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PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE [DACJ Soft Feature Key Default Values (/SOFT) 7.12 Enter C from the station data menu, AC from the station/DSS data menu, or enter DAC or /SOFT from the database programming menu to set the de- fault value of the user-programmable keyset feature keys and station keys. The programmer can then reset all stations to the new default values, or leave them unchanged so the default values will be set only if the station users enter the feature key default feature code (325). Refer to Figure 5-9 on page 5-151 for a program planning sheet. 7.13 The current feature name and feature code are shown in the prompt for each key. Whenever a new code is entered, the name and feature code are redisplayed for verification. If the entry is correct, press < CR >; if not, enter a new feature code. REVIEW SL SET SOFT FEATURE KEYS (N): This prompt does not appear in Basic software. If using Basic, advance to the REVlE W 24-LINE KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW 24-LINE KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS prompt. KEY A “FEATURE: STATION SPEED DIAL’ FEATURE CODE (E382) : KEY B “FEATURE: REDIAE’ FEATURE CODE (E380) : KEY C “CO LINE ACCESS: AUTOMATIC ROUTE SELECTION” Enter the desired feature code. Key A is the top key, B is the second, etc. Keys E-I are forfiture use. . FEATURE CODE (E80) : KEY D “FEATURE: INDIVIDUAL HOLD” FEATURE CODE (E336) : KEY E “FEATURE: SYSTEM SPEED DIAE’ FEATURE CODE (E381) : KEY F “FEATURE: PROGRAM STATION SPEED DIAE’ FEATURE CODE (E383) : KEY G “FEATURE: QUEUE REQUEST” FEATURE CODE (E6) : KEY H “FEATURE: CONFERENCE” FEATURE CODE (E5) : KEY I “FEATURE: MESSAGE” FEATURE CODE (E365) : LIST OF SL SETS TO UPDATE (NONE): Enter the list of single-line stations to be updated to the new default values as soon as the PERFORM SYSTEM UPDATE prompt is answered. REVIEW SL SET FEATURES AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) Any single-line station not included in the list will be set to the new default values if the station user enters the feature key default feature code (325). Y- Return to the KEY A prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Page 5-60

INTER-TEL PRACTICES ‘. GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 REVIEW 24-LINE KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS (N): KEY A “FEATURE: INDMDUAL HOLD” FEATURE CODE (E336) : KEY B “FEATURE: TRANSFER CO CALL FEATURE CODE (E345) : KEY C “CO LINE ACCESS: AUTOMATIC LINE SELECTION” FEATURE CODE (E89) : KEY D “FEATURE: HOOKFLASH” FEATURE CODE (E330) : KEY E “FEATURE: REDIAL’ FEATURE CODE (E380) : KEY F “FEATURE: SYSTEM SPEED DIAE’ FEATURE CODE (E381) : KEY G “FEATURE: QUEUE REQUEST” FEATURE CODE (E6) : KEY H “FEATURE: PAGE” FEATURE CODE (E7) : KEY I “FEA7ZTRE: BACKGROUND MUSIC ON/OFF” FEATURE CODE (E313) : LIST OF 24-LINE KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): REVIEW 24-LINE KEYSET FEATURES AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) REVIEW 24-LINE AIM KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS (N): KEY A “FEATURE: REDIAI? FEATURE CODE (E380) : . . . KEY I “FEATURE: HOOKFLASH” FEATURE CODE (E330) : LIST OF 24-LINE AIM KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW 24-LINE AIM KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS prompt. Enter any feature code. The 24-line keyset feature keys appear as shown in the figure below: Enter the list of 24-line keyset stations to be updated to the new default values as soon as the PERFORM SYSTEM UPDATE prompt is answered. Any 24-line keyset station not included in the list will be set to the new default values if the station user enters the feature key default feature code (325). Y- Return to the KEY A prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW 1ZLINE KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS prompt. The 24-line AIM keyset is not presently available. Page 5-61

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE REVIEW 24-LINE AIM KEYSET FEATURES AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) REVIEW 1ZLINE KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS (N): KEY A “FEATURE: INDIVIDUAL HOLD” FEATURE CODE (E336) : KEY B “FEATURE: TRANSFER CO CALL’ FEATURE CODE (E345) : LIST OF 1ZLINE KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): REVIEW 1ZLINE KEYSET FEATURES AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE CYORN) REVIEW S/12-LINE AIM KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS (N): KEY A “FEAWRE: INDIVIDUAL HOLD” The 8-line and 12-line AIM keysets are not presently FEATURE CODE (E336) : available. Y- Return to the KEY A prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW 8/12-LINE AIM KEYSET SOFT FEATURE KEYS prompt. Enter any feature code. The 1Zline keyset feature keys appear as shown in the figure below: OIIII IIIIIU 11112)13)14) [q Elv[ p8J Line Keys [-qTpqiq III0 I Enter the list of 1Zline keyset stations to be updated to the new default values as soon as the PERFORM SYSTEM UPDATE prompt is answered. Any 1Zline keyset not included in the list will be set to the new default values if the station user enters the feature key default feature code (325). Y- Return to the keyset KEY A prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW STATION KEYS prompt. KEY E “FEATURE: REDIAIJ FEATURE CODE (E380) : LIST OF 8/12-LINE AIM KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): Page 5-62

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘.. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 REVIEW 8/12-LINE AIM KEYSET FEATURES AGAIN (N)? REVIEW STATION KEYS (N): STATION KEY X FEATURE CODE (NONE) : LIST OF KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): REVIEW KEYSET STATION KEYS AGAIN (N)? REVIEW SYSTEM-WIDE KEYSET FWD KEY DEFAULT (N): SYSTEM-WIDE FWD KEY FEATURE FWD KEY “FEATURE: CALL FORWARD ALL CALLS” FEATURE CODE (E355) : LIST OF KEYSETS TO UPDATE (NONE): REVlEW SYSTEM-WIDE FWD KEY FEATURE AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) REVIEW SOFT KEY DEFAULTS AGAIN (N): Y- Return to the KEY A prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW SYSTEM-WIDE KEYSET FWD KEY DEFAULT prompt. Enter the desired feature code or intercom number for each station key. Entering a feature code creates a feature key and entering an intercom number creates a DSS/BLF key. Enter the list keyset stations to be updated to the new default values as soon as the PERFORM SYSTEM UPDATE prompt is answered. Any keyset station not included in the list will be set to the new default values if the station user enters the station key default feature code (329). Y- Return to the STATION KEY X prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW SOFT KEY DEFAULTS AGAIN prompt. Enter the desired call forwarding feature code that will be the default for all keysets in the system. Enter the list keyset stations to be updated to the new default value as soon as the PERFORM SYSTEM UPDAm prompt is answered. Any keyset station not included in the list will be set to the new default value if the station user enters the feature key default feature code (325). Y- Return to the SYSTEM-WIDE KEYSET FWD KEY DEFAULT prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Return to the first prompt. N- Return to the station/DSS data menu prompt ww Page 5-63

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE [DAD] Copy Station Information (/COPY) isting station replaces that station’s current features. 7.14 Station information can be copied to several stations using this program. (User names, extension numbers, hunt groups, and DSS/BLF Unit assign- ments are not copied.) Copying information to an ex- 7.15 To reach this program, enter D from the sta- tion data menu, AD from the station/DSS data menu, or enter DAD or /COPY from the database program- ming menu. A program planning sheet is located in Figure 5-9 on page 5-152. STATION TO BE COPIED (NONE): REVIEW STATION INFORMAnON (N)? KEYSET X.Y EQUIPPED (Y) TENANT GROUP NAME “ ” TENANT GROUP NUMBER (1): . . . PAGE ZONES (1): REVIEW STATION COPY AGAIN (N)? LIST OF STATIONS TO COPY INFORMATION TO (NONE): PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) COPY ADDITIONAL STATIONS (N)? Enter the circuit number (X.Y) or intercom number (EXXX) of the station that has the information to be copied. Enter NONE to return to the station data menu prompt ([DA]:). N- Continue to the LIST OF STATlONS TO COPY TO prompt. Y- Review station parameters to be copied. Valid responses are the same as in program [DAA] (specific station information) on page 5-51. Y- Review the station features again. N- Continue to the next prompt. Enter circuit (X.Y) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of stations to receive the information. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to stop the procedure without copying information. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Return to the STATION TO BE COPIED prompt. N- Return to the station data menu prompt (PW:). Page 5-64

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 [DAE] Assign Common SCOS to Stations (KCOS) 7.17 This program cannot be used to review current assignments. The prompts show default values until 7.16 Station class of service (SCOS) is assigned to new SCOS information is entered for the list of sta- multiple stations using this program. It is accessed by tions. After each list is entered, the terminal entering E from the station data menu, AE from the redisplays the entry for verification. If the list is cor- station/DSS data menu, or enter DAE or /CCOS rect, press < CR > . If not, enter the correct informa- from the database programming menu. A program tion. The prompts appear as shown below. End each planning sheet is located in Figure 5-9 on page 5-153. entry with < CR >. LIST OF STATIONS WITH COMMON DAY SCOS (NONE): Enter circuit (X.Y) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of stations with the same SCOS for day mode. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to return to the station data menu prompt ([DA]:). (0) UNRESTRICTED (Y): Y- Advance to the REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. RESTRICTED (1) OPERATOR ACCESS (N): (2) TOLL ACCESS (N): (3) INTERNATIONAL (N): (4) EIGHT DIGIT (N): (5) AREA/OFFICE CODE (N): (6) ARS ONLY (N): (7) ALTERNATE CARRIER (N): (8) ENABLE ALD (N): Respond with Y or N as in program [DAA] (specific station information), page 5-51. The ARS only prompt does not appear in Basic software and is not used in Intermediate software. + REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE CiORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. LIST OF STATIONS WITH COMMON NIGHT SCOS (NONE): Enter circuit (X.Y) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of stations with the same SCOS for night mode. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to return to the MAKE ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS prompt. (0) UNRESTRICTED (Y): Y- Advance to the REVIEW ASSIGNMENT’S AGAIN prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Page 5-65

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘::::::“““““.L’...‘.‘.‘......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::,:,:.:.:,:>:.:.:.:.y.v .,.;,.,.......... ... ..... ,...........,.._.....,.....................,...................................................................... RESTRICTED (1) OPERATOR ACCESS (N): (2) TOLL ACCESS (N): (3) INTERNATIONAL (N): (4) EIGHT DIGIT (N): (5) AREA/OFFICE CODE (N): (6) ARS ONLY (N): (7) ALTERNATE CARRIER (N): (8) ENABLE ALD (N): Respond with Y or N as in program [DAA] . (specific station information), page 5-51. The ARS only prompt does not appear in Basic soj?ware and is not used in Intermediate soware. REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE Cy ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y c CR > to save the changes or N c CR > to leave the database unchanged. MAKE ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (N)? N- Return to the station data menu prompt (WI:). Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS WITH COMMON DAY SCOS prompt. . Page 5-66

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 [DAF] Assign Common CO Line Lists to Stations (/SCOM) 7.19 This program cannot be used to review the cur- rent assignments. The prompts show default values until new CO. information is entered for the list of 7.18 Enter F from the station data menu, AF from stations. Whenever the prompt asks for a list, entries the station/DSS data menu, or enter DAF or /SCOM redisplay for verification after they are entered. If the from the database programming menu to batch load information is correct, press < CR > . If not, enter the C.O. line information to multiple stations. Aprogram correct information. The prompts appear as shown on planning sheet is located in Figure 5-9 on page 5-153. below. End each entry with < CR > . LIST OF STATIONS WITH COMMON CO LINE LISTS (NONE): Enter circuit (X.Y) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of stations with allowed-answer, ring-in, and outgoing-access assignments for the same C.O. lines. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to return to the station data menu prompt ([DA]:). LIST OF CO LINES THAT CAN BE ACCESSED FOR OUTGOING CALLS DAY LIST (NONE): NIGHT LIST (NONE): Enter a list of C.O. line circuit numbers (X.Y) for each prompt. ALL or NONE are valid entries. LIST OF CO LINES THAT CAN BE ANSWERED DAY LIST (NONE): NIGHT LIST (NONE): LIST OF CO LINES THAT RING-IN DAY LIST (NONE): NIGHT LIST (NONE): REVIEW ASSIGNMENT (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE Cy ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR z= to save the changes or N c CR > to leave the database unchanged. MAKE ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS prompt. N- Return to the station data menu prompt (PAI :>- Page 5-67

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE [DAG] Assign Common Page Zones to Keysets (/PCOM) 720 Select option G from the station data menu, select AG from the station/DSS data menu, or enter DAG or /PCOM from the database programming menu to assign the same page zone list to multiple stations. A program planning sheet is located in Fig- ure 5-9 on page 5-153. 731 This program cannot be used to review the cur- rent assignments. The prompts show default values until new page zones are programmed for the list of stations. Whenever the prompt asks for a list, entries redisplay for verification after they are entered. If the information is correct, press < CR > . if not, enter the correct information. The prompts appear as shown below. End each entry with < CR > . LIST OF KEYSETS WITH COMMON PAGE ZONES (NONE): Enter a list of circuit (XY) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of keysets in the same page zone(s). ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to return to the station data menu prompt ([DA]:). LIST OF PAGE ZONES TO BE ASSIGNED (NONE): Enter page zone number(s) l-6 for the keysets. REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF KEYSETS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) This prompt appears only if new informaiion waS entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. MAKE ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (N)? Y- Return to the LIST OF KEYSETS prompt. N- Return to the station data menu prompt W4:). Page 5-68

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 [DAH] Miscellaneous Station Features (/SEX) Figure 5-9 on page 5-154.) Whenever the prompt asks 7.22 Select option H from the station data menu, select AH from the station/DSS data menu, or enter DAH or /SMSC from the database programming menu to assign miscellaneous station features to mul- tiple stations. (A program planning sheet is located in for a list, entries redisplay for verification after they are entered. If the information is correct, press c CR >. If not, enter the correct information. The prompts appear as shown below. End each entry with . LIST OF STATlONS WITH: AUTOMATIC ANSWER ON CO CALLS ( ): AUTOMATIC ANSWER ON IC CALLS ( ): CO RESEIZE ENABLED ( ): DISA AUTOMATED ATTENDANT DND OVERRIDE ENABLED ( ): DND ENABLED ( ): FWD ENABLED ( ); FPN ENABLED ( ): HANDSFREE ENABLED ( ): SECONDARY VOICE PATH KEYSETS ( ): OHVA TRANSMIT ENABLED ( ): OHVA RECEIVE ENABLED ( ): REDIAL MODE - LAST NUMBER DIALED ( ): RING INTERCOM ALWAYS ENABLED ( ): REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE Cy ORN) The current lists are displayed. For each prompt, enter a list of station circuit (X.Y) or intercom (EXXX) numbers of stations with each of the indicated features. The OHVAprompts appear only if off-hook voice announce is enabled in [AF] (miscellaneous system information). The DISAI Automated Attendant DND Ovenide prompt does not appear in Basic sofrware and is not used in Intermediate software. , Y- Return to the LIST OF STATIONS WITH HANDSFREE ENABLED prompt. N- Return to the station data menu prompt 6W:). This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Page 5-69