Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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5 ICLID (Caller ID) Route Programming This chapter provides the func tional and implementation definitions for adding the ICLID features to the ST A RPLU S Tria d 1/2/3 System.

Introduction5-3 Introduction ICLID, or Caller ID, is a service provided from the telephone company. Usually this service provides the number and name (not available in some cases) of the calling party for identification prior to answering the call. Calling party numb er and name a re de live re d in be twee n this firs t and se co n d r ing usi ng F SK ( Fre que nc y S hif t Ke y) fo rm at . For t his fea tur e to o per at e p rop er ly, it mus t be a c ti vat e d fr om t he Cent r al Of fic e so th e num ber s or name , i f a vai la bl e, of t he c al li ng p art y are del i ver ed ove r the i ndi vi dual t ip and ri ng o f t he CO li ne s d uri ng t he fi rs t sile nt inte rva l betwe en ringing. Ca lli ng Num b er / Na m e Di spl a y Whe nev er an inc omi ng c all i s re c ei ved at t he sys te m, the numb er received with the ringing signal is stored in the line control tables and use d during the call p roce ssing. The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 System can use the Caller ID information to display the number and/or nam e of the ca lling pa rty on th e s ystem telephon e display. By default, the system displays the telephone number of the caller. The system can be changed to display the name (if provided) in pl ac e of t he te le phone num ber . I f two l ine s a re ri ngi ng at th e same ti me, th e di sp lay sho ws th e old est line information. After one of the lines is answered, the display shows th e in formati on on th e un answe red l ine s.

5-4I ntr o ducti o n The sy st em al so off er s a Num ber / Name T ra nsl ati on T abl e . T his al low s numbe rs to be ma tche d to na mes in a sys te m table. If a name /numbe r from the telephone company matches an entry in the table, the name pr ogra mmi ng i n t he ta ble i s pre se nte d i n p la ce of t he n ame pr ovi ded from the telephone comp any. -or - If no name i s av ai lab le , su ppl ie d fr om t he C ent r al Off ice or i nt er nal ly from the translation table, the delivered number is positioned centered in the display as shown above for the 14 Ns. An opt ion was add ed to the Loca l Numbe r/Na me Tr ansl at io n Ta bl e t o route ICLID or Caller Entered ID Digits based on a partial compare with the number entered in the translation table. 00 00 00 00 01 11 11 11 1 11 22 22 2 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 7 89 01 23 4 bbbbbNNNNNNNNNNNNNNbbbbb XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

IC L ID F eatu res 5- 5 In co mi ng Nu mb er / Na m e f or SM D R R eco rds Whe n t he Inc omi ng Numbe r/ Na me fea tur e is i mpl eme nt ed, th e s yst em operates normally in the absence of ICLID information or the failure of the ICLID equ ipment. If the information is present at the time that an SMDR record is generated for a call, it alters the content and format of the SM DR o u tp u t re c o rd. †If t he ca ll in g numb er i s av ail ab le, t he numbe r is out put in th e S M DR re c ord in the s ame lo ca ti on a s t he di al ed numbe r is loc a te d i n t he outg oing call record. †If the calling name is present, an additional line is output in the SMDR id ent ify ing th e na me. Thi s re co rd imme di at el y fol l ow s t he nor mal SM DR re co r d. The no r mal SM D R re c o rd inc l ude s a n i ndi ca to r t hat states the following record with name identification is present. Unans wered calls are record ed in the SMD R record for incoming calls with a U indicator to provide caller identification for statistical and call-b ack p urp oses . ICLID Features Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [56]. The following message displays: 2. To program ICLID features, use the flexible button(s) as defined in the f oll owing pr oc edur es . Button # 1 = Disable/Enable Butt on # 2 = Name I n D isp lay Button # 3 = Baud R ate D isp lay Butt on # 4 = Por t A ssi gnme nt 3 . Af te r all e nt ri es ar e made , pr es s H OLD t o ac c e pt the da ta . ICLID NAME BAUD PORT NO YE S 9600 1

5-6 I CLI D Fea tures Des crip ti on The Triad 1/2/3 S ystem provid es IC LID inp ut on the RS-232C connector on the MPB, or to the optional SIU2 Module. When ICLID is desired, the following system-wide parameters determine how the ICLID information is di st ri but ed . Wh en e nt er ing t he IC LID fe at ure s p rogr am ming ar ea th e buttons on the digita l telephone are def ined a s s hown b elow: Enable / Dis abl e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the DISABLE/ENABLE flexible button ( FLASH 56, Butto n #1). 2 . Ent er a val id numbe r (0 or 1 ) t o en abl e/di sab le t his fe at ure . [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on ICLID (Incoming Cal ling Line I Dentification) was added to the Triad 1/2/3 System. These features are unavailable unless the Basic ICLID Software packa ge wa s pur chas ed s epa rat e ly. For thi s fe at ure t o oper at e p rope r ly, it must be activated from the Central Office so the numbers of the calling party are delivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the f ir st si le nt i nte rv al be twe en ri ngi ng. B y de fau l t , I CLI D is di sab le d. ENABLE / DISABLENAMEBAUD RA TEPORT =1Q=2W=3E=4R

IC L ID F eatu res 5- 7 Na m e i n D i spl ay Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the NAME flexible button ( FLASH 56, Butto n #2) to determine whet he r the na me shows in the LCD di spl ay ins te ad of t he incomi ng te le pho ne nu m ber. 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 o n t he di al pad. [0] = Tel ephon e n umbe r i n d is pla y [1] = Name i n d isp lay 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The system can be set to display the incoming telephone number or the pe rson s na me on t he LCD di spl ay. By d efa ult , t he sy st em shows th e telephone num ber on the LC D d is pla y. Baud Rate Display Pro g ram mi ng S te ps The ICLID baud ra te is p rogramm ed using FLASH 1 5 Baud Rate assignments. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which numbe r is as si gned to th e I CL ID P ort num ber . Des crip ti on The Tr ia d 1/ 2/ 3 S yst em c an p rov ide I CLI D inp ut on t he st anda rd R S-2 3 2C on the optional MISU. The baud rate is displayed as 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud. The default is 9600 baud. Whe n FLA SH 5 6 , Butt on # 3 i s pr es se d, an e rr or t one is r ece iv ed.

5-8 I CLI D Fea tures Por t A s sign m en t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he P OR T fl ex ibl e but ton (FLASH 56, Bu tton #4) to det e rmi ne which port to use for ICLID information. 2. Enter a valid number for one of the ICLID Ports: [1] = Port # 1 MPB On- Board RS- 232C (d efa ult) [2] = Port # 2 On- Board Mode m [3] = Port # 3 Se rial Inte rface Unit (SIU2) [4] = Port # 4 Se rial Inte rface Unit (SIU2) (LCD displays cu rrent baud rate assigned to the ICLID Port number.) 3 . Pr es s H OLD t o ac c e pt the d ata . A c o nf ir mat io n to n e i s hea rd and t he display updates. By defau lt, the On-Board Modem baud rate is 2400 Baud. ICLID NAME BAUD PORT NO YES 9600 1

6 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) The ACD Group feature is available with optional software.