Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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8-4 Voice M ail Prog ra mming Au to Attenda nts can handle incom ing calls and route calle rs to station users without intervention from the systems Attendant. Direct incoming ring to V oice Mail/Auto Attend ant groups can b e d one directly throug h CO Line Ringing Assignments. By default, all Voice Mail stations are ass ign ed to Pi ck-U p Gr oup 1 . The but t ons on t he digi t al te l ephon e a re def ine d a s s hown wh en e ntering the V oice Mail prog ram ming area : : Alternate Voice Mail Group Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he A LTE R NATE VM GR O UP fl exi bl e but ton (F L ASH 6 5, Bu tton #9). 2. Enter the pilot number (440 to 447) of the desired group. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting an Alternate Voice Mail Group Assignment 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. VM G ROUP 440VM GROUP 441VM GROUP 442VM G ROUP 443 =1Q=2W=3E=4R VM G ROUP 444VM GROUP 445VM GROUP 446VM G ROUP 447 =5T=6Y=7U=8I AL T E R N A T I V E VM G ROUPLEAVERETRIEVEST A T I O N ASSIG N =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V VM 4 4G A AA LLL R XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Voice Mail Program ming 8-5 Des crip ti on An Alternate Voice Mail Group may be programmed so that if all voice mai l por ts ar e in use, t he c all c a n be r oute d t o a n al t er nat e group . T his i s useful when more than eight ports are required for voice mail traffic. Leave Mail Index Entry Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the LEAVE flexible button (FLASH 65, Button #10). 2 . Ent er a val id Lea ve Ma il I nde x numb er on t he di al pa d: †Fir st D igi t = St anda rd Leave Tab le numb er (0 -7 ). †Se c ond Di gi t = Le ave Tabl e t o ut il iz e when s ta ti on i s for wa rde d t o VM in a No-Answer condition. †Third Digit = Leave Table to utilize when station is forwarded to VM i n a B usy con dit io n. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting a L eave M ail Index Entry 1. Press [#] in the desired location on the keypad. 2. Then press the HOLD button. Exa mple - - Tables 1,2,3 entered, to d elete o nly Ta ble 2, e nte r [1], [#], [3] and pre ss HO LD). Des crip ti on The Leave Mail Index specifies the outpulsing Table where the in-band digits required to connect a caller, forwarded into voice mail, to the called stations mail box are stored. By default, Voice Mail Group 1 (440) Leave Mail Index is set to zero (0). VM 4 4G A AA LLL R XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

8-6 Voice M ail Prog ra mming Retrieve Mail Index Entry Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the RETRIEVE flexible button ( FLASH 65, Butto n #1 1). 2. Enter a valid outpulsing table number (0-7) on the dial pad. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting a R etrieve Mail Index Entry 1. Pres s the pound ke y once [# ]. 2. Then press the HOLD button. Des crip ti on The Retrieve Mail Index specifies the outpulsing table where the In-Band digits required to connect a station user to their own mailbox are stored. By default, Voice Mail Group 1 (440) Retrieve Mail Index is set to 1. Station Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he STATI ON A SS IGN fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 65, Bu tton #12). 2. Enter SSS 1 to add a s tat i on. -or - Ent er SSS 0 to delete a station. (SSS = station number) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. VM 4 4G A AA LLL R XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX VM 4 4G A AA LLL R XXX, XXX , XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX

Voice Mail Outpulsing Table 8-7 Des crip ti on Up to twe nty -four (24) e xte nsion num bers may be prog ram med in to a voi ce m ail gr oup. A fl exi bl e but ton may be pr ogra mmed wi th a v oice mai l gr oup p il ot nu mber (4 40 -4 4 7). Thi s but t on th en act s a s a D SS f or t hat voi ce m ail gr oup when pr es sed and al so s er ve s a s t he me ssa ge wait i ng indication for that VM group. Voice Mail Outpulsing Table Voice Mail In-Band Signaling Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pr es s F LASH and dia l [66]. The fol lowi ng m es sage di sp lays : Y = Ta b l e I nd e x (0–7) X = Entered Digits (0–9, #, 6, Paus es) 2. The TABLE 00 flexible button (Button #1) led is lit. To change tables, p re ss the a ppr opr iat e fl exi ble b utt on (But t ons 2–8) and per fo rm the f oll owing pr oc edur es . 3. Dial one of the following, w hen required : [0] = If a pre fix is req uired [1] = If a suff ix is re quire d [#] = If entry is to be dele te d 4 . Ent er u p to 12 d igi ts , i nc lu d ing [ 6] a nd [# ], T RANS button = p ause . 5. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Cl ear i ng E ntr ies i n a T ab le Press the pound key once [#], followed by HOLD. Des crip ti on Entries in one of the eight Voice Mail Outpulsing Tables determine the In- Band si gnal ing re qui re d f or: †Retrieving messages (allows stations to pick up mail). †Leav ing mes sag es (al lows st at i ons t o l eav e m ess age s i n v oice mai l) . VOICE PRE XXXXXXXXXXXXE MAIL Y SUF XXXXXXXXXXXXE

8- 8 Voi ce Mai l O utpul s in g Tabl e Sugges te d Us es: †Buil d a t abl e (0 for exa mpl e) for any addi ti onal d igi ts ot her t han th e st at ion ext en sion numbe r (e. g., Voi c e M a il Box nu mber ) n ee ded for a cal le r to l e ave a me ss age i n a st ati on’s mailbox (Leave). †Buil d a noth er t abl e (1 for exa mpl e) for any addi ti onal d igi ts ne ede d for a mai lbox hold er t o re t ri eve a me ssa ge (R et ri ev e). By D efa ult : TABLE 0TABLE 1TAB LE 2TABLE 3 =1Q=2W=3E=4R TABLE 4TABLE 5TAB LE 6TABLE 7 =5T=6Y=7U=8I DI SC ON NECT TABLE 8 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V Ta ble 0 Prefix = P7 (Pause+7) Suffi x = None Ta ble 1 Prefix = P7 (Pause+7) Suffi x = 6 Ta ble 7 Prefix = P7 (Pause+7) Suffi x = 2 En trie s a re n ot req uire d in t he Outp ulsing Tab le . H owe ve r, a tabl e mus t be r ef er enc ed wh en s e tting up the Voi ce M ail group s.

Voice Mail Outpulsing Table 8-9 Voi c e M a il D isc on ne c t Ta b le Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the DISCONNECT TABLE 8 flexible button (FLASH 66, Bu tton #9). Thi s ta ble num ber i s used for t he voic e ma il di sc onne c t si gnal . 2 . Ent er up t o 1 2 di gi ts use d for the di sconne ct s ign al, incl udi ng [ 6] an d [ #], TRANS but ton = paus e. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A disconne ct s ig nal can b e prog ram med into the Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 System to not ify th e VM sys te m t hat a cal l h as bee n a bandone d. Thi s is accomplished through in-band signaling. If a CO or Intercom disconnect signal is detected, the Triad 1/2/3 Sy st em sen ds a se r ie s of DT MF di gi ts pr ogra mmed i n the voice ma il di sconne ct ta bl e to the voi ce mai l port. Thi s ca n be a ny di gi t st re am u p t o 1 2 dig it s incl udi ng [ 6] and [ #]. Thi s tab le se r ves al l ei ght voi c e mai l group s. Whe n no d igi t s a re programmed in the disconnect table, silence is provided to the voice mail por t f oll owed by b usy t one to ai d t he v oice mai l syst e m to re cogni ze t hat the ca ll er has ab andone d t he cal l. The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 S ystem prov ide s L oop S upervision monitoring while a CO call is connected to a port d esigna ted a s vo ice mail. By default, there are no entries in the Disconnect Table (Table #8). VOICE DIS E MAIL Loo p Su per vis io n mus t be e nab le d on the CO lin es (in C O L ine prog rammin g) for the VM Disco nne ct feat ure to ope rate .

8-10 Vo ice Ma il In-Ban d Fea tures Voice Mail In-Band Features Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH a nd di al [ 67]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on Entries into the Voice Mail In-Band Features determines the in-band si gnal ing r equ i re d f o r IC ID In c o ming ID Di gi ts (fo r war ds in co m ing CO callers directly to a Station’s Voice Mai l Box), and F orw ard t o VM Gr oups (lets voice mail calls, upon reaching a forwarded to VM station, forward back into the voice mail system). Voi c e M a il In -B a n d D i g it s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he I N-BA ND DI GS CO CA LL f le xib le but to n (FLASH 67, Bu tton #1). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys. 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 to Enab le / Dis abl e thi s fea tu r e. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. VM FEATURES EN TE R B U TT ON N U MB ER IN -BA N D DI GS CO CA L LFORWARD TO VM GROUPSVM B ROK ER CALLSVM ID DI GI TS =1Q=2W=3E=4R IN-BA ND DIGS CO CALL 0-1 EN AB LE D

Voice Mail In-Ba nd Fe atures 8 -11 Des crip ti on The Voice Mail In-Band Digits feature enables and disables station in-band signaling. Incoming CO callers can be Station Call Forwarded int o v oic e ma il onl y whe n t he ri ngi ng C O li ne is pr ogr amme d t o r in g at one station. CO line s pro gra mmed to ring at an Attenda nt station, call forward into the voice mail system (if programmed to ring only at one Attendant station). Callers are presented to the main greeting (not the Attendant stations’ mai l b ox) e ven w hen I D di gi ts ar e e nabl ed . By de faul t, ID digits for incoming CO calls is enabled. Voi ce Mail Tr ansf er / Fo r war d Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the FORWARD TO VM GROUPS flexible button ( FLASH 67, Bu tton #2). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 to Enab le / Dis abl e thi s fea tu r e. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Voice Mail Transfer/Forward feature forwards voice mail calls, upon reaching a forwarded to VM station, back into the voice mail unit. It is useful when VM ports are being used as both Auto Attendant and VM por ts . T his fe at ure can be ena bl ed/di sab le d f or a ll VM group s. By de faul t, the VM Transfer/Forward feature is enabled. FOR WA RD TO VM GR OU P S 0- 1 EN AB LE D

8-12 Vo ice Ma il In-Ban d Fea tures Voi ce Mail Br ok er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the VM BROKER CALLS flexible button ( FLASH 67, Butto n #3). The following message displays: 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 to Enab le / Dis abl e thi s fea tu r e. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Voi c e Ma il Br oker C al ls fe at ure modi fi es t he o per at ion of v oic e mai l ports when disabled. Broker operation is unavailable when using supe r vis ed tr ans fer s to st at ions . W hen enab le d, the c ur re nt br oker m ode operation during supervised transfers remains in effect. This means the cal l t o t he st at io n r ema ins as th e s econd par t y i n a br oker mod e. If disabled, the VM port disconnects the call to a station and retu rns to the original party. By default, the VM Broker feature is enabled. Voice Mail ID Digit Length Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the VM ID DIGITS flexible button (FLASH 67, Button #4). T he following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number (2, 3, or 4) that corresponds to the number of digits to be dialed. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. VM BROKER CAL LS 0-1 EN AB LE D VM ID DIGITS 2-4 3

Voice Mail Index Table 8 -13 Des crip ti on The Voi c e Ma il I D D ig it Le ngt h fe at ure mod ifi es t he st at ion and CO voi c e mail identification fields such that the maximum length of these fields is four di git s. Voice Mail Index Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps To add Ma ilbox buttons , or chan ge VM groups and ID numbers : Pre ss FLASH a nd di al [ 68]. The following message displays: The top left button in the flexible button field ( FLASH 68, Butto n #1 ) is lit for programming VM Group 1 (440). Chang i ng VM Gro up s 1. Enter the VM Group nu mber (440–447). 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Changi ng the VMID Number 1 . Pr es s t he VM I D NU MBE R fl exi bl e but ton (FLA SH 6 8, Bu tton #2). 2. Enter the VMID numb er which corre spond s to 0000–9999. A value of 0 0 00 di sa ble s thi s ta ble e ntr y. In thi s ca se, no V M di git s are s ent . 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Advancing to the Next VM Index Numbe r Press the NEXT flexible button (FLA SH 68 , Bu tton #18). The Mailbox Table number increments by 1. Returning to a Previo us VM Inde x N umber Press the PREV flexible button (FLA SH 68 , Bu tton #19). The Mailbox Table number decrements by 1. MAIL BOX TBL: XXX VM GROUP: YYY VMID ZZZZ