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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Using the security features
    To create a password key pair:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + G.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Generate Keys on 
    the Options menu.
    2.Ta p  C o n t i n u e .
    3.Tap Password key pair.
    4.Enter your password twice and tap OK.
    Tap Generate Keys
    Tap Continue
    Tap Password key pair 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    If you have already created a password key pair, enter the password you have 
    already created. You can use any characters to set the password or signature–
    for example, small and capital letters, numbers, or symbols. 
    A Generating Key Pair dialog box appears, informing you that it may take an 
    hour to generate the key pair. When the key pair has been generated, a 
    confirmation dialog box appears.
    5.Ta p  O K .
    NOTEGenerating a password key pair and generating a signature key pair are 
    similar. To generate a signature key pair, follow the steps for creating a password key 
    pair, and select Signature key pair in step 4.
    Changing your password or signature
    Maintaining a secure password and signature is critical for the security of your 
    transactions. You can change your password or signature regularly to maintain 
    Enter password twice
    Ta p  O K 
    							Using the security features
    To change your password:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + P.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Change Password 
    on the Options menu.
    2.Tap Personal password.
    3.Enter your current password, and then tap OK.
    4.Enter the new password, and then tap OK.
    You can use any characters to set the password or signature–for example, small 
    and capital letters, numbers, or symbols. 
    Tap Change Password
    Tap Personal password
    Ta p  O KEnter your current 
    Enter your new 
    Ta p  O K 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    5.Verify the new password by entering the password again, and then tap OK.
    6.In the Information dialog box, tap OK.
    NOTEChanging a password and changing a signature are similar. To change your 
    signature, follow the steps for changing your password, and select Authentification 
    signature in step 3.
    Viewing the public key and the signed key
    Once you create a keyed pair, you can view the public key and signed the key by 
    opening the View Public Key dialog box from the Options menu. This information 
    is useful if you need to send a copy of the public key to your CA. The displayed 
    keys are Base64 coded.
    To view your public key and signed key:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + K.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select View Public Key 
    on the Options menu.
    2.Tap Password key pair. 
    Enter your new 
    Ta p  O K
    Tap View Public Key
    Tap Password key pair to 
    view Password public key 
    							Using the security features
    3.If you have several key pairs, a list of certificates is displayed and you can tap 
    the appropriate certificate.
    4.Tap View Signed Key to view the signed public key.
    5.Ta p  O K .
    NOTEViewing a password and changing a signature key pair are similar. To view 
    your signature public key, follow the steps for viewing your password public key, and 
    select Signature key pair in step 2.
    Storing certificates
    Palm WAP Browser supports both CA or root certificates and user/server 
    certificates. Certificates are stored securely in the WIM, where you can view or 
    delete them.
    You can download a certificate from a WAP page by tapping the link to the 
    certificate. Once the CA has approved your request for a certificate, the certificate 
    is available for downloading. 
    Tap certificate
    Tap View Signed Key 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    To store a certificate:
    1.Tap the certificate download link.
    The certificate download link varies depending on the WAP site.
    2.Ta p  S a v e .
    3.Enter your password and tap OK.
    Your password is the same password that was set when you generated your 
    Password key pair.
    4.If you are storing a user certificate, you can enter a friendly name and tap OK. 
    Tap link
    Ta p  S a v e
    Enter your 
    Ta p  O K 
    							Using the security features
    The name is used for the certificate list when you are viewing your certificates. 
    Make the name clear so that you can recognize the certificate. The friendly name 
    is optional.
    5.Ta p  O K .
    Viewing certificates
    You can view your stored certificates by opening the Certificates dialog box from 
    the Options menu. 
    To view your stored certificates:
    1.Press Command Stroke   + C.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Certificates on the 
    Options menu.
    2.Tap the certificate name.
    You can delete the certificate by tapping Delete.
    Enter an easily recognizable 
    name for user certificate
    Ta p  O K
    Tap Certificates
    Tap on a 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    Using Palm WAP Browser menus
    Palm WAP Browser menus are shown here for your reference, and the Palm WAP 
    Browser features that is not explained elsewhere in this book is described here.
    See“Using menus” in Chapter 4 for information about choosing menu commands.
    Go menu
    Options menu
    About WAP 
    BrowserShows version information for Palm WAP Browser. 
    CHAPTER 19
    Using World Clock
    World Clock enables you to view the current time and date in multiple 
    locations and to set an alarm. Use World Clock to do the following:
    nView the current time and date in three locations.
    nOpen a preferences screen where you can set the time and date for all the 
    applications on your handheld.
    nSet an alarm.
    nSet Daylight Saving options.
    To open World Clock and view the time:
    1.Press Home  .
    2.Select the World Clock icon  .
    TIPSelect on the navigator, and then tap Go to Clock.
    Setting the primary location
    You can use World Clock to select the Location and Date & Time for the primary 
    location. Keep in mind that the primary Location settings are system date and time 
    and that these settings are used by all the applications on your handheld. The 
    primary Location settings also appear in the Date & Time Preferences screen. 
    Similarly, if you change the settings in the Date & Time Preferences screen, those 
    settings become your system date and time and also appear under the primary 
    Location in World Clock. The primary Location settings also serve as a point of 
    reference for the secondary locations. 
    							Chapter 19 Using World Clock
    The following procedures show you how to set the Location and Date & Time from 
    within World Clock. See“Date and Time preferences” in Chapter 21 for details on 
    setting these preferences.
    To set the Location:
    1.Tap the primary location pick list.
    2.Tap the location you want to use as the primary location. 
    The location you select is typically a large city in the same time zone as the one 
    where you live. If an appropriate choice does not appear in the list, see “Adding 
    a location” later in this chapter to create a new location.
    3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    To set the date:
    1.Tap Set Date & Time.
    2.Tap the Set Date box.
    3.Tap the arrows or press Right and Left on the navigator to select the current 
    4.Tap the current month.
    5.Tap the current date.
    6.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
    Primary location 
    pick list
    Tap to set date
    Ta p  
    Tap to 
    Tap to select date 
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