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Kyocera TASKalfa 300i User Manual

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    of 426
    Unknown login user name Job 
    This specifies the behavior for handling the jobs sent with unknown login user names or User ID (i.e. unsent 
    IDs). If the User Login is set to invalid and Job Accounting is set to valid, follow the procedure when the Account 
    ID is unknown.
    The table below shows the available settings.
    Use the procedure below to proce ss jobs sent from unknown users.
    1Press the System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Change] of  Unknown ID Job.
    5Press [Reject] or [Permit]. 
    6Press [OK].
    Item Description
    Reject The job is rejected (not printed).
    Permit The job is permitted to be printed. 
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    Group Authorization Settings
    Set restrictions of the machine usage by each individual group registered in the authentication server.
    NOTE: To use the group authorization settings, [Network Authentication] must be selected for the 
    authentication method in  Enabling/Disabling User Login Administration on page 11-2 . Select [On] for LDAP in 
    Protocol Detail on page 8-66.
    Group Authorization
    Use the group authorization. Use the procedure below.
    1Press the  System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  User Login Setting, [Next] of  Group 
    Authorization Set. , and then [Change] of  Group 
    Authorization .
    5Press [On]. 
    6Press [OK].
    Group List
    Register the groups that is restricted the machine usage.  Up to 20 groups can be individually registered. Other 
    users and groups belong to  Others.
    The table below explains the group information to be registered.
    Item Description
    Group ID* Enter the ID displayed on the  group list (between 1 and 4294967295).
    Group Name Enter the name displayed on the group list (up to 32 characters).
    Access Level Select Administrator or  User for group access privileges.
    Print Restriction Select whether or not to reje ct usage of print functions for the printer.
    Copy Restriction Select whether or not to reject usage of copy functions.
    Send Restriction Select whether or not to  reject usage of the send functions.
    FAX TX Restriction Select whether or not to  reject usage of the FAX transmissions.
    Storing Restr. in Box Select whether or not to reject usage of storing in the document boxes.
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    Use the procedure below.
    1Press the System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  User Login Setting, [Next] of  Group 
    Authorization Set. , [Register/Edit] of  Group List, 
    and then [Add].
    5Press [Change] of  Group ID. 
    6Enter the group ID and press [OK].
    7Press [Change] of  Group Name.
    8Enter the group name and press [OK].
    NOTE: Refer to the Character Entry Method on 
    Appendix-10  for details on entering characters.
    9Press [Change] of  Access Level.
    10Select the user access privilege and press [OK].
    11Press [Change] of  Print Restriction.
    12Select [Reject Usage] or [Off] and press [OK].
    Storing Restr. in Memory Select whether or not to reject usage of storing in the removable memory.
    * For Group ID, specify PrimaryGroupI
    D assigned by ActiveDirectory of Windows. If you are using Windows 
    Server 2008, check Attribute Editor tab of user properties. If you are using Windows Server 2000/2003, 
    check ADSIEdit. ADSIEdit is a support tool includ ed on the installation CD-ROM for Windows Server OS 
    (under \SUPPORT\TOOLS).
    Item Description
    User Login/Job Accounting - Group List
    Register the groups that is restricted the machine usage. (Maximum: 20)
    Group ID
    Group Name
    DetailDelete Add
    08/08/2009    10:10
    Group ID:
    Copy Restriction:
    Access Level:
    Copy Restriction (Color):
    Print Restriction:
    Print Restriction (Color):
    Group Name:
    08/08/2009    10:10
    Change Change Change
    Copy Restr. (Full Color):
    Send Restriction: Change
    Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
    13Follow steps 11 and 12 above to set Copy 
    Restriction , Send Restriction , FAX TX Restriction , 
    Storing Restr. in Box , and Storing Restr. in Memory .
    14Press [Register] to add a new group on the group 
    Obtain Network User Property
    Set the required information to obtain the network user property from the LDAP server.
    NOTE: To obtain the network user property from the LDAP  server, [Network Authentication] must be selected 
    for the authentication method in Enabling/Disabling User Login Administration on page 11-2 .
    The table below explains the required information to be registered.Use the procedure below.
    *1  If using Active Directory of Wi ndows, the server name may be same as  the server name entered in the 
    network authentication.
    *2  If using Active Directory of Windows,  displayName of Attribute may be used as Name 1.
    *3  Name 2  can be left out. When you assign  displayName in Name 1  and department  in Name 2 , and if the 
    value of  displayName is Mike Smith and the value of  department is Sales in Active Directory of Windows, 
    the user name appears as Mike Smith Sales .
    *4  If using Active Directory of Windows,  mail of Attribute may be used as E-mail Address .
    1Press the System Menu  key.
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    Item Description
    Server Name*
    1Enter the LDAP server name or the  IP address (up to 64 characters).
    Port Set the LDAP port number or use the default port 389.
    Name 1*
    2Enter the LDAP Attribute to obtain the  user name to be displayed from the 
    LDAP server (up to 32 characters).
    Name 2*
    3Enter the LDAP Attribute to obtain the  user name to be displayed from the 
    LDAP server (up to 32 characters).
    E-mail Address*
    4Enter the LDAP Attribute to obtain the e-mail address from the LDAP server (up 
    to 32 characters).
    Search Timeout Set the amount of time to wait before time-out in seconds (from 5 to 255  seconds).
    LDAP Security Select the type of  encryption according to the type of security employed by the 
    LDAP server.
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    privileges. Refer to Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  User Login Setting , [Change] of 
    Obtain NW User Property .
    5Press [On].
    6Press [Server Name].
    7Enter the LDAP server name or the IP address and 
    press [OK].
    8Press [# keys] to enter the LDAP port number using 
    the numeric keys.
    9Press [Name 1].
    10Enter the LDAP Attribute to obtain the user name to 
    be displayed and press [OK].
    11Follow steps 9 and 10 above to set  Name 2.
    12Press [E-mail Address].
    13Enter the LDAP Attribute to obtain the e-mail 
    address and press [OK].
    14Press [Search Timeout] to set the amount of time to 
    wait before time-out.
    15Press [+], [-] or the nume ric keys to enter the time.
    16Press [LDAP Security] to select the type of 
    encryption according to the type of security 
    employed by the LDAP server.
    17Select [Off], [LDAP over SSL], or [LDAPv3/TLS] 
    and press [OK].
    User Login/Job Accounting - Network User Property
    Get the network user information.
    On Off
    Server Name
    Name 2 Name 1
    08/08/2009    10:10
    E-mail Address
    LDAP Server Information:
    Acquisition of User Information: displayName
    Off sec.
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    Job Accounting
    Job accounting Manages the copy/print count accumulated by individual accounts by assigning an ID to each 
    Job accounting helps the following activities in business organizations.
    • Manageability of up to  1,000 individual accounts.
    • Availability for account IDs with as many as eight digits (between 0 and  99999999) for security. 
    • Integrated management of printing and scanning stat istics through the use of an identical account ID. 
    • Tracking the print volume for each account and for all accounts combined.
    • Restricting the print counter in one-page increments up to 9,999,999 copies. 
    • Resetting the print counter for each account or for all accounts combined. 
    First Job Accounting Setup 
    Follow these steps for the first job accounting setup. 
    Enable job accounting. ( page 11-14)
    Add an account. ( page 11-16)
    Log out. ( page 11-15 )
    Other users login for operations. ( page 11-15)
    Enabling/Disabling Job Accounting 
    Enable job accounting. Use the procedure below to specify the job accounting setting.
    1Press the System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  Job Accounting Setting , and then 
    [Change] of  Job Accounting.
    5Press [On]. To disable job accounting, press [Off].
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    6Press [OK].
    NOTE: When the display returns to the System Menu 
    default screen, logout is automatically executed and 
    the screen to enter the Account ID appears. To 
    continue the operation, enter the Account ID.
    If job accounting is enabled, an account ID entry screen appears each time you use this machine. 
    Use the procedure below to login and logout.
    1In the screen below, enter the account ID using the 
    numeric keys and press [Login].
    NOTE: If you entered a wrong character, press the 
    Clear key and enter the account ID again. 
    If the entered account ID does not match the registered 
    ID, a warning beep will sound  and login will fail. Enter 
    the correct account ID. 
    By pressing [Counter Check], you can refer to the 
    number of pages printed and the number of pages 
    When the screen to enter the login user name and 
    password appears
    If user login administration is enabled, the screen to 
    enter the login user name and password appears. Enter 
    a login user name and password to login. (Refer to 
    Login/Logout on page 11-3 .) If the user has already 
    registered the account information, the account ID entry 
    would be skipped. (Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-
    5 .) 
    2Proceed to complete the rest of the steps.
    Logout When the operations are complete, press the Logout 
    key to return to the a ccount ID entry screen.
    Status 08/08/2009    10:10
    Enter the account ID.
    Check Counter Login
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    Adding an Account
    This section explains how to add a new account. The following entries are required.
    Use the procedure below to register a new account.
    1Press the System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  Job Accounting Setting , [Register/
    Edit] of  Accounting List , and then [Add].
    5Press [Change] of  Account Name.
    6Enter the account name and press [OK]. The 
    Account screen reappears.
    NOTE: Refer to the Character Entry Method on 
    Appendix-10  for details on entering characters.
    7Follow steps 5 and 6 above to enter the  Account ID. 
    NOTE: Any account ID that has already registered 
    cannot be used. Enter any other account ID.
    8Activate or deactivate restriction. Refer to 
    Restricting the Use of the Machine on page 11-18 .
    9Press [Register] to add a new account on the 
    Account List.
    Item Description
    Account Name Enter the account name (up to 32 characters).
    Account ID Enter the account ID as many as eight digits (between 0 and  99999999). 
    Restriction This Prohibits printing/scanning  or restricts the number of sheets to 
    load. Refer to  Restricting the Use of the Machine on page 11-18 .
    Account: xx 
    Print Restriction (Total):
    Copy Restriction (Total):
    Copy Restr. (Full Color): Account ID:
    Off 00001000
    Print Restr. (Full Color):Off
    Account Name:
    08/08/2009    10:10
    Copy Restr. (SingleColor):
    Off Change Change
    Change Change Change Change
    01 Account
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    Managing Accounts
    This changes the registered account information or deletes the account.
    Use the procedure below to manage accounts.
    1Press the System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  Job Accounting Setting  and then 
    [Register/Edit] of  Accounting List.
    5Select an account to change or delete.
    NOTE: Select [Name] or [ID] from the  Sort pull-down 
    menu to sort the account names.
    Press [Search(Name)] or [Search(ID)] to search by 
    account name or account ID.
    The procedure differs depending on the details to 
    be edited.
    Changing account information 1Press [Detail]. 
    2 Refer to steps 5 to 7 of  Adding an Account and 
    steps 2 to 5 of  Restricting Using the Machine  
    to change account information.
    3 Press [Register].
    4 Press [Yes] in the registration confirmation 
    screen. The account information is changed.
    Deleting an account 1Press [Delete].
    2 Press [Yes]. To delete the account. 
    User Login/Job Accounting - Accounting List
    Register an account that is permitted to use this machine. (Maximum: 1000)
    Account Name
    Account ID
    Detail Name
    05 00001000
    00005000 00003000
    Delete Add
    08/08/2009    10:10
    Account: xx 
    Print Restriction (Total):
    Copy Restriction (Total):
    Copy Restr. (Full Color): Account ID:
    Off 00001000
    Print Restr. (Full Color):Off
    Account Name:
    08/08/2009    10:10
    Copy Restr. (SingleColor):
    Off Change Change
    Change Change Change Change
    01 Account
    Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
    Managing the Copier/Printer Counts
    You can select how the copying and printing page counts are shown - either the total of both or each of copying 
    and printing individually. The selection may influence  restriction on the count and count method. Refer to 
    Restricting the Use of the Machine on page 11-18,  Counting the Number of Pages Printed on page 11-23  and 
    Printing an Accounting Report on page 11-26  for details. 
    Use the procedure below to set the counting methods.
    1Press the  System Menu  key. 
    2Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
    3If user login administration is disabled, the user 
    authentication screen app ears. Enter your login 
    user name and password and then press [Login]. 
    For this, you need to login with administrator 
    privileges. Refer to  Adding a User on page 11-5  for 
    the default login user name and password.
    4Press [Next] of  Job Accounting Setting , [Next] of 
    Default Setting  and then [Change] of Copier/Printer 
    5Press [Total] or [Split]. 
    6Press [OK]. 
    Restricting the Use of the Machine 
    This section explains how to restrict  the use of the machine by account  or the number of sheets available.
    The items that can be restricted differ depending on whether [Split] or [Total] is selected for Managing the 
    Copier/Printer Counts on page 11-18 .
    Restriction Items  [Split] selected for  Copier/Printer Count
    Item Detail
    Copy Restriction (Total) Limits the total number of sheets used for copying.
    Print Restriction (Total) Limits the total number of sheets used for printing.
    Scan Restriction (Others) Limits the number of sheets scanned (excludes copying).
    FAX TX Restriction Limits the number of sh eets sent by fax. This is displayed 
    when the optional fax kit is installed.
    FAX Port Restriction Restricts the ports us ed for faxing. This is displayed when two 
    optional FAX kits are installed.
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