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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-33 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 5 5. On the trunk identific ation lab el at the b ottom of the p anel, rec ord the trunk line, extension, and loc ation for eac h c irc uit. 6. To eac h voic e terminal d esig nated as an emerg enc y terminal, attac h a label id entifying it as suc h. The lab els are p rovid ed with the unit. 7. Chec k the system for normal op eration as follows: — Plac e the test switc h (switc h 12) in NORMAL OPERATION. — Ensure the p ower sup p ly is p rovid ing -48 VDC at 80 mA maximum. The p ower LED should b e ON. — Chec k wiring c onnec tions. — Verify there is d ial tone on all emerg enc y transfer sets. If all of the above c ond itions are not met, remove the panel from servic e and rep lac e it with a new p anel. 8. Chec k the system for transfer op eration as follows: — Plac e the test switc h (switc h 12) in the ACTIVATED p osition. — The p ower LED should b e OFF. — Verify there is d ial tone on all emerg enc y transfer sets. If all of the above c ond itions are not met, remove the panel from servic e and rep lac e it with a new p anel. 18 G-Y RTK5 Ring -CO Trunk Circ uit 5 44 Y-BR TLC5 Tip -PBX Line Port 5 19 BR-Y RLC5 Ring -PBX Line Port 5 45 Y-S TST5 Tip -Emerg enc y Terminal 5 20 S-Y RST5 Ring -Emerg enc y Terminal 5 46 V-BL COM1 Common 1 Relay Contac t 21 BL-V NO1 Normally Op en 1 Contac t 47 V-O NC2 Normally Closed 2 Contac t 22 O-V NC1 Normally Closed 1 Contac t 48 V-G COM2 Common 2 Relay Contac t 23 G-V NO2 Normally Op en 2 Contac t 49 V-BR 24 BR-V 50 V-S GRD Ground from Aux Cab le 25 S-V -48PX -48V from AUX Cab le Table 5-13. Pin Assignments for 25-Pair Connector — Continued Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-34 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 5 The 808A is c onnec ted to the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) by means of a B25A cable. Fig ure 5-15 shows the c onnec tions at the trunk/auxiliary field for a telep hone used only for emerg enc y transfer. Figure 5-15. Connections for Telephone Used for Emergency Transfer Figure Notes 1. To Network Interfac e Circ uitry 2. To TN747 (or Eq uivalent) Central Offic e Trunk Circ uit Pac k 3. To Blue or White Station Distribution Fi e l d4. To Power Transfer Unit 5. To Control Carrier Auxiliary Connec tor TC TK LC ST 1M 1m 2M 2m 3M ALARM MONITORS EM TRANS RELAY PWR ACC PWR3m 3w TC TK LC ST TC TK LC ST TC TK LC ST TC TK LC STC O M 1N O 1N C 2N C 1C O M 2N O 2C O M 3N C 3G R D-4 8 V 12 3 282225 50 1EMXR 2822 r758580b MMR 042996

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-35 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 5 Fi g u re 5 - 1 6 shows the c onnec tions at the trunk/auxiliary field for a telep hone used for emerg enc y transfer as well as a normal extension. Figure 5-16. Connections for Telephone Used for Emergency Transfer and as Normal Extension Figure Notes 1. To Network Interfac e Fac ility 2. To Blue or White Station Distrib ution Fi e l d 3. To TN2183 or Equivalent Analog Line Circ uit Pac k4. To TN747 (or Eq uivalent) Central Offic e Trunk Circ uit Pac k 5. To Power Transfer Unit 6. To Control Carrier AUX Connec tor TC TK LC ST 1M 1m 2M 2m 3M ALARM MONITORS EM TRANS RELAY PWR ACC PWR3m 3w TC TK LC ST TC TK LC ST TC TK LC ST TC TK LC STC O M 1N O 1N C 2N C 1C O M 2N O 2C O M 3N C 3G R D-48 V 282010 35EMXRST ST 7 576834 r758582b MMR 042996

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-36 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 5 Install Telephone for Power Transfer Unit Trunk/Auxiliary Field: Telephone Used Only for Emergency Transfer 1. Connec t a p air of wires b etween the -48V and GRD terminals on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k and the EM TRANS RELAY PWR terminal. See Figure 5-15 . 2. Connec t Central Offic e (CO) trunk lead s from the p urp le field to TC terminals on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h trunk. 3. Connec t CO trunk lead s from the g reen field to TK terminals on the yellow emergenc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h trunk. 4. Connect ST lead s on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h emerg enc y transfer telep hone to the assigned terminal in the blue or white station distribution field. The ST terminal lead s should b e terminated on the following p airs: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, or 22 (the first p air of any 3-p air g roup ). Trunk/Auxiliary Field: Telephone Used for Emergency Transfer and as Normal Extension 1. Connec t a p air of wires b etween the -48V and GRD terminals on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k to the EM TRANS RELAY PWR terminal. See Figure 5-16 . 2. Connec t CO trunk lead s from the purp le field to TC terminals on the yellow emergenc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h trunk. 3. Connec t CO trunk lead s from the g reen field to TK terminals on the yellow emergenc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h trunk. 4. Connec t telep hone lead s from the p urp le analog line c irc uit p ac k row/ c onnec ting b loc k to the LC terminals on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h telep hone. 5. Connect ST lead s on the yellow emerg enc y transfer row/c onnec ting b loc k for eac h emerg enc y transfer telep hone to the assigned terminal in the b lue or white station d istrib ution field . Telephone Installation 1. Connec t telep hone to the information outlet. 2. Install p atc h c ord s/jump er wires b etween the system sid e and the station sid e of the station d istrib ution field on the MDF.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-37 Install External Ringing 5 Install External Ringing Connec tions for external ring ing are at an information outlet. The system sid e of the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF) is c onnec ted to a TN2183 (or eq uivalent) Analog Line c irc uit p ac k. The c irc uitry and p ower sourc e for the d evic e are c ustomer-p rovid ed . NOTE: A maximum of 3 d evic es c an c onnec t to 1 analog line c irc uit p ac k p ort. 1. Wire the ring ing d evic e to the information outlet as shown in Fig ure 5-7 and Fig ure 5-8 . 2. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription . Install Queue Warning Indicator The c onnec tions for the q ueue warning ind ic ator are the same as external ringing. An AC indic ator (lamp) such as a 21C49 can be used in a Uniform Call Distrib ution/Direc t Dep artmental Calling (UCD/DDC) q ueue. The lamp is c onnec ted to an information outlet. The system sid e of the MDF is c onnec ted to an analog line c irc uit pac k loc ated in a p ort c arrier. 1. Wire the q ueue warning ind ic ator to the information outlet as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 7 and Fi g u re 5 -8. 2. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription . Install Adjuncts and Peripherals Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Installation for Ad junc ts and Perip herals to install the nec essary eq uip ment.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-38 Install the 1145B Power Supply 5 Install the 1145B Power Supply The 1145B c loset p ower arrang ement p rovid es an uninterruptib le -48 VDC p ower sourc e with b attery and 1146B d istrib ution unit for ISDN/DCP, terminal eq uip ment, ad junc ts, and other c ustomer-sup p lied eq uip ment. During AC p ower interrup tions, b atteries automatic ally p rovid e p ower to the load . A manual switc h on the d istrib ution unit allows the user to red irec t reserve p ower to outp uts 1 throug h 32 so all outputs are p rovid ed battery reserve p ower, or to outputs 1 throug h 8 to p rovid e hig h p ower ab ove 6.25 watts. The 1145B/1146B is a -48V p ower sup ply with 275 watts total outp ut. Eac h outp ut c irc uit is c urrent limited b y a Polymer Positive Temp erature Coeffic ient Resistanc e Devic e (PTC) that limits the maximum output to 12 watts. Eac h 1146B output has an LED to ind ic ate the status of the PTC. If the LED is on, the PTC has a short on that p ower p air. The averag e power p er outp ut c annot exc eed 8.6 watts (275/32 = 8.6). The 1145B is d esig ned to power one ISDN terminal or DCP ad junc t p er outp ut. The maximum numb er of terminals or adjunc ts is 32 at less than or eq ual to 6.25 watts eac h. The 1145B is req uired for installations outside the United States. Auxiliary power (local or bulk) is always required for the following: nAttend ant Console 302C1 nAny 8520 terminal nAny 7500- or 8500-series terminal with an async hronous d ata mod ule nAny 7500-series terminal whether in passive b us, or p oint to point (one p er BRI p ort) nAny 8510 terminal in p assive b us or with an async hronous d ata mod ule (unless the 8510 will not b e used to sup port d ata or vid eo) nPassageWay ad ap ter interfac e nSome 8400-series terminal and ad junc ts nSome 7400-series terminal and ad junc ts Fi g u re 5 - 1 7 shows how the stand ard p ower sup p ly and wall-mounting p lates fit tog ether. Fig ure 5-18 shows the exp and ed p ower sup p ly c omp onents (p ower distribution unit and “T” cable).

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-39 Install the 1145B Power Supply 5 Wall-Mounting Plates The top p late is used for mounting the bac k-up b attery. The b ottom p late is used to mount the p ower sup p ly and d istribution units. The plates c an be rac k- mounted using standard rack-mounting brackets. 1. Loc ate one plate d irec tly b elow the other one suc h that the AC power c ord (6.5 feet or 2 meters) reac hes the elec tric al outlet from a p ower sup p ly mounted on the b ottom p late. Both p lates should b e loc ated so the raised letters are rig ht sid e up . NOTE: A maximum of four p ower sup plies c an b e p owered from one d ed ic ated 110 VAC, 20 amp (or 230 VAC, 15 amp ) feed er. Use only unswitc hed rec ep tac les (rec ep tac les not c onnec ted to a wall switch). 2. Sec ure the wall mounting p lates to a standard 3/4 inc h (2 c m) thic k p lywood mounting b oard . Eac h mounting p late c omes with four #10 x 1/2-inc h wood sc rews. 3. The 1145B Power Supp ly is snap -fit onto the b ottom wall mounting p late without tools. 4. An installer-p rovid ed insulated g round wire, 16 AWG (#12) (1.2 mm 2) or g reater, is req uired to c onnec t the p ower sup p ly frame g round lug to an ap p roved g round . The frame g round sc rew is loc ated next to the AC rec ep tac le, to the left of the unit. 5. Mark the Unit Numb er and Connec tivity information on the front lab el next to the LEDs.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-40 Install the 1145B Power Supply 5 Figure 5-17. 1145B/1146B Mounting Arrangement Figure Notes 1. Wall Mounting Plate 2. Battery (1149B Shown) 3. 1146B Power Distrib ution Unit 4. 1145B Power Unit5. Power Cab le 6. Unswitc hed Outlet (120 VAC, 20 Amp or 230 VAC, 15 Amp ) 7. Battery Bac kup Switc h Setting 1145 Power Unit 1149 Battery On Battery Reserve Charging Battery Output Power On 0003_0 RBP 051496 1-8 1-32

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-41 Install the 1145B Power Supply 5 Mount the 1146B Power Distribution Unit 1. Insert and sec urely tig hten the two sup p lied #8-32 x 1/2-inc h should er sc rews (they have an unthread ed sec tion at the top ) into the top holes d esig nated for 1146B Power Distrib ution Unit on the b ottom plate. Mount the unit on these two shoulder sc rews, using the key holes on the b ac k of the unit. 2. Sec ure the unit b y inserting the #8-32 x 1 inc h sc rew throug h the b ottom of the unit (just ab ove the wire c lip s) into the plate and tig hten. 3. Set the b attery b ac k-up switc h op tion to the 1-32 (d own) p osition to provide battery back-up to all outputs. 4. Connec t the p ower d istrib ution unit to the p ower sup p ly with the p ower c ab le. Refer to the p ower sup ply’s rig ht-hand lab el to loc ate the outp ut p ower c onnec tion. Battery Mounting/Wiring Three typ es of b ac k-up b atteries are used . See Tab le 5-14 for the b attery typ e, rating , and p ric e element c ode (PEC). 1. Insert (d o not tig hten) two #10-32 x 1/2-inc h should er sc rews into the top d esig nated b attery holes on the wall mounting p late. 2. Plac e the keyhole slots in the b attery b rac ket on these two sc rews. The b attery c ord exits from the rig ht of the b rac ket. Make sure the label on the b attery is visib le. Tig hten the sc rews sec urely. 3. Plug the b attery c ord into the power sup p ly’s rig ht rear rec ep tac le. The rear receptacle is indicated on the right label. Table 5-14. Back-Up Battery Rating and PECs Battery Rating PEC 1148B 2.5 amp -hours 24700 1149B 5 amp -hours 24701 1147B 8 amp -hours 24703

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-42 Install the 1145B Power Supply 5 Install the Expanded Power Distribution Unit A second power distribution unit can be installed to provide power to additional devices. !CAUTION: Total p ower c annot exc eed 275 Watts. The maximum ISDN terminal mixture is twenty four 7500-series and twenty four 8500-series terminals. The maximum DCP terminal mixture is twenty four 7400-series and twenty four 8400-series or sixty four 8400-series terminals. The following items are sup plied with eac h exp and ed p ower d istrib ution unit kit (PEC 24706): a. One 1146B Power Distrib ution Unit (c omc od e 107250995) b.One “ T” Cab le (c omc od e 847529872) c . Two #8-32 x 1/2-inc h Should er Sc rews d . One #8-32 x 1 inc h Sc rew e. One Sp ac er Brac ket (c omc od e 847554441) Refer to Figure 5-18 while installing the power distribution unit: 1. Set the sp ac er b rac ket onto the mounting p late and sec ure with the #8-32 x 1/2-inc h should er sc rews. The sp ac er b rac ket is not shown in the fig ure b ut is installed b ehind the top p ower d istribution unit. 2. Slid e the keyhole slots in the p ower d istrib ution unit over the shoulder sc rews. 3. Insert the #8-32 x 1 inc h sc rew throug h the d istrib ution unit, throug h the sp ac er b rac ket, and into the p late. The mounting hole is loc ated just ab ove the wire c lip . Tig hten the sc rew sec urely. 4. Set the b attery b ac k-up switc h to the 1-32 (d own) p osition. 5. Power-d own the 1145B unit as d esc rib ed on the lab el on the sid e of the unit. 6. Remove the outp ut p ower c ab le b etween the 1145B and the 1146B units. The c ab le will not b e reused . 7. Connec t the P1 c onnec tor end of the “ T” c ab le to the b ottom p ower d istrib ution unit. Connec t the P2 c onnec tor to the top d istrib ution unit. Connec t the P3 c onnec tor to the 1145B. 8. Power-up the 1145B as d esc rib ed on the lab el on the sid e of the unit.