Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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2-66 O n-Bo ard Re la y Prog ra mming On-Board Relay Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [14]. Button #1 is lit to indicate Relay #1 is se le cte d. T he fol lowi ng me ss age di spl ays: X = 1- 6 YYYYYYYYYYYY = Ext Page Zone 1-2, LBC Sta XXX, Ran S tart X, CO Control XX, PFTU 2. Press the button that corresponds to the desired relay. That button lights . E nter one of the following s equences on the keypa d: [1] + [1 or 2] Firs t two E xternal Page Zone s [2] + [ 1 through 8] = RAN Start (RAN Announce ment Tab le s 1-8) [3] = PFTU Control [4] + STA # = Loud Be ll [5] + CO # = C O L ine Control [0] = D isa bles Relay 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Eac h ti me t he u ser p re sse s a r el ay b u tt o n, the LCD u pd ate s wit h t he relay number and the function assigned to it. Des crip ti on The Tr iad 1/ 2 has four (4) relays on the MIS U a nd the Tri ad 3 ha s s ix (6) rela ys on the MISU that can b e programmed to perform certain functions . These functions are loud bell, external page control, RAN Start, PFTU control, a nd C O L ine control. RELAY X TYPE YYYYYYYYYYYY REL A Y 1REL A Y 2RELAY 3REL A Y 4 =1Q=2W=3E=4R REL A Y 5REL A Y 6 =5T=6Y=7U=8I

Baud Rat e As si gnm ents 2 - 67 Baud Rate Assign ments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [1 5]. The first button is lit and ready for pr ogra mmi ng Por t #1. T he foll owi ng me ss age di spl ays : Des crip ti on The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 Sys tem provides outputs such a s S MDR or ICLID to the standa rd RS-232 connectors on the MPB or optional SIU Modu les. Port #1, #3, #4 Baud Rates Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he de si re d PO RT # fl ex but ton (FLASH 15, Bu tton s #1, #3, or # 4) to determine the port to program. 2. Enter a 1-digit number fo r the baud rate: 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on PORT #1 - - O n-Boa rd RS- 23 2C por t on t he MPB. PORT #3 a nd # 4 -- RS-2 3 2 por t o n t he opti onal S IU2 b oar d. PORT BAUD 1 960 0 PORT #1 M PB RS- 232CPO RT #2 MO DE MPO RT #3 I/O R S-232PORT #4 I/O RS- 232 =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I [1] = 15 0 Bau d [5] = 2 400 Bau d [2] = 30 0 Bau d [6] = 4 800 Bau d [3] = 60 0 Bau d [7] = 9 600 Bau d [4] = 12 00 Baud [8] = 1 9.2K Baud

2-68 Net wo rking Tabl es By default, Port #1 (MPB RS-232C), Port #3 (RS-232) and Port #4 (RS-232) baud rates are set for 9600. Po r t # 2 B aud R at e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Press the PORT #2 flex button (FLA SH 15 , Bu tton #2) to ver i fy t he bau d ra te of the On-Boa rd modem. T he following m ess age displays : Des crip ti on PORT #2 -- On-Bo ard 2400 Baud is standard on the Tr iad 3 System, but optiona l on Tr iad 1/ 2. By default, the On-Board modem baud rate is set for 2400. Ne two rk i n g Tab l es Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [16]. T he foll owi ng me ss age di spl ays: 2. Press the desired bu tton, make the necessary entry, and then press HOLD after each entry to select a trunk group, station range, IP a ddr ess (i f a ppl ica ble ), and syst em numbe r : [1] = Se le ct Trun k Group (0-23) [2]= Station Range START (100-9999) [3] = Station Range END (100-9999) [4] = IP Add re ss [22] = Page Up [23] = Page D own [2 4] = S el e ct syst em numb er (1 -1 6) PORT BAUD 2 240 0 NETWORKING TABLES SELECT SYS NO

Ne t wo r k i n g Ta b l e s 2 - 69 Des crip ti on The Networking Table identifies the system number (1-16); the CO group (0 -2 3); t he r ang e of st at ion numbe r s (f rom XXX X t o XX XX); and th e I P addr e ss. TRU NK GRPSTATION RANG E FRO MSTATIO N RANGE TOIP AD DRESS =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; PAGE UPPAGE DOW NSYSTEM NO =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V Ta b l e 2 - 8 : N e t w o r k i n g T a bl e s Sys te m CO G r o u pStation Range IP Addre ss From To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Button 24Button 1Button 2Button 3

2-70 Acces s Co des Co n dit io n s †Wi th Fle xi ble Num ber i ng e nabl ed /us ed, th e c a ll for wa rdi ng f eat ur e changes. †Feature access codes ca nnot conflict with station numbering. †CO line numbe rs are fixed and ca nnot be chang ed othe r tha n the c urr ent F LA SH 42 r e- ass ignm ent . †The VMI D di gi ts ne ed to be pr ogra mmed se par at el y. †The SMDR will output up to 4-digit numbers in the station field. If less than 4 digits are selected in the numbering plan, leading spaces will be adde d i n pl ace of numbe rs. The 3- 4 d igi t SMDR pr ogr ammi ng ar ea is r emove d f rom prog ram ming in FP 3 . C all A c c ounti ng dev ic es ne ed to be configured to a ccept 4 digits. Access Codes Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Pr es s FLASH and di al [20 ]. The following message displays: Only 4- digi t ext ensi ons will wo rk wi th Ne twork Ta ble s. T he numb ers e nte red i n th e s tati on ra nge cann ot co nflic t with the Fle xi ble Nu mber ing Pl an. Wh en systems a re ti ed to geth er , each sy st em ha s to h ave access to 911 thr ough local lin es . ACCES S CODES EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R

Access Code s 2 -71 Des crip ti on Thi s sect i on de scr ibe s the pr oced ure s a nd s te ps nece ss ary t o pr ogr am Access codes. DI S A Acc ess Co de Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he DI SA ACC ES S CO DE fl ex bu tt on (FLASH 20, Bu tton #1). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number (000–999) on the dial pad for the DISA access code. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The DISA Access Code feature permits ass igning a 3-digit acces s code to the system. Anyone calling on a DISA line must use this code to gain access to system features. To disable the DISA access code, enter (#) three ti me s. B y def au lt , 1 0 0 is the as sig ned ac c es s c o de . Us e o f thi s f eat u r e wi t h or without access code can b e abused by callers. DISA ACCESS CO DEADMIN P ASSWO RD =1Q=2W=3E=4R DISA ACCE SS CODE 10 0

2-72 S tation Mess age Detail Recording (SMDR) D atabase Ad mi n Pass word Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ADMIN PASSWORD flex button (FLASH 2 0, Bu tton #2). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds with 0000-9999. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The password used to enter customer database programming can be c ust omiz e d by t he prog ram mer . T hi s l et s the s yst em admi ni st ra tor bl oc k unauthorized pers onnel from enterin g da tab ase ad min . Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [21]. The following message displays: 2 . To pr ogra m S MD R fe atu re s, us e the fl exi bl e but ton(s ) a s de fi ned in the following procedures. 3 . The EN ABL E/DI SABLE, T YPE, a nd PRI NT fea tur es t oggl e on and off each time the button is pressed. The display updates with each toggl e. AD MIN PASS WOR D 32 26 Care should be ta ken when cha nging the prog ramming password so a utho rize d pe rso nne l are not lo ck ed ou t, whic h coul d pre ve nt or d ela y t hem from ma ki ng ne ce ssary prog rammin g cha nge s. SDR TPE PNT BAUD PORT NO LD 80 9600 1

Sta tion Mes sage Detail Recording (SMDR) 2 -73 4. After all entries are made, press HOLD to save the entry. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Triad 1/2/3 Sys tem can p rov ide SMDR ou tput to the optional RS-232C connectors on the MISU. When S MD R is desired, th e f ollowin g system-wide parameters determine how SMDR information is reported. SMDR Enable / Disable Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ENABLE/DISABLE flex button ( FLASH 21, Butto n #1 ). Thi s fea tur e tog gle s on and off eac h ti me t he b utt on i s pre ss ed. The di spl ay up dates wi th each togg le . LED ON = SMDR is enabled LED O FF = S MDR i s dis abl ed 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard Des crip ti on A call a ccounting dev ice can be ins ta lled allowing the sy stem to track calls by outs ide line num ber, numbe r dia le d, time of da y, date, station that placed or received the call, and duration of the call. By default, SMDR is di sab le d. Long Dis tance / All Calls Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he C A LL T Y P E fl ex but ton ( FLASH 21, Button #2) to determine the typ e of calls to record. This fea ture togg les on and off each time the b u tt o n i s pre ss ed. The di spl ay u pdat es wi th ea ch to g gle . LED O N = Long Di st ance is ena bl ed LED OFF = All Calls is enabled 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. ENAB LE / DISABLECALL TYPEPRIN T FORMATBA U D RA TE =1Q=2W=3E=4R PORT =5T=6Y=7U=8I

2-74 S tation Mess age Detail Recording (SMDR) Des crip ti on The sy stem can b e s et to record a ll outgoing calls or only outgoing long di st ance call s. Long Di st ance cal ls ar e defi ne d as be gi nning wi th a 1 or 0 , or conta ining e ight or more d igits . Incoming ca lls a re only recorde d if TYPE is se t for al l cal ls. By defa ult , the sy st em re cords l ong d ist ance (L D) calls only . Charac te r Print Ass ignme nt Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s P R I NT FO R M AT fl ex but ton (FLASH 21, Button #3) to determine the print format of SMDR records. This feature toggles on and off e ach ti me th e b utt on i s pre ss ed. The di spl ay updat es wi th ea ch to ggle . LED O n = 80 -C har act er i s e nab le d LED Off = 30-Character is enabled 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The system can be programmed to print individual SMDR records in ei th er a 1- li ne 80 -cha ra ct e r form at or a 3 -l i ne 3 0 -char act er fo rma t. By default, the 1-line 80-character format is selected. Baud Rate Display Pro g ram mi ng S te ps The S MD R Baud Rate is progra mmed using Fla sh 15, Ba ud Rate As si g n m e n ts . FLASH 21, Button #4 returns an error tone when pressed. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which port is assigned to the S M DR P o r t nu mbe r. Des crip ti on The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 System provides SMDR output to the standard RS-232C connector on the option al MIS U. T he baud ra te is d is pla yed as 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud.

We ekl y N ig ht Mo de Schedul e 2 - 75 SMD R Po rt A s si gnmen ts Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he P OR T fl ex but ton (FLASH 21, Button #5) to de te rmi ne which port to use for SMDR information. 2. Enter a valid number for the SMDR Port number: [1] = Port #1 (MPB On-Board RS -232C) [3] = Port #3 (RS- 232C on option al SIU) [4] = Port # 4 (RS- 232C on optional S IU ) The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is as si gned to th e S M DR P o r t nu mbe r. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on PORT #1 -- Ref er s t o t he RS- 23 2 C conne ct or o n t he o pti onal MI SU. PORT #3 - - Refers to the RS -232C connector on the optiona l SIU. PORT #4 - - Refers to the RS -232C connector on the optiona l SIU. By de faul t , Por t #1 i s us ed for SMD R. Weekly Night Mode Schedule Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pr es s FLASH and di al [22 ]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 Sys te m can be pr ogra mme d so it i s aut omat ica ll y pl ace d into a nd out of night mode. A p rogramm able weekly time schedule lets the system administrator preset the time the system goes into night mode , a nd the ti me ni ght mode i s r em oved on a dai l y ba si s, incl udi ng weekend operation. DAY E ND S TART AUTO MON 0800 1700 NO