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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-73 Connect Modem to Telephone Network 5 External Modem Option Settings A loc ally ob tained , typ e-ap proved external mod em may b e used . Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for information. 1. If a non-U.S Robotic s Mod el 839 mod em is installed , refer to the setup instruc tions p rovid ed with that mod em. Refer to Tab le 5-23 while setting up the mod em. Go to Step 4 to c omp lete the mod em ad ministration. 2. If no mod em is installed , skip to step 5. If a U.S Rob otic s Mod el 839 modem is installed, perform the following. 3. Use Table 5-22 to set the 8 op tion switc hes on the U.S. Rob otic s mod em. 4. At the management terminal, enter change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r. Sc roll to p ag e 3 of the form. 5. Set the Modem Connection: field to external if a mod em is installed . Set the field to none if no mod em is installed . This field must b e ad ministered or alarms will b e g enerated. NOTE: Th e Modem Connection: field c annot b e set to none if Alarm Orig ination is ac tivated. 6. Set the Data Bits: field to 8 (d efault). 7. Set the Parity: field to none (d efault). 8. For non-United States installations, set the remaining mod em field s as shown in Tab le 5-23 . Table 5-22. U.S. Robotics Model 839 External Modem Switch Settings Switch Setting Function 1 OFF (Up ) DTR (Data Terminal Read y) override 2 OFF (Up ) Verb al result c od es (text-formatted feed b ack charac ters such as c onnec ted or no c arrier) 3 ON (Down) Enab le result cod es 4 OFF (Up ) Disp lays keyb oard command s (loc al echo) 5 OFF (Up ) Sets auto answer. Verify that the Auto Answer Ring Count (rings): on the maintenance-related system parameters form is S0= 10. 6 OFF (Up ) CD (Carrier Detect) overrid e (mod em sends CD signal on c onnec t, drop s CD on d isconnec t) 7 OFF (Up ) Power-on and ATZ reset software defaults (load s Y or Y1 c onfig uration from NVRAM) 8 ON (Down) AT (Attention) command set recog nition (enables rec ognition, smart mod e)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-74 Connect Modem to Telephone Network 5 9. Press En t e r when the mod em field s are p rop erly ad ministered . Table 5-23. Release 8 SCC Modem Fields Field Description Modem ConnectionDefault is none for Release 8 SCC. Set to external if a modem is used. Modem Name This field is 20 c harac ters long and p ermits alp hanumeric c harac ters to p rovid e a uniq ue q ualifier for a given mod em. RTS/CTS EnabledInforms mod em that c ommunic ation with the d ata sourc e UART is d riven with RTS/CTS flow c ontrol. The d efault 6-c harac ter field name is &H1 . Set the field name to \Q3 for Intel mod ems. This field is not c ase-sensitive. Asynchronous Data ModeConfig ures mod em as an async hronous d evic e. This 8-c harac ter field name has a d efault value of &M0 (d efault) for Release 8 SCC. Set the field to &M0&Q0 for Intel modems. This field is not c ase-sensitive. DTE Auto-Data SpeedAd justs the sp eed of the d ata sourc e (DTE) UART to the outg oing (mod em-to-mod em) d ata rate. At maximum, this sp eed is 9600 b aud . It is not d esirab le to have the serial d ata fill the mod em buffer faster than the outg oing data rate, sinc e d ata c omp ression is d isab led . The field name has a 6-c harac ter b lank d efault value. The Parad yne produc ts use S90= 1 to enab le this func tionality while the Intel p rod uc t uses \J1 to enab le similar func tionality. This field is not c ase-sensitive. Disable Data CompressionTurns off the d efault d ata c ompression alg orithms used b y most mod ems. The field has a b lank field of 6 c harac ters as d efault. The AT c ommand s that c ontrol this are supp orted b y similar c ommand s; however, these c ommand s d o not op erate in the same manner. The Intel modems require H0%C0 to disable V.42bis & MNP Class 5 data c omp ression alg orithms. The Parad yne p rod uc ts only use %C0 to d isab le b oth algorithms. This field is not c ase-sensitive. Enable Error ControlTurns on the V.42 LAPM and MNP error c ontrol p rotoc ols. The field has a b lank d efault of 6 c harac ters. The Parad yne p rod uc ts use the c ommand \N5 to enab le V.42/MNP/Buffer error c ontrol while the Intel p roduc t uses \N3 to p rovid e similar func tionality. Misc. Init. ParamThis field has a 20-c harac ter b lank d efault and sup ports any initialization p arameters not alread y sp ec ified . The AT c ommand s sp ec ified in this field are always the last initialization p arameters to b e sent to the external mod em. This field is not c ase-sensitive. Auto-Answer Ring NumberThis field c ontrols the number of ring s required b efore the mod em answers an inc oming c all. This field should b e set to S0= 10. Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-75 Add Circuit Packs 5 Add Circuit Packs When installing additional features or equipment, it may be necessary to install ad d itional port c irc uit p ac ks. See Tab le 5-24 for a list of c irc uit p ac ks. This is a g eneral p roc ed ure to use when ad d ing features or eq uipment that req uire ad d ing circuit packs. !CAUTION: The control circuit packs with white lab els cannot be removed or installed when the power is on. The p ort c irc uit pac ks with g ray lab els (older version circuit packs had purple labels) can be removed or installed when the p ower is on. 1. Log onto the system and answer y to the Sup p ress Alarm Orig ination q uestion d uring log in. 2. Install the c irc uit p ac k into the c arrier. Dial Type This field c ontrols the typ e of interreg ister sig naling used b etween the mod em and the CO. This 3-c harac ter field is d enoted b y “ T” for tone dialing (default) and “P” for pulse dialing. This setting depends on type of line (tone or p ulse) to the mod em. Adjustable Make/Break RatioThis field c ontrols the make/b reak ratios of p ulses and DTMF d ialing . Most mod ems have sup p ort for d ifferent make/ b reak op tions for p ulse d ialing only. Parad yne, Intel, and U.S. Rob otic s use the d efault &P0 to selec t a ratio of 39% make and 61% break for c ommunic ation for the United States and Canad a. The op tion &P1 sets a ratio of 33% make and 67% break for the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. This is a 5-c harac ter b lank field (d efault) and is not c ase-sensitive. Dial Command This field has a d efault of “ D” in a 3-c harac ter field . This field d enotes the stand ard d ialing c ommand of the mod em and is not c ase-sensitive. No Answer Time-OutMost mod ems provide a timer that ab andons any outb ound d ata c all after a p red etermined interval. This is a non-ad ministrab le parameter. Table 5-23. Release 8 SCC Modem Fields — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-76 List of Circuit Packs 5 3. Log off the system after the ad dition (and any req uired ad ministration) is complete. NOTE: If North Americ an and non-United States c irc uit p ac ks ap p ear in the same row of a tab le, those c irc uit p ac k c odes ord inarily used in North Americ a ap p ear in b old font to help d isting uish these c irc uit p ac ks from their non-United States c ounterp arts. If only c irc uit p ac ks c ommonly used for non-United States ap p lic ations ap p ear in a row of a tab le, the c irc uit-p ac k c odes are enc losed in p arentheses. If only c irc uit p ac ks c ommonly used in North Americ a ap p ear in a row of a tab le, the c irc uit p ac k c od es are enc losed in sq uare brac kets. For information ab out c onnec ting and ad ministering non-United States c irc uit p ac ks, refer to the Ap p lic ation Notes in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Administrator’s Guide . List of Circuit Packs Tab le 5-24 lists the c irc uit p ac ks sorted b y ap p aratus c od e, inc lud ing c irc uit p ac ks used in non-United States installations. For more information on the c irc uit p ac ks and other eq uip ment, refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 System Desc ription . Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules Apparatus Code Name Type 631DA1 AC Power Unit (MCC) (+ 5V, 60A) Power 631DB1 AC Power Unit (MCC) (-48V/-5V,8A) Power 644A1 DC Power Unit (MCC) (+ 5V, 60A) Power 645B1 DC Power Unit (MCC) (-48V, 8A) Power 649A DC Power Unit (MCC) (-5, + 5, -48V) Power 982LSCurrent Limiter for si only (PPN) Power CFY1BCurrent Limiter for r only Power CPP1 Memory Expansion Control ED - 1 E5 4 6 -7 0 (TN2169) (TN2170) (TN566) (TN567)DEFINITY AUDIX R3 (Circ uit-Pac k Assemb ly) (b eing rep lac ed by ED-1E568Ap p lication Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-77 List of Circuit Packs 5 ED - 1 E5 4 6 -7 0 (TN2208) (TN2170)CallVisor ASAI/DEFINITY LAN Gateway R1 (Circ uit-Pac k Assemb ly)Ap p lication J58890MA-1 (TN801)Multi Ap plic ation Platform DEFINITY (Circ uit Pac k Assemb ly) List 2 for Call Visor, ASAI, LAN Gateway R2 List 10 for IP Trunk List 20 for CV ASAI, CentreVu Comp uter Telep hony, BCMS Vu List 30 for IP Solutions Ap p lication TN417 Auxiliary Trunk (rep lac ed by TN763D)Tru nk TN419BTone-Cloc k (Italy, Australia and the United King d om, rep lac ed by TN2182B)Control TN420B/CTone Detec tor (rep lac ed b y TN2182B or TN744D)Se r v ic e TN429/B Direc t Inward /Outward Dialing (DIOD) Trunk (Japan)Po r t TN429C/D Analog Central Offic e Trunk (with CAMA)Po r t TN429D Analog DIOD Trunk - Analog Loop Start Port TN433 Speech Synthesizer (Italian)Se r v ic e TN436B Direc t Inward Dialing Trunk (Australia) Port TN437 Tie Trunk (Australia, rep lac ed b y TN760D) Port TN438B Central Offic e Trunk (Australia) Port TN439 Tie Trunk (Australia and Jap an) Port TN447 Central Offic e Trunk Port TN457 Sp eec h Synthesizer, British Eng lish Servic e TN458 Tie Trunk for the United Kingdom (replaced by TN760D)Po r t TN459B Direc t Inward Dialing Trunk for the United King d om Port TN464C/D/E/F DS1 Interfac e - T1, 24 Channel - E1, 32 Channel Port TN465/B/C Central Offic e Trunk (Multi-Country, 16-kHz PPM) Port Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules — Continued Apparatus Code Name Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-78 List of Circuit Packs 5 TN467 Analog Line for the United King d om and Australia (rep lac ed b y TN2183)Po r t TN468BAnalog Line for the United King d om and Australia (rep lac ed b y TN2183) (16 p orts)Po r t TN479 Analog Line (16 ports)Po r t TN497 Tie Trunk - Italy Port TN553 Pac ket Data Line Port TN556/B/C/D ISDN Line (12-BRI-S-NT) Port TN570/B/C Exp ansion Interfac e Port TN572 Switc h-Node Cloc k for r only Control TN573B Switch-Node Interface for r only Control TN 5 7 4DS1 Converter (rep lac ed by TN1654) (G3rV2 and later) Po r t TN722B DS1 Tie Trunk (rep lac ed b y TN767B/C/D/E) (24 p orts) Trunk TN725B Sp eec h Synthesizer, United States Eng lishSe r v ic e TN726B Data Line (8 p orts) Line TN735 MET Line (4 p orts) Line TN 7 4 2Analog Line (8 p orts) (rep lac ed b y TN746B) Line TN744B/C/DCall Classifier Tone Detec tor, Multi-CountrySe r v ic e TN746B Analog Line (US and Canad a Offer A Only) (16 p orts) Line TN747B Central Offic e Trunk(8) Trunk TN748B/C/D Tone Detec tor (rep lac ed b y TN2182B) Se r v ic e TN750B/C Announc ementSe r v ic e TN753B Direc t Inward Dialing Trunk (8 p orts) Trunk TN753/B Direc t Inward Dialing Trunk Port TN754/B/C Dig ital Line 4-Wire DCP Port TN755/B Neon Power Unit Power TN 7 5 6Tone Detec tor/Generator (XE) (rep lac ed b y TN2182B) Servic e TN758 Pooled Modem (2 p orts) Port Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules — Continued Apparatus Code Name Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-79 List of Circuit Packs 5 TN760D/E Tie Trunk (4 p orts) Trunk TN762B Hyb rid Line (8 p orts) Line TN763B/C/D Auxiliary Trunk (4 ports) Trunk TN767B/C/D/E DS1 Interfac e - T1, 24 Channel Port TN768 Tone-Cloc k (rep lac ed b y TN2182B) Control TN769 Analog Line (8 p orts) (Neon) Line TN771B/C/D Maintenanc e Test Servic e TN773 Proc essor Control TN775/B/C Maintenanc e (EPN) Servic e TN776 Exp ansion Interfac e (si only) Port TN780 Tone Cloc k (all mod els exc ep t c si, Stratum 3) Control TN787F/G/H/J/ KMultimed ia Interfac e Servic e TN788B Multimed ia Voic e Cond itioner Servic e TN789 Rad io Controller Control TN790B Processor (R7 si and later) Control TN791 Analog Guest Line (16 Port) Line TN792 Duplic ation Interfac e (for TN790B Proc essor Circ uit Pac ks, si only) Control TN793B 24-Port Analog Line Line TN794 Network Control/Pac ket Interfac e for si onlyControl TN797B Analog trunk and line c omb o Port TN799B Control-LAN (C-LAN) Port TN800 Multi-Ap p lic ation Platform for DEFINITY (MAPD) Port TN801 Multi-Ap p lic ation Platform for DEFINITY (MAPD) Port TN802B IP Interfac e Assemb ly Port TN1648/B System Ac c ess/Maintenanc e (SYSAM) Control TN1650BMemory (32MB) for r only Control TN1654 DS1 Converter - T1, 24 Channel/E1, 32 Channel Port Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules — Continued Apparatus Code Name Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-80 List of Circuit Packs 5 TN1655 Pac ket Interfac e Control TN1657 Disk Drive Control TN2135 Analog Line Port TN2136 Dig ital Line 2-Wire DCP Port TN2138 Central Offic e Trunk (Italy, Loop Start) Port TN2139 Direc t Inward Dialing Trunk (Italy) Port TN2140/B Tie Trunk (Hung ary, Italy) Port TN2144 Analog Line (The Netherlands, rep lac ed b y TN2183) (16 p ort)Po r t TN2146 Direc t Inward Dialing trunk (Belg ium and The Netherland s)Po r t TN2147/C Central Offic e Trunk (without PPM, rep lac es TN447) Port TN2149Analog Line for Belg ium (rep lac ed b y TN2183) (16 port)Po r t TN2180 Analog Line Port TN2181 Dig ital Line (16-p orts DCP-2-Wire) Port TN2182/B Tone-Cloc k -Tone Detec tor and Call Classifier Control TN2183 Analog Line, Multi Country with DSLACPo r t TN2184 DIOD Trunk (Germany) Port TN2185B ISDN (4-Wire S/T-TE Interfac e, 8 p orts) Port TN2198 ISDN Line (4-Wire BRI-U-NT, 8 p orts) Port TN2199 Central Offic e Trunk (Russia) Port TN2202 50-Hz Ring Generator (Franc e) Power TN2207 DS1 Interfac e - T1, 24 Channel - E1, 32 Channel Port TN2209 Tie Trunk (Russia) Port TN2210 Tone Generator (1780 Hz)Se r v ic e TN2211 Op tic al Drive (replaces TN1656)Control TN2214B Dig ital Line, 24-Port, 2-Wire DCP - Categ ory B Port TN2215 Analog Line, 16-Port, 2-Wire - Categ ory B Port Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules — Continued Apparatus Code Name Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-81 Add DCS Interface 5 Add DCS Interface Systems in a Distrib uted Communic ations System (DCS) network are interc onnec ted b y b oth tie trunks (for voic e c ommunic ations) and d ata links (for c ontrol and transp arent feature information). These d ata links, also c alled DCS sig naling links, supp ort the feature transp arenc y. Various sub sets (dep end ing on the sp ec ific c onfig uration) of DS1 Interfac e c irc uit p ac ks (inc lud ing TN464C, TN767C, TN722, and TN760) p rovid e the voic e-c ommunic ations interfac e. TN2224/B Digital Line, 24-Port, 2-Wire DCP Port TN2301 Log ic Switc h (for r only, Survivab le Remote EPN) Switc h TN2305 DEFINITY ATM Interfac e (Multi-Mode fiber, Port Network Connec tivity, CES Trunk)Po r t TN 2 3 0 6 D EFI N I TY A TM I n t e rf a c e (Si n g l e -M o d e Fi b e r , Po rt Network Connec tivity, CES Trunk))Po r t TN2313 DS1 Interfac e Port TN2464 DS1 Interfac e - T1, 24 Channel - E1, 32 Channel Port TN2793 Analog Line 24-Port - Categ ory B Port UN331B Processor Control UN332C MSS Network Control (for r only; used with the TN2211 Op tic al Drive)Control Table 5-24. Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules — Continued Apparatus Code Name Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-82 Add DCS Interface 5 Control LAN Circuit Pack The TN799 Control LAN (CLAN) p ac ket p ort c irc uit p ac k p rovid es TCP/IP c onnec tion to ad junc ts app lic ations suc h as CMS, Intuity, and DCS Networking . The CLAN c irc uit pac k has 1 10b aseT Ethernet c onnec tion and up to 16 DS0 p hysic al interfac es for PPP c onnec tions. In add ition to the TCP/IP func tionality, CLAN extends the ISDN capabilities for csi models by providing Packet bus ac c ess. A re m o t e s o c ke t c o n t ro l l in k ( RSC L ) li n k s t h e C L AN a n d t h e SPE t o p a s s c a l l c ontrol and other management information. Sinc e one link serves all the p orts on the c irc uit p ac k, maintenanc e of the RSCL is p art of the CLAN c irc uit p ac k maintenanc e. The CLAN TN799 c irc uit p ac k c omb ines the func tions of the PGATE and PI c irc uit p ac ks into one c irc uit p ac k. The PGATE or PI c an b e used with the CLAN to c reate an X.25-to-TCP/IP b rid g e for ad junc t and DCS c onnec tivity. The d ata link interfac e (b etween the proc essor and the p hysic al sig naling link) is p rovid ed by (or through) the TN799 C-LAN c irc uit pac k. In some c onfig urations, the TN799 p asses the sig naling information over a sep arate 10BaseT TCP/IP network (usually via a hub ). For use with 10BaseT, c onnec t the ap p rop riate p ins of the I/O field to the hub . For p inouts and d iagrams, refer to the end of this c hap ter. In other c onfig urations, the TN799 c irc uit p ac k c arries sig naling over p oint-to-p oint p rotoc ol (PPP) for sub seq uent inc lusion (via the switc hing fab ric ) in the same DS1 b it stream as the DSC voic e transmissions. As an op tion to the TN768 Tone-Cloc k, a TN780 Tone-Cloc k c irc uit p ac k (installed in the PPN) c an interfac e external Stratum 3 sync hronization for DS1 c onnec tions. For further information about DCS, refer to the following d oc uments: nAT&T System 75/85 Network and Data Servic es Reference Manual nSystem 75 Ap p lic ation Notes Network Servic es nDEFINITY ECS Release 8 Ad ministration for Network Connec tivity Add Circuit Packs A DS1 c irc uit p ac k is required for p oint-to-p oint p rotoc ol (PPP) c onnec tions. A TN799 C-LAN c irc uit p ac k is req uired . 1. Determine the p ort assig nments of the c irc uit p ac ks to b e ad d ed . If there are no availab le p ort slots in the p roc essor c ab inet for the C-LAN c irc uit p ac k, p lac e it in a R8 EPN c ab inet p ort slot. You d o not need to p ower d own the c ab inet to install the c irc uit p ac k.