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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-23 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 
    Figure 5-11. Connections for 1 to 8 Out-of-Building Analog Telephones Figure Notes
    1. Loc ally Eng ineered  Cab les and  
    Eq uip ment
    2. Out-of-Build ing  Wiring
    3. 25-Pair Connec tor
    4. Multi-Pair Protec tor Units (Primary 
    Protec tors with Heat Coils or 
    Eq uivalent with Sneak Current 
    Protec tion)
    5. 356A Ad apter
    6. B25A Cab le (Male to Female)
    7. Out-Of-Build ing  Analog  Telephones8. Part of Main Distrib ution Frame 
    9. Station Sid e
    10. System Sid e
    11. White Field
    12. Purp le Field
    13. Cross-Connec t Jump ers
    14. Tip  and  Ring  Wires
    15. To Analog  Line Circ uit Pac k
    crdfobt CJL 101396
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-24 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 
    Fi g u re  5 - 1 2 shows the c onnec tions for up  to 24 off-p remises analog  telep hones. 
    Conc entrations of analog  line p airs are used  at b oth b uild ing s to minimize the 
    off-p remises wiring  req uired . At the MDF, jump ers must b e c onnec ted  b etween 
    one row/c onnec ting bloc k in the white field  and  up  to three rows/c onnec ting  
    b loc ks in the p urp le field . At the station loc ation, a WP-90929, List 1 Conc entrator 
    Cab le is used . There are eig ht station app earanc es on eac h of the three fing ers 
    of the c onc entrator c ab le.
    Figure 5-12. Connections to 24 Out-of-Building Telephones
    crdf24o CJL 101396
    1. Locally Eng ineered  Cab les and  
    Eq uip ment
    2. 25-Pair Connec tor
    3. Multi-Pair Protector Units (Primary 
    Protec tors with Heat Coils or 
    Eq uivalent with Sneak Current 
    Protec tion)
    4. B25A Cab le (Male to Female)
    5. Concentrator Cab le (WP90929 List 1)
    6. 356A Ad ap ter
    7. Out-of-Build ing  Wiring8. Out-Of-Build ing  Analog  Telep hones
    9. Part of Main Distribution Frame (MDF)
    10. Station Sid e
    11. System Sid e
    12. White Field
    13. Purple Field
    14. Cross-Connec t Jump ers
    15. Tip and  Ring  Wires
    16. To Analog Line Circuit Pack
    Figure Notes: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-25 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 
    Carb on b loc k, or eq uivalent p rotec tion is req uired  at both b uilding  entranc es. 
    Also sneak c urrent p rotec tion is req uired . Protec tion c an b e provid ed  b y a 4-typ e 
    p rotec tor or a 3-typ e p rotec tor p lus a sep arate sneak c urrent p rotec tor. The 
    4-typ e p rotec tor is eq uip p ed  with a heat c oil.
    The 4-typ e p rotec tor is the p referred  d evic e. For installations not using  p rimary 
    p rotec tion, 4-typ e p rotec tors should  always b e used . When the 3-typ e p rotec tor 
    is alread y installed, a sep arate sneak c urrent p rotec tor is req uired. The multi-p air 
    p rotec tor units and  the off-p remises c abling  must b e loc ally engineered . 
    Connec torized  multi-p air p rotec tor units (female 25-p air c onnec tor) are 
    rec ommended. The protectors can be ordered from the 
    Premises Distrib ution 
    Systems Equipment and Supplies Catalog
    . Table 5-10 shows the rec ommend ed  
    The maximum rang e of out-of-b uild ing  analog telep hones (500-, 2500-, or 
    7100-types) c onnec ted to an analog  line c irc uit p ac k should  b e suc h that the 
    maximum loop  resistanc e d oes not exc eed  1300 ohms.
    The following voic e terminals c annot b e installed  in an exp osed environment:
    n7300-type voic e terminals c onnec ted  to TN762 Hyb rid  Line c irc uit p ac ks
    nMulti-b utton Elec tronic  Telep hone (MET) sets c onnec ted  to TN735 
    Multi-b utton Elec tronic  Telep hone (MET) Line c irc uit p ac ks
    nAnalog  telep hones c onnec ted  to TN746 Analog  Line c irc uit pac ks
    Table 5-10. Analog Line Circuit Protectors
    Pri ma r y1
    1. The 3-typ e p rotec tors should  only b e used  if they are alread y part of the 
    existing  p rotection system. A sneak current p rotec tor is always req uired  
    when a 3-typ e p rimary protector is used .
    (with heat coil)Sneak Current
    3B1A (c arb on) 4B1C (c arb on) 220029 Fuse
    (wide gap gas tube)4B1E-W
    (wide gap gas tube)SC P- 1
    (solid  state)4C1S
    (solid  state) 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-26 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 
    The following tab le d etails the p rotec tor ord ering  information.
    Digital Out-of-Building Voice Terminals
    Protec tion is req uired  at b oth b uild ing  entranc es for d ig ital out-of-b uilding  voic e 
    terminals. There are two d ifferent typ es of p rotec tors that c an b e used  to protec t 
    d ig ital voic e terminals and  d ig ital line c irc uit p ac ks. The two p rotec tors to use are 
    the 4C3S-75 Enhanced protector and the ITW Linx Enhanced Protector. These 
    units p rovid e p rimary and  sneak c urrent p rotec tion. The 4C3S-75 is eq uip p ed 
    with a heat c oil for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. The ITW Linx is eq uip p ed with 
    replaceable fuses for sneak current protection.
    The 4C3S-75 may only b e used  with Vintag e 14 or newer TN754 c irc uit p ac ks. 
    The 4C3S-75 c an b e used  on all vintag es of the TN754B c irc uit p ac ks. The ITW 
    Linx may b e used  on all vintag es of the TN754 and  TN754B c irc uit p ac ks. Ta b l e  
    5-11 lists the approved protectors.
    The TN2181 16 Port Two-Wire Dig ital Line c irc uit p ac k may not b e 
    ap p roved  for some out-of-b uild ing  uses. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    rep resentative for more information.
    Protector Ordering Information
    Description Comcode
    3B1A (Carbon Bloc k) 102381779
    3B1E-W (Wid e Gap Gas Tub e) 104410147
    3C1S (Solid  State) 105514756
    4B1C (Carb on Bloc k with Heat Coil) 102904893
    4B1E-W (Wid e Gap Gas Tub e w/Heat Coil) 104401856
    4C1S (Solid  State with Heat Coil) 104386545
    SCP-110 Sneak Current Protec tor 406948976
    220029 Fuse (sneak c urrent p rotec tor) 407216316
    Table 5-11. Digital Voice Circuit Protectors
    Circuit PackEnhanced Primary Protector 
    (With Sneak Current Protection)
    TN754 V13 or earlier ITW Linx Only
    TN754 V14 or later 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx
    TN754B all vintag es 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-27 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 
    When p ossib le, all new and  reused  wiring  installations should  use b loc ks that 
    ac c ep t the stand ard  5-p in p lug -in 4C3S-75 p rotec tor. However, there are reused  
    wiring  installations where this may not b e c ost effec tive. For these installations, 
    the ITW Linx p rotec tor may b e installed . An examp le of this is where sc rew-typ e 
    c arb on b loc k protec tors (or other non p lug -c omp atib le typ es) are in p lac e and  it 
    is too c ostly to re-terminate the outsid e p lant c ab le on a 5-p in mounting  b loc k for 
    only a few out-of-b uild ing  terminals.
    The ITW Linx Enhanc ed  Protec tor may b e installed  in series with existing  p rimary 
    p rotec tion. Note the 4C3S-75 p rotec tor c annot b e installed  in series with other 
    types of p rimary p rotec tion. It must b e installed  as the only protec tion on the line 
    entering  the b uilding . For the 4C3S-75 p rotec tor there are a variety of 25-, 50-, 
    and  100-p air p rotec tor p anels eq uip ped  with 110-typ e c onnec ting  b loc ks and /or 
    RJ21X c onnec tors. The ITW Linx Enhanc ed  Protec tor mounts d irec tly on 
    connecting blocks and requires a separate ground bar.
    The maximum rang e for out-of-b uild ing dig ital voic e terminals is 3400 feet when 
    using 24 AWG (#5) (0.5 mm
    2) wire and  2200 feet (670 m) when using  26 AWG 
    (#4) (0.4 mm2) wire. The rang e c an b e extend ed  to 5000 feet (1524 m) using  24 
    AWG (#5) (0.5 mm2) wire or 4000 feet (1220 m) using  26 AWG (#4) (0.4 mm2) 
    wire with the use of a d ata link p rotec tor. The p rotec tor is an isolating  transformer 
    used  to remove p hantom p ower on the system sid e and  re-introd uc e it on the 
    terminal sid e.
    When a p rotec tor is used , the voic e terminal must b e loc ally p owered  b y an 
    external p ower sup p ly or throug h the AC p ower c ord  p rovid ed  with some of the 
    7400-type voic e terminals. The p rotec tor is installed  on the eq uip ment sid e of the 
    protection in both buildings.
    Refer to Fi g u re  5 -8
     and  Fig ure 5-1 0. Protector and Data Link Protector Ordering Information
    Description Comcode
    4C3S-75 (Solid  State with Heat Coil) 105581086
    ITW LINX (Gas Tube, Avalanche Suppress) 406144907
    ITW Linx Ground  Bar (used  with ab ove) 901007120
    ITW Linx Rep lac ement Fuse 406304816
    Data Link Protec tor (one c irc uit) 103972758
    Data Link Protec tor (eig ht c irc uits) 103972733 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-28 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 
    Install Emergency Transfer Units and
    Associated Telephones
    An 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel mounted  next to the trunk/auxiliary field 
    p rovid es emerg enc y transfer c ap ab ility. You c an use 500- and  2500-series 
    analog  telep hones for either emerg enc y transfer or as normal extensions. For 
    emergenc y transfer, c onnec t the p hones d irec tly to the 808A; for normal 
    extensions, wire them throug h the 808A. Emergenc y transfer c ap ability may b e 
    p rovid ed on analog  Central Offic e (CO) and  Wid e Area Telec ommunic ations 
    Servic e (WATS) trunks.
    The 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel p rovid es emerg enc y trunk b yp ass or 
    p ower-fail transfer for up  to five inc oming  Central Offic e (CO) trunk loop s to five 
    selec ted  station sets. The 808A eq uip ment’s Ring er Eq uivalenc y Numb er (REN) 
    is 1.0A.
    At the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF), the unit is c ontrolled  b y a c onnec tion to a 
    yellow terminal row/c onnec ting  b loc k in the trunk/auxiliary field . The unit is 
    c ontrolled  b y -48 VDC from the EM TRANS RELAY PWR terminals. There are 
    seven EM TRANS RELAY PWR terminal p airs that allow p owering  of up  to seven 
    transfer units.
    Should  p ower b e restored  to the relays while a c all c onnec ted  throug h the 808A 
    is in p rog ress, the 808A maintains the c onnec tion until the user g oes on-hook. 
    Eac h 808A c an hand le up to five Central Offic e (CO) trunks. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-29 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 
    Install the 808A Emergency Transfer Panel
    Figure 5-13 shows a typ ic al 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel. The 808A c onnec ts 
    to the MDF with B25A or A25B c ab le.
    The following proc ed ures are p rovid ed  as a typ ic al installation examp le.
    Figure 5-13. 808A Emergency Transfer Panel Figure Notes
    1. 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel
    2 . C i rc u it  St a r t  Se l e c t io n  Sw i t c h e s3. Trunk Id entific ation Lab el
    4. 25-Pair Male Connec tor
    PA N E L
    2 POWER
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-30 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 
    The p anel c an b e installed  on any mounting  frame in either a vertic al or horizontal 
    p osition. The housing  has ears for sc rew-mounting  and  c utouts for snap - 
    mounting  the unit in an 89-typ e mounting  b rac ket. See Fig ure 5-14
    Figure 5-14. 808A Emergency Transfer Panel Mounting
    The 808A must b e installed  in a loc ation that c an be ac c essed  only b y 
    authorized  p ersonnel. The loc ation must meet stand ard  environmental 
    c onsid erations suc h as temp erature, humid ity, and  so forth.
    1. Verify dial tone is p resent at eac h trunk c irc uit.
    2. Loc ate the c irc uit start selec tion switc hes (see Fig ure 5-13
    ). These are the 
    first 10 two-p osition switc hes on the left sid e of the Emerg enc y Transfer 
    Panel. They are used  to set eac h of the five inc oming  trunk lines to either 
    loop  start or g round  start. Two switc hes are used  for eac h c irc uit; switc hes 
    1 and  2 are used  for c irc uit 1, switc hes 3 and  4 are used  for c irc uit 2, and  
    so forth. See Table 5-12
    . For loop  start, set the switc hes to the left. For 
    g round  start, set the switc hes to the rig ht. Figure Notes
    1. 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel
    2. Ear for Sc rew Mount
    3. Cut-Out for Snap  Mount4. 25-Pair Male Connec tor
    5. Circ uit Start Switc hes
    808a_em LJK 042396 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-31 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 
    3. Connec t a 25-p air c ab le b etween the male RJ21 25-p air c onnec tor on the 
    Emerg enc y Transfer Panel and  the yellow field  of the Main Distrib ution 
    Frame (MDF). Tab le 5-13
     shows the p inouts.
    4. Make c ross-c onnec tions for eac h emerg enc y trunk/emergenc y station 
    pair. See Fig ure 5-15
     and  Tab le 5-16.
    Table 5-12. Trunk/Test Switches
    10 5
    11 Not Used
    12 Test Switc h 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2
    Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-120  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-32 Install Emergency Transfer Units and Associated Telephones 
    Table 5-13. Pin Assignments for 25-Pair Connector 
    26 W-BL TTC1 Tip -PBX Trunk Circ uit 1
    1 BL-W RTC1 Ring -PBX Trunk Circ uit 1
    27 W-O TTK1 Tip -CO Trunk Circ uit 1
    2 O-W RTK1 Ring -CO Trunk Circ uit 1
    28 W-G TLC1 Tip -PBX Line Port 1
    3 G-W RLC1 Ring -PBX Line Port 1
    29 W-BR TST1 Tip -Emerg enc y Terminal 1
    4 BR-W RST1 Ring -Emerg enc y Terminal 1
    30 W-S TTC2 Tip -PBX Trunk Circ uit 2
    5 S-W RTC2 Ring -PBX Trunk Circ uit 2
    31 R-BL TTK2 Tip -CO Trunk Circ uit 2
    6 BL-R RTK2 Ring -CO Trunk Circ uit 2
    32 R-O TLC2 Tip -PBX Line Port 2
    7 O-R RLC2 Ring -PBX Line Port 2
    33 R-G TST2 Tip -Emerg enc y Terminal 2
    8 G-R RST2 Ring -Emerg enc y Terminal 2
    34 R-BR TTC3 Tip -PBX Trunk Circ uit 3
    9 BR-R RTC3 Ring -PBX Trunk Circ uit 3
    35 R-S TTK3 Tip -CO Trunk Circ uit 3
    10 S-R RTK3 Ring -CO Line Port 3
    36 BK-BL TLC3 Tip -PBX Line Port 3
    11 BL-BK RLC3 Ring -PBX Line Port 3
    37 BK-O TST3 Tip -Emerg enc y Terminal 3
    12 O-BK RST3 Ring -Emerg enc y Terminal 3
    38 BK-G TTC4 Tip -PBX Trunk Circ uit 4
    13 G-BK RTC4 Ring -PBX Trunk Circ uit 4
    39 BK-BR TTK4 Tip -CO Trunk Circ uit 4
    14 BR-BK RTK4 Ring -CO Trunk Circ uit 4
    40 BK-S TLC4 Tip -PBX Line Port 4
    15 S-BK RLC4 Ring -PBX Line Port 4
    41 Y-BL TST4 Tip -Emerg enc y Terminal 4
    16 BL-Y RST4 Ring -Emerg enc y Terminal 4
    42 Y-O TTC5 Tip -PBX Trunk Circ uit 5
    17 O-Y RTC5 Ring -PBX Trunk Circ uit 5
    43 Y-G TTK5 Tip -CO Trunk Circ uit 5
    Continued on next page 
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