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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Copying applications to or from an expansion card
    3.Tap the View By pick list and select List.
    4.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    To open the Applications Launcher to the last opened category:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Press Command Stroke   + R.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , select Options, and then select 
    3.Tap the Remember Last Category check box to select it.
    4.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    Copying applications to or from an expansion card
    You can copy applications from your handheld to an expansion card, or from an 
    expansion card to your handheld.
    To copy an application to an expansion card:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Press Command Stroke   + C.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , select Copy on the App menu.
    3.Select Handheld from the Copy From pick list.
    4.Select the card name from the Copy To pick list.
    The Copy To pick list appears only if there are multiple cards available. 
    							Chapter 4 Working with Applications
    5.Tap an application to copy.
    6.Tap Copy.
    7.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    You can install applications to a card that is seated in the expansion card slot 
    during a HotSync
    ® operation; see “Installing add-on applications” later in this 
    chapter for details. 
    NOTEIf you view your applications on the card using a Card Reader on your 
    Windows or Mac computer, the actual file names may differ from those displayed in 
    the Applications Launcher.
    To copy an application from an expansion card:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Press Command Stroke   + C.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , select Copy on the App menu.
    3.Select the card name from the Copy From pick list.
    4.Select Handheld from the Copy To pick list.
    5.Tap an application to copy.
    6.Tap Copy.
    7.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    You can also beam applications from expansion cards to your handheld. 
    See“Using elements of the handheld interface” in Chapter 3 for details. 
    							Selecting copy settings
    Selecting copy settings
    When using the copy feature, you can set the following:
    nHow applications are sorted and listed
    nWhether to copy only the application or both the application and its data files 
    To select copy settings:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Press Command Stroke   + C.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , select Copy on the App menu.
    3.Tap Settings.
    4.Select Name or Size from the Sort By pick list.
    5.Tap the Copy Application Only check box to select it, if you want to copy only 
    the application files. Leave it deselected if you want to copy both the application 
    file and its associated data files.
    6.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    NOTEThe Sort By setting is in effect each time you use the copy feature. Each time 
    you want to copy an application only, you must select the Copy Applications Only 
    check box.
    Using menus
    Menus on your handheld are easy to use. Once you have mastered them in one 
    application, you can use them the same way in all other applications.
    The menus of each application are illustrated in the chapter that discusses that 
    							Chapter 4 Working with Applications
    To open the menu bar:
    1.Open an application (such as Memo Pad).
    2.Do one of the following:
    – Press Function   + Menu  . 
    – Tap the inverted title area at the top of the screen.
    In this example, three menus are available: Record, Edit, and Options. The Record 
    menu is selected and contains the commands New Memo, Delete Memo, and Beam 
    Choosing a menu
    The menus and menu commands that are available depend on the application that 
    is currently open. Also, the menus and menu commands vary depending on which 
    part of the application you’re currently using. For example, in Memo Pad the 
    menus are different for the Memo list screen and the Memo record screen.
    To select a menu command with the stylus:
    1.Tap the menu bar for an application.
    2.Tap the menu that contains the command you want to use.
    3.Tap the command you want to use.
    TIPAfter you open the menu bar, you can also press Right and Left on the navigator 
    to select a menu, press Down on the navigator to select the command you want to 
    use, and then press Select on the navigator to run the command.
    Tap the title area
    							Choosing application preferences
    Menu commands
    Most menu commands have an equivalent Command stroke, which is similar to 
    the keyboard shortcuts used to execute commands on computers. For information 
    on using menu commands see“Displaying online tips” in Chapter 3.
    Choosing application preferences
    You can set options that affect an entire application in the application’s Preferences 
    dialog box.
    To change preferences for an application: 
    1.Open an application.
    2.Press Command Stroke   + R.
    – Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Preferences on 
    the Options menu.
    NOTENot all applications have a Preferences command.
    3.Make changes to the settings.
    4.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    Performing common tasks
    The tasks described in this section use the term records to refer to an individual item 
    in any of the applications: a single Date Book event, Address Book entry, To Do 
    List item, Memo Pad memo, Note Pad note, or Expense item.
    Creating records
    You can use the following procedure to create a new record in Date Book, Address 
    Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, Note Pad, and Expense.
    To create a record:
    1.Select the application in which you want to create a record.
    2.Ta p  N e w.
    3.In Date Book only: Select start and end times for your appointment, and press 
    Function   + Enter 
    , or tap OK.
    4.Enter text for the record.
    5.(Optional) Tap Details to select attributes for the record. (In Note Pad the 
    Details command is located on the Options menu.)
    6.In Address Book, Note Pad, and Memo Pad only: Press Function   
    + Enter 
    , or tap Done.
    There’s no need to save the record because your handheld saves it automatically. 
    							Chapter 4 Working with Applications
    Editing records
    After you create a record, you can change, delete, or enter new text at any time. 
    Two screen features tell you when your handheld is in editing mode:
    nA blinking cursor 
    nOne or more dotted edit lines
    NOTEIn Note Pad you can write anywhere on the screen. Therefore, you will 
    not see an edit line or blinking cursor unless the cursor is in the title line. 
    Entering text
    For information on how to enter text using the keyboard on your handheld or the 
    keyboard attached to your computer, see Chapter 3. For information on entering 
    text in Note Pad, see Chapter 12.
    Using the Edit menu
    The Edit menu is available with any screen where you enter or edit text. In general, 
    commands available in the Edit menu apply to text that you select in an application.
    To select text in an application:
    1.Tap the beginning of the text that you want to select.
    2.Drag the stylus over the text to highlight it (in yellow). 
    NOTEYou can also double-tap to select a word, or triple-tap to select a line of 
    text. You can also drag 
    across the text to select additional words, or drag 
    to select a group of lines.
    Edit line 
     Blinking cursor 
    							Performing common tasks
    The following commands may appear in an Edit menu:
    Deleting records
    To delete a record using the menu command:
    1.Select the record you want to delete.
    2.Press Command Stroke   + D.
    To delete a record using the Menu:
    1.Select the record you want to delete.
    2.Press Function   + Menu  . 
    3.Select Record, and then select one of the following Delete commands:
    Date Book: Delete Event
    Address Book: Delete Address
    To Do List: Delete Item
    Note Pad: Delete Note
    Memo Pad: Delete Memo
    Expense: Delete Item
    UndoReverses the action of the last edit command. For example, if you 
    used Cut to remove text, Undo restores the text you removed. Undo 
    also reverses deletions you made using the backspace. 
    CutRemoves the selected text and stores it temporarily in the memory 
    of your handheld. You can paste the text you cut into another area 
    of the current application or into a different application. 
    CopyCopies the selected text and stores it temporarily in the memory of 
    your handheld. You can paste the copied text into another area of 
    the current application or into a different application.
    Pa steInserts the cut or copied text at the selected point in a record. The 
    text you paste replaces any selected text. If you did not previously 
    cut or copy text, Paste does nothing.
    Select AllSelects all the text in the current record or screen. This enables you 
    to cut or copy all of the text and paste it elsewhere.
    KeyboardOpens the onscreen keyboard. After you finish with the onscreen 
    keyboard, press Function   + Enter 
    , or tap Done. 
    							Chapter 4 Working with Applications
    A confirmation dialog box appears. If you want to save a copy of the deleted 
    item to an archive file in Palm™ Desktop software, be sure that the check box is 
    selected. If you don’t want to save a copy, tap the check box to deselect it. 
    4.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    If you choose to save a copy of the selected item, your handheld transfers it to the 
    archive file on your desktop the next time you perform a HotSync operation. (The 
    archive option is not available in Note Pad.)
    Other ways to delete records
    You can also delete records in the following ways:
    nDelete the text of the record.
    nIn Date Book, Address Book, To Do List, and Memo Pad, open the Details dialog 
    box for the record, tap Delete, and then press Function   + Enter 
    , or tap 
    NOTEWhen deleting a repeating event in Date Book, you can choose to delete 
    the current repeating event, current and future events, or all instances of that 
    nIn Note Pad, open the note you want to delete, and then tap Delete.
    Purging records
    Over time, as you use Date Book, To Do List, and Expense, you’ll accumulate 
    records that have outlived their usefulness. For example, events that occurred 
    months ago remain in the Date Book, and To Do List items that you marked as 
    completed remain in the list, as do Expense items.
    All these outdated records take up memory on your handheld, so it’s a good idea 
    to remove them by using Purge. If you think Date Book or To Do List records might 
    prove useful later, you can purge them from your handheld and save them in an 
    archive file on your computer.
    Purging is not available in Address Book, Note Pad, or Memo Pad; you must delete 
    outdated records manually from these applications.
    To purge records:
    1.Open the application.
    2.Press Command Stroke   + E.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Purge on the 
    Record menu. 
    A confirmation dialog box appears. 
    Date Book: Tap the pick list and select how old a record must be to be purged. 
    Purge deletes repeating events if the last of the series ends before the date that 
    you purge records. 
    							Performing common tasks
    Date Book, To Do List: If you want to save a copy of the purged records to an 
    archive file on your desktop, be sure that the check box is selected. If you don’t 
    want to save a copy, tap the check box to deselect it.
    Expense: Select the category you want to purge. All data in the selected category 
    will be purged and there is no archive option.
    3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK or Done.
    If you chose to save a copy of the purged records, your handheld transfers them to 
    an archive file on your desktop the next time you perform a HotSync operation.
    NOTEPurging does not happen automatically. You must select the command to 
    make it happen.
    Categorizing records
    You can categorize records in the Address Book, To Do List, Note Pad, Memo Pad, 
    and Expense applications so that they are grouped logically and are easy to review. 
    When you create a record, your handheld automatically places it in the category 
    that is currently displayed. If the category is All, your handheld assigns it to the 
    Unfiled category. You can leave an entry as Unfiled or assign it to a category at any 
    By default, your handheld includes system-defined categories, such as All and 
    Unfiled, and user-defined categories, such as Business and Personal. 
    You cannot modify the system-defined categories, but you can rename and delete 
    the user-defined categories. In addition, you can create your own user-defined 
    categories. You can have a maximum of 15 user-defined categories in each 
    When you have an expansion card properly seated in the expansion card slot, the 
    last item in the category pick list is the name of the expansion card. You cannot 
    otherwise categorize applications that reside on an expansion card.
    Address Book contains the QuickList user-defined category, in which you can store 
    the names, addresses, and phone numbers you might need in emergencies (doctor, 
    fire department, lawyer, and so on).
    Expense contains two user-defined categories, New York and Paris, to show how 
    you might sort your expenses according to different business trips.
    The illustrations in this section come from Address Book, but you can use these 
    procedures in all the applications in which categories are available. 
    To move a record into a category:
    1.Select the record you want to categorize.
    2.In Address Book only: Tap Edit.
    3.Ta p  D e t a i l s . 
    							Chapter 4 Working with Applications
    4.Tap the Category pick list to display the list of available categories.
    5.Select the category for the record.
    6.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    NOTEIn Address Book, Note Pad, and Memo Pad you can select the category 
    name in the upper-right corner of the screen to assign the item to a different 
    To display a category of records:
    1.Tap the category pick list in the upper-right corner of the list screen.
    NOTEIn the Date Book Agenda view, the pick list is in the upper right of the To 
    Do list. 
    2.Select the category you want to view.
    The list screen now displays only the records assigned to that category.
    TIPPressing an application button on your handheld scrolls through all the 
    categories of that application except for Unfiled. This feature is not available in 
    Date Book.
    Tap here 
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