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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    for beaming 391
    cache 263
    Calculator 72
    regaining 44, 379
    Memos. See Memo Pad
    Menu commands 23, 41
    accessing 24
    key location 20
    using 23
    Menus 23, 39–41, 154
    Address Book 69
    choosing 40
    command equivalents (Graffiti 
    writing) 23, 41
    command toolbar 23
    commands 23
    Date Book 90, 282
    Edit menu 42–43
    Expense 100
    key location 20
    Memo Pad 73, 102, 135
    menu bar 24, 40
    menu commands 24
    mobile 128
    Network Preferences 358
    problems 380
    SIM Manager 139
    SIM Services 142
    To Do List 160
    WAP Browser 274
    archive 148
    creating 144
    deleted 149
    draft 149
    filed 148
    folders 147
    icons 147–148
    multi-part 144
    outgoing 148
    receiving 146
    restoring deleted 149
    sending 146
    signature 150
    viewing 147
    Microsoft Exchange 5.0 222Microsoft Outlook
    connecting to 386
    synchronizing with 222
    Microsoft Outlook Express
    configuring for e-mail 225
    selecting as mail client 222
    adjusting volume 107
    answering call 109
    answering call waiting 112
    call history dialing 122
    cell location 331
    conference call 113
    dialing 110
    IMEI number 331
    IMSI number 331
    managing phone calls 111
    managing profiles 124
    managing ring tunes 126
    menus 128
    opening 108
    phone number 331
    problems connecting 384
    redial 110
    redial reminder 112
    retrieving voicemail 117
    setting network search mode 333
    software version number 331
    speed dialing 118
    tower location 331
    using headset 106
    using redial reminders 123
    Mobile carrier 331
    Mobile preferences 324
    call barring 340
    call waiting 324
    conceal number 325
    current status 331
    divert calls 326
    fixed number dialing 342
    GPRS usage 332
    network selection 333
    preferred network 334
    setting PIN 337
    track phone time 330
    unlocking SIM card 339
    Mobile radio
    changing PIN 338
    current status 331 
    description 5
    PUK 339
    setting PIN 337
    statistics 331
    turning on and off 324
    Mode 265
    auto-disconnect 178
    HotSync operations via 296–300, 388–
    initialization string 317
    initializing 178
    preferences 177
    timeout 178
    Modem sled, prerequisite for 
    connection 165
    Monday, to start week 319
    Month (Date Book view) 88, 91
    MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 29
    MultiMediaCard 10
    See also Expansion Card
    Multi-part messages 144
    Multiple addressees 196
    Navigator 18
    accessing international characters 21
    description 11
    in VersaMail 248
    location 10, 11
    look up Address Book record 49
    scroll 26
    scroll in Address Book 65
    Netscape 222
    connecting 351
    HotSync operation 301–304
    idle timeout 353
    login scripts 355–357
    password 348
    phone settings 349
    preferences 383
    primary DNS 353
    secondary DNS 353
    selecting connection 349
    selecting service 347
    user name 347
    Network connection 163adding preferred network 335
    connection methods 163
    GPRS, prerequisite for 165
    GPRS, using 165
    GSM, prerequisite for 165
    GSM, using 165
    modem sled, prerequisite for 165
    Palm Bluetooth Card, prerequisite 
    for 165
    Palm Modem accessory, prerequisite 
    for 165
    preferred network settings 334
    problems establishing 382
    search mode 333
    use statistics 332
    Nokia ring tunes 127
    Note Pad
    alarm 134
    copying notes into other 
    applications 131
    menus 135
    opening 131
    overview 131
    reviewing notes 132
    Notes, attaching to records 54
    decimal point and thousands 
    separator 319
    onscreen keyboard 21
    Old messages, deleting 211
    Onscreen keyboard 21, 43
    Address Book 63
    applications 33
    Calculator 71
    Clock 275
    Date Book 79
    Memo Pad 101
    Note Pad 131
    To Do List 155
    Organizer (Lotus PIM) 29
    Outbox 148, 194
    storing e-mail 198
    synchronizing 224
    Outgoing server, settings 168, 174, 180, 239
    Outlook, connecting to 386 
    Overlapping events 90
    Owner preferences 358
    Padlock icon 257
    Palm Bluetooth Card, prerequisite for 
    connection 165
    Palm Modem accessory, prerequisite for 
    connection 165
    Palm OS upgrade 3
    Paperclip icon 189
    Password 167, 173, 180
    call barring 341
    changing 235, 269, 360
    characters used 268
    creating key pair 266
    deleting 360
    description 266
    editing in account 178
    for network 348
    forgotten 364, 392
    notes into other applications 131
    Pasting text 43
    Payment, Expense item 96
    Peripheral hardware 13
    downloading messages from 146
    Lookup 51
    settings for ISP or dial-in server 349
    Phone call
    adding note 112
    answering 109
    answering call waiting 112
    call history dialing 122
    conference calling 113
    managing 111
    save to Address Book 112
    speed dialing 118
    voicemail 117
    Phone headset
    using 106
    using button 106
    Phone number
    barring 340
    conceal 325
    dialing 110redial 110
    your mobile 331
    Phone numbers
    selecting for Address list 66
    selecting types 65
    Phone profiles, managing 124
    Pick lists 25
    PIM (personal information manager), using 
    HotSync Manager with 62
    PIN 337
    PIN2 345
    PKI 266
    Plug-ins 227, 357
    POP accounts, APOP synchronization in 222
    POP3 accounts 169, 175, 181
    adding an account 167, 172, 179
    Port number 238, 240, 265
    IR on handheld 292
    serial 4, 5
    USB 4, 5
    Power button 11
    PPP 352
    PRC (application file extension) 58, 357
    Advanced 215
    Buttons 310
    choosing 41
    Connection 311–317
    cradle setting 320
    Date and Time 317–318
    deleting e-mail 217
    Digitizer 318
    Formats 319
    General 309, 320
    getting mail 217
    Keyboard 322–323
    mail databases 246
    Mobile 324–346
    modem 177
    Network 346–358
    Owner 358
    Security 359–367
    ShortCuts 367
    SMS 152–154
    Trash 215
    viewing 310 
    Preferred network
    sort priority 335
    viewing 334
    Primary DNS 353
    Prioritizing To Do List records 156, 159
    Private records
    displaying and creating 365–367, 384
    lost with forgotten password 364
    Profile 223
    Profile, Mobile user 305
    Protocol, changing type 235
    Public Key
    infrastructure 266
    viewing 270
    PUK 339
    records 44–45
    See also Deleting
    Push Inbox
    description 261
    opening 261
    Push message 262
    Radio status 12
    Range of times in Day view 92
    Read messages, marking 215
    Reading e-mail 186–189
    Receipts, recording in Expense 95
    Receiving messages 146
    Recharging the battery 320
    beaming 26–28
    choosing categories 45
    creating 41
    Date Book 80
    defined 41
    deleting 43, 86
    displaying a category of 46
    editing 42
    Expense 94
    fonts 55
    hiding private 359, 365
    lost 384
    masking private 359
    Memo Pad 101
    notes for 54
    private 365–367purging 44–45
    sorting 53
    To Do List 156
    unmasking individual 366
    Red indicator light 12
    Redial reminder
    creating 123
    managing 124
    setting 112
    using 123
    Registering Documents To Go 162
    Reload icon 256, 264
    Reminder lists 56
    applications 61
    Desktop software 61
    Renaming categories 48
    Repeating events
    deleting from Date Book 44
    scheduling 85
    Replying to e-mail 202
    Rescheduling events 83
    Resetting handheld
    hard reset 371, 379
    location of reset button 13, 371
    soft reset 370
    Restoring data
    Mac 373
    Windows 372
    Ring tunes
    beaming 127
    deleting 127
    managing 126
    Nokia 127
    Root certificate 271
    Safety emergency call 6
    data 34, 41, 44
    e-mail databases 246
    e-mail messages 212
    Scheduling events 79–83
    backlight 11
    blank 379
    calibrating 17, 318 
    caring for 369
    touching with your finger 12
    Scroll bar 26
    SD card 10
    Searching. See Finding
    Secondary DNS 353
    Secure gateway, transfer permission 256
    Secure mode 265
    Secure WAP site 256
    Security 359–365
    changing password 360
    creating password or signature 266
    deleting password 360
    forgotten password 364
    private records 365–367
    setting a password hint 360
    unmasking individual records 366
    using 266
    date for event 81
    phone numbers in Address Book 65
    text 42, 43
    data from applications 151
    e-mail 198
    messages 146
    Serial port 4, 5, 284, 296, 297
    deleting messages on 214, 217
    sent mail folder 239
    Server certificate 271
    selecting for network 347
    templates 352, 357
    Settings. See Preferences
    backing up 285
    for entering data 24, 368
    key location 20
    managing 367–368
    menu commands 23, 41
    preferences 367
    using 24
    Signal strength
    indicator 256
    location 6
    weak 381
    Signature 171, 177, 183
    adding to a message 150attaching personal 200, 218
    changing 268–271
    characters used 268
    creating key pair 266
    Signed public key 270
    SIM card
    installing 374
    removing 375
    unlocking 339
    verifying installation 374
    SIM Manager
    adding records 138
    menus 139
    SIM Services
    accessing a service 142
    menus 142
    SMAPI (Simple MAPI) 222
    Smart Addressing
    turning on 198
    using 197
    menus 154
    overview 143
    preferences 152–154
    problems connecting 384
    SMTP settings 239
    Soft reset 371
    applications 35
    records 53, 385
    Sounds. See Alarm and System sounds
    Special characters, typing 20
    Speed dial
    creating entry 118
    dialing 119
    editing 120
    using 118
    Spelling correction, automatic 19
    Stack configuration 257
    Starting applications 33
    Stop icon 255
    dragging with 18
    tapping with 17
    Sunday, to start week 319
    Symbol key 20
    Symbol, for currency 96
    Synchronize-only account, creating 171–177
    Synchronize-only connection 163 
    Synchronizing an existing username 162
    Synchronizing e-mail 228
    active accounts 228
    e-mail applications for 222
    HotSync operation 220
    logging errors 221
    setting how many days 224
    turn off synchronization 228
    Synchronizing IMAP folders 247
    conduit 285
    sounds 321
    System requirements 4
    Tab delimited files, importing data from 29
    Tab key 19
    Tapping 17
    TCP/IP 346
    TDA (To Do List archive file) 29
    Technical support 377, 392
    copying 43
    copying and pasting in e-mail 244
    cutting 43
    entry. See Entering data
    files, importing data from 29, 31
    fonts for 55
    selecting all 43
    Thousands separator 319
    alarm setting 83
    format 319
    setting current 277, 318
    setting event 80
    setting preference 317
    start and end for Date Book Day view 92
    Time Zone 279
    setting 318
    Tips, online 26
    To 237
    To Do List
    adding Address Book data to records 51
    archive files (.tda) 29
    categorizing records 45, 159
    checking off items 157
    completed items 159
    completion date 159conduit for synchronizing 285
    creating records 41
    deleting records 43, 86
    due date 158–159
    fonts 55
    menus 160
    notes for records 54
    opening 155
    overview 155
    prioritizing records 156, 159
    private records 367
    purging records 44–45, 159
    sorting records 54
    To field 196
    Today. See Current date
    Track phone time 330
    Trash 149
    automatically emptying 215
    creating other folders 194
    emptying deleted e-mail 214–215
    setting frequency in preferences 215
    Troubleshooting 384, 389
    Turning off handheld
    automatically 320
    problems with 380
    Turning on handheld
    displaying owner’s name 358
    power button 11
    problems with 379
    Undoing actions 43
    Uninstalling Desktop software 61
    Universal connector 13, 311
    Unread mail 169, 175, 181, 238
    Unread messages, marking 215
    Unresponsive handheld 380
    Untimed events 80, 82, 83, 84
    Upgrading 3
    Upgrading a MultiMail database 162
    infrared communication 295
    Local tab settings 284
    port 4, 5
    User certificate 271
    User profiles, HotSync operation with 306–
    Username 167, 173, 180
    changing 235
    editing in account 178
    entering 235
    for ISP 347
    identifying handheld 358
    synchronizing existing 162
    vCal 29
    vCard 29
    Vendor for Expense item 96
    icons 189
    setting preferences for 217
    VersaMail application 161–251
    Vibrate alarm 321
    archive messages 148
    deleted messages 149
    draft messages 149
    incoming messages 147
    messages with attachments 148
    messages, overview 147
    outgoing messages 148
    Voice jack 13
    Voicemail, retrieving 117
    Volume dialog box 107
    Volume, adjusting headset 107
    WAP Browser
    menus 274
    problems 383
    WAP Identity Module
    description 266
    protect with password 266
    viewing certificate 273
    WAP page
    bookmark 258
    download new 264
    downloading 255
    WAP site
    browsing 255
    opening 254
    secure sites 256
    title bar 255WAP stack configuration, changing 265
    Documents To Go 162
    sites 383
    Week (Date Book view) 87–88, 319, 385
    description 266
    protect with password 266
    viewing certificate 273
    Windows, system requirements 4
    Wireless carrier
    default e-mail account 163–164
    Wireless features 5
    Wireless modem 178
    Wireless service provider
    access services 142
    password 348
    username 347
    World Clock
    alarm 281
    alarm preferences 282
    display options 282
    menus 282
    opening 275
    Time Zone 279
    Writing area 11
    Writing. See Entering data
    WTLS Conn. Oriented mode 265
    WTLS Connectionless mode 265 
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