Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 System Programming Manual
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3-34 Page C I ntro ductio n 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 000–255 (0 ms to 2.55 seco nds). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Reseize Timer option lets the user adjust the Reseize Timer on a per CO Li ne bas is . T he Re se iz e Ti me r ca n be us ed on an y t runk t ype. T his timer sets the time period that a trunk is held disconnected after receiving a disconnect before being reseized when a device is queued for a member of the trunk group. By default, the Reseize Timer is set for two se conds. Gu a rd Ti m er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he GUA R D TI M ER bu tt on (FL ASH 40 , Pag e C , Bu tton #6) in the fl exi ble b utt on fi e ld. The fol lowi ng mes sage di sp lays : 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 1–60 (100 ms to 6 seconds). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The outgoing Guard Timer is used to set the length of time a CO is held busy t o out going se iz ur e aft er a val id r el eas e is de te cte d. If a us er at te mpt s to ac c es s a CO l ine be fo r e the Gu a rd Ti mer e xpi re s, th ei r LED illuminates to indicate that the line is seized, however the CO line is not actually seized until the timer expires. The user gets a busy tone, and may receive a delayed CO dial tone if the timer is set to a large value. By def au l t, th e Gu ard Ti me r is se t fo r .5 se c o nds. GUARD TIMER 1-60 05

Pa ge C I ntr o ducti o n 3 - 35 Sei ze Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the SEIZ E TIMER Button (FLA SH 40 , Page C, Bu tton #7) in the fl exi ble b utt on fi e ld. The fol lowi ng mes sage di sp lays : 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000–25 5 (100 ms to 2.55 seconds). 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on The Seize Timer option allows the user to adjust the Seize Timer on a per CO Li ne bas is . T he Sei z e Ti mer i s us ed on gr ound st ar t typ e t r unks. Th is Seize Timer is a lead filter timer. The CO must provide ground at the tip le ad fo r lo n ger t han thi s ti mer i n o r de r fo r the s yst em to re c o gni ze i t. B y def au l t, th e S ei z e T im er i s s et fo r 0 .1 se c o nds . Preset Forward Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he P RES ET FWD T IM ER fle xi ble bu tt on ( FLASH 40, Pag e C, Bu tton #8). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2 . Ent er va li d num ber on di al pad whi ch corr es ponds t o 0 0–99 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. SEI ZE T I MER 0 00- 25 5 01 0 PRESET FWD TIMER 00-99 10

3-36 Page C I ntro ductio n Des crip ti on The Preset Forward Timer determines the time an outside line rings be fore be in g for war de d t o a pr ede te rm ine d d est i nat ion. I f a for war d destination is programmed in the CO line field, the CO calls forward to tha t des ti nat i on af te r the C O p re se t forw ard t ime r exp ir es . T his for war d occurs regardless of how many stations the line is ringing. The digits entered for the CO line are sent in the station field.This feature app li es t o in it ia l CO ri ngi ng l in es only and wor ks wi t h P r ese t For war d C O Li ne a ssi gnme nt s. By de faul t , t he CO Li ne Pr e set F orwa rd Ti me r is se t at 10 seconds and is variable from 00-99 seconds. A [00] entry disables the ti me r and t he fe at ure i s d is abl ed. DID Co lle ct Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he DID CO LLEC T T IM E R Butt on (FL ASH 40, Page C, B utto n #9) in the f le xibl e but ton fi el d. T he foll owi ng me ssa ge di spl ays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 010–200 (100 ms to 2.0 seconds). 3. Press HOLD button to save entry. A confirmation tone is heard and t he di spl ay updat es . Des crip ti on The DID Collect Timer is only used when the DID Incoming Signaling is se t f or d ial pul se . T his is a t im e- out t i mer t hat look s at t he i ncomi ng di gi ts one digit at a time. If a second digit isn’t detected within the 150ms, the telephone system attempts to process that digit. If a second digit is det e cte d, t he sy st em wait s 15 0 ms to see i f a t hir d d igi t is r ece ive d. Ot he rwi se , t he te l epho n e s yst em at te mpt s to pr o ce ss t he two dig it s already received. This process continues until no additional digits are received and the time-out timer expires. By default, the DID Collect Timer is se t for 1 50 mi l li -se conds and is va ri abl e fro m 1 00 ms to 2. 0 secon ds. D I D COLL ECT TI ME R 0 10- 20 0 01 5

Mi scel l ane ous C O Par am eter s 3 - 37 T- 1 C o l l e c t T i m e r 1 . Pr es s t he T- 1 COL LEC T T I ME R fl exi bl e butt on (F LA SH 40 , Pa ge C , Bu tton #10). Th e f ollowing messa ge is shown on the display p hone: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 010–20 0 (100 ms to 2.0 seconds). 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on The T-1 Collect Timer is only used when the T-1 Incoming Signaling is set for dial pulse. This is a time-out timer that looks at the incoming digits one digit at a time. If a sec o nd di git i sn’t detected within the 150ms, the telephone system attempts to process that digit. If a second digit is detected, the system waits 150ms to see if a third digit is received. Otherwise, the telephone system attempts to process the two digits already received. This process conti nue s unt i l no ad dit i onal di git s ar e r ece iv ed and the t im e- out ti mer exp ir es . By default, the T-1 Collect Timer is set for 150 milli-seconds and is variable fr om 1 00 ms to 2. 0 se co nds. Misce llaneous CO Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode first. 1. Press FLASH and di al [41 ]. The following message displays: T1 COLL ECT TIM ER 0 10- 20 0 01 5 CO F EATURE S EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R

3-38 M iscellaneo us CO Paramet ers 2 . Se le c t any fea tur e by p re ssi ng t he ap prop ri at e f le xib le but to n(s) in the flexible field. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on When entering the Miscellaneous CO Parameters programming area the buttons on the digita l telephone are def ined a s s hown b elow: Dial Pulse Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the DIAL PULSE flexible button (FLASH 41, Butto n #1). T he following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number (0–3) which corresponds with the following entries: [0] = 60/40 ( RAT IO), 10 p ps (SPEE D) [1] = 66/33 ( RAT IO), 10 p ps (SPEE D) [2] = 60/40 ( RAT IO), 20 p ps (SPEE D) [3] = 66/33 ( RAT IO), 20 p ps (SPEE D) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. DIAL PUL SEDI D DI GI TS =1Q=2W=3E=4R DID INCOMING SIGNALT-1 INCOM IN G SIGN ALT-1 FRAM ING TYPE =5T=6Y=7U=8I DIAL PULS E 60 / 40 10 PPS

Mi scel l ane ous C O Par am eter s 3 - 39 Des crip ti on The Dial Pulse option lets the installer adju st the dial pulse ratio and speed when using dial pulse (rotary) type signaling. By default, all lines ar e D TM F (t one) si gnal ing. I f pu lse di al in g i s r eq uir ed, t he ind ivi dual outs id e l i ne m ust be pr ogr amme d f or Dia l Pu lse (D P ). W hen Dia l P ulse i s se le cte d, thi s syst e m-wi de par ame t er must b e set t o d et er mi ne t he br eak /ma ke ra ti o a nd t he dia l spe ed of t he di al pul se si gnal . DID Digits Pro g ram mi ng S te ps To make a change t o t he numbe r of DI D Di git s: 1 . Pr es s t he DI D DI GIT S f le xib le but to n (FLASH 41, Button #3). T he following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter a valid number (3–7 ) o n the di al pa d whi c h c o r re sp o nds to the nu mber of digits used for the rou ting of the DID Number. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on The DI D Di git s opt ion all ows th e i nst al le r t o adj ust t he amou nt of DI D Digits received from the CO. This amount is used by all DID trunks in the sys te m. The DI D Tr ans lat i on t abl e c an b e p rogr amm ed to det er mi ne the num ber of d igi ts us ed for the r out ing of a DI D ca ll . By de faul t, t he numbe r of DI D di git s is se t to 3. Th is pro gram code is on ly us ed whe n an outs id e (C O) l ine is p rogra mmed for Di al Pulse. DID DIGITS 3-7 3 At least one DTMF receiver MUST be installed in the system

3-40 M iscellaneo us CO Paramet ers DI D I nco m in g Sign a li ng Pro g ram mi ng S te ps The re ar e 2 t ype s of DI D S ign ali ng a vai la ble for DI D Tr unks . To cha nge the ty pe of s igna li ng: 1 . Pr es s t he DI D INC OMI NG S IGN AL ING fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLASH 41, Bu tton #5) for pr ogra mmi ng t he ty pe of D ID si gnal in g de si re d. The following mes sage is s hown on th e d is pla y phon e: 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 o n t he di al pad. [0] = Dial Puls e [1] = DT MF 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on The DID Incoming Signal option allows the installer to determine the type of incoming signaling used by all T-1 trunks in the system. By def au l t, th e t ype o f DI D I nc o mi ng S ig nal ing is se t fo r DT MF . T- 1 In c o m i n g S i g n al i n g Pro g ram mi ng S te ps There are two types of T-1 Signaling available for T-1 Trunks. To change the t ype o f si gnal ing : 1. Press the T1 INCOMING SIGNALING flexible bu tton ( FLASH 41, Bu tton #6) for pr ogra mmi ng t he ty pe of T -1 si gna li ng de si re d. T he following message is shown on the display phone: DID INC SIGNALING 0-1 DTMF T1 IN C SIG N AL 0- 1 DTMF

Mi scel l ane ous C O Par am eter s 3 - 41 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 o n t he di al pad. [0] = Dial Puls e [1] = DT MF 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on The T-1 Incoming Signaling option allows the installer to determine the type of incoming signaling to be used by all T-1 trunks in the system. By def au l t, th e t ype o f T- 1 Si gnal ing is se t fo r DT M F. T- 1 Fr a m i n g Ty p e There are two types of T-1 Framing Types available. To change the fr ami ng t ype : 1 . Pr es s t he T1 F R AM I NG T YP E fl exi bl e but ton (FLA SH 4 1, Bu tton #7) for pr ogra mmi ng t he ty pe of T -1 fr ami ng d esi r ed. The fol lowi ng mes sag e is shown on the dis play ph one: 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 o n t he di al pad. [0] = D4SF -AMI [1] = ES F-B8ZS 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Des crip ti on T-1 boards 9031-31 and 8031-31 will work with D4SF-AMI or ESF-B8ZS framing. T he T -1 serv ice should be ord ered f rom the serving comp any. By def au l t, th e t ype o f T- 1 Fr ami ng i s s et fo r D 4S F- AM I . Co n dit io n s †The T -1 board m ust have firmware Ve rs ion 1. 0 or highe r. T1 F RA MIN G T Y PE 0- 1 D4S F-A MI

3-42 M iscellaneo us CO Paramet ers Flexi ble C O Port Ass ignme nt Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the CO Line numbers need to be relocated to different ports, press FLASH an d di al [ 42]. The following message displays: Buttons 1 through 18 indicate Ports 1 through 144. When the relocation program is initially entered, Button #1 is lit to indicate that the user is progra mming the CO Line numbe rs . Changi ng the CO Li ne Numb er Ass igned to a ny P ort 1 . Di al th e p o si ti o n nu m ber o n the d isp lay (0 1 thr o u gh 08 ). 2 . The n di al t he CO Lin e nu mber d esi r ed and p re ss HOL D. Exampl e 1 -- I f [0 1 00 3 ] i s d ial e d and t he HOLD but t on i s p re sse d, t he CO line number of the first entry on the display changes to [003]. Si nc e [00 3 ] was shown as t he t hi rd ent r y on th e d is pla y, tha t ent r y i s bl ank ( ### ). Exampl e 2 - - I f Butt on # 3 (CO Por t s 17 -2 4 ) i s p re sse d, t he fol lowi ng di spl ay a ppe ar s: Exampl e 3 -- If [03020] is dialed, the CO line number of the third entry on the display cha nges to [020]. Since [020] was sh ow n as the fourth ent r y on th e d isp lay, tha t ent r y i s b lan k (# ## ). CO 0 01 0 02 00 3 0 04 00 5 006 007 008 CO 003 002 ### 004 005 006 007 008 CO 0 17 0 18 01 9 0 20 02 1 022 023 024 CO 0 17 0 18 02 0 # ## 0 21 022 023 024 When all the CO Line numbers desired have be en programmed, the system re sets to upd ate t he da ta. This is don e so that th e pr ogramm ing of CO Lines can be done while the s ys tem is in us e.

Mi scel l ane ous C O Par am eter s 3 - 43 Des crip ti on The Fl e xibl e Port A ss ign ment fe at ur e p rov ide s a me ans t o as sig n CO l in e numbers to any CO line port in the system. This provides complete flexibility in determining CO line numbers within the system as long as they stay within the system numbering plan. A CO line can be assigned any num ber be twe en [001 -0 48] for Triad 1/2 or [00 1-1 44] for Tri ad 3 on the STARPLUS Di git al S yst ems . The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when ent er i ng t he Fl exi bl e Por t A ssi gnme nt Fe at ure pr ogr ammi ng are a: Al l CO l ine num ber s ent er ed ar e st ore d i n a t emp orar y dat aba se ar ea whi ch is upl oad ed to the ma in dat aba se when th e s yst em is r es et . PO RTS 1-8PO RTS 9-16PO RTS 17-24PO RTS 25 -32 =1Q=2W=3E=4R PO RTS 33-4 0PO RTS 41-48PO RTS 49-56PO RTS 57 -64 =5T=6Y=7U=8I PO RTS 65-7 2PO RTS 73-80PO RTS 81-88PO RTS 89 -96 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S PO RTS 97-10 4PO RTS 1 05-112PO RTS 113-120PO RTS 121 -128 =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H PO RTS 129-1 36PO RTS 1 37-144 =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;