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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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    of 428
    							Managing an expansion card
    Managing an expansion card
    nWhen writing data to an expansion card, wait for your handheld to complete 
    the operation before removing the card from the slot. This prevents data 
    corruption or accidental damage to the expansion card.
    nYou can install applications to an expansion card after performing an initial 
    ® operation. See“Installing add-on applications” in Chapter 4 for 
    information. For optimal performance, we recommend that you do not install 
    more than fifty applications to a single expansion card.
    nWhen your handheld’s battery level becomes very low, access to the expansion 
    card may be disabled to protect your data. If this occurs, recharge your 
    handheld as soon as possible.
    Using the Card Info menu
    The Card Info menu is shown here for your reference, and the Card Info features 
    that are not explained elsewhere in this book are described here.
    See“Using menus” in Chapter 4 for information about choosing menu commands.
    HelpProvides help text.
    About Card InfoShows version information for Card Info. 
    Using Date Book
    Date Book enables you to quickly and easily schedule appointments or any 
    kind of activity associated with a time and date. Use Date Book to do the 
    nEnter a description of your appointment and assign it to a specific time and 
    nDisplay a chart of your appointments for an entire week. The Week view makes 
    it easy to spot available times and potential scheduling overlaps or conflicts.
    nDisplay a monthly calendar to quickly spot days where you have morning, 
    lunch, or afternoon appointments.
    nDisplay an agenda showing appointments, untimed events, and your To Do 
    items for the day.
    nSet an alarm to notify you of the scheduled activity. 
    nCreate reminders for events that are based on a particular date, rather than time 
    of day. Birthdays and anniversaries are easy to track with your handheld.
    nAttach notes to individual events for a description or clarification of the entry 
    in your Date Book.
    To open Date Book:
    nPress the Date Book application button   on the front panel of your handheld. 
    Date Book opens to today’s schedule.
    TIPPress the Date Book application button repeatedly to cycle through the 
    Day, Week, Month, and Agenda views.
    When you open Date Book, the screen shows the current date and a list of times for 
    a normal business day. 
    Date Book button 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    Scheduling an event
    A record in Date Book is called an “event.” An event can be any kind of activity 
    that you associate with a day. You can enter a new event on any of the available 
    time lines. 
    When you schedule an event, its description appears on the time line, and its 
    duration is automatically set to one hour. You can easily change the start time and 
    duration for any event.
    It’s possible to schedule events that overlap, but Date Book makes it easy to find 
    such conflicts. See “Spotting event conflicts” later in this chapter.
    You can also schedule events in your Date Book that occur on a particular date but 
    have no specific start or end times, such as birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. 
    These are referred to as “untimed events.” Untimed events appear at the top of the 
    list of times, marked with a diamond. You can have more than one untimed event 
    on a particular date.
    You can also schedule a repeating event, such as a weekly meeting, and continuous 
    events, such as a three-day conference or a vacation.
    To schedule an event for the current day:
    1.Tap the time line that corresponds to the beginning of the event.
    2.Enter a description of the event. You can enter up to 255 characters.
    3.If the event is one hour long, skip to step 5. If the event is longer or shorter than 
    an hour, tap the time of the event to open the Set Time dialog box. 
    Ta p  a  
    time line
    Enter event  Time bar 
    Ta p  t h e  
    time of an 
    							Scheduling an event
    4.Do one of the following:
    – Tap the time columns on the right side of the Set Time dialog to set the Start 
    Time, and then tap the End Time box and tap the time columns to set the End 
    Ti m e .
    – Tap All Day to automatically insert the start and end time of the event as 
    defined in your Date Book preferences.
    5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    6.Tap a blank area of the screen to deselect the event. A vertical line appears next 
    to the time, indicating the duration of the event.
    If an event has the same start and end time, the time is displayed only once.
    To schedule an event for another day:
    1.Select the date you want for the event by doing one of the following: 
    – Tap the day of the week that you want in the date bar at the top of the screen. 
    If necessary, tap the Previous week or Next week scroll arrows to move to 
    another week.
    – Press Right or Left on the navigator to scroll to the next or previous day.
    Start Time 
    highlightedTap to scroll to 
    earlier hours
    Tap to scroll to 
    later hours
    Tap to change 
    Tap to change 
    minutesTap to automatically 
    fill the start and end 
    Tap to select a day of 
    the current week 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    – Press Up or Down on the navigator to scroll within the current day.
    – Tap Go To at the bottom of the screen to open the Go to Date dialog box. 
    Select a date by tapping a year, month, and day in the calendar.
    2.After you locate the date, follow the steps for scheduling an event for the 
    current day.
    To schedule an untimed event: 
    1.Select the date that you want for the event.
    2.Ta p  N e w.
    3.Tap No Time, so that no start or end times are defined for the new event.
    4.Enter a description of the event.
    5.Tap a blank area on the screen to deselect the untimed event.
    Previous year Next year
    Tap to select 
    current date Tap to select a 
    Tap to select a 
    No time 
    selected New 
    							Selecting an event
    If you create an event and decide later that there is no particular start or end time, 
    you can easily change it to an untimed event. Tap the time of the event in the Date 
    Book screen, tap No Time, and then press Function   + Enter 
    , or tap OK.
    Selecting an event
    After you create an event, you can select an event to view its contents, reschedule 
    it, make it a repeating event, and add alarms or notes. 
    To select an event:
    1.Go to the day on which the event is scheduled.
    2.Tap the event.
    TIPYou can also press Select on the navigator to insert the highlight on the 
    next event in the current day or on the first event of another day. To scroll 
    through the events in the selected day, press Up and Down on the navigator. 
    Rescheduling an event
    You can easily make changes to your schedule with your handheld. 
    To reschedule an event:
    1.Select the event you want to reschedule.
    2.Ta p  D e t a i l s .
    3.To change the time, tap the Time box and select a new time.
    4.To change the date, tap the Date box and select a new date.
    5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    Setting an alarm for an event
    The Alarm setting enables you to set an alarm for events in your Date Book. You 
    can set an alarm to notify you minutes, hours, or days before an event. The default 
    Alarm setting is five minutes before the time of the event, but you can change the 
    Alarm to any number of minutes, hours, or days.
    When you set an alarm, this icon   appears to the far right of the event with the 
    alarm. When the alarm occurs, a reminder message also appears onscreen.
    To set an alarm for an event:
    1.Select the event to which you want to assign an alarm.
    2.Ta p  D e t a i l s .
    3.Tap the Alarm check box to select it.
    The default setting, 5 Minutes, appears. 
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    4.Tap the pick list to select Minutes, Hours, or Days.
    5.Select the 5 and enter any number from 0 to 99 (inclusive) as the number of time 
    6.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    7.When the reminder message appears on screen, do one of the following:
    – Press Function   + Enter 
    , or tap OK, to permanently dismiss the 
    reminder and return to the current screen.
    – Tap Snooze to dismiss the reminder and return to the current screen. The 
    reminder message appears again five minutes after you tap Snooze, and 
    meanwhile an attention indicator blinks in the upper-left corner of the screen 
    to remind you of the pending alarm.
    – Tap Go To to open Date Book. Date Book opens and displays the event 
    associated with the alarm. 
    Alarm for untimed events: You can set a silent alarm for an untimed event. In this 
    case, the alarm triggers at the specified period of minutes, hours, or days before 
    midnight (beginning) of the day of the untimed event. When the alarm triggers, the 
    reminder list displays the alarm message until you clear it. See“Receiving alerts” 
    in Chapter 4 for details.
    For example, you might set an alarm for an untimed event that occurs on 
    February 4. If the alarm is set for five minutes, the reminder message appears at 
    11:55 PM on the night of February 3. The reminder remains in the reminder list 
    until you turn on your handheld and dismiss it.
    Tap here to 
    select unit of time Enter number of 
    time units here 
    							Scheduling repeating or continuous events
    Scheduling repeating or continuous events
    The Repeat function lets you schedule events that recur at regular intervals or 
    extend over a period of consecutive days. 
    A birthday is a good example of an event that repeats annually. Another example 
    is a weekly guitar lesson that falls on the same day of the week and the same time 
    of day. 
    A business trip or a vacation is an example of a continuous event.
    To schedule a repeating or continuous event:
    1.Select the event.
    2.Ta p  D e t a i l s .
    3.Tap the Repeat box to open the Change Repeat dialog box.
    4.Tap Day, Week, Month, or Year to set how often the event repeats.
    For a continuous event, tap Day.
    5.On the Every line, enter a number that corresponds to how often you want the 
    event to repeat. 
    For example, if you select Month and enter the number 2, the event repeats 
    every other month.
    6.To specify an end date for the repeating or continuous event, tap the End on 
    pick list and tap Choose Date. Use the date picker to select an end date.
    7.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    After you schedule a repeating or continuous event, the Repeat icon   appears to 
    the far right of the event.
    Changing repeating or continuous events
    When you make changes to a repeating or continuous event, such as deleting or 
    adding notes or changing the time of an event, you can decide which of the events 
    you want to change—all events in the series, just the current event, or the current 
    and future events. 
    Ta p  t h e  
    							Chapter 8 Using Date Book
    To delete repeating events:
    1.Select the record you want to delete.
    2.Press Function   + Menu   
    3.Select Record, and then select Delete Event.
    4.Do one of the following:
    – Tap Current to delete only the current event item.
    – Tap Future to delete the current and all future event items and reset the end 
    date of the repeating event to the last shown date.
    – Tap All to delete all occurrences of the repeating event.
    5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
    Considerations for repeating or continuous events
    Keep the following points in mind:
    nIf you change the start date of a repeating event, your handheld calculates the 
    number of days you moved the event. Your handheld then automatically 
    changes the end date to maintain the duration of the repeating event.
    nIf you change the repeat interval (e.g., daily to weekly) of a repeating event, past 
    occurrences (prior to the day on which you change the setting) are not changed, 
    and your handheld creates a new repeating event.
    nIf you change the date of an occurrence of a repeating event (e.g., from January 
    14th to January 15th) and apply the change to all occurrences, the new date 
    becomes the start date of the repeating event. Your handheld adjusts the end 
    date to maintain the duration of the event. If you apply the change to current 
    and future occurrences, past occurrences are not changed.
    nIf you change other repeat settings (e.g., time, alarm, private) of a repeating 
    event and apply the change to all occurrences, your handheld creates a new 
    event. The start date of this new event is the day on which the setting is 
    nIf you apply a change to a single occurrence of a repeating event (e.g., time), that 
    occurrence no longer shows the Repeat icon  . 
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