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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							HotSync problems
    I tried to perform a local 
    HotSync operation, but it did 
    not complete successfully.nMake sure your handheld is seated in the cradle correctly.
    nCheck the connection between the HotSync cradle and the 
    USB or serial port on your computer.
    nMake sure the username you selected in Palm Desktop 
    software matches the username assigned to your handheld.
    nMake sure the date on your computer matches the date on 
    your handheld. 
    nRead the HotSync Log for the user account for which you 
    are performing a HotSync operation.
    On a Windows computer, try each step in turn:
    nMake sure HotSync Manager is running. If it is running, 
    close it, and restart it. 
    nMake sure you selected Local USB or Local Serial, as 
    appropriate, from the HotSync Manager menu.
    nIf you are using the serial cradle, make sure you selected the 
    correct serial port on the Local tab in the Setup dialog box. 
    It should be set to the port where you connected the 
    HotSync cradle.
    nIf you are using the serial cradle, try a lower baud rate 
    setting on the Local tab in the Setup dialog box.
    nIf you are using the serial cradle, make sure you aren’t 
    running a program, such as America Online, that uses the 
    serial port you selected in the Setup dialog box.
    On a Mac computer, try the following:
    nMake sure that HotSync Manager is enabled on the HotSync 
    Controls tab in the HotSync Software Setup window. 
    							Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions
    I tried to perform a modem 
    HotSync operation, but it did 
    not complete successfully.Check the following on your computer:
    nMake sure your computer is turned on and that it does not 
    shut down automatically as part of an energy-saving 
    nMake sure the modem connected to your computer is 
    turned on and is connected to the outgoing phone line. 
    nMake sure the modem you are using with your handheld 
    has an on-off switch. Your handheld cannot “wake up” a 
    modem that has an auto-off feature.
    nMake sure the modem is connected properly to your 
    computer and is connected to the incoming phone line.
    On a Windows computer, check the following:
    nMake sure that Modem is checked in the HotSync Manager 
    nConfirm that the Setup String in the Setup dialog box 
    configures your modem correctly. You may need to select a 
    different Modem Type or enter a custom Setup String. Most 
    modems have a Setup String that causes them to send initial 
    connection sounds to a speaker. You can use these sounds to 
    check the modem connection.
    nConfirm that the Speed setting in the Setup dialog box 
    works for your modem. If you have problems using the As 
    Fast As Possible option or a specific speed, try using a 
    slower speed.
    nMake sure you are not running another program, such as 
    WinFax, CompuServe, or America Online, that uses the 
    serial port you selected in the Setup dialog box.
    nMake sure your modem resets before you try again. (Turn 
    off your modem, wait a minute, and then turn it back on.)
    On a Mac computer, check the following:
    nMake sure that Modem is selected on the Connection 
    Settings tab in the HotSync Software Setup window.
    nYou may need to select a different Modem type or enter a 
    Custom setup string on the Connection Settings tab. Most 
    modems have a setup string that causes them to send initial 
    connection sounds to a speaker. You can turn on the Modem 
    Speaker option and use these sounds to check the modem 
    							HotSync problems
    I tried to perform a modem 
    HotSync operation, but it did 
    not complete successfully. 
    (continued)nMake sure you are not running another program, such as 
    America Online, fax or telephony software, or AppleTalk 
    networking, that uses the serial port you selected in the 
    Serial Port Settings tab.
    nMake sure your modem resets before you try again. (Turn 
    off your modem, wait a minute, and then turn it back on.)
    Check the following on your handheld:
    nConfirm that the telephone cable is securely attached to 
    your modem.
    nMake sure the dialing instruction dials the correct phone 
    nIf you need to dial an outside line prefix, make sure you 
    selected the Dial Prefix option on your handheld and 
    entered the correct code.
    nIf the telephone line you are using has Call Waiting, make 
    sure you selected the Disable call waiting option under 
    Modem Sync Phone Setup on your handheld and entered 
    the correct code.
    nMake sure the telephone line you are using is not noisy, 
    which can interrupt communications.
    nCheck the batteries in your modem and replace them if 
    I can’t perform an IR HotSync 
    nOn a Windows computer, be sure the HotSync Manager is 
    running and the Serial Port for local operations is set to the 
    simulated port for infrared communication. 
    See“Conducting IR HotSync operations” in Chapter 20 for 
    nOn a Mac, open the HotSync Software Setup window and be 
    sure that HotSync Manager is enabled and that the IR Port 
    Connection Setting is set to On. See“Conducting IR 
    HotSync operations” in Chapter 20 for more information.
    nOn your handheld, be sure the HotSync application is set to 
    Local, with the option IR to PC/Handheld.
    nBe sure the IR port of your handheld is aligned directly 
    opposite to, and within a few inches of, the infrared device 
    of your computer.
    nIR HotSync operations do not work after you receive a low 
    battery warning. Check the battery power of your 
    handheld. Recharge the internal battery. 
    							Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions
    When I press the HotSync 
    button on the cradle, nothing 
    happens on Palm Desktop 
    software and my handheld 
    times out.nMake a copy of your Palm folder. Uninstall, and then 
    reinstall, Palm Desktop software.
    nTurn on your handheld and press the Home  . Tap the 
    HotSync icon, and then tap Local.
    When I perform a HotSync 
    operation, my information does 
    not transfer to Palm Desktop 
    nIf you perform a HotSync operation for more than one 
    device, make sure the correct user is active on the Palm 
    Desktop software.
    nIf you have performed a HotSync operation successfully but 
    you cannot find the data from your handheld on Palm 
    Desktop software, check to see that you have the correct 
    user name selected for viewing data.
    nOn a Windows computer, click the HotSync Manager and 
    choose Custom. Check that all conduits are set to 
    synchronize files.
    nOn a Mac computer, double-click the HotSync Manager 
    icon. From the HotSync menu, choose Conduit Settings. 
    Select your username from the User pop-up menu, and 
    check that the correct conduit is active. 
    My handheld displays the 
    message “Waiting for sender” 
    when it’s near my computer ’s 
    infrared port.
    nYour computer ’s infrared port may be set to search 
    automatically for the presence of other infrared devices. 
    Consult the documentation for your operating system for 
    information about turning off this option.
    nIn some cases, simply moving your handheld away from the 
    computer ’s infrared port solves the problem.
    I want to synchronize my 
    computer with more than one 
    nIf the computer running Palm Desktop software 
    synchronizes with more than one handheld, each handheld 
    must have a unique name. Assign a username to your 
    handheld the first time you perform a HotSync operation.
    nPlease be aware that synchronizing more than one handheld 
    with the same username causes unpredictable results and, 
    potentially, loss of your personal information. 
    							Beaming problems
    Beaming problems
    Recharging problems
    Problem Solution
    I cannot beam data to another 
    device with an IR port.nIf you are beaming to another Palm handheld, confirm that 
    your handheld and the other handheld are between ten 
    centimeters (approximately 4) and one meter 
    (approximately 39) apart, and that the path between the 
    two handhelds is clear of obstacles. Beaming distance to 
    other devices with an IR port may be different.
    nMove your handheld closer to the receiving device.
    When someone beams data to 
    my handheld, I get a message 
    telling me it is out of memory.
    nYour handheld requires at least twice the amount of 
    memory available as the data you are receiving. For 
    example, if you are receiving a 30KB application, you must 
    have at least 60KB free.
    nPerform a soft reset. See“Performing a soft reset” in 
    Appendix A for more information.
    Problem Solution
    When I place my handheld in 
    the cradle, the indicator light 
    does not go on.nConfirm that your handheld is well seated in the cradle.
    nConfirm that your recharger cable is properly connected to 
    the back of the cradle’s USB or serial port connector that 
    plugs into your computer.
    nConfirm that your recharger is plugged into an AC outlet 
    that has power.
    nIf you have not used your handheld for a long period, such 
    as an extended vacation, the battery may not contain 
    enough charge to power the indicator light. After your 
    handheld has recharged, the indicator light will function 
    							Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions
    Password problems
    Technical support
    If, after reviewing the sources listed at the beginning of this appendix, you cannot 
    solve your problem, contact your regional technical support office by e-mail, 
    phone, or fax. 
    Before requesting support, please experiment a bit to reproduce and isolate the 
    problem. When you do contact support, please be ready to provide the following 
    nThe name and version of the operating system you are using
    nThe actual error message or state you are experiencing
    nThe steps you take to reproduce the problem
    nThe version of handheld software you are using and available memory
    nThe wireless service provider ’s name
    nThe software version of your mobile radio
    Problem Solution
    I forgot the password, and my 
    handheld is not locked.First, use the password hint to try and remember the password. 
    If this does not help, or if you do not have a password hint, you 
    can use Security to delete the password, but your handheld 
    deletes all entries marked as private. However, if you perform 
    a HotSync operation before you delete the password, the 
    HotSync process backs up all entries, whether or not they are 
    marked private. Then you can follow these steps to restore 
    your private entries:
    nUse the Palm Desktop software and the cradle or infrared 
    communication to synchronize your data.
    nTap Forgotten Password in Security to remove the 
    password and delete all private records.
    nPerform a HotSync operation to synchronize your data and 
    restore the private records by transferring them from your 
    computer to your handheld.
    I forgot the password and my 
    handheld is locked.First, use the password hint to try and remember the password. 
    If this does not help, or if you do not have a password hint, you 
    must perform a hard reset to continue using your handheld. 
    See“Performing a hard reset” in Appendix A for more 
    							Technical support
    To find your handheld version and memory information:
    1.Press the Home  .
    2.Press Command Stroke   + L.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Info on the App 
    NOTEThousands of third-party add-on applications have been written for 
    Palm OS handhelds. Unfortunately, we are not able to support such a large 
    number of third-party applications. 
    If you are having a problem with a third-
    party application, please contact the developer or publisher of that software.
    3.Tap Version to see version numbers, and tap Size to see the amount of free 
    memory in kilobytes.
    To find your wireless service provider’s name and mobile radio software version:
    1.Press the Home  . 
    2.Tap the Preferences icon  . 
    3.Tap the pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen.
    4.Select Mobile.
    5.Select Current status.
    6.Scroll down to SV number to view the software version of your mobile radio. 
    							Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions
    Product Regulatory and Safety Information
    FCC Statement
    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two 
    conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
    interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, 
    pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against 
    harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio 
    frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful 
    interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a 
    particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, 
    which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the 
    interference by one or more of the following measures:
    nReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
    nIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    nConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
    nConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
    The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional 
    peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
    Changes or modifications not covered in this manual must be approved in writing by the 
    manufacturer’s Regulatory Engineering Department. Changes or modifications made without written 
    approval may void the user ’s authority to operate this equipment.
    In August 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action 
    in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio 
    frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are 
    consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. 
    The design of this product complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards.
    Exposure To Radio Frequency Energy (SAR)
    In order to comply with FCC RF exposure safety guidelines, users MUST use a Palm brand body-
    worn accessory during body-worn operation. Use of accessories not provided by Palm or that have 
    not been tested for RF exposure compliance with this product may not comply with the FCC RF 
    exposure safety guidelines and should not be used.  
    							Product Regulatory and Safety Information
    Industry Canada
    The term IC: before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada 
    technical specifications were met.
    Battery Warning
    Do not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. The batteries can burst or explode, releasing 
    hazardous chemicals.
    Va r n i n g 
    Eksplosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som 
    rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.
    Lithiumbatteri—Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af 
    samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage tilleverandøren.
    Va r o i t u s 
    Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan valmistajan 
    suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.
    Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type 
    anbefait av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.
    Bij dit produkt zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien maar 
    inleveren als KCA.
    Palm™ Tungsten™ W  Product Family
    Tested to Comply 
    With FCC Standards
    FOR HOME OR OFFICE USEResponsible Party:
    Palm, Inc. 
    400  N. McCarthy Blvd.
    Milpitas, California 95052
    United States of America
    (408) 878-9000 
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