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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Using bookmarks
    If the Palm WAP Browser is connected to a gateway using the optional security 
    layer WTLS, a small padlock is displayed in the title area. Tapping the Padlock icon 
    opens the Connection Information dialog box describing the WAP gateway 
    address and WAP stack configuration.
    If you have a secure connection using a WAP gateway server certificate, tapping 
    the View certificate button displays certificate information.
    Using bookmarks
    Bookmarks allow you to manage a list of your favorite WAP sites. You can easily 
    access your bookmarks by tapping the Bookmark icon in the title bar.
    Tap Padlock icon
    Tap View certificate 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    Adding a bookmark
    You can add a WAP site to the Bookmarks list in two ways:
    nAdd the current WAP page using the Go menu.
    nEnter the information in the Edit Bookmarks dialog box.
    To bookmark the current WAP page:
    1.Open the WAP site.
    2.Press Command Stroke   + B.
    Alternately, press Function   + Menu  , and then select Add to 
    Bookmarks on the Go Menu.
    To enter a bookmark from the Edit Bookmarks dialog box:
    1.Tap the Bookmark icon  .
    2.Tap Edit Bookmarks.
    3.Ta p  N e w.
    Tap to add the current 
    WAP page to Bookmarks
    Tap Edit Bookmarks
    Ta p  N e w 
    							Using bookmarks
    4.Enter the bookmark name and URL, and then tap Done.
    Visiting a bookmarked WAP site
    By tapping a bookmark on the Bookmarks list, you can quickly open the WAP site.
    To open a WAP site from the Bookmarks dialog box:
    1.Tap the Bookmark icon  .
    2.Tap a bookmark to begin downloading the WAP page.
    Editing a bookmark
    You can edit an existing bookmark using the Edit Bookmarks dialog box.
    To edit a bookmark:
    1.Tap the Bookmark icon  .
    2.Tap Edit Bookmarks.
    Tap DoneEnter Bookmark 
    name and URL
    Tap a bookmark
    Tap Edit Bookmarks 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    3.Select a bookmark, and then tap Edit.
    4.Edit the bookmark name and URL, and then tap OK.
    Deleting a bookmark
    You can delete sites from your bookmarks list using the Edit Bookmarks dialog 
    To delete a bookmark:
    1.Tap the Bookmark icon  .
    2.Tap Edit Bookmarks.
    3.Tap the bookmark you want to delete.
    4.Tap Delete.
    5.In the Confirmation dialog box, tap OK.
    Tap Edit
    Edit the bookmark 
    name and URL
    Ta p  O K
    Tap bookmark
    Ta p  D e l e t e 
    							Using your Push Inbox
    Using your Push Inbox
    The Push Inbox lists all WAP Push messages received or stored by the handheld. 
    Push messages are sent from services that you sign up for–for example, 
    notifications of new e-mails, changes in stock prices, and so on. The service must 
    support WAP Push.
    You can open the Push Inbox in the following two ways:
    nTap Push Inbox from the Go menu.
    nTap the new message line on the Welcome screen.
    Unread messages are displayed in bold font. 
    The Push Inbox list has the following three columns:
    nPriority of the message
    –1 - High
    –2 - Medium
    –3 - Low
    nExtract from the message 
    Tap to go to Push Inbox
    Tap to go to Push Inbox
    Time of arrival
    Extract from the messages
    Priority of the message
    Tap Done to close the Push Inbox
    Tap Clear All to delete all messages 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    nTime of arrival: The time of arrival is set differently depending on when the 
    message was received. If it was received today, the time of arrival is shown. If 
    received yesterday, the text Yesterday is displayed. If received earlier than 
    yesterday, the date of arrival is displayed.
    Tapping a message opens the Push Message dialog box, showing all available 
    information about the message. This dialog box displays the following:
    nFrom: Where the message came from
    nReceived: Date and time the message was received
    nURL: The URL associated with the message
    nMessage: The content of the message
    Using advanced features
    Palm WAP Browser has many advanced features that allow you to modify 
    performance and set security features. These options affect the performance of 
    your browser and should be set by knowledgeable users. You may want to consult 
    with technical support from your wireless service provider before changing some 
    of these options.
    Changing gateways
    When you connect to the Internet, you normally connect through the default WAP 
    gateway. Gateways are servers used to access WAP sites. 
    NOTEGenerally, the gateway is automatically set by your wireless service provider 
    and it may be hidden or locked. Changing this setting can disable your Palm WAP 
    Browser ’s ability to access sites, so please exercise caution if you alter this setting.
    Tap address to open WAP site
    Tap Done to close and save message
    Tap Delete to delete message 
    							Setting advanced options
    You can check or change the gateway settings from the Gateway dialog box. To 
    access the Gateway dialog box, tap Gateway Settings on the Options menu.
    Setting advanced options
    The Advanced dialog box allows you to enable or disable the cache functions, 
    select an access point name, and select a mode.
    Using cache memory
    The Cache pick list on the Advanced dialog box allows you to enable or disable the 
    cache memory. The default setting is cache memory enabled. Cache memory stores 
    and displays a previously loaded WAP page rather than reloading the page each 
    time. This enables you to save time in viewing pages, but you might view an older 
    saved page rather than an updated one. 
    Ta p  G a t e w a y  
    Ta p  
    AdvancedTa p  a r r o w  
    to make a 
    Tap OK to implement change
    Tap the Cache arrow and select Enabled or 
    Tap OK to accept change 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    When viewing a page, you can update the current page by tapping the Reload icon. 
    A new page is downloaded from the WAP site. 
    You can also clear cache memory so that all stored pages are deleted by tapping 
    the Clear Cache button on the Advanced dialog box. 
    Selecting an Access Point Name
    The APN pick list on the Advanced dialog box allows you to select an Access Point 
    Name (APN) from a preset number of alternatives. The selections available in the 
    APN list are dependent on your wireless service provider. The APN may be preset 
    or configured automatically by your wireless service provider. 
    NOTEChanging the APN can disrupt your access to the Internet. Contact your 
    wireless service provider for more information.
    Tap the Reload icon to 
    download a new current page
    Tap Clear Cache to clear all pages 
    stored in cache memory
    Tap APN arrow to set APN 
    							Setting advanced options
    Selecting Mode
    NOTEChanging the mode can disrupt your access to the Internet. The mode should 
    not be changed unless you receive specific instructions from your wireless service 
    The Mode pick list on the Advanced dialog box allows you to set the WAP stack 
    configuration. There are two standard modes and two secure modes:
    Standard modes
    nConnectionless (CL-WSP: Connectionless - Wireless Session Protocol)
    nConnection Oriented (CO-WSP: Connection Oriented - Wireless Session 
    Secure modes
    nWTLS Connectionless (CL-WTLS-WSP: Connectionless - Wireless Transport 
    Layer Security - Wireless Session Protocol) 
    nWTLS Conn. Oriented (CO-WTLS-WSP: Connection Oriented - Wireless 
    Transport Layer Security - Wireless Session Protocol) 
    Each mode has a port number associated with it:
    nConnectionless - 9200
    nConnection Oriented - 9201
    nWTLS Connectionless - 9202
    nWTLS Conn. Oriented - 9203
    Once the WAP stack configuration for a WAP gateway is set, this parameter 
    should not be changed unless you want to use another WAP gateway (see “Using 
    the security features” earlier in this chapter).
    Tap Mode arrow and select mode
    Tap OK to accept change 
    							Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
    Using the security features
    The Palm WAP Browser uses the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) method to 
    exchange secure messages between you and another party. PKI is based on the use 
    of a password key pair and a signature key pair. Each key pair has one public key 
    and one signed key. The public key can be available to anyone, but you must store 
    the signed key securely. All security of a PKI solution is based on the integrity of 
    the signed key.
    The public key is exchanged between you and another party using a certificate 
    created and signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). (The process of creating 
    certificates and using a CA is beyond the scope of this chapter.) You can use the 
    same key pair for several certificates.
    All certificates are stored in the WAP Identity Module (WIM). The WIM is a 
    storage area designed to store certificates, your private keys, and secure session 
    data used to establish a secure connection. Usually the WIM is a smart card. Palm 
    WAP Browser uses a software WIM that has the same functionality.
    Palm WAP Browser uses the following two protective passwords: 
    nPa s swo r d : Protects the password key pair. This password also protects the WIM 
    and must be entered every time you access any content in the WIM. 
    nSignature: Protects the signature key pair. This signature is used only when you 
    are asked to verify that you accept something asked for by another, such as a 
    bank transfer.
    Palm WAP Browser allows you to create multiple password and signature key 
    pairs. Each type of key pair is protected by a password or signature that you create. 
    You have only one password and one signature even if you have multiple key 
    pairs. You can change the password and signature at any time. 
    Creating password and signature key pairs
    To protect your transactions, you need to create a password key pair. If you are 
    signing documents, you will also need to create a signature key pair. 
    IMPORTANTKey generation can take up to an hour. During this time, your handheld 
    appears to be completely frozen and you are not able to use your handheld. 
    You can create a password and signature key pair by opening the Generate Keys 
    dialog box from the Options menu. You select which kind of key pair you want to 
    generate: password or signature. 
    If this is the first time that you have generated the selected type of key pair, you 
    must enter a password or signature to protect access to and usage of the keys. If 
    you have already generated this type of key pair, you must enter the 
    corresponding password or signature to continue the key generation.  
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