Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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4-28 Page B I ntro ductio n Spe ak er ph on e / Heads et Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he SP E AKE R P HONE fl ex ibl e but ton (FLASH 50, Page B, Bu tton #4). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number (0-4) on the dial pad to identify the s pe ake rph one o peration. [0] = Works as normal sp eak erphone . Full spe ake rp hone capab ilities on CO lines and Intercom. [1]= Speakerphone enabled for intercom calls only. Speakerphone capa bilities disab led for outgoing CO line ca lls (m onitoring and on-hook dialing are s till p ermitted) . [2]= Permits toggling of speakerphone and headset operation via the [6 3 4] Hea dse t c o de. [3] = Forces the telepho ne to always ring in the tone intercom mode. [4] = Forces the telepho ne to the hand-free intercom mode always. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on Spe ake rp hones ar e pr ogra mmab le . By def aul t, al l st at ions ar e ass igne d an ID of 0 (F ull S pea kerphone ). Pi ck up Gr ou p( s) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the GROUP PICKUP flexible button (F LA SH 50 , Pa ge B, Bu tton #5). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: SP EA KE RP H ON E 0- 4 FULL SP EAKE RP HONE PICKUP GROUPS 0-8 1

Page B Introduction 4-29 2. Enter a val id numbe r (1-8) to program Pi ckup G roups . 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on St at ions ar e ass ig ned to pick -up group s. St at ions can be in any combination of the eight groups or in no group at all. By d efa ult, all st at ions ar e in Grou p 1 . Paging Zone(s) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the PAGING ZONES flexible button (FLASH 50, Pag e B, Bu tton #6). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) to program Paging Zone (s) . 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on St at ions ar e ass ig ned to Page Zones . A t l ea st one st at ion must b e ass ign ed to a Zone for t hat Zo ne t o b e acti ve . S ta ti ons can b e i n a ny combination of the eight zones or in none of the zone s. By de fault, all st at ions ar e in Zone 1. [0] = No Group [5] = Group 5 [1] = Gr oup 1 [6] = Group 6 [2] = Gr oup 2 [7] = Group 7 [3] = Gr oup 3 [8] = Group 8 [4] = Gr oup 4 PAG E ZO N E 0- 8 1 [0] = No Zone [5] = Zone 5 [1] = Zone 1 [6] = Zone 6 [2] = Zone 2 [7] = Zone 7 [3] = Zone 3 [8] = Zone 8 [4] = Zone 4

4-30 Page B I ntro ductio n Li ne G ro up Ac c ess - Sta t io n Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CO LI NE GROUP A CCE SS fle xi ble but t on (F L ASH 50 , Pa g e B , Bu tton #8). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. To add a Line Group, enter a valid number (00, or 01–23) to designate the outside line groups that the station can access, press 1, and then press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. 3 . To de le te a Line Gr o u p, ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0, o r 01 -2 3 ), p re ss 0, a nd the n pres s HOLD. A confirma tion tone is he ard and the d is pla y up dates. Des crip ti on A station can a ccess any combination of outs ide line groups , or a station may not be al lowe d a c c ess t o out si de li ne s. CO li ne gr oups are us ed primarily by single line telephones or for flexible buttons assigned as pooled group buttons on a Key T elephone. By defa ult, stations are al lowe d a cce ss t o Gr oup 1 . LCR Cl a ss of Ser v i c e ( C OS ) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he LCR CO S fl exi ble b utt on ( FLASH 50, P ag e B, B utto n #9 ). The following message displays: LINE GROUP A CC ESS 1-2 3 1 00+1+H OL D = No Access (911 call s are blo cked un less 911 Fea ture is activ e). 01+1+H OL D = Access to G roup 1 b y d iali ng Co de 9 or 801(Cod e 800 if 911 Fea ture is a ctive). Users acc ess Line Grou ps 2-23 by dial ing 802-823, resp ecti vely. LCR CLA SS OF SE R VIC E 0- 6 0

Page B Introduction 4-31 2. Enter a valid number (0–6) to correspond to the LCR Class of Service desired. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on Stations can be giv en a clas s of s ervice ass ig nment for Lea st Cost Routing . The range is between 0-6, with 0 being unrestricted and 6 the most re st ri c t ed. A s ta ti o n c an use LCR r o ute s wi t h a p ri o ri t y numbe r equa l t o o r hig her t han the st at i ons L CR C OS as sig nment . St at ions ar e giv en unrestricted acces s ( 0). Of f- Ho ok P refe ren ce Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he O FF- HOO K P R EF fl exi bl e but ton (F L ASH 5 0, Pa ge B , Bu tton #10). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid button number (01–24 ) o r ( 00 ) t o i ndi cate no spe cif ic button is preferred. (SLTs use [01] to enable or [00] to disable.) 3. Enter a 0 or 1 to disable/enable the Off-Hook Preference as follows: [0 ] = Di sa bl es p rogr amm abl e pr ef er enc e so us er s may not c ha nge t he off- hook preference as set in progra mming. Als o use f or S LT stations . [1 ] = E nabl e s pr ogr amma ble p re fer enc e t o ke y s tat i on us er s s o t hat they may change the off-hook preference through a user dial code. 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Off-Hook Preference feature lets a key station user automatically have a flex b utton s elected when goin g off- hook or pres sing the ON/OFF but ton. A n S LT use r m ay ha ve a par ti cula r CO li ne or a CO li ne gr oup selected automatically when going off-hook. This may be established in progra mming so that ke y s ta tion use rs can s elect and /or cha nge the ir off- hook preference through the use of a dial code [691]+BB (01-24). OFF HOOK PREF ENCE BT N XXY 00 D I S AB LED

4-32 Page B I ntro ductio n Di al ing [69 1 ]+0 0 di sab le s O ff- Hook P r ef er enc e . T his us er pr ogr ammab le pr efe re nce may be al lowe d or d eni ed in pr ogra mmi ng. W hen es ta blishing an off -hook prefe re nce for SLT s ta tions, it is nece ssa ry to progra m the SLT s C O line, or line group, to acces s w hen going off- hook, usi ng a fl ex but ton pro gra mmin g pr oced ure . By def aul t, al l digi t al telephones can change their preference but no button is assigned (00). SLT stations ca nnot use this fe ature . Flexible Button Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he BUT TO N A SS IG N fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 50, Page B, Bu tton #11). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid button number [01-24] to program followed by the d esired button function as follows: [0] = Flexible/user changeable [1] = CO line [2 ] = Loop butt on/al l- pur pose CO ap pea ra nce [3] = Pool f or specific groups [4] = Di re ct fe ature progra mmabl e [#] = Locks b utton Des crip ti on Each Digital Telephone has 8, 12 or 24 flexible buttons that can be progra mmed . One of the following six opera tions can be s elected in progra mming for each b utton. Assigning a Flexible Button (user programmable) Enter: [BB], [0], [HO LD] Whe n a but ton is as si gned as a f le xib le but t on [0 ], the us er can prog ram any fea tures or functions on th e b uttons to which they have access. FLE X BUTT ON PROG EN TE R B U TTON D ATA

Page B Introduction 4-33 Assigning a CO Line Butto n Ent er : [BB], [1], [LLL] , [H OLD ] LLL = CO Line (Triad 1 /2=001-048, Tria d 3 =0 01- 1 44 Buttons assigned as specific CO lines provide direct access and app ear ance of the C O l i ne at a s ta ti on. The st at i on r ece ive s ca ll s ta tus indications such as LED flash rates for incoming ringing when the line is pl aced on HOL D, e tc. CO Line r ingi ng i s pr ogr amme d i n CO Lin e A tt r ib ute pr ogra mmi ng. Assigning a Lo op Butto n Enter: [BB], [2], [HO LD] Use d for a st at i on wi thout d ir ect C O l i ne appe ar ance to ans wer t he li ne ri ngi ng i n or t ra nsfe r re d to t he st at ion. It is re comme nded tha t a ll st at ions be gi ven a l oop but ton so t he y can re cei ve a tr ans fer re d ca ll on a l ine f or which th ey have no button acces s. 01 1 001 HOLD 02 1 002 03 1 003 Button CO CO Number Code L ine 05 2 HOLD Button Loop Number Code

4-34 Page B I ntro ductio n Ass igning a Pool Group Button Enter: [BB], [3], [GG], [HOLD] GG = Line Group Number (00-23) Some or all outside CO lines may b e grouped together a nd accessed via a POOL bu tton fo r the purpos e of placing an outgoing CO call. Press ing this button accesses the highest numbered unused CO line in that CO li ne gr oup. Assigning a Feature Button (admin programmable) Enter: [BB], [4], [XXX ], [ HOL D] Thi s fea tur e ena ble s fle xi ble but t ons to be pro gra mmed fr om a re mot e location. Range programming can be used to assign these buttons to multiple stations. When a button is assigned as a feature button [4], the progra mmer ca n program a ny f eatures on the button s. Unassigning (lock out) a B utton Enter: [BB], [# ], [HOL D] If SL T s ta tions must be programmed f or off-h ook pref erence, p rogram the d esi r ed CO li ne , or C O l i ne g roup t he S LT must a ccess whe n goi ng off- hook. Ass igning a CO Li ne for a n SLT (wi th off-hook preference) Enter: [01], [1] , [LL L], [HOL D] LLL = CO Lines (T ri ad 1/2=00 1- 04 8, Triad 3=001 - 144) Ass igning a CO Line Group for an SLT (with off-hook prefe rence) Enter: [01], [3] , [GG] , [H OLD ] GG = Line Group Number (00-23) When upg radi ng so ftware fro m FP2 to FP3, whi ch suppo rts this feature, all previously programmed trunk groups will be lost. 21 3 02 HOLD Button Pool Line Number Code Group

Page B Introduction 4-35 Table 4-3: Flex Button Codes for Remote Programming Acc ou nt Co de 627 Di sabl e CO Ou tgo in g 602 ACD Call Quali fier 570+[XXX] Di stin c tive Ri ng in g (St at ion ) 695+[01-35] ACD Call s in Queu e Di spl ay 579+[XXX] Do N ot Di st ur b 631 ACD Lo gin (Pri mary G rp) 572+[XXX] Exec uti ve Over ride 625 ACD Lo gin (Seco ndary G rp) 582+[XXX] Gro up Pi cku p 771 ACD M ember Statu s 573 Headset Mo de 634 ACD Sec on dar y Grp Log ou t 581 Hu nt Gro ups 450-457 AC D Su p erv iso r H elp 574 IC L ID Answ ered Ca ll 659 ACD Su perviso r Log in 576+[XXX] ICLID Un answer ed Call 635 ACD Su perviso r Log ou t 575+[XXX] In terco m B ut ton 645 ACD Su perviso r Statu s 577+[XXX] Page - A ll Call 700 ACD/ UCD Avail /U navai l 566 Page - Exter nal 761-762 ACD/ UCD Cal ls in Queu e 567 Page - I nt ernal All Cal l 709 An sw erin g Mach . Emu latio n 654+[0, 1] Page - I nt ernal Zo ne 701-708 Atten dan t Avail/ Un avail 607 Page - M eet Me 770 Atten dan t Overr ide 601 LCR 773 Bac kgro und Music 632 LCR Queue Canc el 626 Cal l B ac k 622 Li ne Qu eue 621 Cal l Coverag e (No n-R in gi ng ) 647+[XXX] Mailbox B utt on (IDX = 001-255) 644+[IDX] Cal l Coverag e (Rin g ing ) 646+[XXX] Ni gh t Ser vi ce 604 Cal l Fac to r 580+[5XX]+F OHV O 628 Cal l For ward 640 One-Tou ch Reco rd (V M 440 -447) 649+[44V ] Cal l Park (Perso nal ) 438 Over flo w Avai l / Un avail 578 Cal l Park (Stati on ) 439 Person ali zed M essag e 633+[XX] Cal l Park (System) 430-43 7 Pri mary ACD Gro up Log ou t 571+[XXX] Cal ler ID Name/ Nbr Tog gl e 653 Release K ey 641 CO Li ne Direc t Ac cess 88+[LLL] Repeat Redial 643 CO O ff-N et For ward 603 Statio n Speed Bi ns 000-019 Con ferenc e 624 System Speed B in s 020-999 Custom Message 694Tr iad 1/2/ 3 DS S100- 351 D ia l b y Na me 772 Un iv ersa l D a y / N igh t An swer 774 Direc tor y Dial 680 VM P ilo t G rou ps 440-447

4-36 Page B I ntro ductio n Di gi t al K eys et s Specif ic b uttons may be as sig ned as unused or locked out. W hen a but ton is pr ogr amme d a s unus ed , t he but ton may not be pr ogra mme d by the station user using flex button programming procedures. 24-Bu tton Default : 12-Bu tton Default 8-Butto n Defau lt STA 10 0STA 101STA 102STA 103 =1Q=2W=3E=4R STA 10 4STA 105STA 106STA 107 =5T=6Y=7U=8I STA 10 8STA 109STA 110STA 111 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S CO 1CO 2CO 3CO 4 =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H CO 5CO 6LOOPPOO L =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; CA L L BA CKPICK UPDNDLINE QUEUE =2 1 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V STA 100STA 101STA 102STA 10 3 =1Q=2W=3E=4R CO 1CO 2LO OPPO OL =5T=6Y=7U=8I CALL BACKPICK UPDN DLINE QUEU E =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S STA 100STA 101LOOPPOOL =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; CA L L B A CKPIC KUPDN DLI N E Q U E U E =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V

Page B Introduction 4-37 Keyset Mode Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the KEYSET MODE flexible button (FLASH 50, Page B, Bu tton #12). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid number (0-4) to change the mode of a digital telephone: [0] = In active Mode (normal mo de without CT I box) [1] = PC Phone (D is cov ery D es ktop ) Mode at 4800 ba ud [2] = ATD Command Mode at 4800 baud [3] = ATH Command Mode at 4800 baud [4] = CKTU Mode at 4800 baud [5] = SPI Mode at 4800 baud 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Ke yse t Mod e f eat ur e le ts t he st ati on user d et er mi ne t he mode i n which the Digital Telephone with CTI Box (optional) operates. The 5 modes are: Inactive, PC Phone (Discovery Desktop), ATD Command, AT H Com mand a nd CKT U. Th rough t he use of a di al code, t he st at ion us er can a ls o determ ine the baud ra te for each m ode selected. This s etting is stored in b ack-up memory in the event of a power outage or sys tem reset. By default, Keyset is set for Inactive Mode. Voice Mail ID Translation Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the VM ID TRANSLATION flexible button ( FLASH 50, Pag e B, Bu tton #13). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a VM ID nu mber which corresponds to 0000 to 9999. KEYSET MODE 0-5 INACTIVE MO DE VOICEMA IL ID 0 00 0-9 99 9 01 00