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    							Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
    To add a personal signature:
    1.Tap the Attach Signature to messages check box, and then enter the text of the 
    This signature is attached to all your outgoing e-mail.
    2.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    Configuring your synchronize-only account
    After you finish setting up a synchronize-only e-mail account, you need to 
    configure this account on your desktop. See “Configuring an account in HotSync 
    Manager” later in this chapter for information. You will not be able to synchronize 
    e-mail between your handheld and your desktop until you configure the account 
    on your desktop. 
    Setting VersaMail connection preferences
    You can set connection preferences for your e-mail accounts. These preferences 
    apply to all accounts you have set up in the VersaMail application.
    To set account connection preferences:
    1.In your Inbox or another folder screen, press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Options.
    3.Select Preferences. 
    4.Tap Advanced. 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    5.Select any of the following preferences:
    Editing e-mail accounts
    From time to time, you may need to edit information about one of the e-mail 
    accounts you set up. 
    To select the account to edit:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Accounts.
    3.Select Account Setup.
    Enable Smart 
    AddressingTypes ahead and completes a recognized e-mail address. See 
    the procedure for creating new e-mail later in this chapter for 
    more information. 
    Auto-Empty Mail 
    from TrashDetermines how often e-mail messages in the trash are 
    automatically deleted. See “Emptying the trash” later in this 
    chapter for more information. 
    TimeoutSets the number of seconds to try to connect before timing 
    out. If you are using an adapter with a mobile phone, this 
    value should be greater than 45 seconds. 
    To change, tap the Timeout field and enter a new value.
    Auto-DisconnectAutomatically disconnects your remote connections after 
    each command. Each command you perform initiates a new 
    call to your ISP. This setting is not recommended if you plan 
    to perform multiple e-mail transactions in a short amount of 
    Disconnect on 
    ExitDisconnects from the network only after you leave the 
    VersaMail application. This feature is an alternative to Auto-
    Disconnect. This option keeps your connection active while 
    you perform multiple transactions in the VersaMail 
    application, but automatically disconnects when you move 
    on to a different application on your handheld. If this option 
    is not selected, you must manually disconnect from your 
    Modem WaitDisplays the number of seconds that the modem uses to 
    initialize itself. If you have a modem, tap and enter a number 
    of seconds for the wait. The typical setting for a wireless 
    modem is 3, and the typical setting for most normal modems 
    is 0. 
    							Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
    4.Tap the name of the account to edit, and then tap Edit.
    To edit an account:
    1.On the Account Setup screen, change any of the following:
    Account Name: Enter a descriptive name for this account, such as “My 
    Mail Service: Tap the Mail Service pick list and select the provider to which 
    you are connecting. Select Other if your ISP is not listed.
    Protocol: Tap the Protocol pick list and select POP or IMAP. (Most mail 
    providers use the POP protocol.)
    If the VersaMail application knows the protocol for the mail service you 
    selected, it displays the correct protocol.
    2.Ta p  N e x t .
    Changing the account username and password
    In the next part of the VersaMail Account Setup, you can change the username 
    and/or password for this account.  
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    To edit the account username and password:
    1.(Optional) Enter a new username for accessing your e-mail. This is generally the 
    part of your e-mail address appearing before the @ symbol; it is usually not your 
    entire e-mail address.
    2.(Optional) Tap the Password box, and then enter a new password. The 
    Password box displays the word “Assigned” to indicate that a password has 
    been entered.
    3.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    4.Ta p  N e x t .
    Editing the name of the outgoing and incoming mail server
    If your e-mail address or the name of the outgoing and incoming mail servers has 
    changed or has been entered incorrectly, you can edit the address or server name.
    To edit mail server settings:
    1.(Optional) Enter a new e-mail address for the account you are accessing, such 
    as “[email protected].” 
    2.(Optional) Enter the new or correct name of your incoming (POP) mail server, 
    such as pop.mail.yahoo.com.
    If the VersaMail application knows the incoming mail server name based on the 
    mail service you selected, the correct server name is displayed.
    3.(Optional) Enter the new or correct name of your outgoing (SMTP) mail server, 
    such as smtp.mail.yahoo.com. 
    							Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
    If the VersaMail application knows the outgoing mail server name based on the 
    mail service you selected, the correct server name is displayed.
    4.Ta p  N e x t .
    5.Do one of the following:
    – To accept these mail options and begin using the VersaMail application, tap 
    Done. This takes you to the Inbox of the account you set up. See “Getting, 
    sending, and managing e-mail” later in this chapter to get and send e-mail. 
    – To edit additional mail options, tap Next. Continue with the next set of 
    Editing mail retrieval options for a POP or IMAP account
    The next VersaMail Setup screen displays different options depending on whether 
    your mail service uses a POP or IMAP protocol.
    To set mail retrieval server options for a POP or IMAP account:
    1.(Optional) Select any of the following:
    – Select Get unread mail ONLY to download only unread mail to your 
    handheld. If you don’t choose this option and you tap Get & Send, all your 
    e-mail messages on your provider ’s mail server are downloaded to your 
    Inbox, including messages you have already read. To get all mail (including 
    mail you have already read) and not just unread mail, deselect Get unread 
    mail ONLY. 
    – To delete messages on your provider ’s mail server when they are deleted in 
    the VersaMail application, select the Delete messages on the server when 
    they are deleted in VersaMail check box.
    – (POP account only) To get e-mail on your handheld but also leave it on the 
    server so you can view it later on your desktop, select the Leave mail on 
    server check box. For example, if you create an account to receive e-mail 
    from your Yahoo account and select this option, your old Yahoo e-mail is still 
    visible the next time you visit Yahoo.com to access your Yahoo e-mail Inbox. 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    – To limit the maximum size of an incoming e-mail message, enter the size in 
    kilobytes (KB) for Maximum Message Size. The maximum size of an 
    incoming message is 5KB by default, but you can enter a smaller size.
    2.Tap Next. 
    Editing outgoing mail options
    Outgoing mail options are the same for POP and IMAP accounts.
    To set outgoing mail options:
    1.(Optional) Do any of the following:
    Display Name: Enter the name you want to appear on your outgoing 
    messages, such as “Joe Smith.”
    Reply To Address: Enter the e-mail address that you want recipients to see 
    and reply to on your e-mail messages, only if this is different from the e-mail 
    address from which you are sending the message. For example, if you are 
    sending a message from [email protected] but you want recipients to reply to 
    [email protected], enter the reply to address here. Reply To Address makes 
    it look as though the e-mail came from the address you enter.
    BCC: Select the BCC check box to send a blind copy of any e-mail message 
    you send to another e-mail address. The blind copy e-mail address is not 
    seen by the other recipients of the message. For example, if you want a copy 
    of all messages you send from your handheld to be sent to your corporate e-
    mail account, enter that e-mail address.
    2.Ta p  N e x t .
    POP accounts IMAP accounts 
    							Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
    Adding a signature
    If you want, you can add a signature to each e-mail message you send. For 
    example, you can enter your name and telephone number so that it appears on 
    each message you send. 
    To add a personal signature:
    1.Tap the Attach Signature to messages check box, and then enter the text of the 
    This signature is attached to all your outgoing e-mail.
    2.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    Deleting an e-mail account
    When you delete an account in the VersaMail application, the account is removed 
    from your handheld. The account still exists on the server. For example, deleting 
    your Yahoo account from the VersaMail application deletes only the account from 
    your handheld. Your e-mail account still exists at Yahoo.com. 
    To delete an account:
    1.Press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Accounts.
    3.Select Account Setup. 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    4.Tap the name of the account you want to delete, and then tap Delete.
    5.Tap Yes in the Delete Confirmation dialog box to delete the account and all 
    associated e-mail messages.
    6.Press Function   + Enter  , or tap OK.
    After you perform the next HotSync
     operation, the memory associated with an 
    account and its messages is released. 
    Selecting a different service for a given e-mail account
    When you set up connections on your handheld (in the Connection Preferences 
    screen), you pair each connection with a network service (in the Network 
    Preferences screen) and then select one of these services to be the default for all 
    network activity (sending and receiving e-mail, surfing the Web, and so on) on 
    your handheld. By default, the VersaMail application uses this default service for 
    sending and receiving messages for all e-mail accounts you set up. 
    However, for any given e-mail account, you have the option of switching to a 
    different service for use with that account only. For example, the default service 
    you have selected for your handheld may be called My GPRS and use a GPRS 
    connection. You may also have set up an e-mail account called My Earthlink, 
    which runs on the My GPRS connection by default. However, if you travel into an 
    area that does not have GPRS coverage, you may want to switch your My Earthlink 
    account to the service called Earthlink GSM, which uses a GSM dial-up connection. 
    							Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
    To set up a service for a given e-mail account (different from the default service for your handheld):
    1.From the Inbox of the account you want to switch, tap Get Mail.
    2.Ta p  D e t a i l s .
    3.Tap the Always connect using check box. A pick list of available services 
    appears. The currently used connection is displayed by default.
    4.Select the connection you want to switch to from the Service pick list.
    5.Press Function   + Enter   (alternately, tap OK), and then press Function 
     + Enter  (or tap OK) again. If there is an existing service connection, it is 
    disconnected and the new connection is initiated. The VersaMail application 
    sends and checks for any new e-mail using the new connection.
    Tap to change the service 
    connection for this e-mail account 
    only from your default handheld 
    service connection
    Select a new service connection 
    for this e-mail account only 
    							Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
    When you exit the VersaMail application, the new service disconnects. When you 
    reopen the application, the e-mail account you selected (My Earthlink in this 
    example) continues to connect using the new connection (Earthlink GSM in this 
    example) until you either select a new service or deselect the Always connect using 
    check box. If you deselect the Always connect using check box, the e-mail account 
    (My Earthlink) connects using the default handheld service (My GPRS in this 
    The Always connect using check box changes the connection service for the 
    selected e-mail account only. You must follow the preceding procedure for each 
    e-mail account whose connection you want to switch from the default connection 
    on your handheld.
    Getting, sending, and managing e-mail
    Getting and sending e-mail on your handheld is easy and helps you keep your 
    business and personal life organized. You can get and send e-mail by simply 
    tapping one button on the handheld. 
    You can manage the messages in your e-mail accounts by moving messages 
    between folders, deleting old e-mail messages individually or in groups, and 
    marking messages as read or unread. 
    This section describes how to do the following:
    nGet and send e-mail for your e-mail accounts
    nView and send e-mail attachments, such as text or Microsoft Word documents, 
    Getting and reading e-mail
    You can get e-mail subjects only—the message size, author, and subject—or you 
    can get entire messages immediately. If you choose to get message subjects only 
    and want to read a full message, you can get more of the message. 
    Choosing the e-mail account and displaying the Inbox
    To view the e-mail in an account, you must switch to that account and then get the 
    e-mail. For example, if you want to collect and view the e-mail from your Yahoo 
    account, you switch to the account created to retrieve e-mail from your Yahoo 
    To display an account and its Inbox:
    1.In your Inbox or another folder screen, press Function   + Menu  .
    2.Select Accounts. 
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