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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    							Managing ring tunes
    NOTEYou can receive Nokia ring tunes, but you cannot send them to another 
    To delete a ring tone:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + B.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Beam Tune from 
    the Mobile list.
    2.Tap a ring tune.
    3.Tap Delete Tune.
    4.Tap Delete.
    To beam a ring tune:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + B.
    Press Function   + Menu  , and then select Beam Tune from the Mobile 
    2.Tap a ring tune.
    3.Tap Beam.
    Tap to select ring tune
    Tap Delete Tune
    Ta p  B e a m
    Tap to select ring tune 
    							Chapter 11 Using Palm™ Mobile
    Using Palm Mobile menus
    The Palm Mobile menus are shown here for your reference, and menu features that 
    are not explained elsewhere in this book are described here.
    See“Using menus” in Chapter 4 for information about choosing menu commands.
    Mobile menu
    Options menu
    Mobile On 
    Mobile OffTurns the mobile radio on or off.
    Call SettingsOpens the Call Settings preferences screen where you can do 
    the following:
    nSet call waiting. See“Enabling call waiting” in Chapter 21.
    nConceal your number. See“Concealing your number” in 
    Chapter 21.
    nDivert your calls. See“Diverting your calls” in Chapter 21.
    Call TimerOpens the Call Timer preferences screen where you can 
    track your phone time. See“Tracking your phone time” in 
    Chapter 21.
    Current StatusOpens the Current Status preferences screen where you can 
    check the status of your connection. See“Checking your 
    current status” in Chapter 21.
    GPRS MeterOpens the GPRS preferences screen where you can check the 
    status of your connection. See“Checking your GPRS network 
    usage” in Chapter 21. 
    							Using Palm Mobile menus
    NetworkOpens the Network preferences screen where you can do the 
    nCustomize your list of network carriers. See“Setting your 
    network selection search mode” in Chapter 21.
    nView and customize your preferred network list. 
    See“Viewing and editing your preferred networks list” in 
    Chapter 21.
    SecurityOpens the Security preferences screen where you can do the 
    nLock your mobile radio until a valid PIN code is entered. 
    See“Setting PIN for mobile power on” in Chapter 21.
    nBar or block different classes of incoming and outgoing calls. 
    See“Setting call barring” in Chapter 21.
    nSet Fixed Number Dialing (FND) so that only pre-
    programmed phone numbers in the FND phone book can be 
    dialed. See“Setting Fixed Number Dialing (FND)” in 
    Chapter 21.
    About MobileShows version information for Palm Mobile. 
    							Chapter 11 Using Palm™ Mobile
    CHAPTER 12
    Using Note Pad
    Note Pad provides a place to take notes in your own handwriting. You can 
    use Note Pad to do everything you might do with a piece of paper and a 
    pencil. Use Note Pad to do the following:
    nTake notes, draw a sketch, or write any kind of message directly on your 
    handheld screen. Later, you can enter this information into other applications. 
    nSet an alarm to use your notes as reminder messages. 
    nAssign notes to categories so that you can organize and view them in logical 
    nExchange notes with other devices that have Note Pad 2.0 installed and that use 
    nUse Palm™ Desktop software and HotSync® technology to copy and paste 
    notes into popular computer applications like Microsoft Word, or to send notes 
    as e-mail attachments. 
    To open Note Pad: 
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Select the Note Pad icon  .  
    							Chapter 12 Using Note Pad
    Creating a note
    A record in Note Pad is called a note. You can assign notes to categories and mark 
    them private as described in Chapter 4. This section covers how to create a note.
    To create a new note:
    1.Ta p  N e w.
    2.Write the information directly on the handheld screen.
    Tap the pen selector to select a different pen width, or select the eraser to 
    remove unwanted strokes.
    3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    To clear the screen:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  . 
    2.Select Edit, and then select Clear Note.
    Reviewing notes
    The note title and the date you created the note appear in the Note Pad list. If you 
    did not assign a title to your note, the time you created the note appears as the note 
    title. This makes it easy to locate and review your notes. 
    Pen selector
    Wr ite 
    Enter title here
    							Changing Note Pad color settings
    To review a note:
    1.In the Note Pad list, select the note title.
    TIPYou can also select, review, and move between notes with the navigator. 
    See“Using the navigator” in Chapter 3 for details.
    2.Review or edit the contents of the note. 
    3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    Changing Note Pad color settings
    By default, your notes appear with a white “paper” background, and the ink from 
    the pen is blue. You can change the color of both the paper and the ink from the 
    pen. Your color selections apply to all your notes. You cannot change the color 
    settings for individual notes.
    To set the colors:
    1.In the Note Pad list, press Command Stroke   + R.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Preferences on the 
    Options menu.
    2.Ta p  C o l o r.
    3.Tap Pen, and then tap the color of ink you want to use.
    4.Tap Paper, and then tap the color of paper you want to use.
    5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    Tap arrows to scroll to 
    next and previous notes
    Select a 
    note to view  
    							Chapter 12 Using Note Pad
    Setting an alarm for a note
    You can set an alarm for a specific time and date to remind you to follow up on 
    To set an alarm for a note:
    1.Tap the note to which you want to assign an alarm.
    2.Press Command Stroke   + A.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Alarm on the 
    Options menu.
    3.Tap the Date box.
    4.Tap the year, month, and date you want the alarm to sound.
    After you tap the date, the Set Alarm dialog box reappears.
    5.Tap the Time box.
    6.Tap the hour and minute columns to select the time you want the alarm to occur.
    7.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    8.When the alarm goes off and the reminder message appears onscreen, do one of 
    the following:
    – Press Function   + Enter 
    , or tap OK to permanently dismiss the 
    reminder and return to the current screen.
    – Tap Snooze to dismiss the reminder and return to the current screen. An 
    attention indicator blinks in the upper-left corner of the screen to remind 
    Tap here to select monthTap here to select year
    Tap here to select date
    Tap here to 
    select minutes
    Tap here to 
    select hour 
    							Using Note Pad menus
    you of the pending alarm, and the reminder message appears again in 
    five minutes. When the reminder message reappears, the current time 
    appears in the Reminder bar and the note title appears on the screen. 
    – If you did not title the note, the time the note was created appears on the 
    – Tap Go To to open Note Pad. Note Pad will open and display the note 
    associated with the alarm.
    Using Note Pad menus
    Note Pad menus are shown here for your reference, and Note Pad features that are 
    not explained elsewhere in this book are described here.
    The Record menu is the same when you’re viewing the Note Pad list and an 
    individual note. The Options menu differs depending on whether you’re viewing 
    the Note Pad list or an individual note.
    Record menu
    Send CategoryOpens a dialog box where you can choose how you want to 
    send all records in the selected category to another device. The 
    options available depend on the software installed on your 
    Send NoteOpens a dialog box where you can choose how you want to 
    send the selected note to another device. The options available 
    depend on the software installed on your handheld.
    CompatibilityDisplays the Compatibility dialog box, where you can choose to 
    beam notes to a previous version of Note Pad.  
    							Chapter 12 Using Note Pad
    Options menus
    Preferences Displays the Note Pad Preferences dialog box, where you 
    define the pen and paper color, the sort order for notes, and the 
    alarm sound. 
    DetailsDisplays the Note Details dialog box, where you assign a 
    category and privacy option for a note.
    About Note PadShows version information for Note Pad.
    Note Pad list Note screen 
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