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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-29 Set System Maintenance Parameters 3 Set System Maintenance Parameters 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command: 2. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En te r. Verify that the sc reen d isp layed is similar to Sc reen 3-7 . The sc reen shows d efault values and the c ursor is positioned on Product Identification: line. Screen 3-7. Typical Display System-Parameters Maintenance Screen !CAUTION: To p revent unnec essary troub le tic kets, d o not enab le the system alarms (Alarm Orig ination feature) until all installation and ad ministration p roc ed ures are c ompleted . change system-parameters maintenance Page 1 of 4 MAINTENANCE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS OPERATIONS SUPPORT PARAMETERS Product Identification: 1000000000 First OSS Telephone Number: Abbrev Alarm Report? y Second OSS Telephone Number: Abbrev Alarm Report? n Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers: neither Cleared Alarm Notification? n Suspension Threshold: 5 Restart Notification? n Test Remote Access Port? n CPE Alarm Activation Level: none Customer Access to INADS Port? y Repeat Dial Interval (mins): 7 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Start Time: 01 : 00 Stop Time: 06 : 00 Daily Maintenance: daily Save Translation: daily Command Time-out (hours): 2 Control Channel Interchange: no System Clocks Interchange: no SPE Interchange: no EXP-LINK Interchange: no

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-30 Administer Attendant Console 3 Administer Attendant Console 1. Type craft at the login: prompt. 2. Type display system-parameters country-options and press En te r to verify the system’s c omp and ing mod e for its loc al stations is set to the d esired value (usually, A-Law for Europ e and mu-Law for North Americ a and Jap an). NOTE: For d etailed information ab out c hang ing the d efault parameters and aud io levels, refer to DEFINITY Ap p lic ation Notes availab le throug h the International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center (ITAC). 3. Ad minister other forms listed under Attend ant Console in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc rip tion . Save Translations Th e save translation c ommand c op ies the c urrent system translations onto the translation c ard . For stand ard reliab ility systems, one translation c ard p lus one b ac kup is req uired . For hig h or c ritic al reliab ility systems, two translation c ard s p lus two b ac kup s are req uired . !CAUTION: Do not attemp t to save translations on the orang e-lab eled g eneric p rog ram c ard . Use the white translation c ard . The following proc ed ure c an b e used to save system translations on the orig inal c ard (s) and c an also c an be used to make a b ac kup c ard or c ards: 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command: 2. Type save translation and press En te r. 3. After several minutes, a display similar to Sc re e n 3 - 8 ap p ears.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-31 Save Translations 3 Screen 3-8. Typical Save Translation Screen 4. Verify a 0 is d isp layed in the Error Cod e c olumn for eac h Switc h Proc essing Element (SPE). A 0 ind ic ates the save translation was suc c essfully c ompleted . If a 0 did not ap p ear, the save translation d id not c omp lete. Rec ord the error c od e number and the error messag e and notify your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. 5. Remove the orig inal translation c ard from the TN794 c irc uit p ac k and replace with backup card. 6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the bac kup card. 7. Remove the b ac kup translation c ard from the TN794 c irc uit p ac k and rep lac e with the original translation c ard . 8. Lab el the b ac kup c ard with the d ate and time of the b ac kup . Store the b ac kup c ard in a sec ure p lac e. 9. Rep eat this p roc ess for hig h or c ritic al reliab ility systems. Add Translations 1. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription , to ad d new terminals to the system. 2. Enter the save translations c ommand at the command: prompt to merge these translations with the c ontents of Flash memory.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-32 Installation Completion 3 Installation Completion After the system is ac tivated , it must b e tested for prop er op eration. See Chap ter 4, ‘‘Test the System’’. After c omp letion of the system tests, the telep hones and other eq uip ment must b e installed . See Chap ter 5, ‘‘Install and Wire Telep hones and Other Eq uip ment’’ . The system is then ad ministered b y ad d ing the c ustomer d ata to matc h the wiring , telep hones, and other eq uip ment. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc rip tion . After the system is ad ministered , the telep hones and other equip ment are tested . See Chap ter 6, “ Test Telep hones and Other Eq uipment.” Resolve Alarms Examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms that may exist using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si . Verify Alarm Origination to INADS Be sure the system is part of the existing INADS d atab ase b y c alling the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator at the Tec hnic al Servic e Center (TSC). Verify INADS c an d ial into the system and that the system c an d ial out to INADS. As p art of the system reg istration proc ess, the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination. Log off the System Log off the system to p revent unauthorized c hang es to d ata. To log off: 1. Enter logoff at the command: prompt. 2. The login: prompt appears on the screen.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-33 DEFINITY AUDIX System Power Procedures 3 DEFINITY AUDIX System Power Procedures Manually Power Down AUDIX System A yellow c aution stic ker on the system’s power unit notifies tec hnic ians to shut d own the DEFINITY AUDIX System p rior to p owering d own the system. 1. Using a p ointed ob jec t, suc h as a pap er c lip or p en (d o not use a penc il), p ress the Boot/Shutd own button. The b utton is loc ated at the top rig ht p ortion of the front panel. 2. Hold the Boot/Shutd own b utton in until the LCD d isp lay flashes the messag e MSHUT. 3. Release Boot/Shutdown button NOTE: The DEFINITY AUDIX System takes ab out five minutes to shut d own. The “ heartb eat” ind ic ation on the d isp lay c ontinues to flash. Manually Power Up AUDIX System 1. Using a p ointed ob jec t suc h as a pap er c lip or a p en (d o not use a p enc il), p ress the Boot/Shutd own button. 2. Hold the Boot/Shutdown b utton in until the d isp lay ind ic ates the messag e, BTEST , stead y on. 3. Release the Boot/Shutd own b utton. The DEFINITY AUDIX System takes ap p roximately five minutes to p ower up . nThe d isp lay has the following seq uenc e of stead y on messag es: — OSINIT —OS — AINIT — ADX nThe DEFINITY AUDIX System is now p owered up . When the system is in the ac tive state, the d isp lay ind ic ates ADX , and the red LED is off. NOTE: Up on the system p owering up , the DEFINITY AUDIX System automatic ally reb oots. This seq uenc e may show an MD or MJ ADX alarm in the d isp lay until the system has p owered up . When the system has c ompleted its p ower up seq uenc e, the DEFINITY AUDIX System d isplay read s: ADX .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-34 DEFINITY AUDIX System Power Procedures 3

Test the System 4-1 4 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 4 Test the System The following tests verify the Time Division Multip lexing (TDM) c ab les, terminators, and the Inter-Cabinet Cab les (ICC). If a FAIL Result c od e is seen or other p rob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k these c ab les. If p rob lems p ersist, refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si. The status of the system should b e reviewed first, followed b y testing the tone-c loc k, TDM b us, and d up lic ation link in the Proc essor Port Network (PPN). Test the exp ansion interfac es, tone-c loc k(s), TDM b uses, and d up lic ation in the Exp a n si o n Po r t N e t w o rk s (EPN s ) . NOTE: Circ uit p ac k p ositions are usually g iven b y c abinet, c arrier, and slot. They may also be g iven b y p ort. The term “ c abinet” refers to a stac k of Sing le-Carrier Cab inets making up one p ort network. A p ort network is d efined as a g roup of c ab inets c onnec ted tog ether with one TDM b us. !CAUTION: To p revent unnec essary troub le tic kets, d o not enab le the system alarms (Alarm Origination feature) until all installation and ad ministration p roc ed ures are c omp leted.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-2 Check System Status for Each Cabinet 4 Check System Status for Each Cabinet The system status may sug g est p rob lem areas. Sp ecific tests later p rovid e more sp ec ific d iag nostic information. 1. Verify the terminal sc reen d isp lays: command: 2. Type status system all-cabinets and press En t e r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays system status sc reens similar to Sc re e n 4 - 1 . Screen 4-1. Sample System Status Screen for Cabinet 1 (Page 1 of 3) NOTE: In the first sec tion of the rep ort, all Tone-Cloc ks should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in . In the sec ond sec tion of the rep ort, all TDM b uses should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in . In the third sec tion of the rep ort, all exp ansion links should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in , and , und er EXP-LINK, the c ab inet/c arrier/slot numbers for the fib er op tic c ab les are listed . For examp le, 01A01 in Screen 4-1 refers to c abinet stac k 01, c arrier A, and slot 01. status system all-cabinets Page 1 of 3 SPE A SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1 SELECT SPE ALARMS TONE/ SERVICE SYSTEM SYSTEM SPE MODE SWITCH MAJOR MINOR CLOCK STATE CLOCK TONE 1A active auto 0 0 1A in standby standby 1B maint/init auto 0 0 1B in active active SERVICE CONTROL DEDICATED SERVICE BUS ALARMS BUS OPEN BUS TDM STATE CHANNEL TONES PKT STATE MAJOR MINOR FAULTS LEADS 1A in y n 1 in 1B in n y EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 1A auto-on 01A01-02A01 in standbySCC 1B auto-on 01B01-02B02 in active

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-3 Check System Status for Each Cabinet 4 Screen 4-2. Sample System Status Screen for Cabinet 2 (Page 2 of 3) NOTE: In the first sec tion of the rep ort in Sc reen 4-2, all Tone-Cloc ks should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in for Cab inet 2. In the sec ond sec tion of the rep ort, all TDM b uses should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in . In the third sec tion of the rep ort, all exp ansion links should rep ort a SERVICE STATE of in , and , und er EXP-LINK, the c ab inet/c arrier/slot numbers for the fib er op tic c ab les are listed . status system all-cabinets Page 2 of 3 SPE A SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 2 SELECT SPE ALARMS TONE/ SERVICE SYSTEM SYSTEM SPE MODE SWITCH MAJOR MINOR CLOCK STATE CLOCK TONE 1A active auto 0 0 2A in active active 1B maint/init auto 0 0 2B in standby standby SERVICE CONTROL DEDICATED SERVICE BUS ALARMS BUS OPEN BUS TDM STATE CHANNEL TONES PKT STATE MAJOR MINOR FAULTS LEADS 2A in y n 2 2B in n y EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 2A auto-on 01A01-02A01 in standby MCC 01B01-02B02 in active

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-4 Check Circuit Pack Configuration 4 Check Circuit Pack Configuration The list configuration report provides a list of circuit packs c onnected to the system and rec ognized b y the software. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays command: 2. Type list configuration all and p ress En t e r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays list c onfig uration similar to Sc re e n 4 - 3 . Make sure the software is c ommunic ating with eac h c irc uit p ac k (exc ep t p ower sup p ly c irc uit p ac ks). Wait until after the d iagnostic tests later in this c hap ter b efore attemp ting to c orrec t any p roblems. 4. Note any d isp lays for b oard s that say in the VINTAGE column: NO BOARD or CONFLICT . Screen 4-3. Sample System Configuration Screen — Page 1 NOTE: A “ u” ind ic ates unassig ned p orts and a numb er ind ic ates the p ort has been translated . list configuration all Page 1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Board Assigned Ports Number Board Type Code Vintage u=unassigned t=tti p=psa 01A01 EXPANSION INTRFC TN570B 000001 01A03 DID TRUNK TN459 000004 u u u u u u u u 01A04 DID TRUNK TN436 000004 u u u u u u u u 01A07 TIE TRUNK TN439 000004 u u u u 01A09 ANNOUNCEMENT TN750 000007 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 01B01 EXPANSION INTRFC TN570 000009 01B02 TONE DETECTOR TN748D 000002 01 02 03 05 06 07 01B03 DATA LINE TN726 000012 u u u u u u u u 01B08 BRI LINE TN556B 000003 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 01C01 ANALOG LINE TN746B 000006 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue