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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-3 Telephone Connection Example 5 Connect Adjunct Power The 400B2 ad ap ter is c onvenient for c onnec ting loc al -48 VDC power to a modular plug. See Fi g u re 5 - 2 . Figure 5-2. 400B2 Adapter Connecting to a Modular Plug Ad junc t p ower c an be p rovid ed from the eq uip ment room or eq uip ment c loset with 1145B p ower unit. See ‘‘Install the 1145B Power Supp ly’’ on p ag e 5-38 . Eac h p ort network c an p rovid e p ower for up to three attend ant c onsoles. This sourc e of p ower is p referred for the attend ant c onsoles bec ause it has the same b attery b ac kup as the system. See Tab le 5-2 . Ad junc t p ower c an be p rovid ed loc ally at the telep hone or c onsole b y either the 1151A1 or 1151A2 Power Sup p ly. See ‘‘1151A1 and 1151A2 Power Sup p lies’’ on page 5-47. Figure Notes 1. Flush-Mounted Information Outlet 2. Surfac e-Mounted Information Outlet 3. To Ind ivid ual Power Unit 4. 400B2 Ad ap ter 5 . To Te l e p h o n e 6. Destination Servic e Ac c ess Point ( D SA P) Po w e r C o rd r749428 KLC 060396

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-4 Analog Station or 2-Wire Digital Station Example 5 Analog Station or 2-Wire Digital Station Example This examp le is typ ic al of the 2-wire d ig ital stations (603E, 84xx, 94xx, 302C1), 2-wire analog stations (500, 2500, 71xx), analog Central Offic e (CO) trunks, Direc t Inward Dial (DID) trunks, and external alarms. See Fig ure 5-3 . Figure 5-3. 2500-Type Analog Telephone Wiring 1. Choose a p erip heral to c onnec t (suc h as a 2-wire d ig ital station). 2. Choose the p ort c irc uit p ac k to use and its c arrier and slot numb er (from Tab le 5-3 ). For examp le: TN2183 Analog Line, Cab inet 1, Carrier C, Slot 1. 3. Choose a port circ uit on the port circuit pack, for example port 3. 4. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to c onnec t the p ins from the 2-wire d igital station to the ap p rop riate pins on the p ort c irc uit p ac k. 5. Ad minister using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription . Figure Notes 1. 2500-Typ e Analog Station 2. TN2183 Analog Line Circ uit Pac k, Position 1C01 2500wire RBP 040596 328 03 2T RT3 R3

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-5 Analog Tie Trunk Example 5 Analog Tie Trunk Example This examp le shows how to c onnec t analog tie trunk wiring from one DEFINITY System to another DEFINITY System. Figure 5-4. Analog Tie Trunk Wiring 1. Set the option switc hes on the p ort c irc uit p ac k (suc h as TN760) as described in Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Op tion Switc h Setting s’’ . 2. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to c onnec t the p ins from the tie trunk c irc uit p ac k to the ap p rop riate lead s on the external tie trunk. Names of the tie trunk lead s must be d etermined from the manufac turer or sup plier of the external trunk c irc uit. The examp le in Fi g u re 5 - 4 shows a DEFINITY System tie trunk c onnec ted to a DEFINITY System tie trunk. 3. Ad minister on the Trunk Group Sc reen of the manag ement terminal. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc rip tion , for more d etails. tie_wire RBP 040596 1 27 26 29 4 30 5 2 28 3 31 6 T1 R1 T11 R11 E1 M1T2 R2 T12 R12 E2 M2 1. External Trunk or Ad ap ter 2. Tie Trunk Circ uit Pac k (Position 1C05) Figure Notes:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-6 Digital Tie Trunk Example 5 Digital Tie Trunk Example This examp le shows how to c onnec t d ig ital tie trunk wiring from one DEFINITY System to another DEFINITY System. See Fig ure 5-5 . Figure 5-5. Digital Tie Trunk Wiring 1. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to c onnec t the p ins from the d ig ital trunk c irc uit p ac k to ap p rop riate p ins on the manufac turer’s or sup p lier’s external d ig ital trunk. 2. Set option switc hes on the p ort c irc uit p ac k (Dig ital Trunk) ac c ord ing to Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Op tion Switc h Setting s’’ . 3. Ad minister on the DS1 and Trunk Group Sc reens of the manag ement terminal. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription , for more d etails. Figure Notes 1. External Trunk 2. Dig ital Trunk Circ uit Pac k, Position 1C06 3. LO4. LO (Balanc ed Outp ut Pair) 5. LI 6. LI (Balanc ed Inp ut Pair)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-7 DS1 Tie Trunk Example 5 DS1 Tie Trunk Example Dig ital Sig nal Level 1 (DS1) tie trunks p rovid e a 1.544 Mb p s (T1) or 2.048 Mb p s (E1) d ig ital d ata servic e b etween two c olloc ated systems or between the system and a d ata network. The following c ab les c an b e used : nC6C connector cable (comcode 104307327) — 50-foot (15.2 m) shield ed c ab le eq uip p ed with a 50-p in male c onnec tor on one end and a 15-p in male c onnec tor on the other end . Use this c ab le to c onnec t a DS1 tie trunk c irc uit p ac k to a Channel Servic e Unit (CSU). nC6D connector cable (comcode 104307376) — 50-foot (15.2 m) shield ed c ab le eq uip p ed with a 50-p in male c onnec tor on eac h end . Use this c ab le to c onnec t a DS1 tie trunks in c olloc ated c ab inets. nC6E connector cable (comcode 104307434) — 100-foot (30.5 m) shield ed c ab le eq uip p ed with a 50-p in male c onnec tor on one end and a 50-p in female c onnec tor on the other end. Use this c ab le as an “ extension” c ab le b etween the DS1 tie trunk c irc uit pac k and other c onnec tor c ab les. nC6F connector cable (comcode 104307475) — 50-foot (15.2 m) shield ed c ab le eq uip p ed with a 50-p in male c onnec tor on one end and a three inc h (7.62 c m) stub on the other end . Use this c ab le to c onnec t the DS1 tie trunk c irc uit p ac k to c hannel multip lexers req uiring hard wired c onnec tions. See Ta b l e 5 - 1 for a p inout of the C6F c ab le Collocated DS1 Tie Trunks Two DS1 tie trunk c irc uit p ac ks c an b e in c olloc ated systems. A DS1 Tie Trunk c irc uit p ac k in one system c an b e c onnec ted to a DS1 in another system. A C6D c ab le c an b e used if the d istanc e is less than 50 feet (15.2 m). If the d istanc e is g reater than 50 feet (15.2 m), use a C6E c ab le. NOTE: The maximum d istanc e b etween c ab inets is 1310 feet (399.3 m). Table 5-1. Pinout of C6F Cable Wire ColorLead DesignationPin Number White/Green LI * (High Side) 47 Green LI 22 White/Brown LO 48 Brown LO* (Hig h Side) 23 White/Slate LBACK2 49 Sla t e L B AC K 1 2 4

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-8 DS1 Tie Trunk Example 5 DS1 Tie Trunks Using T1 Channel Service Unit The T1 Channel Servic e Unit (CSU) interfac es the DS1 tie trunks with the 1.544 Mbps digital facility. 1. Connec t the DS1 tie trunk to a T1 CSU. See Fi g u re 5 -6 . NOTE: A 3150 CSU is shown, a 120A Integ rated CSU (ICSU) may b e used . 2. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for maximum c ab ling d istanc es for the 31xx series CSU or the 120A CSU. Figure 5-6. Typical Connections to Channel Service UnitFigure Notes 1. System Cab inet (DS1 Interfac e Circ uit Pa c k) 2. C6C Cab le (For Distanc es Over 50 Feet (15.24 m), Use C6E Cab le(s)) 3. T1 Channel Servic e Unit (CSU) 3150 Sh o w n 4. T (Tip )5. R (Ring ) 6. T1 (Tip 1) 7. R1 (Ring 1) 8. 1.544 Mb p s Dig ital Servic e Interfac e 9. To T1 Carrier

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-9 Auxiliary Connector Outputs 5 Auxiliary Connector Outputs The Control Carrier outputs c able pinouts are shown in Ta b l e 5 - 2. The Control Carrier AUX c onnec tor outp uts inc lud e the following : nAlarm monitoring for the auxiliary c ab inet nSeven -48 VDC p ower sourc es for emerg enc y transfer units nThree -48 VDC p ower sourc es for remotely p owering three attend ant c onsoles or telep hone ad junc ts nThe remote manag ement terminal interfac e trunk c onnec tion loc ation nA relay c ontac t ac tuates a c ustomer-sup p lied lig ht, b ell, or similar d evic e. The relay c an ac tivate when a major, minor or warning c ondition oc c urs. The p inouts for an external alarm are shown in Tab le 5-2 . 1. Connec t a 25-p air c ab le from the AUX c onnec tor to a c onnec ting b loc k on the trunk/auxiliary field. Table 5-2. Auxiliary Lead Appearances at AUX Connector W- B L BL-W26 1Major* W- O O-W27 2Minor* W- G G-W28 3GRD W- B R BR-W29 4GRD W- S S-W30 5GRD R- B L BL-R31 6GRD R- O O-R32 7GRD R- G G-R33 8Not Connec ted R- B R BR-R34 9Not Connec ted R- S S-R35 10Not Connec ted Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-10 Auxiliary Connector Outputs 5 3 * External alarm with sig nal incoming to system. ** External alarm with sig nal outgoing from system. 1 Color desig nation is the main wire c olor and the c olor of the strip e on the wire. 2 The following wire colors ap p ly to Ta b l e 5 - 2: WWhite BL Blue O Orange GGreen BR Brown SSlate (Grey) RRed BK Blac k YYellow V Violet BK-BL BL-BK36 11-48 GNDEmerg enc y Transfer Re l a y Po w e r BK-O O-BK37 12-48 GND BK-G G-BK38 13-48 GND BK-BR BR-BK39 14-48 GND BK-S S-B K40 15-48 GND Y-B L BL-Y41 16-48 GND Y-O O-Y42 17-48 GND Y-G G-Y43 18Not Connec ted Y-B R BR-Y44 19GND -48AUX Power Y-S S-Y45 20GND -48 V-B L BL-V46 21GND -48 V-O O-V47 22Not Connec ted V-G G-V48 23Ext Alarm A** Ex t A l ar m Ret u r n V-B R BR-V49 24Not Connec ted V-S S-V50 25INADS Tip INADS Ring Table 5-2. Auxiliary Lead Appearances at AUX Connector — Continued Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-11 Three-Pair and Four-Pair Modularity 5 Tab le 5-3 p rovid es p ort c irc uit p ac k and telephone p in d esig nations. Three-Pair and Four-Pair Modularity Fi g u re 5 - 7 shows 3-p air and 4-pair mod ularity from the p ort c irc uit p ac k to the voic e or d ata terminal. Refer to Chapter 2, ‘‘Install Telec ommunic ations Cab ling ’’ for descriptions of 3- and 4-pair modularity and distribution. Most terminals c onnec t to an information outlet (mod ular jac k) installed at the work loc ation. Make the c onnec tions as shown in Fig ure 5-7 . Fi g u re 5 -8 shows three method s of c onnec ting ad junc t p ower. Table 5-3. Port Circuit Pack and Telephone Pin Designations Pin on Modular Plug4-wire; 302C1, 8400-Series, 603E, 9403, 94342-wire; 302C1, 8400-Series, 603E, 9403, 9410, 94348510T Basic Rate Interface (BRI) (with adjunct speaker phone)Analog Station, Modem NT1Z3A1 & Z3A2 Asynchronous Data Units (ADU), Data Module 1TXT TXT 2 TXR T TXR 3 PXT TXT R PXT 4TPXR T 5RPXTNo Connec tion 4-p in mod ular jac kR 6 PXR TXR PXR 7 -48VDC (-48VDC) (-48VDC) -48VDC 8 G RD G RD G RD G RD Circ uit Pa c kTN754 4-wire digital (8 port)TN2181 2-wire digital (16 port) TN2224 2-wire digital (24 port)TN556 ISDN-BRI Line TN2183 Analog line (16 port)TN2198 2-wire Basic Ra t e Interfac e lineTN726 Data Line PX PBX transmit T Tip (A) TX Terminal transmit R Ring (B)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-12 Three-Pair and Four-Pair Modularity 5 Figure 5-7. 3-Pair and 4-Pair Modularity Figure Notes 1. Port Circ uit Pac k 2. System Cab inet Connec tor Pins (3-Pair Mod ularity) 3. Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) Pins (3-Pair Mod ularity) 4. Input to Information Outlet (4-Pair Mod ularity)5. Ad junc t Power 6. Output From Information Outlet (4-Pair Mod ularity) 7. Voic e or Data Terminal Pins