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PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE H. [AH] PASSWORDS (/PASS) 4.18 The database programming, SMDR and error programming, &AR/call cost programming, and on- line monitor menus each can be assigned passwords that limit access. 4.19 The database programming menu can have up to three passwords; each specifies a different level of access: Database inspection level allows any portion of the database to be viewed, except the save/re- store, initialization, or password programs. It does not allow changes to be made in the database. Database modifmation level allows changes in the database to be made and saved. But, it does not allow access to the save/restore, initialization, or password programs. Database unrestricted level allows the program- mer to make changes, save or load information, initialize the system, and access the password pro- grams. 4.20 If an inspection and/or modification password is assigned, an unrestricted password must also be as- signed to ensure adequate security. If an unrestricted password is not assigned, a simple < CR > allows ac- cess to the save/restore, initialization, and password programs, thus defeating the purpose of password se- curity. 4.21 The SMDR and error programming, SAR/call cost programming, on-line monitor, and self test each have one password (unrestricted level). 4.22 If a password is required for entry to a pro- gramming area, the terminal displays PASSWORD:. If an invalid password is entered, the system returns to the applications menu prompt and prints an error message. For security, the passwords do not appear on the terminal when typed. 4.23 A password can be up to eight characters long. To allow immediate access to every program, no pass- words are set during initialization. If desired, record the passwords on the program planning sheet in Fig- ure 5-6 on page 5-139. 424 To establish, change, or remove passwords, en- ter H from the general system data menu or enter AH or /PASS from the database programming menu. The prompts for the database programming menu pass- word appear first. End each entry with < CR > . 4.25 If a password is created and later designated as not required, it remains in the system memory. If it is later designated as required and a new password is not created, the original password is reassigned. REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR DATABASE PROGRAMMING (N): CHANGE INSPECTION PASSWORD (N)? N- Advance to the SMDR password prompts. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the CHANGE MODIFICATION PASSWORD prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: Enter up to eight characters. Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. CHANGE MODIFICATION PASSWORD (N)? N- Advance to the CHANGE UNRESTRICTED PASSWORD prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: Enter up to eight characters: Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. Page 5-30

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘,. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 CHANGE UNRESTRICTED PASSWORD (N)? N- Advance to the SMDR password prompts: Y- Continue to the next prompt. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: Enter up to eight characters. ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE ci ORN) REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR SMDR AND ERROR (N): CHANGE SMDR AND ERROR PASSWORD (N)? ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE CYORN) REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR SAR (N): (OR, REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR CALL COST) CHANGE SAR PASSWORD (N)? (OR, CHANGE CALL COST PASSWORD) ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE Cy ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR SAR (OR CALL COST) prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR SAR (OR CALL COST) prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. Enter up to eight characters. Repeat the same characters. If the two,entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. If using Basic software, these prompts will ask for a Call Cost password instead of SAR. N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR ON-LINE MONITOR prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR ON-LINE MONITOR prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. Enter up to eight characters. Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Page 5-31

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX4 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR ON-LINE MONITOR (N): CHANGE ON-LINE MONITOR PASSWORD (N)? N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR NETWORK SELF TEST prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR NETWORK SELF TEST prompt. Y- Continue to the next prompt. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: Enter up to eight characters. ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) REQUIRE A PASSWORD FOR NETWORK SELF TEST (N): CHANGE NETWORK SELF TEST PASSWORD (N)? ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ENTER NEW PASSWORD AGAIN: PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. The network self test prompts do not appear in Basic software. N- Return to the general system data menu prompt ([A]:). Y- Continue to the next prompt. / _ N- Return to the general system data menu prompt ([A]:). Y- Continue to the next prompt. Enter up to eight characters. Repeat the same characters. If the two entries do not match, an error message appears; return to the ENTER NEW PASSWORD prompt. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. The terminal then returns to the general system data menu prompt ([A]:). Page 5-32

INTER-TEL PRACTICES PROGRAMMING GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 2, May 1990 5. [B] EXTENSIONS (INTERCOM NUMBERS) AND FEATURE ACCESS CODES (/CODE) 5.1 To reprogram intercom numbers or feature codes, enter B or /CODE from the database pro- gramming menu prompt. Prompts are shown below only for a few extension (intercom) numbers and fea- ture codes. To prepare for programming, make a list of feature codes, intercom numbers, and pilot num- bers and check to be sure they do not overlap. The program planning sheet in Figure 5-7, starting on page 5-140, lists the default values of all the extension codes, hunt group codes, C.O. line access codes, and feature codes. 5.2 The feature codes and intercom numbers are preset to carefully selected default values. Changing the codes or numbers can cause existing assignments to be erased. For example, if 300,305, and 306 are as- signed as feature codes and you attempt to assign 30 as another feature code, 30 would not be accepted, because 3 and 0 make up part of existing codes. The terminal prints the error message shownbelow. Ifde- sired, enter Y < CR > to save 30 and-erase feature codes 300,305, and 306. *** AMBIGUOUS ASSIGNMENT(S) *** E3OO E305 E306 OVERRIDE CONFLICT (N)? 5.3 Feature code prompts appear in numerical or- der, according to their default values. Changing the code for a feature does not change the order in which the prompts appear. The prompts begin with inter- com number assignments. End each entry with . RANGE OF STATIONS TO BE REVIEWED (NONE): KEYSET 1.1 (ElOO): . . . KEYSET 6.8 (E147) . . . SL SET 8.6 (E159): REVIEW SAME STATIONS AGAIN (N)? REVIEW ADDITIONAL STATIONS (N)? RANGE OF HUNT GROUPS TO BE REVIEWED (NONE): HUNT GROUP 1 (E231): . . . HUNT GROUP 5 (E235): REVIEW SAME HUNT GROUPS AGAIN (N)? Enter a range of circuit numbers of the stations to be viewed or assigned new intercom numbers, ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to advance to the RANGE OF HUNT GROUPS prompt. Enter an intercom number (XXX or EXXX) to change the number assigned to the circuit. Circuit numbers 1.1-6.8 are on the KSU and EXP boards. Single-line circuits 7.1-7.6 are on the first APM and 8.1-8.6 are on the second APM. (Circuits 7.146 are not available in Basic software.) Y- Return to the first station selected. N- Continue to the next prompt. Y- Return to the RANGE OF STATIONS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Enter a range of hunt group numbers (l-5) to be assigned pilot numbers. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to advance to the REVIEW FEATURES prompt if using Basic software, or the RANGE OF VOICE COMPUTER HUNT GROUPS prompt if using Advanced or Intermediate software. Enter new pilot numbers (XXX or EXXX) for the hunt groups, if desired. Be careful not to use numbers that you wish to use as intercom numbers or feature codes. Y- Return to the first hunt’ group in the selected range. N- Continue to the next prompt. Page 5-33

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX.48 INSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCE REVIEW ADDITIONAL HUNT GROUPS (N)? RANGE OF VOICE COMPUTER GROUPS TO BE REVIEWED (NONE): VOICE COMPUTER GROUP 6 (E236): . . . VOICE COMPUTER GROUP 20 (E250): REVIEW SAME VOICE COMPUTER GROUPS Y- Return to the fist voice computer hunt group AGAIN (N)? in the selected range. N- Continue to the next prompt. REVIEW ADDITIONAL VOICE COMPUTER GROUPS (N)? REVIEW FEATURES (N)? REVIEW CO LINE ACCESS FEATURE CODES (N)? CO LINE ACCESS: AUTOMATIC ROUTE SELECTION (E80): (Not in Basic sojlwure) CO LINE ACCESS: SELECT LINE GROUP 1 (E81): . . . CO LINE ACCESS: AUTOMATIC LINE SELECTION (E89) REVIEW NON-ATTENDANT ONLY FEATURE CODES (N)? FEATURE: DISPLAY DATE AND TIME (E300): . . . FEATURE: PAGE (E7) REVIEW AmNDANT ONLY FEATURE CODES (N)? Y- Return to the RANGE OF HUNT GROUPS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. Voice computer prompts appear only in intermediate and Advanced software. Enter a range of voice computer hunt group numbers (6-20) to be assigned pilot numbers. ALL is a valid entry. Enter NONE to advance to the REVIEW FEATURES prompt. This prompt is not used in Intermediate sojbvare. Enter new pilot numbers (XXX or EXXX) for the voice computer hunt groups, if desired. Be careful not to use numbers that you wish to assign as intercom numbers or feature codes. Y- Return to the RANGE OF VOICE COMPUTER GROUPS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. ’ Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW EXTENSION ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN prompt. This prompt does not appear in Basic software. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW NON- ATTENDANT ONLY FEATURE CODES prompt. Enter a new l-3 digit code for each line access code or NONE if the feature will not be used. Do not use numbers that you wish to assign as intercom numbers or feature codes. This prompt does not appear in Basic sofhvare. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW ATTENDANT ONLY FEATURE CODES prompt. Enter a l-3 digit code for each feature or NONE if the feature is not used. Do not use numbers that are reserved as intercom numbers or feature codes. This prompt does not appear in Basic sofiare. Y- Continue to the next prompt. N- Advance to the REVIEW FEATURES AGAIN prompt. Page 5-34

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘,. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 FEATURE: NIGHT RING ON/OFF @lo): . . . FEATURE: PROGRAM LINES IN SERVICE (E031) REVIEW FEATURES AGAIN (N)? Enter a l-3 digit code for each feature or NONE if the feature will not be used. Be careful not to use numbers that you have used as intercom numbers or feature codes. Y- Return to the CO LINE ACCESS prompt. N- Continue to the next prompt. REVIEW EXTENSION ASSIGNMENTS AGAIN (N)? Y- Return to the RANGE OF STATIONS TO BE REVIEWED prompt. N- Exit to the database programming prompt ([ I:). PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE V ORN) This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. I Page 5-35

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘.. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 6. [C] C.O. LINES 6.1 The programs reached through menu [C] C.O. Lines (selection C from the database programming menu) establish equipped C.O. lines, C.O. line groups, outgoing-access lists, allowed-answer lists, and ring-in lists. 6.2 The menu appears as shown below: [C] CO LINES [A] CO LINE EQUIPMENT STATUS [B] CO LINE GROUPS [C] SPECIFIC CO LINE INFORMATION [D] AUTO AND LINE KEY ASSIGNMENTS [E] ACCESS, ANSWER, AND RING-IN 6.3 Certain types of C.O. information can be en- tered in more than one program. For example, lists of stations with outgoing-access, allowed-answer, and ring-in can be assigned individually to each C.O. line (using program [CC] Specific C.O. Line Information) or they can be assigned to a group of C.O. lines (using program [CE] Access, Answer, And Ring-In). The ex- act method and order of programming used depends on the customer’s specific needs and the program- mer’s preference. 6.4 Before using these programs, look through all of the information on pages 5-36 to 5-48. Then, using the program planning sheet in Figure 5-8, starting on page 5-143, make lists of the following information. Circuit numbers of equipped C.O. lines. 6.5 Select option A from the C.O. lines menu or en- ter CA or /EQU from the database programming menu to batch load information for several C.O. lines. The program planning sheet for this program is located in Figure 5-8 on page 5-143. Line identifications (up to seven characters). Circuit numbers of lines to be used for DISA in day and night modes, and security codes, if de- sired. (Advanced software only, requires an APA4) 6.6 The prompts begin on the following page. After each list of circuit numbers is entered, the terminal redisplays the entry. Press < CR > if the information is correct. If not, enter new information. Circuit numbers of incoming-only and/or outgo- ing-only C.O. lines. Circuit numbers of lines that require dial pulse signaling. 6.7 When a list is displayed, items can be added to it by entering a plus (+ ) before the information. For ex- ample, the list reads 1.1-1.3, 2.1. To add 1.4 and 2.2-2.4, enter + 1.4, 2.2-2.4. To subtract items from the list, enter a minus (-) as the first character. Do not attempt to add and subtract items in the same entry. Circuit numbers of lines that will be subject to toll restriction, exempt from ARS Only (Advanced software only), lines that will be programmed to absorb digits for PABX or local lines (and their ab- NOTE: Lines that have been placed out of service for maintenance cannot be programmed until they are returned to service. Page 5-36 sorbed digit strings), and lines that will be used for equal access dialing. Call cost types for unrestricted lines. Circuit numbers of auto line(s). Inthe Basic soft- ware there can be only one auto line. Advanced software allows as many equipped lines as desired to be designated as auto lines. Circuit numbers of line(s) for each line group. In the Ba.sic software there can be only one line in each line group. Advanced software allows all equipped lines to be assigned to a single line group. A line can be in more than one line group. ’ Hunt group ring-in assignments. Outgoing-access, allowed-answer, and ring-in as- signments for the stations (separate lists for day and night modes). Line key assignments for up to four soft key groups. The soft keys can be assigned C.O. circuit numbers, feature codes, or station key numbers. A. [CA] C.O. LINE EQUIPMENT STATUS UEQU)

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘.. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 LIST OF EQUIPPED CO LINES (ALL): LIST OF DAY DISA CO LINES (NONE): LIST OF NIGHT DISA CO LINES (NONE): LIST OF INCOMING-ONLY CO LINES (NONE): LIST OF OUTGOING-ONLY (NONE): CO LINES LIST OF PULSE-DIALING CO LINES (NONE): LIST OF CO LINES SUBJECT TO TOLL RESTRICT (ALL): LIST OF CO LINES EXEMPT FROM ARS ONLY (NONE): REVIEW CO LINE STATUS AGAIN (N)? LINE KEY ASSIGNMENT FOR CO LINE X.Y SOFT KEY GROUP X LINE KEY NUMBER(S) AVAILABLE ( ): PERFORM UPDATE TO SYSTEM DATABASE (Y OR N) Enter the circuit numbers of the C.O. lines tobe equipped. ALL or NONE are valid entries. This prompt appears only in Advanced software. Enter the circuit numbers of lines to be used for DISA access while the system is in day mode. ALL or NONE are valid entries. This prompt appears only in Advanced software. Enter the circuit numbers of lines to be used for DISA access while the system is in night mode. ALL or NONE are valid entries. Enter circuit numbers of lines to be used for incoming calls only. ALL or NONE are valid entries. Changing this list also changes the outgoing-access list in [DAA]. Enter circuit numbers of lines to be used for outgoing calls only. Changing this list also changes the allowed-answer and ring-in lists in [DAA]. Enter circuit numbers of lines that use dial-pulse _ signaling. ALL or NONE are valid entries. Enter circuit numbers of lines that will be subject to toll restriction. Station class of service (SCOS) is checked only if the line is restricted. ALL or NONE are valid entries. This prompt does not appear in Basic software and is not used in Intermediate sofiware. Enter circuit numbers of lines that can be accessed directly by stations with SCOS 6 (ARS Only) and allowed access. Y- Return to LIST OF EQUIPPED CO LINES prompt. N- Return to the C.O. lines menu prompt ([Cl:). This prompt appears onIy if a line is changed from unequipped to equipped status. They show the available soft key assignments. Enter the desired line key number from the list shown, or < CR > to select the lowest available line key. This prompt repeats for each of the soft key groups. This prompt appears only if new information was entered. Enter Y < CR > to save the changes or N < CR > to leave the database unchanged. Page 5-31

PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 ‘. INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX.48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. [CB] 41.0. LINE GROUPS (/LGRP) 6.8 A line group is accessed for placing outgoing calls by entering one of the select line group feature codes at a station. To define the eight line groups, en- ter B from the C.O. lines menu or enter CB or /LGRP from the database programming menu. Pre- pare to use this program by making a list of the C.O. line circuit numbers to be used for each line group (refer to Figure 5-8 on page 5-144 for a program plan- ning sheet). A line can be in more than one line group or in none. 6.9 When a list of C.O. lines is entered, the terminal redisplays the entry for verification. If the entry is cor- rect, press < CR > . If not, enter the correct informa- tion. The prompts appear as follows. End each entry with . RANGE OF LINE GROUPS TO BE Enter a range of line group numbers (l-8) to be REVIEWED (ALL): LINE GROUP X LIST OF CO LINES programmed. Enter

INTER-TEL PRACTICES GMX-48 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE ‘.. PROGRAMMING Issue 2, May 1990 C. [CC] SPECIFIC C.O. LINE INFORMATION (/LINE) 6.10 To assign C.O. line features on a line-by-line basis, enter C from the CO. lines menu or enter CC or /LINE from the database programming menu. Be- fore using this program, determine the following in- formation for each equipped C.O. line circuit. (The program planning sheet in Figure 5-8,page 5-145, may be helpful.) C.O. lines equipped: List all equipped C.O. lines. C.O. line identification: An identifier of up to seven characters can be programmed for each line. DISA access: Each line can be programmed as a day and/or night DISA line. In addition, each DISA line can be assigned a four-digit security code to limit system access and/or access to the C.O. lines. Separate security codes can be as- signed for day and night modes. (Advanced soft- ware only, requires an APM) Dial-pulse signaling: Determine if each line uses dial-pulse signaling. Toll restriction: If the line is not subject to toll re- strict, the station class of service (SCOS) is not checked when the line is used. For unrestricted lines, determine the call cost rate to be used for calls placed on the C.O. line. Restricted lines can be designated as equal access lines and can be pro- grammed to absorb digits for PABX installations and installations in areas where the first digit(s) of the office code are absorbed. , ARS Only restriction: (Advanced sojbvare only) Each line can be exempt from, or subject to, the ARS only restriction. If exempt from ARS only, stations with SCOS 6 (ARS Only) and the proper access can directly access the lines. If subject to ARS Only, stations with SCOS 6 can access the line only if is part of an ARS route group. Outgoing access, allowed-answer, and ring-in as- signments: Prepare lists of stations that have out- going access, ring-in, and/or allowed-answer as- signments for day and night modes. List hunt group ring-in assignments, if used. 6.11 When the prompt asks for a list, the terminal redisplays the entry for verification. Enter < CR > if it is correct. If not, enter the correct information. 6.12 When a list is displayed, items can be added by entering a plus (+ ) before the information. For ex- ample, the list reads 1.1-1.3, 2.1. To add 1.4 and 2.2-2.4, enter + 1.4, 2.2-2.4. To subtract items from the list, enter a minus (-) as the first character. Do not attempt to add and subtract items in the same entry. RANGE OF CO LINES TO BE REVIEWED (ALL): Enter a range of circuit numbers of the C.O. lines to be reviewed or programmed. Enter ALL to view all lines or enter NONE to return to the C.O. lines menu prompt ([Cl:). CO LINE X.Y EQUIPPED (Y): Y- A C.O. line is connected to this circuit. N- Circuit is unequipped. Advance to the REVIEW SAME CO LINE AGAIN prompt. CO LINE ID ( ): If desired, enter a name for the C.O. line up to seven characters long (e.g., WATS 1, LOCAL 3, etc.) or enter < to erase the current name. (If no entry is made, LINE XX appears on keyset displays.) If using Basic or Intermediate software, skip to the INCOMING-ONLY LINE prompt; the DISA prompts appear only in Advanced software. NOTE: Programming names for all of the C.O. lines may cause the system to process calls more slowly than usual. Page 5-39