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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Product Regulatory and Safety Information
    Declaration of Conformity
                                                           Declaration of Conformity
     Application of Council Directive(s):                   89/336/EEC, 99/5/EC, 95/54/EC, EN60950
     Standards to which Conformity is Declared: 
                                                                              89/336/EEC EMC directive
                                                                              99/5/EC RTTE directive
                                                                              95/54/EC Vehicular directive
                                                                              EN60950 Safety directive
                                                                              ICNIRP SAR exposure directive 1998
                                                                              NAPRD 2.3.0 PTCRB compliance
                                                                              GCF   Field trial compliance
     Manufacturers Name:                                       Palm Inc.
    Manufacturers Location:                                    5470 Great America Pkwy
                                                                              Santa Clara, CA  95052
     Importers Name:                                              Palm Germany GmbH
     Importers Location:                                         Landsberger Strasse 155
                                                                             D-80687 Munchen
     Type of Equipment:                                          Handheld Computer
     Model Number:                                                Palm i710
     Year of Manufacture:                                        2002
     I, the undersigned hereby declare that the equipment specified above 
    conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s)
     Place:   Santa Clara, CA                       Signature: _____________________________
     Date: April 20, 2002                              Typed Name:   David Woo
                                                                   Title:   Global Compliance Manager 
    							Product Regulatory and Safety Information
    ABA (Address Book archive file) 29
    Access Point Name, changing 264
    Account. See E-mail account
    Add-on applications
    compatibility 6
    installing using a Mac 59
    installing using Windows 57
    removing 61
    Address Book
    *If Found Call* entry 65
    adding custom fields 70
    adding e-mail address from 196
    adding entry from e-mail 218–219
    archive files (.aba) 29
    business card for beaming 27
    categorizing records 45
    conduit for synchronizing 285
    creating records 41
    deleting records 43
    displaying category 70
    displaying data in the Address list 66
    finding records 18, 49
    fonts 55
    menus 69
    notes for records 54
    opening 63
    overview 63
    private records 367
    sorting records 53
    using to address e-mail 196
    Addressing e-mail
    displaying another address 170, 176, 
    182, 239
    message 196–198
    using Smart Addressing 197
    Addressing messages 144
    Advanced options 263
    Advanced preferences 215
    Agenda (Date Book view) 89Alarm
    LED setting 321
    lists 56
    preset 92
    setting in Clock 281
    setting in Date Book 83
    setting in Note Pad 134
    sound 92, 282, 321, 380
    vibrate setting 321
    APN, changing 264
    adding to an account 238, 241, 242
    and synchronization 222
    requirement 166, 238
    Application buttons 11, 33, 63, 79, 310
    Address Book 63
    beaming 26–28
    Calculator 71
    Card Info 75
    categories 35–36
    Clock 275
    Date Book 79
    Expense 93
    font style 55
    installing 57–60
    Launcher 33–37
    Memo Pad 101
    Note Pad 131
    opening 33
    plug-in 357
    preferences for 41
    removing 61
    security 359
    sending data from 151
    To Do List 155
    viewing as icons 36
    viewing as list 36
    See also Add-on applications 
    Archive files
    importing data from 29
    for main applications 29
    saving deleted records 44
    saving purged records 45
    Archive messages 148
    Attaching a signature to messages 171, 177, 
    Attachments 148
    downloading 218
    icon for 189
    selecting plug-ins 227
    sending 198
    using Documents To Go 226–227
    Automatic fill, in Expense 100
    Auto-off delay 320
    Autotext 19
    Back icon 256
    Backing up e-mail databases 246
    Backlight 11
    adjusting 15
    conserving power 320
    doesn’t charge 379
    gauge 33
    life and use 370
    recycling 370
    warning 396–397
    Bcc field 196
     See also Blind copies
    location of IR port 11
    problems with 391
    ring tunes 127
    See also Infrared
    Blind copies 170, 171, 176, 177, 182, 183, 196, 
    Bluetooth Card. See Palm Bluetooth Card
    Bold font for text 55
    adding 258
    deleting 260
    editing 259
    opening a web site 259
    overview 257Brightness
    adjusting 15
    key location 19
    using backlight 15
    Business card for beaming 27
    mapping 310
    preferences 310
    CA certificate
    description 266
    storing 271
    Cache memory
    clear 264
    enable or disable 263
    overview 263
    reload icon 256
    buttons explained 71–72
    memory 72
    overview 71
    recent calculations 71, 72
    Calibration 17, 318
    Call barring 340
    password 341
    Call history, dialing from 122
    Call waiting
    answering 112
    disabling 350
    setting 324
    Call Waiting, disabling 299, 350
    Calling card, using in phone settings 299, 
    Capitalizing, CAPS key location 20
    CAPS key
    function 20
    location 20
    Card Info 75
    Caring for the handheld 369
    Carrier. See Wireless carrier
    Categories 147
    application 35–36
    assigning records to 45–46
    beaming 26–28
    creating 47
    default 35, 45
    displaying 46, 70, 384 
    merging 48
    renaming 48
    using in Applications Launcher 35, 36
    Cc field 196
    download 271
    friendly name 273
    storing 271
    supported types 271
    view information about 257
    viewing 273
    WAP gateway server 257
    Certificate Authority
    description 266
    sending information 270
    Chain calculations 72
    Check boxes 25
    Clearing Calculator entries 71
    Combining categories 48
    Comma delimited files, importing data 
    from 29
    buttons 25
    toolbar 23
    Command bar in VersaMail 244
    Command stroke key 23, 41
    Compressing Day view 91
    for modem HotSync operations 300
    for synchronizing applications 386, 285–
    286, 372, 373
    for synchronizing applications, 
    Macintosh 286–287
    Conference call
    creating 113
    managing 114
    Conflicting events 90
    service templates 352
    to server or ISP 351
    GPRS 312
    GSM 315
    IR to PC 316
    selecting for network 349
    Connection Oriented mode 265
    Connection types
    changing in account 235
    GPRS, prerequisite for 165GPRS, using 165
    GSM, prerequisite for 165
    GSM, using 165
    modem sled, prerequisite for 165
    network connection 163
    Palm Bluetooth Card, prerequisite 
    for 165
    Palm Modem accessory, prerequisite 
    for 165
    synchronize-only connection 163
    Connectionless mode 265
    Continuous events
    deleting from Date Book 44
    scheduling 85
    Contrast control 15
    Contrast. See Brightness
    notes into other applications 131
    text 43
    connecting to computer 13
    for local HotSync operations 288, 295
    viewing data from 320
    Address Book entries 64–65
    categories 35–36, 47
    currency symbols 97
    custom fields in Address Book 70
    Date Book events 79
    Expense items 94
    expense reports 99
    messages 144
    notes for records 54
    records 41
    signature 150
    default 97
    defining 97
    for Expense items 96
    Current date 384
    Current time 33
    currencies and symbols 97
    fields in Address Book 70
    Cutting text 43
    Cycling through views 63, 79 
    Data compression 313
    Data entry. See Entering data
    Database, upgrading a MultiMail 
    database 162
    Databases, backing up 246
    displaying in Clock 282
    Expense item 95
    setting 317
    setting current 276, 384
    setting preference 317
    To Do List record due 158–159
    Date Book
    adding Address Book data to records 51
    Agenda view 89
    alarm 83
    archive files (.dba) 29
    changing event time 83
    changing event to untimed 83
    conduit for synchronizing 285
    conflicting events 90
    continuous events 85–86
    creating records 41, 80–83
    Day view 87
    deleting records 43
    display options 91
    end time for Day view 92
    fonts 55
    menus 90
    Month view 88
    notes for records 54
    opening 79
    overview 79
    private records 367
    purging records 44–45
    repeating events 44, 85–86
    scheduling events 79–81
    selecting dates 81
    start time for Day view 92
    Sunday or Monday to start week 319
    switching views 87
    untimed events 80, 82
    Week view 87, 319, 385
    Day (Date Book view) 80, 91
    Day, displaying in Clock 282
    DBA (Date Book archive file) 29
    Decimal point 319Default
    categories 35, 45
    currency in Expense 97
    Delete key 20
    Deleted data, saving in archive files 44
    applications 61
    Desktop software 61
    e-mail 211–213, 239
    filters 233
    mail in the trash 214
    old messages 212
    passwords 360
    records 43
    service templates 357
    text 43
    See also Purging records
    Desktop software
    displaying euro 99
    linking to external files 30, 304
    removing 61, 62
    saving deleted data to an archive file 44
    upgrade 6
    Dialing phone number 110
    Digitizer 17, 318
    Disconnecting a modem 178
    Divert calls 326
    DNS (Domain Naming System) 353
    DNS number 383
    Documents To Go
    converting attachments 226–227
    installing new version 162
    Double-booked events 90
    Download message size 169, 175, 182, 224
    messages from phone 146
    WAP page 255
    Downloading attachments 189
    Draft messages 149
    creating 194
    saving 198, 199
    memos into other applications 101
    using the stylus 18 
    Editing records 42
    accessing corporate e-mail 248
    adding Address Book entry from e-
    mail 218–219
    adding attachments 208–210
    addresses in Address Book 65
    addressing 196
    attaching files 187
    attachments 204–210
    backing up databases 246
    composing 198
    copying and pasting text 244
    creating new messages 195–198
    days to synchronize 224
    deleting messages on handheld 211–213
    deleting messages on server 239
    downloading large attachments 206–208
    drafts 199
    emptying trash 214–215
    filters for 230–231
    folder on server 239
    forwarding 201, 202
    forwarding attachments 210
    getting entire message 187
    getting on desktop 220–223
    getting subject only 187
    header details 245
    icons 189
    leaving mail on server 169, 175, 181, 238
    managing mail settings 234
    marking read and unread 215–217
    maximum message size 169, 175, 182, 
    personal signature 200, 218
    preferences 217–218
    reading 186
    replying to 202–203
    sending 198
    signature, adding 171, 177, 183
    storing in Outbox 198
    trash 214
    viewing attachments 204–206
    E-mail account
    APOP setting 238
    before setting up 165
    changing e-mail address 237changing mail server settings 238
    changing protocol type 235
    changing username and password 235
    checking for new messages 186, 187
    creating a synchronize-only 
    account 171–177
    creating new 166–170, 175
    default account preconfigured by 
    carrier 163–164
    default mail service 184–186, 236
    deleting accounts 183–184
    displaying Inbox 186
    editing 183
    editing accounts 178–240
    incoming and outgoing server 168, 174, 
    managing mail settings 234
    outgoing mail server 239
    password 167, 173, 180
    selecting for synchronization 221
    synchronization options 220–223
    synchronizing 220, 228
    username 167, 173, 180
    E-mail provider. See ISP, Network provider, 
    Wireless carrier
    Emergency call 6
    Entering data
    importing from other applications 29–32
    using the computer keyboard 29
    using the onscreen keyboard 21
    Entries. See Address Book
    Envelope icon 189
    Error log 221
    ESMTP 166, 240
    adding to an account 242
    Eudora, configuring for e-mail 226
    displaying on desktop computer 99
    in Expense 96, 97
    in onscreen keyboard 21
    printing 99
    Events. See Date Book
    Exclamation marks in To Do List 159
    Expansion Card
    adding hardware 13
    applications 34
    copying applications 37
    described 14
    formatting 76 
    renaming 76
    using cards 75
    adding Address Book data to records 52
    categorizing records 45
    creating records 94
    currency 96
    date of item 95
    defining new currency 97
    menus 100
    overview 93
    receipt details 95
    reports 99
    type 95, 100
    vendor 96
    Extended MAPI 222
    FAQs 383
    FCC Statement 395
    Filed messages 148
    converting attachments 226–227
    error log 221
    Files, linking to external 30, 304
    creating 230–232
    deleting 233
    editing 233
    examples of 233
    turning on and off 232–233
    Find key 20
    Find key location 20
    information in applications 48–52
    phone numbers 51
    using the Find application 50
    Fixed number dialing
    PIN2 345
    setting 342
    PIN2 setting 345
    setting 342
    creating new 194
    viewing other 190
    Fonts 55, 99
    Formats preferences 319Forwarding 201
    Forwarding e-mail 201
    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
    application problems 384
    beaming problems 391
    HotSync problems 386
    Mobile 384
    operating problems 379
    password problems 392
    recharging problems 391
    SMS 384
    software installation problems 378
    tapping and writing problems 380
    WAP browser 383
    wireless problems 381
    Frozen handheld 380
    Function key
    location 20
    using 22
    Games 321
    changing 262
    changing stack configuration 265
    changing to secure site 256
    description 262
    secure 256
    WAP gateway address 257
    General preferences 309
    alarm LED setting 321
    alarm sounds 321
    alarm vibrate setting 321
    auto-off delay 320
    system sounds 321
    Generate key pairs 267
    Getting e-mail
    checking for new messages 187
    Go menu, Push Inbox 261
    connection settings 313
    creating connections 312
    indicator 6
    prerequisite for connection 165
    quality of service settings 314
    setting compression 313
    using 165
    Green indicator light 12 
    creating connections 315
    new connection 315
    prerequisite for connection 165
    using 165
    Handheld, increasing space on 14
    Hard reset 371, 379
    Hardware add-ons 13
    Header compression 313
    Headset 106
    Help, online tips 26
    Hiding records 365
    conduits for synchronizing 
    applications 285–286, 372, 373
    conduits for synchronizing applications, 
    Mac 286
    customizing 286
    first-time operation 287–292, 305–307
    IR operation 292–295
    linking to external files 30, 304
    local operation 284, 288, 387
    local operation on Mac 291
    modem operation 284, 296–300, 388–389
    modem settings 297
    network operation 301–304
    operations using cradle 295, 311
    operations using IR port 292–294, 316–
    problems launching application 386
    problems with 386–390
    problems with IR 389
    restoring data 372–373
    setting options 283–284
    starting Manager 219
    synchronize active accounts 220
    synchronizing e-mail 228
    using with another PIM 62
    alarm 83
    application 36
    back 256
    note 54online Tips 26
    padlock 257
    reload 256, 264
    repeating event 85
    stop 255
    for e-mail messages 189
    HotSync Manager 219
    paperclip 189
    VersaMail e-mail 189
    Idle timeout of ISP or server connection 353
    adding an account 167, 172, 179
    ESMTP synchronization in 223
    mail retrieval options 229
    root mailbox 239
    server options 169, 175, 181
    synchronize an account 223
    wireless folder sychronization 247
    IMEI number 331
    Importing data 29–32
    IMSI number 331
    Inbox 147
    synchronizing 224
    viewing mail 186
    Incoming mail server 167, 168, 173, 174, 180
    changing 238
    Indicator light
    alarm notification 12
    described 12
    problems 380
    setting 321
    showing radio status 12
    connections 311
    HotSync operations 292–294, 316–317
    PC connection 316
    port 11, 292
    problems with IR HotSync 
    operations 389
    requirements for computer 292
    Initialization string 317
    applications 57–60
    conduit to install applications 285
    Documents To Go 162
    International characters
    keyboard 20
    typing 20 
    access problems 381
    password 348
    selecting connection 349
    username 347
    IP address 352, 354
    IR port.
    See also Beaming and Infrared
    IR. See Infrared
    IrCOMM 292, 311
    IrDA (Infrared Data Association) 292
    login script 166
    requirements for 165
    requiring APOP 238, 241, 242
    requiring ESMTP 242
    using 165
    Items. See To Do List or Expense
    Key pair
    changing password 268
    changing signature 268
    creating 266
    description 266
    time to generate 268
    computer 29
    description 19
    key clicking 322
    key repeat rate 322
    keyboard type 19
    onscreen 21
    press-and-hold 322
    remapping keys 323
    setting preferences 322
    Keyboard shortcuts in VersaMail 250
    LED alarm 321
    font style 55
    onscreen keyboard 21
    List, in Applications Launcher 36
    setting primary 276, 277
    setting secondary 278Locking the handheld with a password 358, 
    Logging informational errors 221
    Login script 166, 355–357
    Looking up Address Book data
    to add to other records 51
    scrolling in Address list 49
    handheld, contact for 65
    records 384
    Lotus Notes, selecting as mail client 222
    Lotus Organizer, importing data from 29
    Mac computer, system requirements 4
    Mail server settings, changing 238
    Mail service, default service for e-mail 
    account 184–186, 236
    Mail settings
    changing e-mail address 237
    changing mail server settings 238
    changing protocol type 235
    changing username and password 235
    managing 234
    Mailbox, adding new 166
    Maintenance information 369
    Marking messages unread/read 215
    Maximum message size
    for HotSync operation 224
    incoming e-mail 169, 175, 182
    POP and IMAP server 238
    Medical emergency call 6
    Memo Pad
    adding Address Book data to records 51
    archive files (.mpa) 29
    conduit for synchronizing 285
    creating records 41
    deleting records 43, 86
    dragging memos into other 
    applications 101
    fonts 55
    menus 73, 102
    opening 101
    private records 367
    reviewing memos 102
    sorting records 53, 385 
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