Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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7-8UCD Timers UCD Ring Time r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he R I NG T IM E R fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLASH 61, But to n # 1). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-300 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The UC D Ring T im er de te rm ine s ho w lo ng a call rings into a busy UCD gro up be for e bei ng p re se nte d t o t he fi rs t re cord ed announce ment . By def au l t, th e UC D Ri ng Ti mer i s s et fo r 6 0 se c o nds, and i s v ari ab le fr o m 00 0–300 seconds. UCD Message Interval Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the MIT TIMER flexible button ( FLA SH 61, Bu tton #2). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. R I NG 0 00- 30 0 06 0 A RAN T ab le mus t be s pe cifie d in UC D pro grammi ng. If a RA N T ab le is N OT sp eci f ied , inco ming C O ca lle rs a re no t ans wer ed bu t conti nue to re ce iv e rin gbac k. MES SAG E I N TER VA L 0 00- 60 0 06 0 Th e UC D Ri ng an d Me ssa ge I nte rval Ti mers on ly ap ply wh en R AN ports are s pe ci fi ed. I f RA N por ts ar e not s pe cifie d, in comin g call ers cont inue to re cei ve a ring back tone .

UCD Time rs7-9 Des crip ti on The UCD Message Interval Timer (MIT) determines the length of time a c al le r r em ain s i n que ue (l is te ni ng t o M OH, if prov ide d) b et wee n r ec or ded announcements. By default, the UCD Message Interval Timer is set for 60 s ec o nds an d i s v ari ab le fr o m 0 0 0 to 60 0 se c o nds. UCD Ove rf low Time r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the OVERFLOW TIMER flexible button ( FLA SH 61 , Bu tton #3). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The UCD Overflow Timer determines the total length of time a caller remains in queue for a particular UCD group. When the timer expires, the caller is routed to the designated overflow station. The timer starts when an incoming call is answered and presented to the first recorded announcement. Transferred CO callers overflow at the expiration of the Overflow Timer. By default, the UCD Overflow Timer is set for 60 seconds and is variable from 000–60 0 se conds. UCD Auto Wrap -Up Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he WR A P -UP TI ME R fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 6 1, Bu tton #4). The following message displays: OV ER FLOW 0 00- 60 0 06 0 U CD 5X X A WR A P- U P 0 00- 99 9 00 4

7-10 UCD Timers 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-999 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on After completion of a UCD call (on-hook) the agent is not be subjected to another UCD call for the duration of the Auto Wrap-Up Timer allowing the agent to finish call related work or access other facilities. This lets agents remov e themselv es from the grou p (i.e., D ND, Ca ll Forward) or originate another call. By default, the UCD Auto Wrap-Up Timer is set for 4 seco nds and is variable from 000 to 999 seconds. UCD No-Answer Recall Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he NO -ANS WER RE CALL TI MER fl ex ibl e but ton (FLASH 61, Bu tton #5). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-300 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on If a ca ll r out ed to a s tat i on vi a UCD is not ans wer e d by th e UC D Ag ent / St at ion bef ore t he No-A nsw er R ec a ll T ime r exp ir es , t he c all i s retu rned to UCD Queue with the highest priority. In addition, the station that failed to answer the ringing UCD call is placed into an out-of-service (OO S) st at e. By defa ult , t he UCD No-A nswe r Ti mer is at 0 00 (di sab le d) and is va ri abl e fro m 0 00–3 0 0 se con ds. N O - AN S R ECA LL 0 00- 30 0 00 0

UCD Announcem ent Tables 7 -11 UCD No-Answer Retry Time r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he NO -ANS WER RE TRY T IME R fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 61, Bu tton #6). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-999 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on When the No-Answer Recall Timer expires, a station that failed to answer the ringing UCD call is placed into an Out-Of-Service (OOS) state. The station that was taken out-of-service is placed back in service if the age nt hit s the i r a vai la bl e f le x but t on or di al s t he av ail ab le fl ex code. The agent is placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry Timer expires. If t he a gen t d oes not ans wer t hei r ne xt UCD c al l, the y a re t ake n out -of - se rvi ce aga in. This cycle continues until the station: answers calls, logs out, or goes u nava il abl e . B y def au lt , the UC D N o -A nswe r R et ry Ti me r i s se t fo r 30 0 se conds and is va ri abl e from 0 00–9 9 9 second s. UCD Ann ouncement Ta bles Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If Recorded Announcement (RAN) dev ices a re installed to op erate w ith UCD , t hes e ta ble s must be pr ogr amme d. 1. Press FLASH and di al [62]. The following message displays: N O - AN S WER RE TR Y 0 00- 99 9 30 0 ANNOUNC EMENT TABLE 1 TYPE # INDX ### TIME ###

7-12 UCD Announcem ent Tables The top left button in the flexible button field is lit for programming UCD RAN Announce ment Tab le #1. 2. To change to an othe r UCD RAN Announce ment Table, pres s FLASH 62 and a flexible button 2-8 for Tables 2-8 respectively. To program a table for a CO line port: 1 . Pr es s t he TABLE X fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ). 2. Dial [1] for CO Port Interface. 3. Dial [001-144] for CO Lines used. 4. Enter message duration (000-300 seconds). 5. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. To program a table for an SLT port: 1 . Pr es s t he TABLE X fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ). 2. Dial [2] for SLT Port Interface. 3. Dial [100-171]( Triad 1/2), or [100-351](Tri ad 3), for S LT stations use d. 4. Enter message duration (000-300 seconds). 5. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. To program a table for a RAN Hunt Group po rt: 1 . Pr es s t he TABLE X fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ). 2. Dial [3] for RAN H unt Group. 3. Dial [458-461] for RAN Hunt Group used. 4. Enter message duration (000-300 seconds). 5. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. ANNO UNC EMEN T TAB LE 1ANN OUN CEM ENT TABLE 2ANNO UNC EMENT TABLE 3ANNO UNC EMEN T TAB LE 4 =1Q=2W=3E=4R ANNO UNC EMEN T TAB LE 5ANN OUN CEM ENT TABLE 6ANNO UNC EMENT TABLE 7ANNO UNC EMEN T TAB LE 8 =5T=6Y=7U=8I

UCD Announcem ent Tables 7 -13 To program a table for Digital Vo ice Mail: 1 . Pr es s t he TABLE X fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ). 2. Dial [4] for the Digital Voice Mail function. 3. Dial [44X ] (X= 0-7) for the Voice Mail Group. 4. Dial a three-digit menu number [000-999]. 5. Dial [0-9]. 0 = No DT MF D et ect i on, N o Mes sag es Playe d. (D ef ault ) 1 = DTMF De te ct ion, No Me ss age. 2 = No DTMF, Place In Queue Message. 3 = DTMF De te ct ion, Place I n Q ueue Me ssa ge. 4 = No DTMF, H old Time Message. 5 = DTMF De te ct ion, Hol d T ime Me ssa ge. 6 = No DT M F, B o t h Me ss age s. 7 = DTMF De te ct ion, Bot h Mes sage s. 8 = Not used at this time. 9 = Not used at this time. 6. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Cl ear i ng E ntr ies 1. Press the [#] button. 2. Then press HOLD. Des crip ti on Determines the type, index (port) number and message length for the eight available Recorded Announcements (RAN). There are eight RAN Ta ble s tha t ca n be pr ogr amme d. Ta ble 1 can be t he a nswe r por t for unans wer ed in com ing c al ls to a U CD group . The t ype can be ei th er a CO li ne por t, an SLT por t , D igi t al Voice Mai l, or a RAN Hunt Group port. The index number specifies which circuit for the type of interface. The message length is used to match the maximum length of the message to the device that is used.

7-14 UCD Announcem ent Tables Dig ital Voice M ail ca n be us ed as a RAN Annou ncer for UC D Groups . A men u is pr ovi de d t o pl ay the a nnouncem ent , a s we l l a s col le ct DT MF di git s a nd r out e t he cal le r to an a lt er nat e des ti nat i on. I n a ddit i on, a pl ace in queu e a nd a n av er age hol d t im e m ess age can be pl aye d t o t he call e r. The ab il it y to det ect D TMF, pl ay a ve rag e ho ld ti me, and pl ace in que ue are all programmable in this area. When using the Digital Voice Mail as a RAN Announcer, the following options are ava ilable: Table 7-1: Voice Mail RAN Announcer O ptions O ption Action 0 Do NOT take a menu act ion on any DTMF dialed by t he caller; DO NOT pl ay Pl a ce in Qu eue o r H old Ti me messa g e. (Defa u lt) 1 Take menu ac tio n o nl y on DTMF dialed by the call er; DO NOT play Pla ce in Qu eu e or Ho ld Time m essag e. 2 DO NOT take menu act io n o n any DTFM dialed by user; pl ay the Pl ac e in Queue message onl y. 3 Take menu ac tio n o n DTMF; play the Place in Queue message. 4 DO N OT take menu act io n o n an y DTFM dialed by u ser; pl ay th e H old Time M essa g e on ly . 5 Ta k e men u a c tio n o n DTMF; p la y Ho ld Time m essa ge. 6 DO NOT take menu act io n o n any DTFM dialed by user; pl ay the Pl ac e in Queu e an d Ho ld Tim e messa ge. (No Message Dur at ion for type [4] ent ries i s requir ed.) 7 Take menu ac tio n o n DTMF; play the Place in Qu eue and Ho ld Time message. 8 -9 No t u sed at thi s tim e DVM softwar e version must be 2.89 or gr eater to ha ve RAN fu ncti onal ity.

8 Voice Mail Groups (VM) This c hapter provides the func tional steps nec essary to use the Voic e Mail features with the STARPLUS Triad 1/2/3 Syste m. To implement the voice mail options desired, you must first enter the Programming Mo d e .

Voice Mail Program ming 8-3 Voice Mail Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pr es s F LASH and dia l [65]. The fol lowi ng m es sage di sp lays . [G ] = V o i c e M ai l G ro u p N u mb e r ( 0- 7) [AA A] = Alt er n at e Gr o u p ( 440 - 447 ) [LLL] = Le ave Mail I ndex [R] = Retrieve Mail Index from outpuls ing table for retrievi ng mess ages ( 0-7) [XXX] = Voice Mail S tation Numbers ( ports) up to 24 s tations maxi mum The top left button in the flexible button field is lit for programming Voice Mail Group 440. 2. To change Voice Mail groups or enter further voice mail groups, press the appropriate flexible button, 1-8 (440–447) and perform the f oll owing pr oc edur es . Des crip ti on Up t o 8 V oice Mai l g roup s can be confi gur ed in the ST ARPLUS Triad 1/2/3 Sys tem. Each group can conta in up to 24 Voice Ma il designated ports , ea ch of w hich int er face s wit h a por t on a n SL T ca rd (or DI DB i f us ing a Digital Voice Mail). An externally provided Voice Mail system or Auto Attendant must be connected to the Triad 1/2/3 System for Voice Mail or Auto Attendant ope rat i on. Vo ic e M ai l a utom at ic al ly hand le s un answe r ed ca ll s. St at ion user can then retrieve messages left at their stations. VM 4 4G A AA LLL R XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX If installing a STARPLUS Voice Mail system, skip directly to B utton 12 and ent er v oice mail p orts . Certain programming is required in the Voice Mail system co nne cte d to the Triad 1/2/ 3 S yste m for prop er op era tion . T on e Mo de Ca llin g o ptio n (6#) mu st be pr ogramm ed as le adi ng d igits in t rans f er s e que nce ( s) of Voi ce M ai l sy s tem to f or ce ton e ringing to key telephones in the hands-free mode.