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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    							Synchronizing e-mail between the handheld and the desktop
    When you receive a message with an attachment on your handheld, the file is 
    converted to the DataViz format on the handheld when you perform a HotSync 
    operation. You can then read and edit the file in Documents To Go on the 
    In the Palm VersaMail HotSync Conduit, you can turn off DataViz Documents To 
    Go plug-ins or select other plug-ins.
    To turn off attachment conversion plug-ins:
    1.Click the HotSync Manager icon   in the Windows system tray.
    2.Select Custom.
    3.Select VersaMail in the Conduit list. 
    4.Click the Attachment Conversion tab.
    5.To deselect a plug-in, select Not Selected from the drop-down list. To select a 
    plug-in, select Selected from the drop-down list. 
    6.Click OK. 
    Documents To Go 
    plug-ins are configured 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    Synchronizing an account
    To synchronize accounts, you must set the HotSync action for the VersaMail 
    application in the HotSync Manager. You can, however, exclude e-mail accounts 
    from a HotSync operation. 
    TIPIf you don’t want an account synchronized, deselect the check box Select this 
    check box to synchronize this e-mail account when you perform a HotSync operation. 
    To select which accounts are synchronized during a HotSync operation:
    1.Click the HotSync Manager icon   in the Windows system tray.
    2.Select Custom.
    3.Select VersaMail in the Conduit list.
    4.Click Change.
    5.Select one of the following:
    Synchronize Active Accounts: Select this option to include active accounts in 
    the next HotSync operation. For an account to be synchronized, you must 
    have selected the option Check this box to synchronize this mail account 
    when you performed a HotSync operation. 
    Do Nothing: Select this option to exclude e-mail accounts from the next 
    HotSync operation.
    6.(Optional) Select Set as Default to apply the options you selected to all 
    subsequent HotSync operations. Otherwise, the settings apply to the next 
    HotSync operation only.
    7.Click OK.
    8.Perform a HotSync operation. 
    							Going beyond the basics
    Going beyond the basics
    Many of the VersaMail application features, such as getting and sending e-mail, 
    you use daily. Other features are used less frequently but are especially valuable 
    in certain situations. For example, filtering e-mail is helpful if you are traveling and 
    want to receive messages only from certain people or about specific subjects. 
    Filters and other special features are discussed in this chapter. 
    This section describes the following:
    nCreating and using filters to determine which e-mail you actually view
    nManaging mail settings
    nAdding APOP to an account
    nAdding ESMTP to an account
    nCopying text from an e-mail message for use in other applications
    nUsing the command bar
    nViewing e-mail header details
    nBacking up your mail databases
    nSynchronizing IMAP folders wirelessly
    nAccessing corporate e-mail
    nA summary of the VersaMail application navigator controls and keyboard 
    Setting server options for an IMAP account
    To set mail retrieval server options for an IMAP account:
    1.Ta p  N e x t .
    2.If you want only unread mail to be downloaded to your handheld, make sure 
    Get unread mail ONLY is selected. If you don’t choose this option and you tap 
    Get & Send, all e-mail in your Inbox is downloaded.
    3.Ta p  M o r e . 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    4.If you want to limit the maximum size of an incoming e-mail message, tap the 
    maximum size field and enter the size in kilobytes.
    5.Tap the check box to delete messages on the server when they are deleted in 
    MultiMail Deluxe.
    If you are selecting this option for an account you created, such as a Yahoo or 
    Earthlink account, the messages are deleted the next time you access your 
    Yahoo account on the web.
    6.Ta p  O K .
    7.Tap Finish.
    8.Ta p  D o n e .
    Managing mail filters
    Filters provide efficient ways to manage e-mail retrieval and storage. When you 
    tap Get Mail or Get & Send, filters determine which e-mail messages are 
    downloaded to your handheld and in which folder the downloaded messages are 
    For example, you may want to file e-mail about sales meetings in a Sales folder. 
    You can create a filter that automates this action, so that whenever you receive 
    e-mail about sales meetings, it is immediately sent to the Sales folder, which you 
    created in the filters screen. 
    Creating mail filters
    To create a mail filter, you select various criteria, such as To, From, and Contains. 
    This information makes up the filter statement. 
    For example, if you want stock quotes from your online brokerage service sent to 
    a specific folder, you can filter those e-mail messages and store them in the Inbox  
    							Going beyond the basics
    folder. The filter statement, which is displayed in the Filter Editor, is shown in the 
    following figure.
    To create a filter:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Options, and then select Filters.
    3.Ta p  N e w.
    4.Enter a short description of the filter in the Name field.
    5.Use the If the pick lists to create criteria for the filter.
    The three pick lists and the edit line combine to create a statement that identifies 
    the type of e-mail and where you want the e-mail stored. For example, a filter 
    might read, “If the [Subject] [Contains] sales meeting, Then get mail and move 
    to [Sales].” When you use this filter to sort incoming e-mail, any e-mail 
    containing sales meetings in the subject line is filed in the Sales folder.
    To pick listSelect the message header field with the information 
    contained in the edit line: To, From, Subject, cc, Date, Size. 
    For example, you might select Date to download only 
    messages that are less than a certain number of days old. 
    Contains pick 
    listSelect a filter action: Contains, Starts with, Does NOT 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    6.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    The filter appears in the Filters list.
    Selected filters execute in the order in which they appear on the list. Move filters 
    up and down the list to ensure that they execute in the correct order.
    NOTEFilters created on the handheld also apply to e-mail synchronization. See 
    “Synchronizing an account” earlier in this chapter for more information. 
    Turning filters on and off
    By default, a filter that is turned on or selected affects all subsequent downloads of 
    e-mail until you deselect it. More than one filter can be in effect at once. Before you 
    download e-mail, be sure to turn on the filters you want and turn off those you 
    don’t want.
    To turn a filter on or off:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Options, and then select Filters.
    Edit lineEnter the text that must be found in the header field. For 
    example, if you want to sort e-mail with the subject Sales, 
    enter “Sales.” If you enter more than one criteria, separate 
    each with a comma, for example—Sales, New York.
    Then get mail 
    and move to 
    pick listSelect the folder or mailbox into which you want your 
    filtered e-mail to go. You can also create a new folder for 
    storing the incoming e-mail. Tap Edit Folders, and then 
    create a new folder or delete or rename existing ones. 
    Tap the   icon and then 
    move the filter up or down 
    in the list 
    							Going beyond the basics
    The Filters dialog box appears with the filters you created.
    3.Tap the pick list in the upper-left corner, and select Connected or Synchronize.
    – Connected applies a filter to a modem transaction. 
    – Synchronize applies a filter to a HotSync operation.
    4.Tap the filter check boxes to select the filters you want to use for subsequent 
    e-mail transactions.
    IMPORTANTIf you deselect a filter listed under Connected, be sure that the filter 
    is deselected also under Synchronize. 
    5.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    Editing or deleting a filter
    You can edit a filter to change its name or the criteria in the filter. 
    To edit or delete a filter:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Options, and then select Filters.
    3.Tap the name of the filter.
    Filters with a check mark are 
    turned on 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    4.Do one of the following:
    – To edit the filter, revise your entry in the Name field and/or your selections 
    in the pick lists, and revise the text in the edit line. Tap OK.
    – To delete the filter, tap Delete, and then tap Yes to confirm deletion.
    5.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    Managing mail settings
    You can configure advanced mail settings such as server information, incoming 
    and outgoing mail server options, and more for each e-mail account. 
    To select the account whose settings you want to manage:
    1.In your Inbox or another folder screen, press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Options.
    3.Select Mail Servers.
    4.Tap the Account pick list, and then tap Edit Accounts.
    5.Tap the name of the account whose settings you want to manage, and then tap 
    Shows server settings for current 
    account. Tap the Account pick list 
    to edit the account
    All e-mail accounts 
    appear in the list 
    							Going beyond the basics
    To change the protocol type:
    1.In the Server Settings screen, tap the Protocol pick list, and then tap POP or 
    2.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    To change your username or password:
    1.In the Server Settings screen, enter a new username. 
    Your username is typically the first part of your e-mail address, which appears 
    before the @ symbol.
    2.Tap the Password box, and enter a new password in the Password Entry dialog 
    3.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.  
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    To set a default service for this account (different from the default service for your handheld):
    1.In the Server Settings screen, tap the Always Connect Using check box.
    2.Tap the connection type you want from the Services pick list.
    3.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    NOTESelect this option only if you want a given e-mail account to use a 
    different service from the default service you set for your handheld. For 
    example, you may have selected a default service that uses the built-in GPRS 
    radio on your handheld to make a network connection. However, for your 
    Earthlink account, you may want to switch to the Earthlink service, which uses 
    dial-up GSM to make a network connection. To do this, tap this check box, then 
    select Earthlink from the Services pick list. Leave this box deselected if you 
    want to use your default handheld service for this e-mail account. 
    See Chapter 21 for information on setting connection types and selecting a 
    default service for your handheld. See “Selecting a different service for a given 
    e-mail account” earlier in this chapter for details on using a different service for 
    a specific e-mail account.
    Tap to change the service 
    connection for this e-mail 
    account only from your default 
    handheld service connection
    Select a service connection for 
    this e-mail account only 
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