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    of 428
    							Changing the Date Book view
    Changing the Date Book view
    In addition to displaying the time list for a specific day, you can also display a 
    whole week, a month, an agenda, and the current time. 
    To cycle through Day, Week, Month, and Agenda views:
    nPress the Date Book application button repeatedly to display the next view.
    nTap the appropriate view icon in the lower-left corner of Date Book.
    Working in Week view
    Week view shows the calendar of your events for an entire week. This view lets 
    you quickly review your appointments and available time slots. In addition, the 
    graphical display helps you spot overlaps and conflicts in your schedule.
    To display the Week view:
    1.Tap the Week view icon.
    2.Tap the navigation controls to move forward or backward a week at a time, or 
    tap on a column to display details of an event. 
    The Week view also shows untimed events and events that are before and after 
    the range of times shown. Untimed repeating events appear in green.
    Week view
    weekNext week
    Tap for that day
    Bar indicates earlier event 
    Bar indicates later event  Diamond indicates untimed event
    Dashed line indicates repeating event 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    3.Tap an event to show a description of the event.
    Tips for using Week view
    Keep the following points in mind:
    nTo reschedule an event, tap and drag the event to a different time or day.
    nTap a blank time on any day to move to that day and have the time selected for 
    a new event. 
    nTap any day or date that appears at the top of the Week view to move directly 
    to that day without selecting an event.
    nPress Right and Left on the navigator to scroll to the next or previous week.
    nPress Select on the navigator to insert the highlight, and then press Right and 
    Left to select a day within the selected week. To view the events on the selected 
    day, press Select on the navigator again.
    nThe Week view shows the time span defined by the Start Time and End Time in 
    the Date Book Preferences settings. If you have an event before or after this time 
    span, a bar appears at the top or bottom of that day’s column. Use the onscreen 
    scroll arrows   to scroll to the event, or press Up and Down on the navigator to 
    scroll to earlier and later time slots within the selected week. 
    Working in Month view
    The Month view screen shows which days have events scheduled. Dots and lines 
    in the Month view indicate events, repeating events, and untimed events.
    You can control the dots and lines that appear in the Month view. See “Display 
    Options” later in this chapter.
    Event details
    Tap to show event details
    Previous/next month
    Dashes on right side indicate events Dashed line below date indicates continuous eventDiamond below date indicates untimed event
    Month view button 
    							Changing the Date Book view
    Tips for using Month view
    Keep the following points in mind:
    nTap a day in the Month view to display that day in the Day view.
    nTap the scroll arrows in the upper-right corner, or press Left and Right on the 
    navigator, to move forward or backward a month. 
    nPress Select on the navigator to insert the highlight, and then press Left and 
    Right on the navigator to scroll to a specific day. Press Select on the navigator 
    to display that day in the Day view.
    nUntimed repeating events appear in green.
    Working in Agenda view
    The Agenda view shows you your untimed events, appointments, and To Do 
    items in one screen. When you tap an untimed event or appointment in the 
    Agenda view, the Day view appears so you can see more detailed information 
    about the event. You can tap the check box next to a To Do item to mark it as 
    completed. When you tap on a To Do item, your To Do list appears. 
    NOTEThe To Do items that appear and how you can change them depends on the 
    settings in your To Do preferences. See“Setting To Do Preferences” in Chapter 16 for 
    more information.
    To display the Agenda view:
    1.Tap the Agenda view icon.
    2.Tap the navigation controls to move forward or backward a day at a time, or to 
    display more events and To Do items. 
    TIPYou can also press Up and Down on the navigator to scroll through the 
    events on the selected day, or press Right and Left on the navigator to scroll to 
    the next or previous day. 
    Agenda view 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    NOTEYou can also change the category of To Do items shown. Tap on the 
    pick list to choose another category. See Chapter 16 for more information on 
    working with To Do items.
    Spotting event conflicts
    With the ability to define specific start and end times for any event, it’s possible to 
    schedule events that overlap (an event that starts before a previous event finishes).
    An event conflict (time overlap) appears in the Week View as overlapping bars. 
    The first event created appears as a gray bar, and any subsequent conflicting 
    events appear as a single red bar. The Day View displays overlapping red brackets 
    to the left of the conflicting times. The Month View displays conflicting 
    appointments in red.
    Date Book menus, preferences, and display options
    Date Book menus are shown here for your reference, and Date Book features that 
    are not explained elsewhere in this book are described here.
    See“Using menus” in Chapter 4 for information about choosing menu commands.
    Record menu
    Send EventOpens a dialog box where you can choose how you want to 
    send the selected event to another device. The options available 
    depend on the software installed on your handheld. 
    							Date Book menus, preferences, and display options
    Options menu
    Display Options
    Allows you to change Date Book’s appearance and which events are displayed.
    Show Time BarsActivates the time bars that appear in the Day view. The 
    time bars show the duration of an event and illustrate 
    event conflicts.
    Compress Day viewControls how times appear in the Day view. When 
    Compress Day view is off, all time slots are displayed. 
    When it is on, start and end times are displayed for each 
    event, but blank time slots toward the bottom of the screen 
    disappear to minimize scrolling. 
    Month view settingsThese check boxes apply to the Month view of the Date 
    Book. You can deactivate any or all of these settings to hide 
    Timed, Untimed, or Daily Repeating events in the Month 
    view only. 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    About Date Book
    Shows version information for Date Book.
    Start/End TimeDefines the start and end times for Date Book screens. If the 
    time slots you select do not fit on one screen, you can tap the 
    scroll arrows   to scroll up and down.
    Alarm PresetAutomatically sets an alarm for each new event. The silent 
    alarm for untimed events is defined by minutes, days, or hours 
    before midnight at the end of the date of the event.
    Alarm SoundSets the tone of the alarm.
    Remind MeDefines how many times the alarm occurs after the initial 
    occurrence. The choices are Once, Twice, 3 Times, 5 Times, and 
    10 Times.
    Play EveryDefines how often the alarm sounds. The choices are Minute, 
    5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes. 
    Using Expense
    Expense enables you to keep track of your expenses and then transfer the 
    information to a spreadsheet on your computer. In Expense you can do the 
    nRecord dates, types of expenses, amount spent, payment method, and other 
    details associated with any money that you spend.
    nAssign expense items to categories so that you can organize and view them in 
    logical groups.
    nKeep track of vendors (companies) and people involved with each expense.
    nLog miles traveled for a particular date or expense category.
    nSort your expenses by date or expense type.
    nSend or export your expense information to popular computer applications, 
    such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word, using Palm™ Desktop software and 
    ® technology on a Windows computer.
    IMPORTANTTo access Expense, you must first perform a HotSync operation with 
    your handheld. Expense is automatically loaded onto your handheld during the first 
    HotSync operation. 
    To open Expense:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Select the Expense icon  .  
    							Chapter 9 Using Expense
    Adding expense items
    A record in Expense is called an item. You can sort your Expense items into 
    categories or add other information that you want to associate with the item.
    1.Ta p  N e w.
    2.Enter the amount of the expense. 
    3.Tap the Expense type pick list and select a type from the list.
    As soon as you select an expense type, your handheld saves your entry. If you 
    do not select an expense type, it does not save the entry.
    TIPAnother quick way to create a new Expense item is to make sure that no 
    Expense item is selected in the Expense list, type the first letter(s) of the 
    expense type, and then type the numerical amount of the Expense item. This 
    technique takes advantage of the automatic fill feature. See “Options menu” 
    later in this chapter for details.
    Ta p  N e wCursor of 
    new item
    Tap here 
    							Adding expense items
    Changing the date of an Expense item
    Initially, Expense items appear with the date on which you enter them. You can 
    change the date associated with any Expense item.
    To change the date of an Expense item:
    1.Tap the Expense item you want to change.
    2.Tap the date of the selected item. 
    3.Tap the new date.
    Entering receipt details
    Expense provides a variety of options that you can associate with an item. These 
    options appear in the Receipt Details dialog box.
    To open the Receipt Details dialog box:
    1.Tap the Expense item to which you want to assign details.
    2.Ta p  D e t a i l s .
    3.Select any of the following options:
    Ta p  d a t e
    CategoryOpens a pick list of system and user-defined categories. 
    See“Categorizing records” in Chapter 4 for more information.
    Ty p eOpens a pick list of expense types.  
    							Chapter 9 Using Expense
    4.Press Function   + Enter   or tap OK.
    Customizing the Currency pick list
    You can select the currencies and symbols that appear in the Currency pick list.
    To customize the Currency pick list:
    1.Tap the Currency pick list in the Receipt Details dialog box, and then select Edit 
    2.Tap each Currency pick list and select the country whose currency you want to 
    display on that line.
    3.Press Function   + Enter   or tap OK to close the Select Currencies dialog 
    4.Press Function   + Enter   or tap OK.
    Paym e n tEnables you to choose the payment method used to pay the 
    Expense item. If the item is prepaid (such as airline tickets 
    supplied by your company), you can choose Prepaid to place your 
    expense in the appropriate company-paid cell of your printed 
    expense report.
    CurrencyEnables you to choose the type of currency used to pay the 
    Expense item. The default currency unit is defined in the 
    Preferences dialog box. You can also display up to four other 
    common types of currency. See “Customizing the Currency pick 
    list” later in this chapter for more information.
    Vendor and 
    CityEnables you to record the name of the vendor (usually a company) 
    associated with the expense and the city where the expense was 
    incurred. For example, a business lunch might be at Rosie’s Cafe 
    (Vendor) in San Francisco (City).
    AttendeesSee“Looking up names to add to Expense records” in Chapter 4 
    for more information.
    Tap Edit 
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