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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Conducting HotSync operations using an attached modem
    3.Adjust the following options as needed. 
    4.Click OK.
    To prepare a Mac computer for a modem HotSync operation:
    1.Confirm that the computer modem is connected and turned on, and that no 
    communications applications, such as fax or telephony software, or AppleTalk 
    networking are running on that serial port.
    NOTEMake sure your computer is disconnected from all online services, such 
    as CompuServe and America Online (AOL). This helps to avoid conflicts with 
    the serial port. In addition, your computer must be on, and it should not be in 
    sleep mode when receiving a call from a remote handheld.
    2.Double-click the HotSync Manager icon in the Palm folder.
    3.Click the HotSync Controls tab and enable the Transport Monitor, if it is not 
    already enabled. 
    4.Click the Connection Settings tab.
    Serial PortIdentifies the port for the modem. If you are unsure of the port 
    assignment, look at the Modem Properties in the Windows 
    Control Panel.
    SpeedDetermines the speed at which data is transferred. Try the As 
    Fast As Possible rate first, and adjust downward if you 
    experience problems. This setting allows Palm Desktop 
    software and your handheld to find and use the fastest speed.
    ModemIdentifies the modem type or manufacturer. Refer to your 
    modem manual or faceplate for its type or settings. If you’re not 
    sure of your modem type or your modem doesn’t match any 
    that appear in the list, select Hayes Basic.
    Setup StringIdentifies the setup string for your particular modem. Not all 
    modems require a setup string. Refer to your modem manual 
    and enter the setup string if recommended by the manufacturer. 
    							Chapter 20 Performing HotSync® Operations
    5.Select the On check box of the modem connection you’re using, and then click 
    6.In the Settings dialog box, select Modem as the connection type, if it is not 
    already selected. This step is not necessary for internal modems.
    7.Adjust the following options as needed. 
    8.Click OK.
    9.Close the HotSync Software Setup window.
    Preparing your handheld for a modem HotSync operation
    There are a few steps you must perform to prepare your handheld for a modem 
    HotSync operation. 
    To prepare your handheld for a modem HotSync operation:
    1.Press Home  . 
    2.Tap the HotSync icon  . 
    3.Ta p  M o d e m .
    ModemIdentifies the type of modem connected to your computer. If 
    your modem does not appear on the list, use the Hayes Basic 
    setting, or select Custom to enter a command string. Refer to 
    the manual that came with your modem to find the 
    appropriate command string.
    SpeakerActivates the modem’s speaker. If you are having trouble 
    connecting, turn on this option to make sure that the modem 
    connected to your computer is responding to incoming calls. 
    							Conducting HotSync operations using an attached modem
    4.Tap the pick list below the icon and select a modem configuration.
    5.If you need to create a configuration, press Command Stroke   + S.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Connection Setup 
    on the Options menu. 
    See“Connection preferences” in Chapter 21 for more information.
    6.Tap the Enter phone # field.
    If you plan to connect to your company’s dial-in server (network modem) 
    instead of connecting to a computer modem, see “Using File Link” later in this 
    7.Enter the telephone number to access the modem connected to your computer.
    8.If necessary, enter a dial prefix (such as “9”) to access an outside line, and then 
    tap the Dial Prefix check box to select it.
    TIPYou can enter a comma in the field to introduce a “pause” in the dialing 
    sequence. Each comma equals a two-second pause.
    9.If the phone line you’re using for the handheld has call waiting, select the 
    Disable call waiting check box to avoid an interruption during the modem 
    HotSync operation. 
    10 .If you want to use a calling card to place the call, select the check box and enter 
    the calling card number. 
    11 .Ta p  O K .
    Select a modem 
    Ta p  h e r e   
    							Chapter 20 Performing HotSync® Operations
    Selecting the conduits for a modem HotSync operation
    The Conduit Setup dialog box on your handheld enables you to define which files 
    and/or applications synchronize during a modem HotSync operation. You can use 
    these settings to minimize the time required to synchronize data with a modem. 
    To change the Conduit Setup for a modem HotSync operation:
    1.Press Home  . 
    2.Tap the HotSync icon  . 
    3.Press Command Stroke   + D.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Conduit Setup on 
    the Options Menu.
    4.Tap the check boxes to deselect the files and applications that you do not want 
    to synchronize during a modem HotSync operation. The default setting is to 
    synchronize all files. 
    Applications that do not have a database (such as games) do not synchronize, 
    even if you select the item in the Conduit Setup dialog box. 
    5.Ta p  O K .
    Performing a HotSync operation using an attached modem
    After you prepare your computer and your handheld and select your Conduit 
    Setup options, you are ready to perform a modem HotSync operation.
    To perform a modem HotSync operation:
    1.Press Home  . 
    2.Tap the HotSync icon  . 
    3.Tap the Modem icon   to dial the Palm Desktop modem and synchronize the 
    4.Wait for the HotSync operation to complete. If you have any problems 
    conducting a successful HotSync operation, see“HotSync problems” in 
    Appendix B. 
    							Conducting network HotSync operations
    Conducting network HotSync operations
    When you use the network HotSync technology, you can take advantage of the 
    LAN and WAN connectivity available in many office environments. Network 
    HotSync technology enables you to perform a HotSync operation by using 
    Bluetooth technology or an 802.11 accessory to make a wireless connection to a 
    network, by dialing in to a network, or by using a cradle/cable that is connected to 
    any computer on your LAN or WAN (provided that the computer connected to the 
    cradle/cable also has the network HotSync technology installed, your computer is 
    on, and the HotSync Manager is running).
    NOTENetwork HotSync technology is available only on Windows computers and 
    when dialing into the corporate network. Network HotSync is not available if the 
    desktop computer is located behind a firewall.
    Connecting to your company’s dial-in server
    A network HotSync operation requires the following (consult your system 
    administrator for assistance):
    nYour computer has TCP/IP support installed.
    nBoth your company’s network system and its remote access server support 
    nYou have a remote access account. 
    Everything you need for connecting to your company’s dial-in server (network 
    modem) is included with Palm Desktop software and handheld software. You 
    need to activate the feature, however, on both Palm Desktop software and your 
    To prepare your computer for a network HotSync operation:
    1.Click the HotSync Manager icon   in the Windows system tray.
    2.From the HotSync Manager menu, select Network.
    3.From the HotSync Manager menu, select Setup. 
    							Chapter 20 Performing HotSync® Operations
    4.Click the Network tab and make sure your user name has a checkmark next to 
    it. If the checkmark is not there, click the check box next to your user name.
    5.Click OK.
    6.Put your handheld in the cradle/cable, and perform a HotSync operation.
    The HotSync operation records network information about your computer on 
    your handheld. With this information, your handheld can locate your computer 
    when you perform a HotSync operation over the network.
    To prepare your handheld for a network HotSync operation:
    1.Press Home  . 
    2.Select the HotSync icon  . 
    3.Press Command Stroke   + O.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Modem Sync 
    Prefs on the Options Menu.
    4.Tap Network.
    5.Ta p  O K . 
    							Conducting network HotSync operations
    6.Tap Select Service.
    NOTESee“Network preferences” in Chapter 21 for information on creating a 
    network connection. 
    7.Tap Service and select a service.
    8.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    9.Press Command Stroke   + D.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Conduit Setup on 
    the Options Menu.
    For instructions on selecting conduits, see “Selecting the conduits for a modem 
    HotSync operation” earlier in this chapter.
    Ta p  h e r e  
    Ta p  h e r e   
    							Chapter 20 Performing HotSync® Operations
    Performing a network HotSync operation
    After you prepare your computer and your handheld and select your Conduit 
    Setup options, you are ready to perform a network HotSync operation.
    To perform a network HotSync operation:
    nTap the modem HotSync icon to begin the operation.
    Using File Link
    The File Link feature enables you to import Address Book and Memo Pad 
    information onto your handheld from a separate external file such as a company 
    phone list. HotSync Manager stores the data in a separate category on your Palm 
    Desktop software and on your handheld. You can configure the File Link feature 
    to check for changes to the external file when you perform a HotSync operation. 
    With File Link you can import data stored in any of the following formats:
    nComma-separated (*.csv)
    nMemo Pad archive (*.mpa)
    nAddress Book archive (*.aba)
    nText (*.txt)
    For information on how to set up a file link, see the Palm Desktop online Help.
    NOTEThe File Link feature is not available in Palm Desktop software for Mac. 
    							Creating a user profile
    Creating a user profile
    A user profile enables you to install the same set of data onto multiple Palm OS 
    handhelds before each handheld is individualized with a specific user name and 
    data file.
    A handheld that is preconfigured with a user profile can be given to anyone 
    because the handheld is not yet identified by a unique user name. The handheld 
    acquires a unique user name when the new user performs his or her first local 
    HotSync operation.
    For example, suppose a sales organization wants to distribute two dozen 
    handhelds that each have a common company phone list, a set of memos, and 
    several key applications. A user profile can be created to install the common data 
    before the handhelds are distributed to the employees who will use them. Then 
    when the employees perform their first HotSync operation, the common data 
    becomes part of their individual data file.
    NOTEThe handhelds that are synchronized with a user profile must be either new 
    ones that have never been synchronized or handhelds that have had their user names 
    and data removed by a hard reset.
    To create a user profile on a Windows computer:
    1.Open Palm Desktop software.
    2.From the Tools menu, select Users.
    3.Click Profiles. 
    4.Click New.
    5.Enter a unique name for the profile and click OK. 
    6.Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each profile that you want to create, and then click 
    OK to return to Palm Desktop software.  
    							Chapter 20 Performing HotSync® Operations
    7.Select the profile from the User list, and create the data for the profile (for 
    example, a company phone list).
    To create a user profile on a Mac computer:
    1.Open Palm Desktop software.
    2.From the User pop-up menu, select Edit Users.
    3.Click New Profile.
    4.Enter a unique name for the profile and click OK.
    5.Close the Users window.
    6.From the User pop-up menu, select the new profile.
    7.Create the data for the profile (such as a company phone list).
    8.From the HotSync menu, select Conduit Settings.
    9.Select the conduit settings for the profile. See “Customizing HotSync 
    application settings” earlier in this chapter for details.
    Performing the first HotSync operation with a user profile
    After you create a user profile, you are ready to transfer the information to the new 
    handheld during the first HotSync operation.
    To use a profile for the first-time HotSync operation on a Windows computer:
    1.Place the new handheld in the cradle/cable.
    2.Press the HotSync button   on the cradle/cable.
    3.Click Profiles. 
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