Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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3-64 IS DN Pro gram ming - Pag e A Me ss ag e Exc ha n g e Tim er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the MSG EXCH ANG E TIMER flexible b utton ( FLA SH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #8). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Minimum XID Retransmission Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the MIN XID RETRANSMSN flexible button (FLASH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #9). 2 . Ent er a val id numbe r (0 -9 se conds) on t he di al pad. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Inter-Digit T / O Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the INTER-DIGIT T/O flexible button ( FLASH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #10). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. MSG EXCHANGE T IMER 0 0-9 9 T2 03 15 MIN XI D RETRA NS MSN 0- 9 T2 04 3 IN TER - D IGIT T/O 0 0-9 9 T3 02 25

IS DN Programm in g - Page A 3 -65 Set- Up Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the SET UP TIMER flexible button (FLASH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #11). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Disconnect Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the DISCONNECT TIMER flexible button ( FLASH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #12). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Release Request Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pres s the REL EASE REQUEST f lexib le butto n (FLASH 45, Page B, Bu tton #13). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. SET U P TIME R 0 0-9 9 T3 03 10 DISCONNECT TI MER 00-99 T3 05 04 RELEASE REQUEST 00-99 T3 08 04

3-66 IS DN Pro gram ming - Pag e A Li nk D is c o nn ec t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he LI NK D IS CON NEC T f le xib le but ton (FLASH 45, Page B, Bu tton #14). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (2 0- 30 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Call Pro ce eding Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CA LL P R OC EED IN G fl exi bl e but ton (F LA SH 45 , Pa ge B , Bu tton #15). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. Co nnect Reques t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CO NNE CT REQ UES T f le xibl e but ton (FLASH 45, Page B, Bu tton #16). 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 0- 99 s ec o nds ) o n the di al pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. LINK DISCONNEC T 20-30 T3 09 30 CAL L PROCEE DING 0 0-9 9 T3 10 60 CONNE CT REQUES T 0 0-9 9 T3 13 04

T-1 A la rm Programming 3 -67 Restart Request Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pres s the RESTART REQ TIMER flexib le button ( FLASH 45, Pag e B, Bu tton #17). 2. Enter a valid numbe r (0-200 s econds ) on the dial pa d. 3. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard and the display up dates. T-1 Alarm Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. 1. Press FLASH and di al [47 ]. The following message displays: 2. Press a button (1-7) that represents the desired alarm setting. †These settings govern all T-1 Trunk cards installed in the system. †The LED lights steady when the button is pressed. †Once the desired alarm is selected, the following conditions can be pr ogra mmed : Button #12 = Clears the alarm Button # 13 = Minor threshold s etting Button #14 = Major threshold setting Button #15 = Time period for Minor/Major alarms Butt on # 1 6 = S end s LCD me ssa ge of Maj or al ar ms to fir st Attendant Station RESTART REQ TIMER 0-200 T3 16 120 T1 A LAR M EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R

3-68 T-1 Al arm Prog ra mming Des crip ti on The T -1 Tr unk c ard and t he s yst em sof twa re pr ovi de tool s to hel p d et ec t and isolate problems which may occur with the T-1 circuit. There are six LED s m ounted on th e outside edge of the T- 1 Trunk ca rd which eith er light or flash to indicate a variety of conditions on the T-1 circuit. The Ce ntral Of fice Main te nance Cente r can s end a command to place the CS U int o Li ne Loop Ba ck mode . I f t he re is no C SU, t he T- 1 Tr unk car d r es ponds to the Li ne Lo o p B ac k c o m mand. The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown below when ent er i ng t he T- 1 Al ar m p rogr ammi ng ar ea: Enable /Di sable (Carrie r Lo ss Al arm) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the CARRIER LOSS flexible button ( FLASH 47, Butto n #1 ). Button # 1 and Button # 11 LEDs are lit stea dy. The fo llowing mes sag e di spl ays: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. CARRIER LOSSBL UE ALARMYELLOW ALAR MRED ALAR M =1Q=2W=3E=4R BI P OL A R VA R I AT I O NSFRAME SL I PDATA ERRO RS =5T=6Y=7U=8I CLEAR ALAR M =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S MI NO R ALARMMAJOR ALARMTIME PER IODATTEND ANT DI SPL A Y =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V CARRIER LOSS 0-1 EN AB LE D

T-1 A la rm Programming 3 -69 [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on A Receive Carrier Loss (RCL) condition is declared when no bits have been received by the T-1 Trunk card for 150ms. It causes an Out of Frame (OOF) condition, and 2.5 seconds later a RED Carrier Failure Alarm (CFA) state. Dur ing th e t i me the RCL and RED al ar m ar e de cl ar ed , i ncomi ng an d outg oing signal bits a re frozen. Outgoing ca lls ca nnot be made. By default, the Carrier Loss alarm is enabled on all T-1 trunks. Bl ue Ala r m Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e B LU E AL AR M f le x ibl e bu t to n (FLASH 47, Button #2). Button # 2 and Button # 11 LEDs are lit stea dy. The fo llowing mes sag e di spl ays: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . 4. Continue pr ogr ammi ng the Bl ue Al ar m pa ra meter s usi ng the steps provided earlier in this section for Clearing the alarm, Minor alarm, Ma jor a lar m, Ti me Pe r iod and At te ndan t dis pla y. B LU E AL AR M 0- 1 EN AB LE D

3-70 T-1 Al arm Prog ra mming Des crip ti on The Bl ue A l arm si gnal i s an unfr ame d al l ones si gnal . I t is tr ans mi tt ed by a remote device (usually a CSU) and when received, indicates a tr ans mis si on fa il ure up st re am o f t hat de vi ce t owar d the l ocal end . T he AI S al ar m si gna l i s al so kn own as t he keep alive s ign al in th at it p re ven ts the T-1 circuit repeaters from malfunctioning when transmit from the remote end is lost. By default, the Blue Alarm is enabled for all T-1 Trunks. Ye l l o w Al a rm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the YELLOW flexible button ( FLASH 47, Butto n #3). Button #3 and Butt on # 11 L EDs ar e li t st ead y. The fol l ow ing mes sag e d isp lay s: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD button to save entry. A confirmation tone is heard and t he di spl ay updat es . 4. Continue programming the Yellow Alarm parameters using steps p rovi de d i n t his s ect ion for Cl ea ri ng t he al ar m, Minor al ar m, Maj or alarm, Time Period and Attendant display. Des crip ti on The Yellow Alarm is recorded when the T-1 Trunk card detects a yellow Car r ie r Fai lur e A lar m (CFA ) sig nal fr om t he di st ant en d for a mi nimum 335 ms (for D-4 framing). The Yellow Alarm is transmitted by the remote system because of a RED alarm condition there. By default, the Yellow Al ar m i s ena ble d f or all T -1 T runk s. Y ELLOW AL AR M 0- 1 EN AB LE D

T-1 A la rm Programming 3 -71 Red Alarm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the RED ALARM flexible button ( FLASH 47, Butto n #4 ). Button # 4 and Button # 11 LEDs are lit stea dy. The fo llowing mes sag e di spl ays: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD button to save entry. A confirmation tone is heard and t he di spl ay updat es . 4. Continue pr ogr ammi ng the Re d Ala rm par ame te rs us ing the s te ps p rovi de d i n t his s ect ion for Cl ea ri ng t he al ar m, Minor al ar m, Maj or alarm, Time Period and Attendant display. Des crip ti on The Red Alarm is declared by the T-1 Trunk card when a loss of signal is detected, or a n Ala rm In dica tion Signa l is received. A Red Alarm can be cause d by a l oss of car r ie r s ign al, a r ece iv e out of fr ame sync cond it ion , or an a la rm ind icat i on si gnal . By de faul t, t he Re d Al ar m i s e nab le d for a ll T- 1 tr u nks . Bipolar Variations Alarm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e B I PO L A R VA R I ATI ON S f l ex i b l e b u t to n (FLASH 47, Bu tton #5). Button #5 and Button #11 LEDs are lit steady. The following message displays: RED ALARM 0-1 EN AB LE D BIPOL AR VARIATIONS 0-1 EN AB LE D

3-72 T-1 Al arm Prog ra mming 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. 4. Continue to program Bipolar Variations Alarm parameters using the s te ps in thi s se cti on f or C le ar ing t he ala rm, Mi nor al ar m, Maj or al ar m, Time Period, and Attendant display. Des crip ti on Exce ssi ve Bi pola r Viol at ion s (BPV) ar e d ecl ar ed when a T -1 T runk car d detects a BPV ra te in excess of 1x10+6 errors in 1000 seconds. By default, Bip olar Va ri at ion s a re en abl ed at al l T- 1 tr unks. Frame Slip Alarm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s F R AM E SL IP f le xib le but t o n (FLASH 47, Butto n #6). Button #6 and Butt on # 11 L EDs ar e li t st ead y. The fol l ow ing mes sag e d isp lay s: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD button to save entry. A confirmation tone is heard and t he di spl ay updat es . 4. Continue to pr ogr am the Fr ame Sl ip Ala rm par ame te rs usi ng steps p rovi de d i n t his s ect ion for Cl ea ri ng t he al ar m, Minor al ar m, Maj or alarm, Time Period and Attendant display. Des crip ti on Whe n a Fr ame Sl ip or chang e i n f ra me a li gnme nt is de te ct ed, th e T -1 Trunk card freezes all incoming signaling states and realigns the receive buffe r . I f a ll al ar m cond it ions ar e cle ar , s ign ali ng st ate s ar e r el e ase d a nd normal operation resumes. By default, Frame Slip is enabled on T-1 tr u nks . SLIP 0- 1 EN AB LE D

T-1 A la rm Programming 3 -73 Data Errors Alarm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he DATA ER R O RS fl ex ibl e but ton (FLASH 47, Button #7). Button # 7 and Button # 11 LEDs are lit stea dy. The fo llowing mes sag e di spl ays: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD button to save entry. A confirmation tone is heard and t he di spl ay updat es . 4. Continue to program the Data Error Alarm parameters using steps p rovi de d i n t his s ect ion for Cl ea ri ng t he al ar m, Minor al ar m, Maj or alarm, Time Period and Attendant display. Des crip ti on By de faul t , D at a E rr ors A la rm is en abl ed for al l T-1 T ru nks. Cle ar Alarm Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the CLEAR ALARM flexible bu tton ( FLASH 47, Butto n #1 2). B utt on # 1 2 L ED is l it st e ady. T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2 . Pr es s t he HO LD bu t to n to c l ea r the a lar m. A c o nfi rma ti o n t o ne is he ard. Des crip ti on The C le ar A lar m o pti o n a ll o ws the a lar m c o n dit io n r epo r t ed to the Attendant Display to be cleared. DATA ERRORS 0-1 EN AB LE D DATA ERRORS CLEA R A LAR M PR ES S HOL D