GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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CODE01 02 03 04 05 06 . .07 08 09 . OA 08oc OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 16 1c 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 292A 5210Table 6.12 CEC Trunk State Codes. TRUNK STATE Incoming pre-seized trunk Incoming mishandled trunk Incoming FX trunk wait for resources Incoming, not answered (idle) Incoming loop, not answered (idle) Incoming busy (idle) Incoming signaling A Incoming signaling B Incoming dialing (idle) Incoming delay dial wait Outgoing start dial wait Outgoing wink start wait Outgoing busy (idle) Outgoing guard after release Outgoing immediate dial Outgoing glare check Recorder-Announcer message interval Incoming seizure stall System out of service (PEF out of service) Outgoing wait for disconnect, PBX release first Retry, put in service Outgoing pre-seized Spare Outgoing dialing Outgoing busy (busy) Outgoing not answered Outgoing wink start time Panel maintenance busy Not busy (idle) Maintenance busy System busy Incoming, not answered (busy) Incoming loop, not answered (busy) Incoming busy (busy) Incoming dialing Incoming dialing (busy) Recorder-Announcer start Recorder-Announcer message cycle Call recovery trunk off-hook CAS Main ACD recorded announcement start CAS Main ACD recorded message cycle Nailed connection 8187TL-130200-1001 M-245

TL-130200-1001 Table 6.13CEC Line State Codes CODELINE STATE Line idle Line ringingILine busy 03Line digit collection 04Call-back in progress 05 .Call-back ringing 06Line locked out 07Line maintenance busy 08Staff for call-store assignment 09Line stall (idle) OA OBLine stall (off-hook) Line off-hook recovery Table 6.14Call State Codes CODECALL STATECODECALL STATE 00One-way09Two-way busy 01Two-way terminatingOA#old one party 02Two-wayOBTwo-way busy after flash 03Two-way splitOCThree-way busy 04Three-way terminating ODHold two party 05Three-way splitOEThree-way busy after include source 06Three-way OFThree-way split term 07IdleIOOne-way after ATB 08Three-way double team 11One-way after ATB (Flash) M-246 81875210

5210TL-I 30200-l 001 PD-2007.0 This section describes the maintenance and administration Maintenancefacilities which are available within the OMNI SI PABX for the PD-200 Data System. Maintenance personnel normally communicate with the OMNI SI via the system maintenance terminal. The terminal connects to the CEC card ‘and is used for entering system commands or receiving system-related reports. The terminal is the source of input/output interfaces with the PABX for maintenance and diagnostic initialization. Commands are entered on the terminal and are analyzed by the CEC to determine syntax correctness. Syntactically correct messages are sent directly to the ADMP for processing. They are then analyzed by the ADMP to determine which function is being requested. That specific function is executed and the results are reported back to the the maintenance terminal. The maintenance terminal provides access to the following system functions: l Maintenance commands and displays 0 On-line maintenance program l Recent Change program Before accessing system maintenance, the security lock must be opened by using the security lock command (SL) and a password. Once a valid password is entered, the system responds with the message OPEN AT X, where X is the security level. Unauthorized access to the OMNI SI software will result in the following prompt: “INVALID SECURITY ACCESS” These programs are operational only when an OMNI system is operating on system software. To diagnose an off-line system, independent of system software, an off-line maintenance program is provided. This program is available on floppy disk. In a typical, integrated voice/data OMNI SI system, two terminals are installed for maintenance and administrative functions. They are: Q An input’output maintenance terminal (normally used for the voice only part of the OMNI switch). o An input/output maintenance terminal for the PD-200 Data System. 8187M-247

TL-130200-1001 The data-only maintenance terminal is required for the integrated voice/data system. The option “s” of connecting a data-only terminal to the RS-232C port of the ADMP is available. This enables the user to do administrative functions for the data switch even if the voice switch becomes disabled. --When the PD-200 Data System is administered from the data-only maintenance terminal, this terminal is referred to as the ADMP console. Since the ADMP console software provides full screen editing capabilities, it is required to be a VT-101 console or its equivalent-type video terminal. NOTE: A separate data console is recommended. Data System7~1 Assuming that the proper password is entered, the user may Administrative andaccess one of the following functions which pertain to the data Maintenance Featuresswitch. l Table Editor (TED). The data system relies on disk and memory-resident data tables to perform its functions. The table-editing (Recent Change) function of the ADMP allows users to interactively view and alter the tables. All table accesses are provided by the ADMP table editor. Detailed TED command information is provided in Section 278-921- 180, Appendix 1. 0 Maintenance and Interactive Diagnostics (MAID). The ADMP maintenance functions provide a limited set of maintenance diagnostic commands via the MAID program menus. The user interactively monitors and/or changes the status of the entire data system (while on-line). The MAID allows the user to: - Place X.25 calls - Read device data signals - Set device data signals - Check communication between ADMP and device - Restart device - Display device status - Display network status @ ADMP File Utility (FUTIL). The ADMP disk file maintenance capability allows the user to create, delete, copy, dump, or rename files. Accounting Reports7.2 Data and voice call-processing accounting is stored and forwarded by the ADMP. The ADMP can be configured to report accounting records to any data device in either ASCII or binary form. The ADMP either makes a data call to the device or accepts an incoming data call. A printer, host, or other terminal can be the recipient of these accounting records. M-248 81875210

Event Reports Maintenance Commands. and Displays l Put a data device out of service l Force a data device out of service l Reload a data device l Put a data device in service l Force a data device in service l Display the software version of a device l Read the memory of a deviceTL-130200-1001 7.3 An event is an occurrence in the data system which is of some significance. It is usually a report about an error or malfunction. Events are stored and forwarded by the ADMP in much the same manner as accounting records, and they can be reported to any device by either incoming or outgoing data calls. Event reports can also be sent to the CEC and/or combined withaccounting reports to the same end-point. This is done by configuring the ADMP tables (using TED). Thus, a single device can be the recipient of account reports, event reports, or both. 7.4 Maintenance support is similar to Recent-Change support in that any maintenance function resulting in a change to the data system is reported by the CEC to the ADMP.Commands such as putting a data device out of service, reloading a device, or forcing a device in service or out of service are performed via the maintenance terminal. The CEC request to the ADMP is acknowledged or rejected, and theresults are sent to the CEC. The following data-related maintenance functions are performed via the maintenance terminal: 5210 a/a7M-249

TL-130200-1001 The system allows loading of specific data components while the system is operational. The purpose is to permit reloading of devices which may be malfunctioning but are still in service. A device must be in service in order to load it with operational code. Devices in the data system which are ROM or hardware based, can only be FORCED out of service. However, loadable devices can be PUT or FORCED out of service. The DFP/APM is treated as two devices having the same physical location whether in service or out of service. Forcing a device out of service accomplishes taking the device down unconditionally. Putting the device out of service causes the system to wait until the device is not active before it is taken down Forcing a device in service causes the device to come up. When this happens, it is loaded, if loadable, or restarted if it is a ROM-based device. Backing up and reformatting system disks is accomplished via the system on-line maintenance facilities. These facilities are described in TL-130300-1001. Access to on-line maintenance is via the maintenance terminal. Data System7.5 The operational status of the data sub-system can be Troubleshootingdetermined by looking at the Expanded System Status Display (ESSD) card indicator lamps in the CEC. The ESSD card provides a DTC lamp which represents the data option of the OMNI SI system. This lamp indicates whether the ADMP is communicating with the voice switch (light is on) or not communicating with the voice switch (light is off). This lamp is controlled by the CEC. The status of the lamp is received from event messages generated by the data switch. Each minute an assurance request message is sent by the ADMP to the PEC, and the PEC responds with an assurance response message. If the PEC does not respond to the ADMP’s message, the data switch knows that a problem exists with the voice switch. Every 5 minutes, the PEC checks that at least one assurance message has been received since the last check. If the PEC does not receive the ADMP message, the PEC sends an event message to the CEC that is interpreted as a request to set the ADMP out of service. The data switch may still be working even though the voice switch and the ADMP are not communicating. M-250 81875210

- -TL-130200-1001 52108187M-251 Additionally, the PEC periodically reads register 3 of all resident PRs and tests for a non-zero condition which is an error condition. Should the error be detected, the PEC generates a PR event message for the ADMP. If the CEC, PEC, and/or disk has switched over, it will send a switch-over message to- the ADMP.The status of all line cards in the integrated switch can be displayed via the on-line Maintenance Option Menu, Program28. The Recent-Change data link displays will indicate the in- service/out-of-service status of equipped data cards and remote processors.The displays will appear in the following formats: DATA SWITCH DEVICE STATUS DISPLAY A) PACKET LINE CARDS STATUS B) REMOTE PROCESSORS STATUSC) EXIT TYPE T.HE LETTER OF THE DESIRED TOPIC> (followed by)TYPE “S” FOR SYSTEM DISPLAY OR 0 TO 7 FOR PEC # >

- -TL-130200-1001 PACKET LINE CARD STATUS CARD UNIVTYPE PECGRPSLOTSTATUS ADMP 0A2INS DCP ..- 0B2INS VPLC--.0C500s PR -0A0INS BT -0A10INS BT-0.B11INS PBE 0B0INS NIC 0B5INS Do you wish to see more (Y/N) >Do you wish to repeat this function (Y/N) >REMOTE PROCESSORS STATUS CARD TYPE PECGRP UNIVSLOT gcJDFPAPM 030APM-0 51SPM 0C56Do you wish to see more (Y/N) >Do you wish to repeat this function (Y/N) >STATUS INS INS INS M-252 81875210

5210TL-130200-1001 PD-200 Data7.6 To force PD-200 Data System devices in service or out of System Devicesservice, use the following command: r’_.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.1I I I FORCE device IS.IIIIOS.i whereI IDCP, PR, VPLC, NIC, SPN, APM, , DFPAPM . .I.~.i device =IIIIorIIII IFORCE device Cckt>IS.IIi .I! whereI i device= ADPMI-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._._.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,-.iTable 7.1 below shows the responses for the various source commands at the maintenance terminal. Table 7.1Responses for Force Commands at Terminal INPUTIf device is VPLC2 with both voice and data circuits equipped, If the voice device is already IS/OS, If the PEC is not able to force the voice device IS/OS, If everything is all right with the voice device and FORCE INSOOS,If the ADMP is not able to force the data device IS/OS, si Frrst response IS for the voicecard/circuit. The second response is A message prints: CARD/PORT IS IS/OS A message prints: COMMAND FAILED, indicating unsuccessful completion. A message prints: IN PROGRESS. When the request is completed, the following message is printed: COMMAND COMPLETED, indicating successful completion. The voice device will be IS and ready to test or OS. A message is sent from the ADMP which explains the situation. 8187M-253

TL-130200-1001Table 9.1Responses for Force Commands at Terminal (Continued) M-254 INPUTRESPONSEIf everything is all right with the ADMP, but the data device cannot be accessed, _.If everything is all right with the ADMP, and FORCE IS/OS is successful,A message prints: IN PROGRESS. When the request is completed, the following message is printed: COMMAND FAILED,incicating unsuccessful completion. The data device will be IS or OS. A message prints: IN PROGRESS. When the request is completed, the following message is printed: COMMAND COMPLETED, indicating successful completion. The data device will be IS or OS. If something is wrong with the ADMP, or the ADMP takes too long (more than a predefined time) to respond,A message prints: MR TIMED OUT. If the device is not at the given PEC group slot circuit address,A message prints: ADDRESS DOES NOT MATCH DEVICE TYPE. Display Software7.7 The Display Software Version (DSPSV) command displays Version Commandthe software version for the data hardware or data device at the location defined. The command is as follows: r-------------------------------------------------------~; DSPSW C grp> .I II III; whereIIIIj = ADMP, DCP, VPLC, SPM, APM, DFPAPM, or i1 NICI I1 = 0I II = AtoDI I1 = oto11I I; =Oto7iL----------__-------------------------------------------~ 81875210