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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Single-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-13 Three-Pair and Four-Pair Modularity 5 Tab le 5-4 lists voic e and d ata terminals that c an c onnec t to the system. Table 5-4. Voice and Data Terminals Te r m i n a l Ty p e Multi-b utton Elec tronic Telep hone (MET) sets: 10, 20, 30 ButtonVo i c e Analog : 500, 2500/2554, 2500 DMGC, 2500YMGK, S203A Sp eakerp honeAnalog voic e 71XXX series: 7101A, 7102A, 7103A, 7104AAnalog voic e 73XXX series: 7302H, 7303H, 7303S, 7305S, 7305HHyb rid voic e 74 XXD s e r ie s: 7401D, 7403D, 7404D, 7405D, 7406D, 7407D, 7410D, 7434D, 7444Dig ital voic e 81 XX s er i e s: 8102, 8110 91 XX s er i e s: 9101, 9103, 9110Analog voic e 64 XX s er i e s 6402, 6402D, 6408/D/+ /D+ , 6416D+ , 6424D+ , XM24 84 XX s er i e s: 8403B, 8405B/D/B+ /D+ , 8410B/D, 8411B/D, 8412, 8434, 8435 94 XX s er i e s: 9403, 9410, 9434Dig ital voic e Basic Rate Interfac e (BRI) (75XX series): 7505-VOM/T, 7506-VOM/T, 7507-VOM/T 85 XX s er i e s: 8503, 8510, 8520BRI voic e Workstation series Business Communications Terminals (BCTs) and Business Communications Systems (BCS): 510D BCT, 513 BCT, 515 BCT, 615 BCT, 715 BCT, 715 BCS PC/PBX platform (d igital): PC/ISDN p latform (BRI)Data Consoles: 301A Attend ant Console, 302A1 Enhanc ed Generic 1 Console 602A1 ACD Console (CallMaster® d ig ital c ommunic ations terminal)Data and voic e ZE01A Expansion Mod ule for 8434Dx Voice and Features Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-14 Three-Pair and Four-Pair Modularity 5 Administration Terminals Tab le 5-5 lists the ad ministration terminals that c an c onnec t to the system. * The keyb oard s and terminals are interc hangeable when an ad ap ter c ab le is used . NOTE: The old er version of 715 BCT (the 715 Business Communications System (BCS)) (406803148 and 406803155), has a 6-pin mini-DIN keyb oard c onnec tor. The new version of 715 BCT (the 715 Business Communications System (BCS)) (4073113881 and 407313899), has a 6-p in RJ-11 keyb oard jac k loc ated on the sid e of the terminal Cord less Hybrid : MDW 9000 (TransTalk 9000) MDC 9000Vo i c e DCP Data interface: Constellation Automatic Call Distrib ution (ACD) data terminalData and voic e PassageWay interface: Consoles: 302B1, 302C1 Attend ant Console 603A/D Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Console (CallMaster digital console) 603E Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Console (CallMaster digital console)Data and voic e Table 5-5. Administration Terminals Administration Terminal Application 510D Remote ad ministration 610D, 513, 610, 615, 715* Business Communic ations Terminal (BCT), 4410, 4425, and VT220Manag ement Terminal: ad ministration and general purpose 515 Business Communic ations Terminal (BCT)Remote ad ministration, g eneral p urp ose 615 Manag ement Terminal Manag ement Terminal system ad ministration and maintenanc e terminal 715 BCS and 715 BCS-2 Manag ement TerminalManag ement Terminal system ad ministration and maintenanc e terminal Table 5-4. Voice and Data Terminals — Continued Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-15 Adjunct Power Connections 5 Adjunct Power Connections Fi g u re 5 - 8 shows typ ic al c onnec tion loc ations for ad junc t p ower. Figure 5-8. Example Adjunct Power Connections For this fig ure, the following examp le is used : a. If 25 telep hones are c onnec ted to the system and all 25 telep hones need ad junc t p ower, install a b ulk p ower sup p ly in the eq uip ment room. b . If only ten of the telep hones need ad junc t p ower, install a b ulk p ower sup p ly at the satellite loc ation. c . If only one telephone need s ad junc t p ower, install the ind ivid ual p ower sup p ly at the work loc ation. Figure Notes 1. Typ ic al Disp lay Telep hone 2. Individ ual Power Sup p ly (Suc h as 1151A1 or 1151A2 shown in Fi g u re 5-20) 3. Information Outlet (Mod ular Jac k) 4. 4-Pair D-Insid e Wire (DIW) Cab le 5. Satellite Site or Ad ap ter Loc ation 6. 25-Pair D-Inside Wire (DIW) Cable 7. Station Sid e of Main Distribution Frame (MDF)8. 100P6A Patc h Cord or Jumpers 9. System Sid e of Main Distrib ution Fra me (M DF) 10. 25-Pair Cab le to System Cab inet (Analog Line Circ uit Pac k) 11. Eq uip ment Room 12. Satellite Loc ation 13. Work Loc ation 14. Bulk Power Sup p ly (Suc h as 1145B shown in Fig ure 5-17 and Fig ure 5-18) cydfadjn KLC 020599 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 1414

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-16 Adjunct Power Connections 5 Local and Phantom Power A c onsole’s maximum distanc e from the system is limited . The maximum d istanc e for a 302C1 c onsole is as shown in Tab le 5-6 . Auxiliary Power The nonessential func tions of an attend ant c onsole and its op tional 26A1 or 24A1 selec tor c onsole d erive their p ower from an auxiliary p ower sourc e. Of the maximum of 27 attend ant c onsoles, 3 of the c onsoles c an d erive auxiliary p ower from the system and throug h the auxiliary c ab le loc ated in the trunk/auxiliary field . Provid e auxiliary p ower for a p rimary attend ant c onsole throug h this c able so the c onsole remains fully op erational during short p ower outag es. NOTE: For a c onsole to realize the long est p ossib le nominal b attery hold over of 10 minutes, the c onsole’s TN754B or TN413 Dig ital Line c irc uit p ac k should resid e in an EPN’s d up lic ated c ontrol c ab inet. An attendant console can also derive auxiliary power from: nInd ivid ual 1151A1 or 1151A2 p ower sup p ly n258A-typ e ad ap ters nBulk p ower sup p lies suc h as the 1145B A c onsole’s maximum distanc e from its auxiliary p ower sourc e is: n800 feet (244 m) for a 302A1 n350 feet (106.8 m) for a 301B1 and 302C1 Table 5-6. Attendant Console Cabling Distances Enhanced Attendant Console (302C1) 24 AWG Wire (0.5106 mm2)26 AWG Wire (0.4049 mm2) Feet Meters Feet Meters With Selec tor Console Phantom p owered 800 244 500 152 Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037 Without Selec tor Console Phantom p owered 1400 427 900 274 Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-17 Attendant Console 5 Attendant Console Figure 5-9. 302C1 Console 1. Install the Attend ant Console and c onnec t the mod ular c ord to the information outlet. 2. Install lab els per the Attend ant Console form and the Disp lay Mod ule form assig nments. 3. Install a Digital Line c irc uit p ac k in the assig ned c arrier slot (if an ad d itional c irc uit p ac k is req uired ). 4.Ad minister the forms listed in “ Attend ant Console” in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc rip tion . Hard-Wire Bridging Analog typ e hard -wire b rid g ing is not allowed for four-wire (only) DCP end p oints. Hard -wire b ridg ing p rovid es no way of c omb ining the d ig ital outp ut of two bridged DCP sets. Also, a bridged endpoint causes degradation of the DCP sig nal. !CAUTION: Bridg ing or p aralleling these end p oints c an c ause elec tric al d amag e to the c onsoles or c ause the c irc uit p ac k to remove p ower from the c onsoles.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-18 Install 26B1 Selector Console 5 Dual Wiring of Two-Wire and Four-Wire Endpoints Do not simultaneously wire a two-wire and four-wire endp oint to the same eq uip ment loc ation in an MDF. The DEFINITY System uses sep arate c irc uit p ac ks to interfac e two- and four-wire end p oints. Install 26B1 Selector Console 1. Connec t the sup plied 3-foot (0.9 m) D8AC c ab le to the mod ular jac k on the b ottom of the 26B1 Selec tor Console. 2. Route the c ab le to the attend ant c onsole and c onnec t to the DXS/BLF jac k. 3. Attac h labels ac c ord ing to the Attend ant Console form. 4. Administer the console using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc rip tion . Connect External Alarm Indicators Alarm Input Alarms c an b e g enerated on ad junc t eq uip ment, sent to the DEFINITY System, and rec ord ed and rep orted as “ external alarms.” A typ ic al major alarm inp ut is from an Uninterrup tib le Power Sup p ly (UPS). 1. Connec t 1 major and 1 minor alarm inp ut p air to the trunk/auxiliary field from the AUX c onnec tor. See Ta b l e 5 - 7 . Table 5-7. Alarm Inputs at AUX Connector Color AUX Connector White-Blue AP1 (Pin 26) Major Alarm Input Blue-White Ground (Pin 1) White-Orang e AP2 (Pin 27) Minor Alarm Input Orang e-White Ground (Pin 2)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-19 Install Remote Network Interface 5 Alarm Output The system provides a relay contac t that can operate a customer-provided alarm, suc h as a lig ht or b ell. The c irc uitry and p ower sourc e are c ustomer- provided. The alarm device must not exc eed a rating of more than 30 VAC RMS or 60 VDC at 0.75 A. 1. Connec t an external alarm output throug h p ins 48 and 23 of the AUX c onnec tor. See Tab le 5-8 . 2. Note whic h devic e c onnec ts to whic h alarm and g ive this information to your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for troubleshooting p urp oses. Emergency Transfer and Auxiliary Power Connec t emerg enc y transfer p ower and auxiliary p ower as shown in Tab le 5-9. Auxiliary p ower inc ludes power to an attend ant c onsole or ad junc t devic e. Install Remote Network Interface The Remote Network Interfac e (formerly Initialization and Ad ministration System (INADS)) p rovides a 9600 b p s mod em c onnec tion for the remote manag ement terminal. The network interfac e trunk should ap p ear on the 25 p air of a RJ21X network interfac e jac k. The trunk is a 2-way, rotary d ial, loop start trunk that c onnec ts to a TN731 Maintenanc e c irc uit p ac k or the TN790B Proc essor c irc uit p ac k throug h the Remote Network Interfac e terminals at the trunk/auxiliary field . Fi g u re 5 - 1 0 shows a typ ic al Remote Network Interfac e trunk installation. Table 5-8. Alarm Output at AUX Connector Color AUX Connector Violet-Green EXTALMA (Pin 48) Alarm Outp ut Green-Violet EXTALMB (Pin 23) (Ground ) Alarm Outp ut Table 5-9. Emergency Transfer and Auxiliary Power Color AUX Connector Black-Green XFER48 (Emergency Transfer) (Pin 36) Green-Blac k Ground (Pin 11) Black-Slate ACC48A (Adjunct -48 VDC) (Pin 19) Slate-Blac k Ground (Pin 44)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-20 Install Remote Network Interface 5 Remote Network Interface Installation 1. Determine the network interfac e trunk ap pearanc e at the g reen trunk/auxiliary field . 2. Lab el the terminals for the trunk app earanc e. 3. Install jump ers b etween the trunk app earanc e and Remote Network Interfac e terminals. Figure 5-10. Connections at Trunk/Auxiliary Field 4. Enter change system-parameters maintenance and press En te r. The p rod uc t identific ation and the INADS OSS telep hone numb er must b e ob tained from the NTSO or the TSC. Enter the ten-d ig it p rod uc t identific ation. Enter the INADS OSS telep hone numb er in the First OSS Telep hone Numb er field. Figure Notes 1. To Network Interfac e Fac ility 2. To Control Carrier Auxiliary Connec tor3. One Pair of Wires 4. Twenty-fifth Pair of RJ21X Network Interfac e Jac k

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-21 Install Off-Premises Station Wiring 5 5. Enter first-only in the Alarm Orig ination to OSS Numb ers field and p ress En t e r to enab le Alarm Orig ination (to the first OSS). Also enab le Cleared Alarm Notific ation and Restart Notific ation, if need ed. NOTE: Release 8 sup ports up to two OSS telep hone numb ers. Some servic es c ontrac ts may req uire the sec ond OSS telep hone numb ers and a d ifferent op tion in the Alarm Orig ination to OSS Numb ers field to b e ad ministered . Install Off-Premises Station Wiring The c ab ling outsid e the build ing for off-p remises stations is p rovid ed b y the loc al telep hone c omp any. The off-p remises stations c an ap pear on any of the RJ21X network interfac es p rovid ed for the Central Offic e (CO) trunks. !CAUTION: Only an FCC-ap p roved (or eq uivalent) analog typ e telep hone (suc h as a 2500-type), c an b e used as an off-p remises station. The TN746B and TN2183 Analog Line c irc uit p ac ks c an b e c onnec ted to off-p remises stations. 1. Install an A25D (male to male) c ab le b etween the RJ21X network interfac e and a sneak fuse p anel. 2. At the Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF), c onnec t jump er wires b etween one row/c onnec ting b loc k in the g reen field and up to three rows/c onnec ting b loc ks in the p urp le field to c onc entrate the analog line p airs. 3. Connec t an A25D c ab le b etween the sneak fuse p anel and the terminal b loc k c onnec tor assoc iated with the green row in Step 2. 4. Install a g reen lab el on the terminal b loc k to id entify the remote loc ation. 5. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministration and Feature Desc ription .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-120 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-22 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 5 Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations Out-of-b uild ing c amp us stations are those telep hones/voic e terminals not p hysic ally loc ated in the same b uild ing as the eq uip ment room b ut are loc ated on the same p rop erty. Analog Off-Premises Stations Fi g u re 5 - 1 1 shows the c onnec tions for one to eig ht off-premises analog telep hones. Only analog telephones c onnec ted to TN742, TN746B, TN2183, or TN769 Analog Line c irc uit p ac ks c an b e installed out-of-b uild ing. The maximum d istanc e from the system c ab inet to the out-of-b uild ing voic e terminal is 6000 feet (1828.8 meters) using 24 AWG (#5) (0.5 mm 2) wire.