NEC Neax 2400 Imx System Operations And Maintenance Manual
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CHAPTER 8 NDA-24238 Page 524 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS AT R F :Assignment of Traffic Measurement Order 1. Functional Outline This command is used to assign and delete traffic measurement programs. A request for traffic measurement is performed when a traffic measurement instruction has been assigned by this command. The collected traffic measurement data can be stored on the HD of the MAT, which can be designated on the basis of traffic measurement type. 2. Parameters Input Data TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement (1-19) (See Table 8-2.) PORT: Traffic Information Output Terminal Number (0-7:IOC, 8:LAN, 9:NMS) INTERVAL: Output interval (0, 30-120) Assign the data (30-120) in 10 minute increments. When assigning 0 (available when any of TYPE 3-18 is selected), instead specify your desired output time in the “OUTPUT HOUR/MINUTE” parameters below. START HOUR Note 1 START MINUTENote 1 END HOURNote 1 END MINUTENote 1 OUTPUT HOUR: This data is valid only when INTERVAL=0. OUTPUT MINUTE: This data is valid only when INTERVAL= 0. START RT: Start External Route Number (available when TYPE 2/5/8 is selected) END RT: End External Route Number (available when TYPE 2/5/8 is selected) START C_RT: Start Connection Route Number (available when TYPE 18/19 is selected) END C_RT: End Connection Route Number (available when TYPE 18/19 is selected) Note 1:Assign the traffic measurement time period between START HOUR/MINUTE and END HOUR/ MINUTE longer than an hour. Also, if the measurement should be executed throughout a day, assign the same data in both START HOUR/MINUTE and END HOUR/MINUTE parameters. Note 2:Traffic Type 15 only works on Ring Down Trunks. Table 8-2 Type of Traffic Measurement Explanation DATA MEANING DATA MEANING 1 Terminal Traffic 2 Route Traffic 3 Station Peg Count 4 ATT Peg Count 5 Route Peg Count 6 Service Peg Count 8 UCD Route Peg Count 9 UCD Group Peg Count 10 UCD Station Peg Count 15 ATT Answering Peg Count 18 Connection Route Peg Count 19 Connection Route Traffic

NDA-24238 CHAPTER 8 Page 525 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS ATRFN:Assignment of Traffic Measurement Order for Fusion Network 1. Functional Outline This command is used to assign and delete traffic measurement programs available on the Ethernet. A request for traffic measurement is performed on a network basis when a traffic measurement instruction has been assigned by this command. The collected traffic measurement data can be stored on the HD of the MAT (connected to the NCN: Network Control Node), which can be designated on the basis of traffic measurement type. Note that this command can be used at the NCN only. 2. Parameters Input Data TYPE: Type of Traffic Measurement (1-19) (See Table 8-3) PORT: Traffic Information Output Terminal Number (0-7: IOC, 8: LAN, 9:NMS) INTERVAL: Output interval (0, 30-120) Assign the data (30-120) in 10 minute increments. When assigning 0 (available when any of TYPE 3-18 is selected), instead specify your desired output time in the “OUTPUT HOUR/MINUTE” parameters below. START HOUR Note 2, Note 3 START MINUTENote 2, Note 3 END HOURNote 2, Note 3 END MINUTENote 2, Note 3 OUTPUT HOUR: This data is valid only when INTERVAL=0. OUTPUT MINUTE: This data is valid only when INTERVAL=0. START RT: Start External Route Number (available when TYPE 2/5/8 is selected) END RT: End External Route Number (available when TYPE 2/5/8 is selected) START C_RT: Start Connection Route Number (available when TYPE 18/19 is selected) END C_RT: End Connection Route Number (available when TYPE 18/19 is selected) Note 1:The selected traffic measurement data, except for TYPE 1 (Terminal Traffic), is collected with the whole network systems as a single unit. Note 2:When time difference exists between the nodes, confirm that the related time difference data, based on the UCT (Universal Coordinated Time) standard, has been assigned at each node via the ATDF command. Note 3:Assign the traffic measurement time period between START HOUR/MINUTE and END HOUR/ MINUTE longer than an hour. Also, if the measurement should be executed throughout a day, assign the same data in both START HOUR/MINUTE and END HOUR/MINUTE parameters. Note 4:If the data for this command is once assigned, the node-level data by the ATRF command is not cleared, but loses its validity (the network-level data takes precedence). Table 8-3 Type of Traffic Measurement Explanation DATA MEANING DATA MEANING 1 Terminal Traffic 2 Route Traffic 3 Station Peg Count 4 ATT Peg Count 5 Route Peg Count 6 Service Peg Count 8 UCD Route Peg Count 9 UCD Group Peg Count 10 UCD Station Peg Count 15 ATT Answering Peg Count 18 Connection Route Peg Count 19 Connection Route Traffic

CHAPTER 8 NDA-24238 Page 526 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS BOSD:Back Up One-Touch Speed Call Memory Data 1. Functional Outline Save Function Saves the data residing in the One-Touch Speed Call Memory of DLC/ELC card onto a floppy disk. Verify Function Verifies the One-Touch Speed Call Memory data saved on the floppy disk with the data residing in the One-Touch Speed Call Memory of DLC/ELC card. Load Function Loads the One-Touch Speed Call Memory data saved in the floppy disk into the One-Touch Speed Call Memory of DLC/ELC card. 2. Parameters Input data Direction Select: PBX Memory to MAT MAT to PBX Memory Verify MAT against MEM Data Type Selection: by Station by LEN Begin TN: Note 1 End TN:Note 1 Begin STN:Note 1 End STN:Note 1 Begin LEN:Note 2 End LEN:Note 2 Auto Verify Afterward: Click ON=Checked OFF=Unchecked File Name and Path Note 1:When by Station is designated Note 2:When by LEN is designated

NDA-24238 CHAPTER 8 Page 527 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS CADSD:Continuous Assignment of Station Data 1. Functional Outline This command can assign/delete many station data simultaneously which have consecutive numbers. 2. Parameters Input Data Type: Assign/Delete [When Assign is selected in the Type selection list box] TN(START): Start Tenant Number TN(END): End Tenant Number STN(START): Start Station Number [Max. 6 digits] Note 1 STN(END): End Station Number [Max. 6 digits] Note 1 STEP: Station Count-up Step Note 2 If using * and # → [1-12] If not using * and # → [1-10] LENS(START): First Line Equipment Number [6 digits] LENS(END): Last Line Equipment Number [6 digits] GROUP(START): First Group Number [0-31] GROUP(END): Last Group Number [0-31] LEVEL(START): First Level Number [0-7] LEVEL(END): Last Level Number [0-7] Note 1:In the bottom part of the display, a check box is provided to determine whether to use * and # as a part of the Station Number. If necessary, check the box. Note 2:In the parameter here, specify the size of increment between the consecutive station numbers to be assigned. See the example below: Example:Input data Result STN(START)=100 STN(END)=200 STEP=10 →Station Number is assigned by 10 increments: ∇When * and # are not used as part of STN 100 110 120 130 ... 190 200 ∇When * and # are used as part of STN 10* 118 126 134 ... 1** 1#8

CHAPTER 8 NDA-24238 Page 528 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS TEC: Telephone Equipment Class [1-31] 1=DP (10pps) 2=PB 3=DP/PB 4=DP (20pps) 5-11=Not used 12=D term 13=Data Terminal via Dterm14=Hot Line 15=CAS Line 16=Data Terminal via Data Module 17=Not used 18=Virtual Line Appearance (for D term Multi-Line) 19-22=Not used 23=ISDN Terminal 24-26=Not used 27=8 Conference Equipment 28-31=Not used RSC: Route Restriction Class [0-15] SFC: Service Feature Class [0-15] Buttons Execute: Click to make the input data valid. Cancel: Click to cancel the input data. Exit: Click to exit this command. Display Data (after “Execute” button is pressed) TN: Tenant Number STN: Assigned Station Number LENS: Line Equipment Number STATUS: Data Entry Result OK=Data Assignment is successful Note Note: If not OK (i.e. the data entry is not successful), related error message is displayed here.

NDA-24238 CHAPTER 8 Page 529 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS When Delete is selected in the Type selection list box Input Data TN(START): First Tenant Number TN(END): Last Tenant Number STN(START): First Station Number [Max. 6 digits] STN(END): Last Station Number [Max. 6 digits] STEP: Station Count-up Step Note 1 If using * and # → [1-12] If not using * and # → [1-10] Note 1:In this parameter, specify the size of increment between the consecutive station numbers to be deleted. See the example below: Example:Input data Result STN(START)=100 STN(END)=200 STEP=10 Buttons Execute: Click to delete the input data. Cancel: Click to cancel the deletion. Exit: Click to exit this command. Display Data TN: Tenant Number STN: Station Number STATUS: Result of Deletion Note 2 Note 2: When the deletion is successful, OK is displayed here. Otherwise (i.e. the deletion is rejected), related error message is displayed. →Station Number is deleted by 10 increments: ∇When * and # are not used as part of STN 100 110 120 130 ... 190 200 ∇When * and # are used as part of STN 10* 118 126 134 ... 1** 1#8

CHAPTER 8 NDA-24238 Page 530 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS CATK:Continuous Assignment of Trunk Data 1. Functional Outline This command can assign/delete many trunk data simultaneously which have consecutive numbers. 2. Parameters Type/KIND ( Note): Assign/Delete Note:Type (for software Release 6 or earlier) KIND (for software Release 7 or later) When “Assign” is selected in the “Type/KIND” selection list box Input Data RT: R o u t e N u m b e r TK (START): First Trunk Number [1-768] TK (END): Last Trunk Number [1-768] STEP: Trunk Count-up Step [1-10] Note 1 LENS (START): First Line Equipment Number [6 digits] LENS (END): Last Line Equipment Number [6 digits] TN: Tenant Number RSC: Route Restriction Class [0-15] Note 2 SFC: Service Feature Class [0-15] Note 2 GROUP (START): First Group Number [0-31] GROUP (END): Last Group Number [0-31] LEVEL (START): First Level Number [0-7] LEVEL (END): Last Level Number [0-7] TYPE: Count-up Type [1-6] Note 3 1 = LEVEL→GROUP→UNIT 2 = LEVEL→UNIT→GROUP 3 = GROUP→UNIT→LEVEL 4 = GROUP→LEVEL→UNIT 5 = UNIT→LEVEL→GROUP 6 = UNIT→GROUP→LEVEL Note 1:In this parameter, specify the size of increment between the consecutive trunk numbers to be assigned. See the example below: Example:Input data Result TK(START)=1 TK(END)=21 STEP=2 Note 2:Data entry for this parameter is necessary when RT is 901 or 915. Note 3:The TYPE parameter determines how to arrange the trunk data. See [Details on Trunk Arrangement “TYPE” ] (later pages) for details. →Trunk Number is assigned by 2 increments: 1 357911...1921

NDA-24238 CHAPTER 8 Page 531 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS Buttons Execute: Click to make the input data valid. Cancel: Click to cancel the input data. Exit: Click to exit this command. Display Data TK: Assigned Trunk Number LENS: Line Equipment Number STATUS: Data Entry Result OK=Data Assignment is successful Note 4 Note 4: If not OK (i.e. the data entry is not successful), related error message is displayed here.

CHAPTER 8 NDA-24238 Page 532 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS When “Delete” is selected in the “Type/KIND” selection list box Input Data RT: R o u t e N u m b e r TK(START): First Trunk Number [1-768] TK(END): Last Trunk Number [1-768] STEP: Trunk Count-up Step [1-10] Note 1 Buttons Execute: Click to delete the input data. Cancel: Click to cancel the deletion. Exit: Click to exit this command. Display Data TK: Trunk Number STATUS: Result of Deletion OK=Deletion Success Note 2 Note 1: In this parameter, specify the size of increment between the consecutive trunk numbers to be deleted. See the example below: Example:Input data Result TK(START)=1 TK(END)=21 STEP=2 Note 2:When the deletion is successful, OK is displayed here. Otherwise (i.e. the deletion is rejected), related error message is displayed. →Trunk Number is deleted by 2 increments: 1 357911...1921

NDA-24238 CHAPTER 8 Page 533 Revision 3.0 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS Details on Trunk Arrangement TYPE When assigning the consecutive trunk data by using the CATK command, you must select the trunk arrangement type (1-6) in the TYPE parameter. The following are examples of accommodated 16 COT circuit cards: TYPE=1 (Level → Group → Unit) Trunk data is arranged in the following numerical order. U=2 00 PIM C/EU=3 05 10 15 20 16 C O16 C O16 C O 16 C O16 C O 16 C O PIM C/E U=0U=1 TTT T T T LV 7 LV 6 LV 5 LV 4 LV 3 LV 2 LV 1 LV 0 LV 0 LV 1 LV 2 LV 3 LV 4 LV 5 LV 6 LV 71 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 029 16 0325 32 0517 24 04 49 5657 64 05 06 U=2 U=0 03 02 33 40 00 41 48 01 73 8065 72 16 15 U=3 U=1 81 8889 96 Group No. Level No. 1MGSlot No.