the destination of the DI D num ber a ssoci at ed wit h t hi s Rout e Numb er. The di spl ay shows the route number as it is entered. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is he ard. Des crip ti on DID ca lls a re treated as an incoming ca ll and follow th e s ame rules es ta blishe d f or CO line s. DID information trans ferred from the network is capt ur ed and t r ansl at ed t o di re ct a s peci fi c DI D numbe r to a s peci fi c station, ACD or Hunt group of station s, o r V oice Mail group . T he DID call app ear s at t he d est i nat ion st at ion unde r a n a ssi gne d LO OP or C O but ton. Whe n r ece ivi ng a D ID cal l, the d est i nat ion st at ion hear s the C O li ne ri ngi ng a nd t he ass ign ed CO or LO OP b utt on f las hes at t he in co ming CO line flash ra te . T he des tination station then pre ss es th e f las hing CO or LOOP bu tton, is connected to the incoming DID call, and CO lin e ringing stops and the LE D f or the C O or L OOP button lights stead y. If the o utside caller disconnects from a two-party conversation, the Ce ntr al O ffi c e op ens t he loop and re tu rns t he l i ne to idl e st at e. The Tr iad 1/ 2/ 3 Di gi ta l Sys te ms d et ect s the di sconne ct si gnal , r e le ase t he li ne, and pr ovid es a b usy tone t o t he key set / SLT (un le ss the S LT is a V M por t), and disconne cts from the DID line . If the e xtension ca lled hang s up th e phone, the central office detects dis connects, and returns the line to the id le st at e.

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Programm ing 3 -49 The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when ent er i ng t he DI D T abl e pr ogra mmi ng ar e a: By default, all entries in the DID Table (000-999) have phone numbers ass ign ed. Refe r t o Table 3 -1 1: DI D & ICLI D Default Tabl e Entr ies for addi t iona l infor mat i on. DI D Ph on e Nu mb er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he P HO NE NUM BER f le xibl e but ton (FLASH 44, Button #2) to pr ogra m t he DI D Num ber. 2. Enter the DID Number to be associated with a valid Route Number (000–499). Up to 7 digits can be entered. By default, only the last three digits are used for routing which is determined in Flash 45. 3. Use the BACK SPACE flexible button ( FLASH 44, Butto n #5) to erase the current number or to correct for errors. 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. If t he DID numb er i s a lr ea dy i n t he DI D Tr ans lat i on Tabl e, th e R out e Number associated with the DID number displays. ROU TE NUMBERPH ONE NUMBERNAMECLEAR ENTRY =1Q=2W=3E=4R BA C K SPACE =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H UPDOWN =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V By default, the DID T able is filled with numbers. If error tone is received when the HOLD button is pres sed, the DID Table is full and an entry needs to be deleted to make room for this new phone number.

3-50 Direct In ward Dialing (DID) Prog ra mming Na m e A s sign ed t o D I D Nu mb er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the NAME flexible button ( FLASH 44, Butto n #3) t o e nte r the des ir ed name f or the DID tr unk. Maxi mum l eng th is 8-char acter s. 2. Press the HOLD button to u pdate the database. A confirmation tone is heard. 3. Use the BACK SPACE flexible button ( FLASH 44, Butto n #5) to erase the current letter to correct for errors. DID Na me a nd Numb er Codes The di spl ay shows th e D ID nam e or num ber a s i t is e nte re d. Fi g u re 3- 1: D I D N a me /N u mb er C o d es Erasing a DID Table Entry Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Cl ear i ng E nt r ies f r om DI D T a bl e 1 . Pr es s t he CL EA R EN TRY But ton (FLASH 44, Button #4) to c le ar an entire Phone Number, Name and Route from the DID Table. 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is he ard. Other Codes 1 = 1# 8 = 8#“ = 01 * = *# 2 = 2# 9 = 9# , = 02 ( = #1 3 = 3# 0 = 0# ? = 03 ) = #2 4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + = #3 5 = 5# : = 12 ! = * 1 = = #4 6 = 6# - = 13 $ = *2 # = ## 7 = 7#‘ = 14 & = *4 . = 24

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Programm ing 3 -51 Ch an g i n g to a Di ff er en t D ID Rou t e Pre ss the UP but ton (FLA SH 44 , Bu tton #18) to adv anc e to the D ID Route Num ber, -or - Pre ss the D OWN but t on ( FLASH 44, Butto n #19) to return to a previous DI D Rout e Numb er . Des crip ti on By default, all entries in the DID Table (000–999) hav e phone numbe rs assigned. The following table shows the default configuration for the DID Table entries and the ICLID Ringing assignments. Ro ute 000 in the ICLID Ringing Assignment Table is used as the intercept route . C alls to numbe rs not contained in th e D ID table follow Route 000. If Route 000 is de faulte d to N one, th e ca ll follow s Route 001. Ta ble 3- 11: DID & ICLID Defa ult Table Entries DID Transl at i o n T abl e I C LI D Tr an s la ti o n Tabl e DI D Ta bl e Entr yDefault Ro ute( s)IC L ID Ta b le Ent ryDefault Destination 000-09 8 099 100-19 8 199 200-29 8 299 300-39 8 399 400-49 8 499 500-59 8 599 600-69 8 699 700-79 8 799 800-89 8 899 900-99 8 999100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 199 100-19 8 1991 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A 1 00A-198A 499A

3-52 IS DN Pro gram ming - Pag e A Ro ute 001 is used as the Busy DID Route. DO NOT program any entries in this Route if you intend to provide a busy tone to callers dialing a busy DI D/ DVI S numbe r. ISDN Programming - Page A Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [45 ]. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only on e l in e i s bei ng prog ram med, ent er t hat num ber t wi ce (0 0 1 00 1) . 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the d is play upd ate s. Fle xi ble bu tt on # 19 (P age A ) i s li t. The fo ll owing message displays to indicate current programming of that line or g roup of lin es: XXX-XXX = CO Line Range 00 1- 04 8=Triad 1/2 00 1- 14 4 = Tria d 3 Des crip ti on Thi s sect i on de scr ibe s the pr oced ure s a nd s te ps nece ss ary t o pr ogr am CO Line attributes. When entering the CO Line attributes portion of the database, the programmer may decide to enter information for a range of C O lines or one sp ecific CO Line. Range programming lets th e programmer change a specific parameter or a few parameters for an entire range of CO Lines leaving intact the remaining data fields that do not require change. Those data fields continu e to operate with the previously programmed data. By default, Page A is shown. ISDN AT TRIBUTES SEL ECT A SLOT RANGE If H OLD is pressed witho ut ent eri ng a CO ran ge, ALL CO l ines (001-048 or 001- 144) are selected. XXX - XXX PA GE A EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R

IS DN Programm in g - Page A 3 -53 Basic Rate Interface (BRI) CO Type Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press BRI CO TYPE flexible bu tton ( FL ASH 45, P ag e A, B utton #1). 2. To view a CO type setting, enter a valid number (0-7). Des crip ti on Cha nges t o BRI CO Ty pe ar ea ar e n ot poss ibl e at t his t ime (s et ti ng = N I1 ). Primary Rate Interface (PRI) CO Type Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press PRI CO TYPE flexib le button ( FLASH 45, Pag e A, Button #2). 2. To view a CO type setting, enter a valid number (1-1). Des crip ti on Cha nges t o P R I CO Ty pe ar ea ar e no t p ossi bl e at t his t ime (s et ti ng = N I2 ). BR I CO TYPEPRI CO T Y PEFRAM INGNT / TE MO DE =1Q=2W=3E=4R PO W ERDI R NUM BERMA X OUT I - FRAM ESLEADING 1 =5T=6Y=7U=8I LEADING 0117/8 DIGIT NUM BER PL ANCALLING NUMBERLOOPBACK =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S 10 D IG IT NUM BER PL AN11 DIGIT NUM BER PL AN =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H PAGE APAG E B =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; PAGE CPR EV IOU SNEX TNEW R ANGE =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V BRI CO TYPE 0-0 NI1 PRI CO TYPE 1-1 NI2