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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-3 Equipment Room Hardware 2 Cross-Connect Fields Eac h Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) c ontains a trunk/auxiliary field and a d istrib ution field . The trunk/auxiliary field c ontains three c ross-c onnec t areas: 1. The g reen field terminates the network interfac e leads from the Central Offic e (CO) and p rovid es the terminals to c ross-c onnec t the leads to the p urp le or yellow field s as req uired . A sing le row of the 110-typ e terminal b loc k c an terminate twenty-four 1-p air, eig ht 3-p air, or twelve 2-p air trunks. 2. The purple field terminates the trunk c irc uits from the system with WP-90929, List 1 or 3 c onc entrator c ab les. Also, 25-pair c ab les c an b e used to terminate trunk c irc uits from the system with eac h trunk c irc uit p ac k c onnec ting to one 25-p air row of the 110-typ e terminal b loc k. Eac h terminal b loc k row c an terminate twenty-four 1-p air, eight 3-p air, or twelve 2-p air trunks. 3. The yellow field p rovid es c ross-c onnec t terminals for all misc ellaneous lead s from the system, suc h as alarm monitors, emerg enc y transfer relay p ower, and attend ant c onsole p ower. This field is used for emerg enc y transfer wiring , p ag ing eq uipment, music sourc es, and so forth. The d istrib ution field c ontains four c ross-c onnec t areas: 1. The purple field (p ort field ) terminates 25-p air c ab les from the system. Eac h line c irc uit p ac k c onnec ts to one 25-p air row of the 110-typ e terminal b loc k. One 25-p air c ab le is required for eac h line c irc uit p ac k. NOTE: The 16-port analog line c irc uit p ac k req uires an ad ap ter c ab le to c onnec t from one c onnec tor on the system to two 25-pair c onnec tors on a terminal b loc k. Two MET c irc uit p ac ks req uire a c onc entrator c ab le to c onnec t from two c onnec tors on the system to one 25-p air c onnec tor on a terminal b loc k. 2. The yellow field (auxiliary field ) terminates all 25-p air c ab les from the auxiliary c ab inet and the Proc essor Interfac e. The yellow field is loc ated in the lower rig ht-hand c orner of the d istrib ution field. 3. The white field (station field ) terminates the station wiring . The white field indicates 3-pair station circuits (eight circuits per 25-pair c able) routed throug h a satellite c loset. 4. The blue field (station field ) also terminates station wiring . The b lue field indic ates 3- and /or 4-p air station c irc uits (six or eig ht c irc uits, resp ec tively, p er 25-p air c ab le). The fourth p air, of the 4-p air station c irc uit p rovid es ad junc t p ower from the c ross-c onnec t field on an as-need ed b asis to terminals within 250 feet (76 m) of the MDF.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-4 Main Distribution Frame 2 Main Distribution Frame The Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) is loc ated d irec tly b ehind the c ab inet stac k. Fi g u re 2 - 2 shows a typ ic al Sing le-Carrier Cab inet installation using 110A-typ e terminal bloc ks. Figure 2-2. Typical 110A-Type Terminal Blocks Figure Notes 1. System Cab inets (Stac ked ) 2. Z113A Cable Slack Manager 3. 25-Pair Cab le to System Cabinet 4. Station Cab les5. Station Distrib ution Field 6. Port Distrib ution Field 7. Trunk/Auxiliary Field r758534 CJL 042996

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-5 Installation Requirements 2 Installation Requirements Off-Premises Circuit Protection Protec tion from hazard ous voltag es and c urrents is req uired for all off-p remises (out of b uild ing ) trunks, lines, and terminal installations. Both over-voltag e p rotec tion (lig htning, p ower ind uc tion, and so forth), and sneak c urrent p rotec tion are req uired . Sneak c urrent protec tors must b e either UL listed /CSA c ertified , or must c omp ly with loc al safety standard s. Sneak c urrent p rotec tors must have a maximum rating of 350 mA, and a minimum voltag e rating of 600V, or as req uired b y loc al reg ulations. The following d evic es protec t the system from over-voltag es: nAnalog trunks use the 507B sneak p rotec tor or eq uivalent. Over-voltage p rotec tion is normally p rovided b y the loc al telep hone c omp any. nAnalog voic e terminals use one of the following typ es of c omb ined over-voltag e and sneak c urrent p rotec tion, or eq uivalent: — Carb on b loc k with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1C — Gas tub e with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1E-W — Solid state with heat c oil for UL c ode 4C1S nDCP and ISDN-BRI terminals use the solid state 4C3S-75 with heat c oil p rotec tor, or eq uivalent nDS1/E1/T1 c irc uits req uire isolation from exp osed fac ilities. This isolation may b e p rovid ed b y a CSU (T1), LIU (E1), or other equip ment that p rovid es eq uivalent p rotec tion Sneak Fuse Panels and Emergency Transfer Units Ap p roximately eig ht inc hes (20 c m) of horizontal wall sp ac e is req uired for eac h c olumn of sneak fuse panels. Horizontal wall sp ac e must also b e p rovided for emergenc y transfer units.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-6 Installation Requirements 2 110-Type Hardware The trunk/auxiliary field and the d istrib ution field are mounted on the same wall. Eac h 110P-typ e terminal b loc k is 8.5 inc hes (21.6 c m) wid e. Vertic al p atc h c ord troug hs are 5.31 inc hes (13.4 c m) wid e and horizontal p atc h c ord troug hs are 23 inc hes (58.4 c m) wid e. Eac h 110A-typ e terminal b loc k is 10.81 inc hes (27.4 c m) wid e; however, no horizontal p atc h c ord troug hs are used and the b loc ks are shorter than 110P-typ e terminal b loc ks. This allows the 110A-typ e terminal bloc ks to be stac ked . Therefore, the 110A-typ e hard ware req uires less sp ac e than the 110P-typ e hard ware on a p er-station b asis. Cable Slack Manager A Cab le Slac k Manag er is 32 inc hes (81.3 c m) wid e. Slac k manag ers are c ommonly used in installations c onsisting of c ab inet stac ks. The q uantity of slac k manag ers is d etermined by d ivid ing the total leng th of the MDF in inc hes (c entimeters) by 32 (81.3). A partial number of 0.4 or less should b e round ed d own, and a p artial numb er of 0.5 or more should b e round ed up (for examp le: 2.4 = 2 Cab le Slac k Manag ers and 2.5 = 3 Cab le Slac k Manag ers). NOTE: Cable c lamp s are req uired in installations with Cab le Slac k Manag ers. At the rear of the c ab inets, on eac h rear g round p late, install two c ab le c lamp s using the sc rews p rovid ed . These c lamp s hold the 25-p air inp ut/output or MDF c ab les in p lac e.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-7 Install Equipment and Cables 2 Install Equipment and Cables Install the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF), the Cable Slac k Manag er, and the sneak fuse panels. Route the c ab les from the rear of the c ab inet stac k to the MDF via the Cab le Slac k Manag er. See Fi g u re 2 -3 . Figure 2-3. Cable Routing Through Cable Slack Manager Figure Notes 1. Top View of System Cab inets 2. Cable Clamp s 3. Cable Ties (Op tional) 4. Power Cord 5. Cable Slac k Manager6. Cab le Slac k Manag er (Cover Rem ov ed ) 7. Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) 8. Route Cables Along Path Shown 9. Port Cables 3 5 1 2 r758155 CJL031496 4

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-8 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2 Install Sneak Fuse Panels Sneak c urrent p rotec tion is req uired b etween the inc oming RJ21X or RJ2GX network interfac e and the system for b oth trunk and off-p remise c irc uit p ac ks. The Model 507B sneak c urrent fuse panel, or eq uivalent, is rec ommend ed for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. See Fi g u re 2 - 4 . The panel c ontains two 25-p air c onnec tors, fuse removal tool, and fifty 220029 Sneak Fuses (and two sp ares). Connec tor c ab les (B25A male to female) c onnec t the network interfac e to the sneak fuse p anel. Also, 157B c onnec ting b loc ks eq uipp ed with SCP-110 p rotec tors c an b e used for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. NOTE: Sneak c urrent p rotec tors with a rating of 350 mA at 600 volts must b e Underwriter’s Lab oratory (UL) listed for d omestic installation and Canad ian Stand ard s Assoc iation (CSA) c ertified for Canad ian installation. nThe 507B inc lud es 52 sneak fuses and two c ab les and c an b e ord ered using PEC c od e 63210. nThe SCP-110 protec tors are used with 110-typ e hard ware and on the 507B Sneak Fuse Panel. The SCP-110 Protec tors c an be ord ered sep arately and installed on the 157B c onnec ting b loc k. Fifty p rotec tors are required per block. Sneak Fuse Panel Ordering Information Description Comcode 157B Connec ting Block 403613003 SCP-110 Protec tor 406948976 507B Sneak Current Fuse Panel 107435091 220029 Sneak Current Fuse 407216316

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-9 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2 Figure 2-4. Model 507B Sneak Fuse Panel 1. Loc ate the 507B near the network interfac e or the MDF. 2. Hold the p anel ag ainst the mounting surfac e and mark the mounting sc rew loc ations. Drill p ilot holes at the marked loc ations and partially install a loc ally ob tained #12 x 3/4-inc h sc rew into the two b ottom mounting slots. 3. Slid e the sneak fuse p anel onto the mounting sc rews and tighten the sc rews sec urely. 4. Install a loc ally ob tained #12 x 3/4-inc h sc rew into the top two mounting slots and tig hten sec urely. 5. Rep eat the p roc ed ure for eac h sneak fuse p anel. Figure Notes 1. Sneak Fuse Panel 2. 25-Pair Male Connec tor (In)3. 25-Pair Female Connec tor (Out) 4. 220029 Fuses (Insid e Panel). Use Sm a l l Sc re w d r iv e r t o Pr y To p C o v e r O ff Sneak Current Protector 507B sneakCJL032096

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-10 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2 Tab le 2-1 is a p inout of the c ab le wiring and assoc iated fuse numb ers. 6. Sec ure the B25A c ab le to the p anel with the c ap tive sc rew on the connector and a supplied cable tie. Table 2-1. Sneak Fuse Connector Pinout Connector Pin NumbersPair/Fuse Number 26/1 1 27/2 2 28/3 3 29/4 4 30/5 5 31/6 6 32/7 7 33/8 8 34/9 9 35/10 10 36/11 11 37/12 12 38/13 13 39/14 14 40/15 15 41/16 16 42/17 17 43/18 18 44/19 19 45/20 20 46/21 21 47/22 22 48/23 23 49/24 24 50/25 25

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-11 Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 2 Install Coupled Bonding Conductor The Coupled Bonding Cond uc tor (CBC) c onnec ts to the sing le-point g round b loc k and runs ad jac ent to p airs in an assoc iated telec ommunic ations c ab le. See Fig ure 2-5 . The mutual c oup ling b etween the b ond ing c ond uc tor and the p airs reduc es p otential d ifferenc es in terminating eq uip ment. The conductor consists of a 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire tie-wrap p ed to the insid e wiring c ab le and terminated at the CBC terminal b ar at the Main Distribution Frame (MDF). A minimum of 12 inches (30.48 cm) spacing must be maintained b etween the CBC and other p ower and g round lead s. The 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire must b e long enoug h to reac h the telec ommunic ations c ab les at the rear of the system c ab inets, follow these c ab les to the MDF, and to terminate at the CBC. 1. Cut a 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire long enoug h to reac h from the system’s sing le-p oint g round b loc k or DC power c ab inet Ground Disc harg e Bar to the MDF CBC b loc k. 2. Connec t one end of the 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire to the single-p oint g round b loc k (or Ground Disc harge Bar). 3. Route the wire next to the 25-p air c ables c onnec ting to the trunk/auxiliary (purp le) field . 4. Tie wrap the 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire to the 25-pair c ab les. 5. Connec t the 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) wire to the MDF CBC g round b loc k. 6. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h CBC ground wire installed .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-12 Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 2 Figure 2-5. Coupled Bonding Conductor Figure Notes 1. 25-Pair Tip & Ring Cab les to Cabinets 2. Coup led Bond ing Cond uc tor (CBC) Terminal Bloc k 3. Tie Wraps 4. Cab le Shield or Six Sp are Pairs 5. Ground on Carb on Bloc k Protector or Eq ui va l en t 6. Trunk Cab le to Network Interfac e 7. 10 AWG (#25) (2.5 mm 2) Wire 8. To Network Cab inets 9. Battery Plant Ground Disc harg e Bar for Sing le-Point Ground 10. Cross-Connec t Ground Bloc k 11. Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) 12. To Other Cross-Connec t Ground Bloc ks 13. Ap p roved Ground 14. Coupled Bonding Conduc tor (CBC) cbc_gnd RBP 032896