Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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Introduction 10-3 Introduction Lea st Cos t Routi ng (LCR) was des ign ed to sel ect t he most e conomi cal progra mmed route for a n outgoing call. When a statio n user dials an outside number, the LCR feature analyzes the number and then automatica lly choos es an outs ide lin e f rom the group tha t has been progra mmed as mos t economical. The LCR feature puts the responsibility of choosing the least expensive route for each area code and exchange code on the system administra tor, no t o n the sta tion u ser. In orde r to make a routing decision, the LCR feature is programmed in the system database. The successful operation of this feature is completely dependent on the accuracy of th e p rogramm ing. There are eight (8) different tables which are set up to monitor the dialing of di gi ts of a st at i on and t o se le ct the be st r oute p rogr amme d f or the cal l. 1. 3- Di git Ar ea/O ffi ce Code Routing Ta bl e 2. 6-Digit Office Code Routing Table 3. Exception Table 4. Route List Table 5. Insert/Delete Table 6. Daily Start Time Table 7. Weekday (Weekly) Schedule 8 . To l l I n f o r m a t i o n Ta b l e

10-4LC R Tab l e s LCR Tables 3- Di git Table The 3-Digit Table is divided into two sections: Leading 1 (1 is dialed before the number) and Non-Leading 1 (no 1 is dialed before the number). This gives the system the ability to handle call routing in areas tha t re qui re a 1 bef ore a long di st ance numbe r as wel l as in ar eas t hat do not require the 1. 6- Di git Table (Of fic e Co des ) The 6-Digit Tab le can accommoda te 20 in dexes. Each ind ex is as socia ted wit h a n ar e a code an d can be pr ogra mme d t o r oute up t o 8 00 off ice codes using 1 of the 16 possible routes. Several indexes can be used with the same area code to provide routing flexibility. Daily Start Time Tables The Da il y S ta rt T ime T abl es al l ow t he user t o m atc h th e T im e P e ri ods discount structure to the carriers rate schedule. Default LCR Database In an effor t t o de cre ase i nst al la ti on a nd s et -up ti me usua ll y a ssoci at ed with L CR, a default LCR D ata bas e ha s b een in co rporated . The d efa ult LCR Database provides basic routing for all local and long distance dialing. Exce ptio n Tabl es The Exce pt ion T abl e is use d to rout e op er at or a ssi st ed cal ls and an y oth er c al ls w hic h woul d us e a o ne or two -di git numb er ra the r t han a t hre e- dig it ar ea code.

LC R Tab l e s10-5 Inse rt/Dele te Tables There are 20 Insert/Delete Tables. Up to 20-digits, including pauses, can be ins er te d a nd up to 16 -d igi ts de le te d. To i nsur e th at a pa use is i nse rt ed in LCR at def aul t, th e d ata bas e prog ram ming has be en change d t o ad d a paus e i n e ac h o f t he 2 0 LC R Ins er t and Del e te Ta bl es and Ins er t Tab le 0 in each of the route tables. LCR Routing for Toll Information The LCR Routing for Toll Information feature adds provisions to the LCR c al l p roc e ssi ng whic h al lows c ommon c all r out ing for al l tol l in form ati on cal ls. 1 -(XX X)5 55 -1 2 12 , (XXX) 55 5 -1 21 2, 1 -5 55 -1 2 12 , a nd 5 5 5- 12 1 2 ca ll s ar e i nt er c ep te d a nd se nt t o a se le c te d r out e i n t he R out e L ist T abl e . Numbers dialed are integrated and if it is a toll information call, preceded with o r without an area code or a leading digit 1, the call is sent to the ro ut e de si gnat ed in pr o gra mmi ng. Route List Tables Up to 16 dif fere nt routes can b e p rogramm ed. Ea ch route can contain up to four route lists, one for each of the four time periods. Up to seven CO line groups (routing choices ) and their corres ponding Insert/Delete Ta ble s may b e prog ram med wit hi n e ach r out e li st . We e kl y T i m e Ta b l e s The least costly route for a particular dialed number may not be the same at di ffe re nt ti me s of t he day or o n di ffe re nt days of the we ek . Fo r t he se situation, there are two Time-of-Day tables: a Daily Start Time Table and a Weekly Schedule Table. The Weekly Time Table determines which one of the four Routes LCR to use based on the Time-of-Day and Day-of-the- We ek.

10-6LC R Tab l e s Figure 10-1: LCR Flowchart ROUT E A SSIGNED FR O M 6-DIGIT TA B L E

LC R Op e r a ti o n 1 0- 7 LCR Operation Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. 1. Press FLASH and di al [75]. The following message displays: 2 . The re ar e ei ght t abl es whi c h c an be pr ogra mmed he re for LCR (y ou m ust al so p rogr am LC R Cl ass of S er v ice in St at ion Pr ogr ammi ng). Use t he pr oc edur es l is te d be l ow to pr ogra m t hes e LC R ta bl es. Des crip ti on The Least Cost Routing (LCR) feature allows automatic selection of the mo st e c o no mi c al tr u nk ac c o rd ing to the nu m ber di al ed and th e t i me o f the da y a nd da y of the we ek. T her e are e igh t ( 8) dif fer en t t ab le s s et up to moni tor t he di ali ng of di gi ts of a st at i on and t o se le ct th e b est r out e pr ogra mmed for the cal l. The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when entering the LCR Tables Programming area: LCR TABLES EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R It is ex tre mely impo rtant t hat the work shee ts be co mple ted befor e prog rammin g the LC R tabl es. Fl ash 05, butto n #7 mu st b e used to en able the L ea st C ost Rout ing featu re. 3- DIGIT TABLE6-DIGIT TAB LEEXCEP TION TABLESROU TE L IST TABLE =1Q=2W=3E=4R INSERT / DELETE TAB LEDA I L Y TI ME TAB LEWEEK LY TIME TABLETO LL INFORMATION =5T=6Y=7U=8I

10-8 L CR O peratio n 3- Di git Area / O ff ice Cod e Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the 3-DIGIT TABLE flexible bu tton ( FLASH 75, Butto n #1). The following message displays: L = [ 0] fo r N o n- L e a d i ng 1 (1 n o t d i a l e d ), [1 ] f or L e ad i n g 1 ( 1 i s d i a l e d) NNN = A rea/Of fice Code RR = Ro u t e L i s t N u mb e r 0 0- 15 Y = [0] Do not go to 6-digit table, [1] Go to 6-digit table PP = Number of digits expe cted to be dialed. 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on Both Leading 1 and Non-Leading 1 tables include all area codes (NPAs), and o ffice codes (NXXs), from 000 to 999, including such numbers as 911, 411, etc. A complete entry into these tables include a route list table to be used, if the 6-digit table is to be checked and the number of digits likely to be dialed (Example: 7 or 10 digits). All local office codes must be entered in this table even if they do not require long distance calling. The number of digits to expect entry aids the system in identifying when the last digit is dialed and to begin routing the call. This also helps to free SLT DT M F r e ce i ver s if SLT t ra ffi c in th e s yst em is he avy . For international calls, use 00 as number of digits to expect. This causes the s yst em to wai t fi ve sec o n ds ( o r i nt er -di gi t ti me -o u t ) af te r u se r dia ls la st di git b efor e th e s yst em acce sse s a CO Li ne and di al s out . 3 DIGIT ROUTING TABLE ENTE R L NNN RRY PP HOL D

LC R Op e r a ti o n 1 0- 9 6- Di git O ff ice Cod e Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the 6-DIGIT TABLE flexible bu tton ( FLASH 75, Butto n #2). The following message displays: 6 = [0] to remove codes, [1] to add codes AAA = Area Code RR = Ro u t e N u mb e r 0 0- 15 NNN = Office Code 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . 3 . Ent er a ddit i onal offi ce codes t o be pr ogra mme d i nto the s ame Are a Code/Route Table, pressing HOLD after each office code entry. 4 . Pr es s a fl exi bl e but ton to prog ram a d iff er ent t abl e. Deleting All Entries in an Area Code/Route Table Ent er [0 A A A RR ## #]. Des crip ti on The 6-Digit Office Code Table determines a route for one or a group of ind ividua l off ice codes within an area code. Certain office codes within a n area co de ca n be giv en unique or spe cia l routing. If the office cod e d ialed is not found in the 6-digit Office Code Table, the call is then routed ac c or ding to th e r out e li st t abl e as was ent er ed i n t he 3- digi t t abl e. The system allows twenty 6-digit Area/Office code tables that may be used to route specific office codes within an area code. Each table routes calls for a common area code to a specified route. All entries made to a ta bl e r out e t hos e of fic e c ode s to the sp ec i fie d rout e li st t abl e. A n ar e a code may be entered into more than one 6-digit table with different routes specified. 6 DIGIT ROUTING TABLE EN TE R 6 AAA RR NNN HO LD

10-1 0 L CR O peratio n Exce ptio n Cod e Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s E XCEP T IO N TA BLES fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLASH 75, Butto n #3 ). The following message displays: 6 = [0] to remove code from table, [1] to add code to table XX = Exception codes for singl e digit codes , press MUTE button as 2nd digit. (T he [ 6] may be entered as the 1s t digit only.) RR = Route T able Num ber 00–15 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . 3. Press FLASH 75, Butto n #3 agai n f or fur the r ent r ie s. Up t o 2 0 E xcept i on Code s may b e prog ramm ed in thi s ta ble . Des crip ti on The E xcept i on Cod e T abl e is use d for oper at or cal ls and any oth er cal ls that use a one- or two-digit entry, rather than a three-digit area code. Route List Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ROUTE LIST TABLE flexible button (FLA SH 75 , Bu tton #4). The following message displays: RR = Route Lis t T able Number 00–15 T = Time Pe rio d Ro u te Lis t 1–4 GG = C O L i n e Gr o u p 00–23 DD = Insert/Delete T able reference 00 -1 9 (# # for none) L = LCR Clas s of Service (LCOS) EXCEPTION CODE TA BLE EN TE R 6 XX RR HOL D ROUTE LIST TABLE RR T GG DD L

LC R Op e r a ti o n 10 - 11 2. To create an entry, dial: a. [RR] b. [T] c. [GG] d. [DD ] e. [L] 3. Press [HOLD] to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. 4. To enter additional CO Line groups in the same Time Period Route List number: a. Di al [GG] b. Di al [DD ] c. Dial [L] d. Pre ss [HO LD] Entering Data for a Diffe rent Time Pe riod Route List 1. Press program FLASH 75, Butto n #4 and ent er a ll da ta (RR T GG DD L). 2. Repeat the above to program a new Route Number 00 to 15 or press a flexible button to p rogram oth er LCR information . 3. To advance to the next entry, use Button #18. 4 . To re tu rn to a pr ev io u s e ntr y, u s e B u t t o n # 19 . Whe n Call Cost feature is enabled in FLASH 05, Button #11, the following message displays. RR = Route Lis t T able Number 00- 15 T = Time Pe rio d Ro u te Lis t 1- 4 CCC = Cost for one minute ($ 0.00–$9.99) GG = C O L i n e Gr o u p 00 - 23 DD = Insert/Delete T able reference 00 -19 (## for none) L = LCR Clas s of Service (LCOS) ROUTE LIST TABLE RR T CCC GG DD L