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INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 B. [IB] ARS DIAL RULES (/RULE) 12.7 The system dials the number according to the dial rules assigned to the route group. If the dial rules do not tell the system to echo digits that are dialed (rules l-3), they are deleted. To program the digits that are added to the dialed number when the route group is selected (rules 4-lo), select B from the auto- matic route selection menu or IB or /RULE from the database programming menu. The first three rules are preset; rules 4-10 are programmable. 12.8 Each dial rule can contain up to 16 digits in- cluding O-9, #, *, and timed pauses and/or hookflashes. To program pauses, enter P for a short pause, PP for a medium pause, and PPP for a long pause. The length of the pause (P) is determined by the programmable pause timer. If hookflash pro- gramming is enabled (in miscellaneous system data [AF]), you can enter an F (Flash) for a hookflash, P for a short pause, or PP for a medium pause. The length of the hookflash is determined by the pro- grammable CO hookflash timer. Each pause or hookflash (P, PP, PPP, or F) is considered one digit. The prompts appear as shown below. End each entry with . NOTE: When dialing an ARS number, the system only sends out a total of 48 digits. For this reason, the complete ARS number (including the telephone number and any assigned dial rules) should be kept under 48 digits. DIAL RULE 1. ECHO TOLL FIELD (1, 0, 01, OR 011) DIAL RULE 2. ECHO AREA CODE DIAL RULE 3. ECHO LOCAL ADDRESS OR COUNTRY CODE AND NATIONAL NUMBER DIAL RULE 4 ( ): . . . DIAL RULE 10 ( ): REVIEW DIAL RULES AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) RANGE OF ROUTE GROUPS TO BE REVIEWED (ALL) : ROUTE GROUP X DIALING RULES ( ) : REVIEW SAME ROUTE GROUPS AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE v ORN) REVIEW ADDITIONAL ROUTE GROUPS (N)? The first three dial rules are shown for reference only. They cannot be changed. Enter up to 16 digits. Include pauses and/or hookflashes (P, PP, PPP, or F), if necessary. Y- Return to ADD RULE 4. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y c CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Enter a range of route group numbers (l-8). Enter NONE to return to the automatic route selection menu prompt ([I]:). Enter a list of dial rules (l-8) that are to be used with this route group. Separate the numbers with commas. List them in the exact order that the number should be dialed (i.e., toll field, area code, local address). The entq redisplays for verification. Enter < CR > if it is correct or enter new information if it is incorrect. Y- Return to the first route group selected. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Y- Return to the RANGE OF ROUTE GROUPS prompt. N- Return to the automatic route selection menu prompt ([I]:). Page S-101
PROGRAMMING INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 13. [J] DATABASE SAVE/RESTORE (/SAVE) NOTE: To store the entire system database, approxi- mately 1OOK bytes of memory are required. 13.1 This program allows an unrestricted program- mer to save and/or load the database using an exter- nal storage device such as a personal computer. (Re- fer to SPECIFICATIONS, page 2-17, for informa- tion concerning the external storage device.) 132 To reach this program, enter J or /SAVE from the database programming menu. The prompts ap- pear as follows. SELECT DEVICE PORT P = PRIMARY A = ACCESSORY PORT 1 B = ACCESSORY PORT 2 SELECT DEVICE PORT (P/A/B): This prompt does not appear in Basic sofiare. Choose the output port to which the storage device will be attached. Enter P for the KSU port or enter A or B for the desired APM port. DELAY VALUE (DEFAULT = 10 SECONDS): This prompt appears only if the port is connected to the terminal you are using. Set the delay to a value between 1 and 2.55 seconds to allow time to prepare the terminal to send or receive the information. Make sure that the baud rates of the selected RS-232-C port and the storage device are the same. ECHO ENABLE (N)? SELECT DEVICE HANDLER D = CPU/DISK DEVICE T=TECHTRAN DATACASSETTE DEVICE HANDLER (D/T)? SELECT FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL Y = ENABLE N = DISABLE ACK/NAK (DEFAULT = DISABLE)? SELECT SAVE/RESTORE OPERATION S=SAVE R = RESTORE OPERATION (R/S)? Y- The data appears in Motorola-S format on the terminal. N- The data is not displayed. NOTE: Some data devices do not operate properly when echo is enabled. Unless otherwise instructed, it is recommended that echo not be enabled. Select the type of storage device that will send or receive the data. If CPUIDISK DE VlCE was selected, this prompt appears and allows you to determine the transfer protocol. The ACK/NAK file transfer protocol provides a method of validating each line of the database as it is transferred from one device to the other. As each line is transferred, the value that was received is compared with the value that was sent. If the two values match, the ACK character is transmitted to the sending device and the next line is sent. If the values do not match, the NAK character is transmitted to the sending device and the same line is sent again. S- Information is sent from the system to the storage device. R- Information is transferred from the storage device to the system. Page 5-102
INTER-TEL PRACTICES ‘.. PROGRAMMING GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 13.3 The terminal then prints one the following sets of instructions for beginning the save/restore function: If a delay time is set: THE DELAY OPERATION IS NOW IN EFFECT. PROCEED WITH ANY RE-CABLING (ETC.) AS NECESSARY. THE SPECIFIED OPERATION WILL START WHEN THE DELAY TIMER EXPIRES. : If another port is selected and a delay time is not set: ESTABLISH ANY NECESSARY COMMUNICATION WITH THE HOST/DEVICE, THEN TYPE CONTROL-P WHEN READY TO PROCEED. 13.4 When the selected operation is successfully completed, the following message appears: *** REQUESTED DATABASE OPERATION HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED *** 13.5 If using the restorefinction, the PERFORM A SYSTEM RESET NOW (Y or N) message is printed when the programmer attempts to exit the system after the database has been loaded. Enter Y < CR > to reset the system. Page 5-103
PROGRAMMING INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 2, May 1990 GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 14. [K] SYSTEM INITIALIZATION AND RESET (/INIT) this program, enter K or /INIT from the database pro- gramming menu. The prompts are preceded with a warning: 14.1 This program allows an unrestricted program- mer to reset the database or return it to the default configuration. It is used when the system is first in- stalled or when the KSU has been replaced. To access WARNING: THIS TASK WILL END THE PROGRAMMING SESSION AND TERMINATE ALL CALLS IN PROGRESS AS PART OF THE INITIALIZATION PROCESS. SYSTEM INITIALIZATION OPTION I = INITIALIZE TO SYSTEM DEFAULT VALUES R= SYSTEM RESET D = SCHEDULE A DELAYED RESET C = CANCEL A DELAYED RESET SYSTEM INITIALIZATION OPTION (R): I- Initializing the database returns system information to default values. Advance to the PRESERVE SELECTED DATA prompt. R- A reset of the system does not change the database, but drops all calls in progress and erases the SMDR buffer. Advance to the PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM prompt shown on the next page. NOTE: Besides dropping all C.O. and intercom calls in progress (including the modem, if in use) and erasing the SMDR buffer, a reset also cancels background music, queue requests, inter-station messages, reminder messages, and redial memory. Other miscellaneous items, such as programmed forwards, do-not-disturb messages, day/night mode operation, redial mode, etc., are preserved. D- To schedule a delayed reset, continue to the next prompt. C- A previously scheduled reset is cancelled. Advance to the PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM prompt shown on the next page. DELAYED RESET TIME (HH:MM): Enter a time in 24-hour international format (i.e., 13:OO = 1:CKlPM). The time entered is redisplayed. Press < CR > to accept that time or enter a new time to change it. When the time has been accepted, continue to the next prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE Cy ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to cancel the request. DELAYED RESET SCHEDULED FOR xX:xX The terminal returns to the database programming menu prompt ([ I:). PRESERVE SELECTED DATA (N): N- All data is returned to the default values. Advance to the PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt to select specific data to be saved. Page 5-104
INTER-TEL PRACTICES ‘. GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 PRESERVE SYSTEM TIMERS (N): PRESERVE SYSTEM SPEED DIAL (N): PRESERVE ACCOUNT CODES (N): PRESERVE EXTENSION AND FEATURE CODE ASSIGNMENTS (N): PRESERVE STATION INFORMATION (N): PRESERVE TOLL-RESTRICT TABLES (N): PRESERVE AUTOMAmC ROUTE SELECI-ION TABLES (N): PRESERVE REPORT PROGRAMMING (N): REVIEW SELECTED DATA AGAIN (N)? PERFORM UPDATE TO DATABASE (Y OR N)? MAJOR RESET For the following PRESERVE prompts, enter Y . < CR > to save the information or N c CR > to return the information to default values: All system timers. All system speed-dial numbers (including non-display and tenant-specific designations). NOTE: This does not preserve the system speed-dial programming station assignment. All standard and forced account codes. All intercom numbers and feature codes. User names, station speed-dial numbers, programmable feature keys, SCOS, secretarial intercept, attendants, call forward requests, and account code indexes. Overlapping area/office code designation, allowed/restricted area and office codes, local area code, alternate carrier numbers, and allowed long distance numbers. I This prompt does not appear in Basic software. Automatic route selection programming information. SMDR reports, SAR/call cost information, tenant names, and error reports. Y- Return to the PRESERVE SYSTEM TIMERS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Y- Complete the selected function (initialize or reset). N- Return to the database programming menu prompt ([ I:) without affecting the system. This appears if you initialized or reset the system. Page 5-105
PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 15. SMDR AND ERROR PROGRAMMING 15.1 To program the station message detail record- ing (SMDR) and error message output, select B from the applications program menu. This program sets the parameters for the SMDR and error output. Use the SMDR program planning sheet in Figure 5-15 on page S-167. 15.2 If a password is required for access to the SMDR and error programming menu, the PASS- WORD: prompt is displayed. If an incorrect password is entered, the terminal returns to the applications program menu. A. [A] SMDR OUTPUT (/OUTR) 15.4 To activate or halt the output port for SMDR, enter A or /OUTR from the SMDR and error pro- 15.3 The SMDR produces a record of calls and their costs as well as system error messages. Report format and error messages are discussed in the FEAmRES section, starting on page 4-108. The menu appears as shown below: :, ; SMDR AND ERROR PROGRAMMING [A] SMDR OUTPUT [B] SMDR REPORTS [C] ERROR OUTPUT [D] ERROR REPORTS [E] ON-LINE ERROR REPORTS [F] SMDR AND ERROR PASSWORD ? DISPLAY MENU . EXIT gramming menu. The following prompt is displayed. Halting the SMDR output places the information (at least 10 calls) in a buffer that is printed when the SMDR resumes operation. SMDR OUTPUT ACTIVE (Y): Y- Activate the SMDR output. N- Halt the SMDR output. SMDR~OUTPUT PORT P = PRIMARY A = ACCESSORY PORT 1 B = ACCESSORY PORT 2 SMDR OUTPUT PORT (P): This prompt does not appear in Basic software. Choose the output port to which the SMDR device will be attached. Enter P for the KSU port or enter A or B for the desired APM port. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE V ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Return to the SMDR and error programming menu prompt (I I:). -,.’ Page 5-106
INTER-TEL PRACTICES PROGRAMMING GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 B. [B] SMDR REPORTS (/SMDR) 15.5 To determine the information that is included in the SMDR report, select B or /SMDR from the SMDR and error programming menu. 15.6 To program the SMDR report contents, enter Y or N to any or all of the following options. End all entries with c CR > . RECORD ALL INCOMING CALLS (Y): RECORD ALL LOCAL CALLS (Y): RECORD ALL TOLL CALLS (Y): RECORD ALL DISA CALLS (Y): RECORD ALL CONFERENCE CALLS (Y): RECORD ALL RING-IN DIAGNOSTICS (Y): SUPPRESS ALL OUTGOING DISA DIGITS (N): SUPPRESS ALL ABSORBED DIGITS (N): SUPPRESS ALL BUT THE FIRST TOLL DIGIT (N): Records all incoming calls. Records all local, non-toll calls that are longer than the valid call timer. Records all toll calls that are longer than the valid call timer. Toll calls include calls that begin with 1 or 0, are longer than seven digits, or contain a restricted office code. This prompt does not appear in Basic sofrware and is not used in Intermediate sojlware. All calls made using DISA are recorded, even DISA calls placed to stations not listed in the SMDR LIST OF STATIONS prompt below. All conference calls that involve an outgoing line are recorded, even conference calls involving stations not listed in the SMDR LIST OF STATIONS prompt below. A ring-in message is recorded for every incoming call (whether answered or unanswered) to indicate how long it rang. All incoming calls are recorded, even those involving stations not listed in the SMDR LIST OF STATIONS prompt below. This prompt does not appear in Basic sofiware and is not used in Intermediate software. Y- DISA-to-outside call digit will not appear in the report. N- All digits dialed to place an outgoing call via DISA appear in the report. Y- Absorbed digits (on local or PBX lines) will not appear in the report. N- Absorbed digits appear in the report. NOTE: If absorbed digits are repeatable on a local line, the absorbed digits will not appear in the SMDR report. Y- Only the first digit of the toll field(s) will appear in the number dialed field (i.e., if “10XxX-l-...” was dialed, only “11” would appear). N- The entire toll field will appear in the report. Page 5-107
PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SMDR LIST OF STATIONS (ALL): Enter the extension (EXXX) or circuit (X.Y) number(s) of the station(s) that will appear in the report. ALL and NONE are valid entries. SMDR FORMAT W = WIDE N = NARROW SMDR FORMAT (W): REVIEW SMDR AGAIN (N)? W- Selects the 80-character report format. N- Selects the 64-character report format. (Refer to FEAWRES, pages 4-109 and 4-110, for examples.) Y- Return to the RECORD ALL INCOMING CALLS prompt. N- Return to the SMDR and error programming menu prompt ([ 1:). PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. C. [C] ERROR OUTPUT (/OUTE) complete record of all errors. At least 20 error mes- sages are held in a buffer. These messages are printed 15.7 Select C or /OUTE from the SMDR and error programming menu to determine the output type for the system error reports. The programmer can halt the error output so that messages are only printed when service personnel request them. Or, the pro- grammer can choose to have continuous output for a as soon as the output is activated again. 15.8 If, when activating error message output, SMDR is active, error messages appear within the SMDR report and call information is buffered while the message prints. ERROR MESSAGE OUTPUT ACTIVE (Y): N- Halt the error message output. Y- Restore the error message output. ERROR OUTPUT PORT This prompt does not appear in Basic software. P = PRIMARY Choose the output port to which the error A = ACCESSORY PORT 1 recording device will be attached. Enter P for the B = ACCESSORY PORT 2 KSU port or enter A or B for the desired APM ERROR OUTPUT PORT (P): port. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE This prompt appears only if new information was (Y OR N) entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Return to the SMDR and error programming menu ,, prompt (1 I:>* Page 5-108
‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 D. [D] ERROR REPORTS (/ERR) sages for all alarms and for all field service diagnostics are enabled, and error messages for all engineering 15.9 This program determines the types of error messages to be included in the error report. It can be reached by entering D or /ERR from the SMDR and error programming menu. You may wish to use the program planning sheet in Figure 5-15 on page 5-167. 15.10 When the system is initialized, error mes- diagnostics are disabled. NOTE: Do not enable error reports for engineering diagnostics unless requested to do so by authorized service personnel. 15.11 The prompts are as follows. Enter Y < CR > to include the information or N < CR > to exclude it. REPORT ALL ALARMS [ + + +] (Y): REPORT ALL FIELD SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS [***I (Y): REPORT ALL ENGINEERING DIAGNOSTICS [- - -1 (N): REVIEW ERROR MESSAGES AGAIN (N) PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) An error message is recorded for all minor and major system alarms. (Refer to FEATURES, page 4-111, and TROUBLESHOOTING, page 6-4, for more information concerning system alarm reporting.) An error message is recorded for all field service diagnostics. A customer service representative should be contacted if any of these error messages are printed. Refer to TROUBLESHOOTING, page 6-5, for a listing of field service diagnostics. An error message is recorded when the software detects an inconsistent or illogical condition in the dynamic database, when the operating system detects an error in the non-operating system software on the same circuit board, and if the operating system detects an inconsistency or error condition in its own data structures. These error messages are for engineering use only. Y- Return to the REPORT ALL ALARMS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Return to the SMDR and error programming menu prompt (] I:). Page 5-109