GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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r52108187M-335 TL-130200-1001 Table 8.1Recent Change Sequences (Continued) FUNCTIONTRANSACTION NUMBERCOMMENTSShow CIP card location and assigned ports.221,146Show CIP card location ShowVCIP or DVCIPcard location and assigned ports.221 146Show VCIP or DVCIP card location. Show lines on a VCIP or DVCIP card. Add a CAS Main- or ACD agent.111 115 43 142Add instrument data. Add line feature data. Add agent group Change supervisor status association. Delete a CAS Main or ACD agent.115 (or 111) _Delete phone. Add Asynchronous Packet Manager (APM) or Synchronous Packet Manager (SPM). 146Add data device. Delete APM or SPM. Add a NIC 146 221, 161153,168Delete data device. Add a trunk to a NIC trunk groupAdd a trunk to a NIC trunk group and set up a nailed connection.
-TL-130200-100-t OFF-LINE9.0 The off-line maintenance disk contains the software for DIAGNOSTICSconducting off-line diagnostic testing. Diagnostic tests are only performed on off-line equipment because the generic and data base software are voided when the maintenance disk is is loaded into the system. The following tests are conducted using the Off-Line Diagnostics Testing Program: * Line Cards and Direct-Inward-Dialing (DID) Trunk Cards 0 System Memory o Channel Memory 0 Network o Disk Drive l Page, Tone, and ATT12 Cards o Touch-Calling Receivers Physical Locations9.1 During off-line diagnostic testing, the technician must, at times, enter physical locations according to file, group and card slot number. The OMNI SI universal card slots are organized according to PCMUS Group (letters A, B, C and D) and card slot number (numbers 0 thru 11). The universal line/trunk slots are labeled as follows:1 C6 C5C4C3 C2 ClC7 C8 C9 Cl0 Cl1DOD1 D2D3D4D5D6D7D8DgDlODllEXPANSION FILE 5210 A0 A2 A4 A7 A8 A9 A10 AllBO 82 B3 B5 B7 88 B9 BllGET STARTED FILE Test Options Menu9.2 Menu numbers are assigned to each test option. In order to run a certain test, the technician types in the menu number on the maintenance terminal and follows the program prompts. The menu of test options for off-line diagnostic testing appears in Table 9.1. 8187M-337
-TL-130200-1001 Table 9.1Menu of Test Options Menu No.Test Option 0SYSTEM MEMORY TEST 1CHANNEL MEMORY TEST 2PAGING CARD TEST 3NETWORK TEST 4DISK DEVICE TEST 5SERIAL DEVICE CONTROLLER TEST ITONE CARD TEST1 ATT12 CARD TEST I 8ILINES/TRUNKS TEST1 TOUCH CALLING RECEIVER TEST1 Loading the Program9.3 The following steps load the Off-Line Maintenance Program: 1. Place the program disk into the disk drive. 2. Connect the maintenance terminal to the NSDC card (FB-20992-A), port 0. 3. Press the reset button on the PSUPY card (FB-17197-A) located in slot Pl of the cabinet power file. - Flashing red LED on the disk drive indicates the program is loading into the system. 4. Program loads into system memory on instruction page 1. 5. When the program has been loaded, set the baud rate at 300, or 1200. Press the return key to lock in the baud rate. 6. The terminal display appears: THE GTE OMNI SI DIAGNOSTIC DISK DOES THIS SYSTEM HAVE AN EXPANSION FILE? IF YES, TYPE “Y”, IF NOT TYPE “N”. M-338 81875210
:._TL-130200-1001 7. Answer the prompt by typing “Y.” or “N. “ The Menu of Test Options appears on the terminal display screen. Choose the test and type the menu number. 8. The test selected runs with the results shown on the terminal screen NOTES: 1. Type “CONTROL-C “ to abort a test. The Menu of Test Options appears on the terminal screen. 52102. Type “CONTROL-X” to restart a System Memory or Channel Memory test. This entry also aborts other diagnostic tests. 3. Except for the System Memory test, any test can be immediately repeated. After completing one test, the user can select another from the menu list when it appears on the screen. 9.4 Memory tests identify failures in cards. The programs work by writing various test patterns into memory and reading them back after a default or user-specified delay. Memory testing is entirely automatic or partially manual/partially automatic. If entirely automatic, defaulted or modified time delays are used. Manual testing detects soft memory faults in which CPU operation is interrupted for a time period set by the user. Manual testing consists of the first two of a set of four tests used in memory testing. The first two tests write data patterns “00” and “FF” throughout the entire memory range with a user specified delay between the write and read. testing runs with all pages or just one page, and with all ranges or just one range. The following events occur as part of manual testing: 1. Type in first test pattern “00” 2. Terminal indicates that CPU is in waiting state. 3. Wait for desired amount of time delay between write and read functions. Type I‘$“ to begin read-back portion of test. - Card is tested for memory storage ability. Test results are displayed on the terminal screen. 4. WAIT message reappears on terminal screen. Repeat process by typing in second test pattern “FF. “5. Wait for desired amount of time delay between read and write functions. Type I‘$“ to begin read-back portion of the test. Results are displayed on the terminal screen. 8t87M-339
TL-130200-1001Automatic Testing9.5 After all manual tests are completed, the program changes over to automatic testing with test results displayed as before. Automatic testing repeats tests one and two under CPU control with a one-second delay between write and read. Test three writes all possible data patterns into each address location with data in the adjacent address location incremented by one. Example: . .If address A000 contained a data pattern of “01 “, successive address locations in test three appear as follows: M-340 Address A000 A001A002 A003 A004 Pass #l Data 01 02 03 04 05 Pass #2 Data 02 03 04 05 06 Pass #255 Data FF 00 01 02 03 Pass #256 Data 00 01 02 03 04Every address location is tested with every data pattern. Tests are also conducted for internal memory chip errors such as multiple address activation, adjacent memory cell interaction, and data bridging. All 256 individual write/read trials are performed in test three with the data base pattern “01“ through “00” displayed during each testing sequence. Test four increments the data written into each block of one hundred hexadecimal addresses. Checks are made for address decoding errors, multiple memory chip activations, and memory location with all possible data pattern combinations. As with test three, 256 individual trials are performed with the data base pattern displayed during each sequence. Test results are displayed at the end of the trial sequence following test three and test four. The delays for all tests can change to meet certain conditions. Tests one and two default to one second between write and read. Tests three and four are set not to delay because of the time involved in writing all possible combinations in all memory locations. If the delays are changed in tests three and four, the time it would take to run these tests could be extremely long. 81675210
TL-130200-1001Fast Test Option Retest Option System Memory Test9.6 Fast test option reduces the amount of time spent running memory tests. This is done by using a shorter data pattern which reduces the number of patterns written to memory in tests three and four. 9.7 Automatic testing restarts the retest option if no failures have occurred. If a failure does occur, testing stops and the results of all ranges are displayed in circular order. 9.8 This test checks the ability of system memory to store information on the One Megabyte Memory card (FB-17314-A -lA) and the Multiprocessor Buffer 8085 card (FB-17215-A). One memory page, or part of a memory page, can be selected for testing. The “all or one page“ option selects the number of pages. The “page set“ option selects the exact page. The amount of memory tested is defined by range numbers. System memory is divided into blocks of memory addresses called ranges with each assigned a number used for memory testing purposes only. The blocks of memory addresses and range number assignments appear in Table 9.2. There is a relationship between range numbers and their physical location on a circuit card. Excluding part of the memory from testing limits the amount of information about the card. Full memory tests should be run in order to obtain as much information about the card as possible. The System Memory Test cannot be repeated without loading the maintenance disk into memory. The memory content is the last test pattern used in the actual test when the System Memory Test is completed. 5210 8f87M-341
TL-130200-1001 Table 9.2 S‘stem Memar Test Card and Address Range Correlation IO-17 Dl-D7 Range No. AddressRangeDo (2,3) Range No.Card SlotFunction I0200 to IFFF 0860 to 08BF1 OAOO to OABF /OCOOPad Memory (both files) 1000 to 13FF coY5Common Memory Get Started File ClY4Common Memory Expansion Fife 1400 to 17FF ( 2050 to 3FFF2Yl Yl2 3 IYlI 4 5 6 7 COO0 to DFFF EOOO to FFFF8 NOTES: 1. Range 1 does not exist for Il. I1 contains the Off-Line Diagnostic Program at range 1 during the test. 2. Ranges A, B, and P will always be tested. 3. Ranges CO and Cl are tested only if data page 0 is tested. Range 0 is tested if common memory tests were specified. Range Cl is tested if both common memory tests were specified and the Expansion File was specified in the system’s configuration when testing was started. M-342 81875210
: TL-130200-1001 _’System Memory9.8.1 Testing ProceduresUse the following steps to conduct the System Memory Test: 1. Select option “0“ from the Menu of Test Options. The system responds: Fujitsu GTE OMNI SI SYSTEM MEMORY TEST TO DEFAULT ALL VALUES TYPE 0 OTHERWISE TYPE 1 2. If all values are to stay at their default values type “0” If not, type “1.” If a “0” value was typed, the test begins. If a “1” was typed, the system responds: ALL PAGES TYPE 0; OTHERWISE TYPE 43. If all data and instruction pages are tested, type a “0”;otherwise, type “1” If “0” was typed, go to step 5; otherwise, the system responds: r----------------------------------------------------~; TO TEST A SINGEL PAGE, TYPE PAGE #I I; (0-INST O/l-INST l/2-DATA O/3-DATA 1)I I; (4-INST2/5-INST3/6-QATA 2/7-DATA 3)II ; (8-INST 4/9 INST 5/l 0 DATA 4/l 4 -DATA 5)II; (12-INST-6/13-INST 7/14-DATA 6115~DATA 7)IIIL,---------------------------------------------------~4. Type the number that matches the page tested. The system responds: FOR COMMON MEMORY TEST TYPE 0 /NO TEST TYPE 1 5. If common memory is tested, type “0”; otherwise, type “1” The system responds: FOR RETEST TYPE O/ SINGLE TYPE 1 6. If testing is to continue after a complete pass on all pages and ranges selected, type “0.”If only one pass is desired, type ” 1 ” .The system responds: TO RUN FAST TEST TYPE 0 LONG TEST TYPE 1 7. If the short memory test is used, type “0.” The short test does not do any of the extensive address checking, nor does it have a delay between the write and read of a memory location. The short memory test detects all hard errors and some soft errors. If the normal test is desired, type ” I”. The system responds; 52108187M-343 AUTO TEST TYPE 01 MANUAL TYPE 1
TL-130200-1001 8. If automatic delay (under system control) is used, type “0”.For manual time delay, type “1 “. The system will respond: TO DEFAULT INTER TEST TIME DELAY TYPE 0, OTHERWISE TYPE 1 9. If default values are used, type “0” and tests begin. If other time values are used, type ” 1.” The system responds: FOR EACH TEST’S DELAY TIME, TYPE TWO DIGITS: XX - FOR # OF SECONDS DELAY IN TEST 1 & 2 10.Enter values from “00“ to “FF” for the time delay on tests 1 ‘*and 2 (“00” means no time delay, “FF” means 255 seconds). The system responds: XX - FOR # OF SECONDS DELAY IN TEST 3 11.Enter values from “00” to “FF“ for the time delay on test 3. The system responds: XX - FOR # OF SECONDS DELAY IN TEST 4 12.Enter values from “00 “ to “FF “ for the time delay on test 4. Test Results9.8.2 All of the test results described may not appear since they depend on how the System Memory Test was set up. A response should appear for each range tested. 1. Page location and range number are printed as each range passes test 1, 2, 3, and 4. The pages appear as follows: - For Instruction Page 0, a “CO” precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 1, a “Cl “ precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 2, a “C2” precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 3, a “C3“ precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 4, a “C4” precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 5, a “C5“ precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 6, a “C6” precedes the range # - For Instruction Page 7, a “C7” precedes the range # - For Data Page 0, a “DO” precedes the range # - For Data Page 1, a “Dl I‘ precedes the range # - For Data Page 2, a “D2” precedes the range # - For Data Page 3, a “D3“ precedes the range # - For Data Page 4, a “D4“ precedes the range # - For Data Page 5, a “D5” precedes the range # - For Data Page 6, a ” D6” precedes the range # - For Data Page 7, a ” D7” precedes the range # 2. If a failure does occur, the following sample message appears on the terminal screen: 81875210