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‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION Issue 2, May 1990 C. C.O. LINES TERMINATED ON AN RJ-TYPE BLOCK 5.5 Before using this procedure, read the IMPOR- TRNT NOTES on page 3-21. Also, refer to Figure 3-12 below for a diagram of the complete layout. (1) Mount a C.O. block @Ml-50-type connecting block) on the MDF backboard. (2) For every two C.O. lines, mount a four-con- ductor modular jack assembly on the MDF backboard near the KSU. The modular jack as- semblies should be positioned between the C.O. block (mounted in step 1) and the KSU. (3) For each modular jack assembly (mounted in step 2), connect two-pair cable (or cross-con- nect cable) from it to the C.O. block as follows: a. Terminate one end of a two-pair cable on each modular jack assembly. Refer to Fig- ure 3-11 on the previous page. b. Terminate the other end of the two-pair cable on the right side of the C.O. block, with C.O. line 1 tip and ring first, then CO. line 2 tip and ring, and so on. . (4) Plug one end of a two-pair mod-to-mod line cord into each modular jack assembly (mounted in step 2). The other end will later be plugged into a CO. jack on the KSU. (5) To interface between the C.O. block and the telephone company RJ-type block: a. b. C. d. Run a 25pair cable between the C.O. block and the RJ-type block. Terminate the MDF end of the 25pair cable on the left side of the C.O. block. In- stall bridging clips to complete the connec- tions. On the other end of the 25-pair cable, at- tach a 50-pin male amphenol-type connec- tor. Plug the male connector into the female connector on the RJ-type block. FIGURE 3-12. CO. LINE TERMINATIONS FROM AN R.&TYPE BLOCK KSU -/ RJ-TYPE C.O. BLOCK SLOCK 25.PAIR CABLE ASSEMBLY Page 3-23

INSTALLATION Issue 2, May 1990 INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 6. KEY SERVICE UNIT (KSU) INSTALLATION A. UNPACK THE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Unpack and inspect the KSU equipment follow- ing these guidelines. (1) Check the KSU components against the pack- ing slip and inspect them for damage. If any equipment is missing or damaged, contact your supplier immediately. (2) Check the KSU Control Board (KCB), Expan- sion Modules (EXPs), and Accessory Port Modules (APMs) as follows: NOTE: The KCB, EXPs, and APMs contain static-sensitive components. They should be handled by the edges only. (For additional pre- cautionary information, see the CAUTION on page 3-29.) a. Check each unit to ensure there is no ship- ping foam or tape attached. b. Inspect each unit for shorted components. c. Return all units to their protective bags un- til they are ready to be installed. CAUTION To prevent damage, the KSU Control Board, Expansion Modules, and Accessory Port Mod- ules must always be transported or shipped as individually packaged units. Do not transport or ship an assembled KSU; such action will void the warranty. Also, while the KSU Control Board is out of service, make sure that the database back-up battery strap (JMP 1) is in the B posi- tion (upper two pins) to preserve the battery charge. B. INSTALL THE KSU AND POWER SUPPLY 6.2 The KSU and the power supply are mounted on the MDF backboard as outlined in the following steps. For a drawing of a suggested layout, refer to Figure 3-13 on the next page. NOTE: To also install the battery back-up unit (part no. 662.0110) designed specifically for use with this system, refer to the installation instructions included with the unit. 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The distance between the two mounting holes on the back of the KSU is 1% inches (27 centi- meters). Use this measurement to mark the lo- cation of the mounting screw holes on the MDF backboard. Drive a %-inch #12 pan head screw into the center of each KSU mounting hole marking, allowing the heads of the screws to protrude slightly. Hang the KSU on its screws. If necessary, ad- just the screws to ensure that the KSU is held firmly in place. To further secure the KSU to the MDF back- board, drive a %-inch #lO pan head screw into the hole on the metal tab that extends out the bottom of the KSU. Position the power supply at least 4 inches to one side of the location where the KSU will be mounted. (There must be sufficient aircircula- tion around both units. DO NOT place the power supply below the KSU.) Mark the positions of the mounting screw holes. Set the power supply aside. Drive a screw into the center of each power supply mounting hole marking, allowing the heads of the screws to protrude slightly. (Use screws of sufficient strength to support the power supply. Some power supplies have mounting screw specifications on the label.) Hang the power supply on its screws. If neces- sary, adjust the screws to ensure that the pow- er supply is held securely in place. DO NOT plug in the DC power cable or the AC power cord until the power supply electri- cal test has been performed (as outlined on page 3-27). Page 3-24


INSTALLATION Issue 2, May 1990 INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Grounding Requirements a. 6.3 The KSU must be properly grounded to an earth ground point. A copper, cold water pipe is usually a good ground point; however, a properly installed ground rod is more effective. b. The ground lug on the bottom of the KSU. C. NOTE: According to UL 1459, “an insulated ground- ing conductor that is not smaller in size and equiva- lent in insulation material and thickness to the grounded and ungrounded branch-circuit supply con- ductors, except that it is green with or without one or more yellow stripes, is to be installed as part of the circuit that supplies the product or system.” Also, “the attachment-plug receptacles in the vicinity of the product or system are all to be of a grounding type, and the grounding conductors serving these receptacles are to be connected to earth ground at the service equipment.” d. Battery compartments, if used. 6.6 If AC power-related problems appear on the system, one of the following three methods can be used to test the ground. - Use a digital multimeter to measure the differ- ence of potential between the KSU ground point and the power neutral, and between the KSU ground point and the third wire ground. If the voltage measurement exceeds O.sV; noise may de- velop on the system. If this occurs, call an electri- Ch 6.4 The grounding wire should be 1OAWG or larger and should not exceed 25 feet (7.5 meters) to help provide RFI/EMI protection or 10 feet (3 meters) to help provide RFI/EMI and lightning protection. Use a Megger to test the ground point. (A Megger should be available through the local power com- pany.) The reading should be 5 ohms or less. 6.5 To ground the system (see Figure 3-14 below): (1) Ensure that the power supply is not plugged into the AC outlet. (2) Mount a grounding terminal on the MDF backboard and connect it to: Unplug the AC power cord from the outlet and in- sert a ground isolation plug into the outlet. Plug the AC power cord into the ground isolation plug. If the problem ceases, call an electrician. When finished, remove the ground isolation plug to re- store ground protection. An earth ground. Each HVRA power supply, if used. FIGURE 3-14. KSU GROUNDING GROUNDING TERMINAL bQ4 TO HVRA POWER SUPPLY - EARTH GROUND Page 3-26

INTER-TEL PRACTICES INSTALLATION GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 Voltage Surge/Spike Protection 4.7 To reduce the effects of AC voltage surges and spikes that may cause system malfunctions, false log- ic, and/or damage to the electronic components, it is recommended that a surge/spike protector be in- stalled. Check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure that the device meets the following require- ments: 0 Clamp voltage transients at 300VDC within 5 nanoseconds when exposed to waveforms as de- scribed in the ANSI/IEEE Standard C62.41-1980 (IEEE 587). Reduce RFI/EMI noise by at least 20dB at fre- quencies between 5kHz and 30MHz. Power Supply Electrical Test 6.8 Perform the following electrical check on the power supply. (1) Ensure that the power supply DC power cable is not connected to the KSU, the AC power cord is not plugged in, and the AC POWER switch on the power supply is OFF. (2) Plug the AC power cord into a 105-125VAC, 57-63Hz, 15A, single-phase commercial pow- er source. NOTE: This MUST be an isolated, dedicated circuit. DO NOT use an extension cord when (3) (4) (5) (6) installing the power supply and do not plug any other equipment into the same AC outlet. Ibm ON the AC POWER switch. Referring to Figure 3-15 on the next page, measure the indicated voltages on the front side of the power supply DC power cable con- nector. A digital voltmeter of ~0.5% accuracy is required. If voltage measurements are not within the specified limits (excepting the note below), DO NOT PROCEED; contact Inter- Tel Customer Support. NOTE: Since there is no “load” on the power supply when performing this test, the actual voltage measurements may be lower than the tolerances provided in Figure 3-15. If this is the case, continue with the installation and check the voltages again (using the test points provided on the KSU Control Board) after keysets have been installed. For the two larger power supplies, at least four keysets must be installed to provide an adequate testing load. For the smallest power supply, at least two keysets must be installed to provide an ade- quate testing load. If the voltages are within the specified limits (or perhaps lower as explained in the note above), turn OFF the AC POWER switch. Connect the power supply DC power cable to the power supply connector on the bottom of the KSU. Page 3-27

INSTALLATION INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 3-15. DC POWER CABLE CONNECTOR PINOUT AND VOLTAGE TEST POINT LOCATIONS FRONT VIEW (LOOKING INTO CONNECTOR PINS ON THE END OF THE CABLE) &lZVDC RETURN + 3oVDC RETURN (GROUND) + 3ovDc (GROUND] -1PVDc TPl TO TP2 + 30 &2.0VDC (+ 28VDC TO + 32VDC) TP3 TO TP5 + 12.5 +O.GVDC (+ 1 i.OVDC TO + 13.1VDC) TP4 TO TP5 -12 +l.SVDC (-10.8VDC TO -13.2VDC) TP6 TO TP7 + 5.1 iyO.lVDC (+ 5.OVDC TO + 5.2VDC) . NOTE: Without a sufficient “load” on the power supply, the actual voltage measurements may fall outside the range of tolerances provided above. If the voltage measurements are high, DO NOTPROCEED; contact Inter-Tel Customer Support. If the voltage measurements are low, con- tinue with the installation and check the voltages again (using the test points provided on the KSU Control Board) after station instruments have been installed. For the two larger power supplies, at least four keysets must be installed to provide an adequate testing load. For the smallest power supply, at least two keysets must be installed to provide an adequate testing load. Page 3-28

INTER-TEL PRACTICES INSTALLATION GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 C. ‘KSU CONTROL BOARD CONFIGURATION 6.9 Before installing any Expansion Modules (EXPs) or Accessory Port Modules (APMs), perform the following operations to the KSU Control Board (KCB). Refer to Figure 3-16 on page 3-31 for a draw- ing of the KCB and its attached Memory (MEM) Board. CAUTION The modules and components are static sensi- tive. Handle these units by the edges only and keep replacement components in their protec- tive case until they are to be installed. Do not bend or touch the pins of the components or subject them to a static charge. When working with the units, use an anti-static wrist strap and place the units on an anti-static work surface. Any static charge (no matter how small the charge) must be discharged from the body be- fore touching the modules or components. The warranty for this equipment doesnot cover damage caused by static or mishandling. Modules or com- ponents damaged in such a manner will not be re- placed. (1) To expose the KCB and its attached MEM Board, remove the screws to the two plates covering the front of the KSU and set the plates aside. (When removing the plates, be careful not to bend the pins that hold the tops of the cover plates in place.) (2) The MEM Board is shipped with the KF-rated Basic or the MF-rated Intermediate or Ad- vanced software already installed. Check the part numbers on the labels of the software components - ROMs l-4 (or 5) and U30. They should all have the same part number. NOTE: To install APMs, an Extended MEM Board with Advanced software (part no. 662.2101) or an Extended MEM Board withIn- termediate software (part no. 662.2103) is re- quired. (3) Check that all components and integrated cir- cuits are seated securely in their sockets and that no pins are bent. Also, make sure that all (4) (5) (6) (7) connectors and stand-offs are properly aligned and seated. NOTE: If the components on the MEM Board are not properly seated and/or if the MEM Board itself is not properly seated, the RUN LED may flash when the KSU is turned on and the KSU will not operate properly. If connecting an external music source, place the music-on-hold (MOH) ON/OFF strap in the ON position (over the left two pins) to en- able music, or place the strap in the OFF posi- tion (right two pins) to disable music. If enabled, outside callers will hear music when placed on hold. If disabled, outside callers will not hear music when placed on hold. . NOTE: Kf a music source is connected, the po- sition of the MOH strap will not affect theabil- ity of keyset users to receive background music. Also, regardless of the strap location, internal station users will hear, music when placed on hold by another station or when camped on. If music-on-hold is enabled, set the MOH HI/ LO strap in the desired position. For a lower MOH volume level, set the strap in the LO po- sition (over the left two pins). For a higher MOH volume level, set the strap in the HI po- sition (over the right two pins). Place the back-up battery (JMP 1) strap in the A position (over the bottom two pins) to en- able database back-up battery. If the strap is placed in the B position (upper two pins), the BAm OFF LED lights when the AC power is on. NOTE: The BAIT OFF LED will not light if the strap is missing. If attaching an SMDR/SAR output device or a programming terminal, set the RS-232-C baud rate DIP switches to the desired baud rate. NOTE: Only one switch should be ON (in the down position) at a’ time. The other three switches must be off. Having all the switches off or having more than one switch on at a time will cause data errors to occur and stations may not operate. Page 3-29

INSTALLATION Issue 2, May 1990 INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE (8) Check the station fuse on the bottom edge of the KSU Control Board. This should be a 2A, 25OV, AGC 2 (fast-acting) fuse. (9) If any of the odd-numbered station circuits are installed with secondary voice paths (refer to page 3-14), set the associated secondary voice path strap on the KSU Control Board in the OHVA position (over pins A and B). If the cir- cuit does not have a secondary voice path, en- sure that the strap is in the NORM position (over pins B and C). (10) ‘Ihm ON the AC POWER switch and observe the LEDs on the front of the KSU for the fol- lowing indications. If they are incorrect, check the system voltages as outlined in step 11 and then contact Inter-Tel Customer Support. NAME CORRECT INDICATION RUN Lit (Green) CO BUSY Off (Red) IC BUSY Off (Red) MINOR ALARM Off’ (Red) D-BASE ERROR Off* (Red) BA?T OFF Off (Red) *When a new system is installed, the D-BASE ERROR LED remains lit until the system da- tabase has been initialized or programmed. The MINOR ALARM LED may also be lit and can later be cleared from an attendant sta- tion using the Clear System Alarm feature code (019). (11) Measure the following system voltages. Adigi- tal voltmeter of ~0.5% accuracy is required. Place the “common” voltmeter probe on the ground point (TPO) and place the other probe on the desired voltage test point. (Refer to Fig- ure 3-16 on the next page for system voltage test point locations.) JEST POINTS YOLTAGE n1toTPo + 5.1 ~O.lVDC TP2toTPo -12.0 jg.2VDc TP3toTPo + 30.0 &2.0VDC TP4toTPo + 12.5 &0.6VDC NOTE: Without any keysets installed, the ac- tual voltage measurements may be lower than the tolerances provided above. If this is the case, continue with the installation and check (12) 03) (14) (15) (16) the voltages again after station instruments have been installed. For the two larger power .j supplies, at least four keysets must be installed to provide an adequate testing load. For the smallest power supply, at least two keysets - must be installed to provide an adequate test- ing load. If the voltages are within tolerance (or perhaps lower as explained in the preceding note), pro- ceed to step 13. If the voltages are out of toler- ance: a. Turn OFF the AC POWER switch. b. Check the KCB and its attached MEM Board for shorted components. c. mm ON the AC POWER switch and check the voltages again. d. If still out of tolerance, turn OFF the AC POWER switch and contact Inter-Tel Cus- tomer Support for assistance. While pressing the battery check button (SWl) on the MEM Board, measure the database back-up battery voltage. Place the “common” voltmeter probe on battery test point TPl (-) and the other probe on battery test point TP2 (+ ). If the voltage is not greater than 2SVDC, return the KSU for repair. (Refer to Figure 3-16 on the next page for back-up battery volt- age test point locations.) NOTE:This procedure may be performed with the KSU power on or off. Thm OFF the AC POWER switch. An optional SMDR/SAR output device, apro- gramming terminal, or an auto-answer modem may be connected to the RS-232-C port at any time. Refer to page 2-16 for RS-232-C pin con- nections, and refer to page 3-48 for installa- tion instructions. If any EXPs or APMs are to be installed, proceed with the instructions on page 3-32. If no EXPs or APMs are to be installed, proceed to page 3-37. Page 3-30