Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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1 Customer Database Programming This manual provides the information necessary to program the ST A RPLU S Triad 1/2/3 System. The described features are based on the c urrent software release. If any of these features do not work on your system, call your sales representative regarding upgrading your sy s t e m .

Introduction1-3 Introduction The STA RPLUS Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 Te le phone Sy stem is pr ogra mmed to me et ea ch cust ome r’s i ndi vid ual nee ds. A ll p rogr amm ing is done at a ny 24 -But t on E xec ut iv e T el ep hone as the p rogr amm ing st at ion or thr ough an ASCII terminal or PC. The digital display model is required for pr ogra mmi ng. When the pro gramming mode is entered, the digital telephone being used no longer operates as a telephone but as a programming station wit h a ll of th e b utt ons re de fine d. The ke ys on t he dia l pad ar e us ed to ent er dat a f ie lds (Progr am C odes ) ass ocia te d wi th s yst em, st at ion, a nd CO li ne f eat ur es as we ll as s pe ci fi c dat a t hat re qui re s a num er ic e ntr y. F le xib le buttons toggle o n or off fea tures , or enab le en try of specif ic d ata fields . LED s a nd t he LCD di spl ay pr ovid e a vi sua l indi cat ion of e nt er ed dat a and the i r v al u e. Programming is also performed using an ASCII terminal, or a computer capa ble of emul at i ng an ASCI I t er mina l. Th is for m of pro gra mmin g i s done lo cally (o n-site) by connecting the terminal directly to the RS-232C connector on th e Mas ter Proces sor Board (MPB) or is p erformed remotely (off- site ) through the use of the On Board 2400 b aud modem (Tr iad 3) or the optional 2400 baud modem (Tri ad 1 /2). T he me thod and steps to program the system via a PC are identical to those used when progra mming from a digital k ey set. A button to key board ma pping is provided (refer to Fi g ur e 1- 2: P ro g ra mming Bu t to n Ma p pi ng) to he lp min imi z e f ami li ar iz at ion and tr ai ni ng t im e. The system must be initialized to load default data into memory at the time of installation. If this pre-programming is acceptable to the customer, initialization is all that is needed. Refer to Table 1-1: Feature Default Values for a listing of all the default values. When features are programmed, tones are provided to determine if a correct or incorrect entry has been made. A solid one second tone indicates the data was accepted. An interrupted tone means an error was made . When th is occurs , r e- ent e r t he dat a and inf orma ti on. Unt il ne w da ta is e nte re d a nd a cc e pt ed, t he syst e m c ont inue s to oper at e under defa ult or p revio usly en tered v alu es.

1-4I ntr o ducti o n The sy st em dat aba se is upd ate d on a re al -t ime ba si s a s ne w da ta i s entered, by pressing the Hold button. The system continues to operate with the current database and is updated with any newly entered or c hange d d ata wi tho u t int er r u pti o n t o t e le pho ne o pe ra ti o n o r c a ll pr ocess ing in pr ogre ss . Ho weve r, i f for e xamp le a st at ion’s a tt ri but es ar e changed wh ile tha t s ta tion is off- hook on an a ctive call, th e newly entered da ta does not take effect until th e s ta tion g oes on-hook or be com es id le . Whe n usi ng a PC to prog ra m th e sy st em, the fol lowi ng c ha rt pr es ent s t he data terminal characters that are equivalent to the key set buttons. F i g u re 1- 1 : D a t a Te rm i n a l Pr o g r a m C o d e s C r os s R e f e r e n ce Some featu res must ha ve m ore th an on e dat a fi el d prog ramme d for that fea ture to work . Th is inform ation is s tat ed in the i ns truc tion s. adm> REMOTE ADMIN KEY DEFINITION Keyset Term Keyset Term Keyset Term --------------------------------------------- 0 0 FLEX 1 Q FLEX 13 D 1 1 FLEX 2 W FLEX 14 F 2 2 FLEX 3 E FLEX 15 G 3 3 FLEX 4 R FLEX 16 H 4 4 FLEX 5 T FLEX 17 J 5 5 FLEX 6 Y FLEX 18 K 6 6 FLEX 7 U FLEX 19 L 7 7 FLEX 8 I FLEX 20 : 8 8 FLEX 9 O FLEX 21 Z 9 9 FLEX 10 P FLEX 22 X * * FLEX 11 A FLEX 23 C # # FLEX 12 S FLEX 24 V TRANS B MUTE N ON-OFF M FLASH ‘ HOLD CR adm> ;

Introduction1-5 Figure 1-2: Programming Button Mapping F LEX 5 F L EX 6 F LEX 7 F L EX 8 F L EX 9 F LEX 1 0 F L EX 1 1 F LEX 1 2 FL EX 1 3 FL EX 14 FLE X 15F LEX 1 6 FLE X 17 FL EX 1 8 FLEX 19 FL EX 2 0 FLE X 2 1 F LEX 2 2 F L EX 2 3 F LEX 2 4 TYUI OP AS DF GH J KL; Z XCV F LEX 1 F L EX 2 F LEX 3 FL EX 4 Q WER

1-6I ntr o ducti o n Tabl e 1 -1: Feat ure Def aul t Val ues Fea turesPage #Progra m CodeFlex ButtonDefault Value SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROG RAMMI NG SYSTEM TI MERS2-3FLASH 01 Sy stem Ho ld Rec a ll Ti mer 2-4 1 60 sec Exclusive Hold Recall Timer 2-5 2 1 80 sec Atten da n t Rec a ll Timer 2-6 31 min Tra n sfer Rec a ll Ti mer 2-6 4 45 sec Preset For ward Tim er 2-7 5 10 sec Call Fo rw ard No /An swer Ti mer 2-8 6 15 sec Pau se Tim er 2-8 72 sec Ca ll Pa rk Rec a ll Ti mer 2-9 8 1 80 sec Co nference/ DI SA Tim er 2-9 9 10 mi n Pag in g Time-Ou t Tim er 2-10 10 15 sec CO R ing Detec t Tim er 2-11 11 3 =300 ms SLT DTMF Rec eiver Ti mer 2-12 12 20 sec Messag e Wa it Remi nd er Ton e 2-12 13 000=Disabled SLT Hook Fl ash Tim er 2-13 14 1 0=1 sec SLT Hook Fl ash Debounce Timer 2-14 15 03 0=300 ms SMD R Ca ll Qua l ific at io n Ti mer 2-15 16 30 sec Au to ma tic C a ll B a ck Tim er 2-15 17 03 sec Remi nd er R in g Ti mer 2-16 18 00 sec Int er-D ig it Ti me-Ou t 2-17 20 5 sec ADDITION AL SYSTEM TIMER S 2-17FLASH 02 Rep eat Red ia l T imer2-19 1 60 sec Atten da n t D isp la y Timer 2-19 2 01 sec Ca ll Co v e r a ge R in g T i me r 2-20 35 sec Mod em An swer Ti mer 2-214 25 sec Pul se Di al In ter-D ig it Timer 2-21 5 300 m s * Feature s available with Opti onal S oftware

Introduction1-7 DTMF On/Off Tim e Oper at ion2-22 6 1 =100ms SYSTEM FEATURES 1 P ROGR AMMING 2-22FLASH 05 Atten dan t Overri de2-241Disabled Ho ld Preference 2-24 2System Ex ter nal Nig h t R ing 2-25 3Disabled Executi ve Overr ide Warning To ne 2-26 4Enabled Pag e Warn in g Ton e 2-27 5Enabled Ba ck g rou nd Mu sic 2-27 6Enabled Least Cost Rout ing (LCR) 2-28 7Disabled Ac c o u n t C o d e s – For ced 2-28 8Disabled Gro up L isten in g 2-29 9Disabled Id le Sp eak er Mod e 2-30 10 Di sabled Ca ll Co s t D is p la y Fe a t ur e 2-30 11 Di sabled Music -On-H ol d 2-31 12 Enabled Ca ll Qua li fier Ton e 2-32 13 Di sabled SYSTEM FEATURES 2 P ROGR AMMING 2-32FLASH 06 Barg e In Warn Ton e2-34 1Enabled CO R ing To ne s 2-35 2Enabled Verifi ed Ac co un t Codes 2-35 3Disabled Ca ll Fo r w a r d Di sp l ay 2-36 4Enabled Ex t e r na l Da y R i ng 2-37 5Disabled Over flow Stati on Forw ar d 2-37 6Disabled Di re ct Tra n s f e r M o de 2-38 7Enabled St at i o n I D L o ck 2-39 8Disabled LC R C a ll P rog ress 2-40 9Enabled On e-To uc h R eco rd ing Warn To ne 2-4010 Enabled Rin gb a ck o n Tra nsfer 2-4111 Di sabled Tabl e 1 -1: Feat ure Def aul t Val ues Fea turesPage #Progra m CodeFlex ButtonDefault Value * Feature s available with Opti onal S oftware

1-8I ntr o ducti o n AC D A g e n t R e c a l l2-4212 Di sabled 911 Feat ure 2-4213 Di sabled Enhanced 911 2-4314 Di sabled VMI D Sta t ion N umb ers 2-4415 STA Numbers = VMID FLASH RATES (Program mabl e) 2-44FLASH 07 Incoming CO Line Ringing2-461 Red 480 ip m flu tter Inc om in g I nter co m Ri ng in g 2-462 Red 120 ip m flu tter Ca ll Fo r w a r d But ton 2-473 R ed St eady On Message Wait /VM Bu tto n 2-484 R ed St eady On Message CallB ack – DSS/BLF 2-485 Red 120 ip m flu tter Do No t D is t urb – DSS/B LF 2-496 R ed 60 ip m D b l W in k Au t o C al l B ac k – DSS/BLF 2-507 Red 120 ip m fla sh UC D Av a ila b le/ Un av a il ab le – DSS/BLF 2-508 R ed 60 ip m D b l W in k Tr a n s fe r CO R i n gi ng 2-519 Red 120 ip m fla sh Reca l l C O Rin g ing 2-5210 Red 480 ipm flu tter Queued CO Ri nging 2-5211 G reen 480 i pm flu tter Exclusive Hold 2-5312 G reen 120 i pm flash Sy s t e m Ho l d 2-5413 R ed 60 ip m D b l W in k In- Use H old ( I-H ol d) 2-5414 Gr een 60 ipm flash Ca mp -On Bu tto n 2-5515 Red 120 ipm flash Ca ll Ba c k B ut ton 2-5616 Red 120 ipm flash Li ne Queue B ut ton 2-5617 Red 480 ipm flu tter Do No t D ist urb B utt on 2-5718 R ed St eady On Intercom Hold Button 2-5819 Red 15 ipm flash SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROG RAMMI NG 2-58FLASH 09 MOH Assignment s (Channels 3-8 )2-601-6 No ne E9 11 Pow er Fai lur e Statio n 2-617None Tabl e 1 -1: Feat ure Def aul t Val ues Fea turesPage #Progra m CodeFlex ButtonDefault Value * Feature s available with Opti onal S oftware

Introduction1-9 AT TENDANT STATION ASSIGNMENT2-62FLASH 10STA 100 SYSTEM TI ME AND DATE 2-62FLASH 11 1 MMM/DD/Y Y, 12-ho ur di spl ay PB X DI A L IN G C O DE S 2-64FLASH 12 -- None EXECUTIVE/SECRETAR Y PAIRS 2-65FLASH 13 1-4 No ne ON-BOARD RELAY PROGRAMMING 2-66FLASH 14 1-6 No ne B AUD RATE ASSI GNMENTS 2-67FLASH 15 Por t #1 (On- Bo ar d R S-232C)2-671 9600 B aud Por t #2 (On- Bo ar d B aud Modem) 2-682 2400 B aud Por t #3 (SIU 2 Mo du le R S-232) 2-673 9600 B aud Por t #4 (SIU 2 Mo du le R S-232) 2-674 9600 B aud N ETWO R KI NG TABL ES 2-68FLASH 16 Tr u nk G r ou p2-68100 St at io n R a ng e ( F RO M ) 2-682 1000 St at io n R a ng e ( T O ) 2-683 9999 IP Address 2-684 Pag e U p 2-6822 No ne Pag e D ow n 2-6823 No ne System Number 2-6824 No ne ACCESS CODES 2-70FLASH 20 DI SA Acc ess Co de2-711 100 Database Adm in Passw ord 2-722 3226 STATI ON MESSAGE DETA IL RECOR DI NG 2-72FLASH 21 SMD R Ena b le/D isa b le2-731No Lo ng Di sta nc e/Al l C a lls 2-732Long Distance Charact er Print Assignment 2-74380 Ba ud R at e Di spl ay 2-744 9600 SMDR Por t Assig n ment s 2-755Port #1 Tabl e 1 -1: Feat ure Def aul t Val ues Fea turesPage #Progra m CodeFlex ButtonDefault Value * Feature s available with Opti onal S oftware