Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-3 ACD Group Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. 1. Press FLASH and di al [60]. 2. Enter the grou p number (550-565) on the dial pad. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on There can be 16 AC D groups of up to 252 s ta tions ea ch. T he AC D groups use a pilot hunting technique. If the pilot number is dialed, the assigned st at ions i n t hat A CD gr oup ar e se ar ched for th e s ta ti on i n a n i dle condition for the longest period of time. Each ACD Group may have an assigned Alternate ACD Group, an Ov er flo w St at io n, a nd up to 25 2 st at io ns a s A CD me mbe rs . T he ei ght sys te m RA N p ort s (ta bl es) may al so b e r e fer ence d on a p er A CD gr oup basis. By default, ACD Group Tables are empty. The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown: GR OUP NAMEALTER NATE GR OUPOVERFLOW STATIO NSUPER VISOR =1Q=2W=3E=4R CIQ THRESHO LDWRAP-UP TIMERPRIM ARY AG E N T SSECO NDAR Y AGENTS =5T=6Y=7U=8I GUAR ANTEED RANPR IMARY RA NSECOND ARY RA NTRANSFERR ED RA N =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S OVERFLOW TIM ER CA L L FACTOR =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; PREVIO US GR OUPNEXT GRO UPNEW RANG E =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V

6- 4 AC D Gr ou p P r og ra m m i n g ACD G ro up Na m e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the GROUP NAME flexible button (FLASH 60, Button #1). T he following message displays: 2. Enter the desired name using the dial pad (up to eight characters). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A Gro up Na me can b e a ssi gne d t o e ach of t he 16 A CD gr oups to prov id e ea ch wi th a uni que i dent i fica ti on. A Group Nam e o nly appe ar s duri ng a ringing ACD call. A Group Name is not presented on an idle display. ACD5 XX NAME ACD5XX Ta b le 6- 1: D ia l P ad Keys Other Code s 1 = 1# 8 = 8# = 01 * = *# 2 = 2# 9 = 9# , = 02 ( = #1 3 = 3# 0 = 0# ? = 03 ) = #2 4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + = #3 5 = 5# : = 12 ! = *1 = = #4 6 = 6# - = 13 $ = *2 # = ## 7 = 7#‘ = 14 & = *4 . = 24

ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-5 Alt e rn a te ACD G ro u p A ss ig n m en t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e A LTE R N ATE G R OU P f l ex i b le b u tt o n ( FLASH 60, Butto n #2 ). The following message displays: 2. Enter desired pilot number (550 to 565) of the alternate ACD group. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting an Alternate ACD Group 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. Des crip ti on An Alternate ACD Group can be progra mme d so if no station in a grou p is ava il abl e, t he alt e rna te gr oup i s checke d f or a n av ai lab le st at i on. T his provid es a w ay to cha in or link ACD groups to gether. ACD Ove r flow St a t io n A ssi gnm e nt Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the OVERFLOW ASSIGN flexible button (FLASH 60, Bu tton #3). 2. Enter a valid station number to designate the ACD Group’s overflow station. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting an ACD Overflow Station 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. ACD 5 XX ALTER N ATE G R OUP XXX ACD5 XX OVERFLOW STAT ION XXX

6- 6 AC D Gr ou p P r og ra m m i n g Des crip ti on When an overflow station is assigned, callers that remain in queue for a spe c if ie d amount of t im e ar e r out ed t o t he as si gned over fl ow st at ion . The overflow s tation may not be one of the ACD group stations . Only CO calls trans ferred to a ACD group ov erflow to the overflow s ta tion when RAN ta bl es ar e a ssi gne d. ACD Su per vi so r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ACD SUPV flexible button (FLASH 60, Button #4). 2 . Ent er a val id st at ion numbe r of t he de si re d A CD Supe r vi sor st at ion . 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Del eting an ACD Supervisor Station 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. Des crip ti on The A CD Sup er vi sor St at ion as sig nment f eat ur e prov ide s a me ans t o ass ign ea c h A CD gr oup a supe r vis or. Th is Sup er vis or St at ion c an r e ce i ve the calls in queue display in real time, receives No Answer/Out of Service conditions, HELP displays from the groups to which the supervisor is ass ign ed, and can b arge- in on activ e ca lls in their ACD Group or g roups . A supervis or can b e a ssigned in ADMIN to a group or groups to receive the he lp r eque st a nd out of se rvi ce (O OS) me ssa ges . I f a sup er vi sor station is assigned in ADMIN, it is considered logged in. A supervisor can dial a s upervisor login code [576] f ollowed by the ACD group that the supe r vis or is lo gging i nto and the ir 4 -di gi t Ag ent I D n umber . ACD5XX SUPERVISOR STA XXX

ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-7 ACD CI Q Th res ho ld Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the CIQ THRESHOLD flexible button ( FLA SH 60, Bu tton #5). The following message displays: 2 . Ent er a val id val ue on t he di al pad th at c orr es ponds t o 0 0–99 calls. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The ACD CIQ Threshold feature determines how many calls appear in queu e before the LED flashes at 240 ipm flutter. Once the number of calls in queu e falls below the CIQ threshold, the LED extingu ishes. By default, this feature is disabled. Conditions †Any AC D s ta tion ca n have a button ass ig ned to vie w the calls in queu e of any AC D gr oup. †The CIQ flexible button (579+5XX) must be assigned on the te le pho ne (s). ACD A ut o Wr ap -Up Tim e r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he WR A P -UP TI ME R fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 6 0, Bu tton #6). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-999 seconds (000=disable). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. ACD5 XX C IQ T HRS HOL D 0 0-9 9 00 ACD 5 X X W RA P- U P 0 00- 99 9 00 4

6- 8 AC D Gr ou p P r og ra m m i n g Des crip ti on Af te r c o mpl et io n o f a A CD c al l ( o n-ho o k) th e a gent i s no t su bj e c te d t o another ACD call for the d ura tion of the Auto Wrap -Up Timer a llowin g the agent to finish call related work or access other facilities. This lets agents remov e themselv es from the grou p (e.g., DN D, C all Forward) or originate another call. By default, the ACD Auto Wrap-Up Timer is set for 4 seco nds and is variable from 000-999 seconds. Pr im a r y Age nt s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the PRIMARY AGENT flexible button (F L ASH 60, Bu tton #7). The following message displays: 2. To add a st at ion as a pr i mar y a gent of t he ACD gr oup, us e the di al pad as follows: †Ent er S SS 1 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Press the HOLD button. 3. To de le te a st at io n from be ing a pr ima r y age nt of t he A CD group, use t he di al pad as fol lows : †Ent er S SS 0 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the d isp lay u pda te s. 4. To view pr im ar y a gent s in the A CD grou p, pr es s b utt on # 7. (E ac h d epr es si on t oggl es thr ough sev en age nts at a ti me. ) ACD 5 XX P RIM AR Y AG EN TS EN D

ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-9 Des crip ti on The Primary Agent Assignment feature allows the stations serving as primary agents to be entered into the ACD group. Agents can login to bot h a pr ima ry and secon dar y gr oup. A pr ima ry age nt’s ACD calls from the i r p ri mar y g roup ar e alw ays pr ese nt ed ahe ad of any A CD ca ll s in the ir se condar y gr oup. Sec on dar y A ge nts Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he S ECO NDA R Y AG ENT fle xi ble but ton (F LA SH 60, Butto n #8). The following message displays: 2. To add a st at ion as a s econdar y age nt of t he A CD group, use t he dia l pad as follows: †Ent er S SS 1 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Pr es s H OL D. 3. To de le te a st at ion from be ing a s econda r y ag ent of the A CD grou p, us e the di al pa d a s fol l ows: †Ent er S SS 0 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the d isp lay u pda te s. 4. To view se condar y age nts i n t he AC D gr oup, p re ss but ton #7 . ( Each d epr es si on t oggl es thr ough sev en age nts at a ti me. ) Des crip ti on The Secondary Agent Assignment feature allows the stations serving as se c o ndar y a gent s to be ent er e d i nto the A CD gr o u p. Ag ent s c a n l o gin to bot h a pr ima ry and secon dar y gr oup. A pr ima ry age nt’s ACD calls from the i r p ri mar y g roup ar e alw ays pr ese nt ed ahe ad of any A CD ca ll s in the ir se condar y gr oup. Ov er fl ow St ation For ward (Fl ash 06, b utton #6) all ows/di sa llows ex ce ss calls to be forwarded to another station. ACD Ag en t Recal l (Flash 06, bu tton #12) all ows/disal lows c alls that have be en tra nsferre d from an AC D Age nt to re call the Age nt. ACD 5 XX SE COND A RY AG EN TS EN D

6-10 ACD Grou p Prog ra mming Guaranteed RAN Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the GUARANTEED RAN flexible button ( FLASH 60, Butto n #9). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8 for) the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A Guaranteed Message announcement may be assigned to the group to force callers to listen to the announcement prior to entering the queue or ri ngi ng a n age nt . Callers listening to this type of announcement may dial digits (up to 14) using their dial pad. These digits can then be compared against the Local Numbe r /N ame Tr ans lat i on T abl e and r out ed to de st inat i ons b ase d on ta bl e ov er ri de s. The se di git s (or a t r ansl at ion ta bl e e nt ry’s d igi t/ na me) then s how on an a gen t’s display as calling number identification digits. This RAN function is only used for incoming CO calls to ACD Groups. Pr im a r y RA N Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he P R IM A R Y R AN fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLASH 60, Butto n #10 ). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) for the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. ACD 5 XX G UAR A NT EED R AN 1- 8 X ACD 5 XX P RIM AR Y R AN 1- 8 X

ACD Group Prog ra mming 6 -11 Des crip ti on A Pri mar y Me ssa ge Ann ounceme nt may be as si gned to th e g roup. T his mes sag e i s the fi r st one pr es ent ed to th e c a ll er , i f the gua ran te ed mes sag e ha s n ot bee n e nabl ed and t he ca ll ha s be en t ran sfe rr ed to th e AC D G ro u p . Thi s mes sage pl ays af te r the Me ssa ge Int er va l Ti mer e xpi re s a nd no age nts ar e ava il abl e. Sec on dar y RA N Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he SE CO NDARY RAN fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 6 0, Bu tton #11). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) for the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A Se condar y Me ssa ge Ann ounceme nt may be as si gned to th e g roup. This announce ment ca n be us ed for follow- up information after the Pri mar y me ss age s. Tr an s f e r r e d R A N Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pres s the TRANSFERRED RAN flexible b utton ( FLASH 60, Bu tton #12). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) for the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. ACD5 XX SE CONDA RY RAN 1-8 X ACD5 XX XFE R RAN 1-8 X